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      • KCI등재

        A Rapid Locating Protocol of Corrupted Data for Cloud Data Storage

        ( Guangwei Xu ),( Yanbin Yang ),( Cairong Yan ),( Yanglan Gan ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2016 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.10 No.10

        The verification of data integrity is an urgent topic in remote data storage environments with the wide deployment of cloud data storage services. Many traditional verification algorithms focus on the block-oriented verification to resolve the dispute of dynamic data integrity between the data owners and the storage service providers. However, these algorithms scarcely pay attention to the data verification charge and the users` verification experience. The users more concern about the availability of accessed files rather than data blocks. Moreover, the data verification charge limits the number of checked data in each verification. Therefore, we propose a mixed verification protocol to verify the data integrity, which rapidly locates the corrupted files by the file-oriented verification, and then identifies the corrupted blocks in these files by the block-oriented verification. Theoretical analysis and simulation results demonstrate that the protocol reduces the cost of the metadata computation and transmission relative to the traditional block-oriented verification at the expense of little cost of additional file-oriented metadata computation and storage at the data owner. Both the opportunity of data extracted and the scope of suspicious data are optimized to improve the verification efficiency under the same verification cost.

      • KCI등재

        Verification Control Algorithm of Data Integrity Verification in Remote Data sharing

        Guangwei Xu,Shan Li,Miaolin Lai,Yanglan Gan,Xiangyang Feng,Qiubo Huang,Lili Yang,Wei Li 한국인터넷정보학회 2022 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.16 No.2

        Cloud storage's elastic expansibility not only provides flexible services for data owners to store their data remotely, but also reduces storage operation and management costs of their data sharing. The data outsourced remotely in the storage space of cloud service provider also brings data security concerns about data integrity. Data integrity verification has become an important technology for detecting the integrity of remote shared data. However, users without data access rights to verify the data integrity will cause unnecessary overhead to data owner and cloud service provider. Especially malicious users who constantly launch data integrity verification will greatly waste service resources. Since data owner is a consumer purchasing cloud services, he needs to bear both the cost of data storage and that of data verification. This paper proposes a verification control algorithm in data integrity verification for remotely outsourced data. It designs an attribute-based encryption verification control algorithm for multiple verifiers. Moreover, data owner and cloud service provider construct a common access structure together and generate a verification sentinel to verify the authority of verifiers according to the access structure. Finally, since cloud service provider cannot know the access structure and the sentry generation operation, it can only authenticate verifiers with satisfying access policy to verify the data integrity for the corresponding outsourced data. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the proposed algorithm achieves fine-grained access control to multiple verifiers for the data integrity verification.

      • KCI등재

        Verification Algorithm for the Duplicate Verification Data with Multiple Verifiers and Multiple Verification Challenges

        ( Guangwei Xu ),( Miaolin Lai ),( Xiangyang Feng ),( Qiubo Huang ),( Xin Luo ),( Li Li ),( Shan Li ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2021 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.15 No.2

        The cloud storage provides flexible data storage services for data owners to remotely outsource their data, and reduces data storage operations and management costs for data owners. These outsourced data bring data security concerns to the data owner due to malicious deletion or corruption by the cloud service provider. Data integrity verification is an important way to check outsourced data integrity. However, the existing data verification schemes only consider the case that a verifier launches multiple data verification challenges, and neglect the verification overhead of multiple data verification challenges launched by multiple verifiers at a similar time. In this case, the duplicate data in multiple challenges are verified repeatedly so that verification resources are consumed in vain. We propose a duplicate data verification algorithm based on multiple verifiers and multiple challenges to reduce the verification overhead. The algorithm dynamically schedules the multiple verifiers’ challenges based on verification time and the frequent itemsets of duplicate verification data in challenge sets by applying FP-Growth algorithm, and computes the batch proofs of frequent itemsets. Then the challenges are split into two parts, i.e., duplicate data and unique data according to the results of data extraction. Finally, the proofs of duplicate data and unique data are computed and combined to generate a complete proof of every original challenge. Theoretical analysis and experiment evaluation show that the algorithm reduces the verification cost and ensures the correctness of the data integrity verification by flexible batch data verification.

