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      • 三槐齋와 周邊 立石에 關한 硏究

        安啓福 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1995 연구논문집 Vol.51 No.1

        Sam-Gye-Je('Sam' means as three, 'Gye' as chinese scholar tree, and 'Je' as a house for a sacrificial rite), located in Tae-Chung-Dong, Kyungsan City, Kyungbuk, is a traditional landscape element that contains features of Je and menhir together. The object of this study is to identify a background of constriction and to analyze meanings and charateristics of the structure. To achieve these objectives, this study has conducted a literature review, an analysis of Gimun(a description of history, landscape or meaning about Je) and photograph, and a level survey. Conclusions derived from these analyses are as follows : 1. About 250 years ago, Chung-Tae-Woon who lived in Taegu, came to the Chung-Dong. He built Sam-Gye-Je where three chinese scholar trees(Sophora japonica L.) stood, followed by Jung-Lya-Goak(a monumental house of dutiful son) in 1855. It is postulated that there were three menhirs when the Sam-Gye-Je was built. 2. It is postulated that the menhir Ⅰ, Ⅲ, Ⅴ were built in Silla Dynasty or before, but it is difficult to conclude that they were built at the same time. It is because that some variations are found in the shape, the weathering state, and kind of the rock. 3. It is postulated that the Menhir Ⅱ and Ⅳ were built in 1855, it is believed that the statues were built to inherit the ancestors' high aim and life(loyalty and filial piety) to their decedants. 4. It is hard to conclude that incisions on the menhir were concurrent. However, contents of the incisions have a strong connection with the meaning of the Je, particularly in the V-menhir. Also menhir Ⅰ and Ⅴ reflected a meaning of elegance, considering the surrounding landform. 5. It is very unique to build the menhir at the Je. Furthermore, it is very interesting to arrange 5 menhirs in one line, even though they were not built at the same time. 6. The origin of the menhir and other details that is not disclosed in this study should be followed by a further research.

      • UTOPIA에 關한 硏究 : 都市計劃과 設計를 中心으로 With regard to urban planning and design

        安啓福 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1984 연구논문집 Vol.28 No.1

        The population of the world is exploding. Industrialization and Mechanization is driving people to the cities. The rising flood of urbanization is surging outward from the center and engulfing the surrounding countryside. Various environmental problems, such as poluttion, lack of open speace, destruction of ecosystem, desolation of landscape according to solid wastes, slum and ghetto, etc····are the targets of utopia. Under the such a circumstance, this study aim at to analyze the process of utopia at the point of historical view, and to propose an basic direction for the future ideal urban plan and design. A word Utopia is coined by Sir Thomas More from Greek roots meaning "a healthy place and no where". This means an ideal commonwealth whose inhabitants exist under perfect conditions, we can find the similar concepts of utopia from the religions. For example, Do-gyo, You-gyo, Buldaism, and ···· The results of analysis of utopia at the point of historical view: 1. The city is composed of individuals and groups, working alone or together, in different diciplines, when individuals work together, they take on new characteristics and develop new needs. Typically, Phalanstery plan absorbed with the same ideas. 2. Urban size is appropriated to the function of urban, population, and the local conditions, like L.B. Alberti's idea. 3. Ideal city planning and town design has been a only single theme from the Plato. For example, many architects in the Renaissance tried their hand at the design of ideal star-shaped cities. This problems will be altered by the ideas of Regional planning. 4. Proper population size is various in Utopia. This is estimated by rational method. 5. Application of life-style. 6. Proposal of standard model to the Urban Spatial Structure, 7. Realization of utopia will be achieved by establishment of new human settlement pattern. 8. Consideration of horizontal and vertical movement. 9. There are some problems which can not discuss until now. Namely, political problems, distruction of ecosystem, personal problems and socio-cultural problems. Thease problems are not solved by one or two specialist.

      • 邑誌途 分析을 통한「臺」의 原型에 관한 硏究

        安啓福 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1998 연구논문집 Vol.57 No.2

        Analysing many imaes that were contained in the 19C conuntry-wide maps of Chosun Dynasty, this study has sought prototypes of Dae in Korea. Eight prototypes of Dae in Korea has turned out. 1) A type of huge and flat rock is found mainly in stream and ridge, and divided in 3 groups : ① like stairs at stream, ② flat rock with hight located in ridge, ③ flat rock without hight located in stream. 2) A type of a mountain peak located in inland area, and divided in 3 groups. : ① type of "П" ② type of "∩" ③ type of "∧". 3) A type of cliff is found mainly in stream and seashore and divided in 2 groups. : ① type of "Ω" mainly located in seashore, ② cliff with flat mainly located in curved stream

      • 造景史에 있어서 새로운 接近方法의 模索(I) : 日本造藝學會誌 60여년의 造園史 硏究 動向에 대하여

        安啓福 대구효성가톨릭 대학교 1997 연구논문집 Vol.54 No.2

        The objective of this study is to analyse a research trend of the Japanese land-scape history and to provide guidelines for future studies of a landscape history. To abtain these objectives, this study has reviewed 407 landscape history articles which were published in the Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture since the first edition of 1935. The result of this analysis are as follows: 1. The articles, related to the history of landscape architecture, were 407 out of the total 1648 that were published between 1935 and 1995, and occupied 24.7%, respectively. 2. The number of landscape history articles has risen 4.5 times in 1990's, compared to that of 1930's, but the portion of the landscape history has maintained 20-30% of the total articles. 3. It was turned out that the most active periods in the research of landscape history were the 1940's and 1970's, occupying aove 30%. The reasons were to search for original forms of the Japanese landscape gardening and their influencing factors in the 1940's and to narrow and extend their subjects in the 1970's. 4. The 1960's was a turning period in the methods and contents of landscape history, focusing on modern park and historical landscape. Also it was a period to inform the Japanese garden to the world thorugh the economic growth and the Celemony of Olympic Game and IFLA in 1964. 5. The 1970's was a focusing and extending period, diversifying the subjects in every field of landscape history. This trend was continued to the 1980's. 6. In the 1980's, the researches were oriented to a diversification of not only the subject but the methodology, including a comparative study in the landscape style and scientific method. In terms of their contends, there were a great increase on the areas of modern park and historical landscape. 7. The 1990's was a period of following 1980's trend. In terms of the research methodology, diversified scientific methods were used. Regarding to the subject, many articles have concentrated on a revelation of social circumstance in a specific period, identifying and analysing peculiar materials. 8. To summarize the research trends of the Japanese landscape, it can be said that the period between 1930's -1950's were a period of searching for an original Japanese Garden, and 1960's was a transition period, and 1970-1990's were a period of diversification in the subject and in the development research methodology.

      • 慶北地方을 中心으로 韓國의 亭樣式形成에 미친 要因分析에 關한 硏究

        安啓福 대구효성 가톨릭 대학교 1988 연구논문집 Vol.36 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to identify factors affecting the Korean Jong-Style. Approaching method of this study is divided into two flow. The one is sociocultural(non-physical) factor analysis based on old-literature analysis, and the other flow is physical factor analysis based on survey. However, Jong-Style is formulized by interaction of physical and non-physical factors. Therefore, the end step of the study is coordinate factor analysis. In this results, Jong-Style in Korea is typical case to represent the natural garden style, and represention of socio-cultural factors.

      • 大邱市 都心部 環境改善을 위한 空間構造的 側面에서의 考察

        安啓福 효성여자대학교 새마을연구소 1985 새마을硏究論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        This study intended to find out urban spacial structure charateristicstased on vertical and horizontal activities analysis especially in Taegu City Conter. Study area is about 1.6km^2. The period of survey was from April20, 1985 to May 10, 1985 and the total amount of activities were9884. These activities are classified into 18 group activities andfurther they are bundled into 10 group activities. The results of survey were summerized in table-1 and below (table-1, The analysis of spacial sfructure in Taegu city center) 본문참조 Firsf, the percentage of residential and the service activities arehigher than other city center activities. Second, the first floor activity is 66.6% of total activities. 1.6km^2 of study area is divided into 47 blocks. Adjacent to Jungangstreet and Hanil Street are evaluated to positive spacial structure,but others are not. These blocks are characterized by activities, thatis residential doninance block/residential manufacture doninance block /service dominance block/service, retails adminance block/service,retails business codominance block/business dominance block/residential, service dominance block are those.

      • 聖堂 屋外空問 改善方案에 關한 硏究(Ⅲ) : 利用者 行態分析을 통한 改善案 based upon behavioral analysis of user

        安啓福 효성여자대학교 산업미술연구소 1987 산업미술 Vol.2 No.-

        This study is intended to found the improvements of the chapital outdoorspace based upon behavior analysis. The result of improvement strategies are summerized at <table-1>.

      • 都市 住居環境의 外部空間改善을 爲한 硏究(Ⅱ) : 住居地域 담장에 대한 住居意識 및 現況分析 An Analysis of Residents' Feelings on Their Residences' Fences

        嚴鵬勳,安啓福 효성여자대학교 새마을연구소 1985 새마을硏究論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        In our residential areas, dull fences are one of the main factorswhich deteriorate the amenity of residential environment. The puropse of this study is to analyze the residents' fellings on thefences as a basic reference in improving the amenity of restdential environment. The analysis was performed with the data obtained by thequestionnaires. The main findings of the analysis are as follows. 1. Most of the existing fences are composed of cement blocks orbricks, reflecting that the residents regarded the purpose of fencesas a defensive aspect. 2. On the other hand, the necessity of the harmony with gardenand surrounding environment is fully appreciated. And hedges arethe most preferred materials, which are desirable in combinationwith gardens and surroundings as a greenery environment. 3. As a result of relationship study between respondents' charact-eristics and related variables, significant differences were found inmany variables by the education levels and age distribution ofrespondents. As it goes to highly educated and young respondents the satisfaction level was low and hedge type fences were preferred.This means the capability of changes in existing fences is consiaerablystrong. 4. The relationship analysis between each variables showed thatsatisfaction level has close mutual relationship with preferencein materials, type of fences ana harmony with gardens etc. Inconclusion, the open type hedges were considered to be the mostdesirable fences in our situation.

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