      • KCI등재

        Outsourcing decryption algorithm of Verifiable transformed ciphertext for data sharing

        Guangwei Xu,Chen Wang,Shan Li,Xiujin Shi,Xin Luo,Yanglan Gan 한국인터넷정보학회 2024 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.18 No.4

        Mobile cloud computing is a very attractive service paradigm that outsources users' data computing and storage from mobile devices to cloud data centers. To protect data privacy, users often encrypt their data to ensure data sharing securely before data outsourcing. However, the bilinear and power operations involved in the encryption and decryption computation make it impossible for mobile devices with weak computational power and network transmission capability to correctly obtain decryption results. To this end, this paper proposes an outsourcing decryption algorithm of verifiable transformed ciphertext. First, the algorithm uses the key blinding technique to divide the user's private key into two parts, i.e., the authorization key and the decryption secret key. Then, the cloud data center performs the outsourcing decryption operation of the encrypted data to achieve partial decryption of the encrypted data after obtaining the authorization key and the user's outsourced decryption request. The verifiable random function is used to prevent the semi-trusted cloud data center from not performing the outsourcing decryption operation as required so that the verifiability of the outsourcing decryption is satisfied. Finally, the algorithm uses the authorization period to control the final decryption of the authorized user. Theoretical and experimental analyses show that the proposed algorithm reduces the computational overhead of ciphertext decryption while ensuring the verifiability of outsourcing decryption.

      • KCI등재

        Energy-Efficient Algorithm for Assigning Verification Tasks in Cloud Storage

        ( Guangwei Xu ),( Zhifeng Sun ),( Cairong Yan ),( Xiujin Shi ),( Yue Li ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2017 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.11 No.1

        Mobile Cloud Computing has become a promising computing platform. It moves users` data to the centralized large data centers for users` mobile devices to conveniently access. Since the data storage service may not be fully trusted, many public verification algorithms are proposed to check the data integrity. However, these algorithms hardly consider the huge computational burden for the verifiers with resource-constrained mobile devices to execute the verification tasks. We propose an energy-efficient algorithm for assigning verification tasks (EEAVT) to optimize the energy consumption and assign the verification tasks by elastic and customizable ways. The algorithm prioritizes verification tasks according to the expected finish time of the verification, and assigns the number of checked blocks referring to devices` residual energy and available operation time. Theoretical analysis and experiment evaluation show that our algorithm not only shortens the verification finish time, but also decreases energy consumption, thus improving the efficiency and reliability of the verification.

      • The Study of Services Management Based on the Network Environment

        Xuemin Zhang,Zenggang Xiong,Guangwei Wang,Conghuan Ye,Fang Xu 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Smart Home Vol.9 No.5

        Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) constructs applications by publishing services in an open network environment. In network environment individual service changes highly dynamically, it is required the system based on services to adapt to this change. But the current service management in network environment doesn’t have a good, unified management mode, management mechanism, service and quality control system, and lacks of theoretical foundation to express formal service system. In this paper, a service management framework is designed. A mechanism and method based on strategy and dynamic network environment service management are proposed. The method can effectively solve the problem of dynamic service management in network environment, and is widely used in dynamic service management based on Web services.

      • KCI등재

        Cadherin 17 Nanobody-Mediated Near-Infrared-II Fluorescence Imaging-Guided Surgery and Immunotoxin Delivery for Colorectal Cancer

        Youbin Ding,Runhua Zhou,Guangwei Shi,Yuke Jiang,Zhifen Li,Xiaolong Xu,Jingbo Ma,Jingnan Huang,Chunjin Fu,Hongchao Zhou,Huifang Wang,Jiexuan Li,Zhiyu Dong,Qingling Yu,Kexin Jiang,Yehai An,Yawei Liu,Yil 한국생체재료학회 2024 생체재료학회지 Vol.28 No.00

        Surgery and targeted therapy are of equal importance for colorectal cancer (CRC) treatment. However, complete CRC tumor resection remains challenging, and new targeted agents are also needed for efficient CRC treatment. Cadherin 17 (CDH17) is a membrane protein that is highly expressed in CRC and, therefore, is an ideal target for imaging-guided surgery and therapeutics. This study utilizes CDH17 nanobody (E8-Nb) with the near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent dye IRDye800CW to construct a NIR-II fluorescent probe, E8-Nb-IR800CW, and a Pseudomonas exotoxin (PE)-based immunotoxin, E8-Nb-PE38, to evaluate their performance for CRC imaging, imaging-guided precise tumor excision, and antitumor effects. Our results show that E8-Nb-IR800CW efficiently recognizes CDH17 in CRC cells and tumor tissues, produces high-quality NIR-II images for CRC tumors, and enables precise tumor removal guided by NIR-II imaging. Additionally, fluorescent imaging confirms the targeting ability and specificity of the immunotoxin toward CDH17-positive tumors, providing the direct visible evidence for immunotoxin therapy. E8-Nb-PE38 immunotoxin markedly delays the growth of CRC through the induction of apoptosis and immunogenic cell death (ICD) in multiple CRC tumor models. Furthermore, E8-Nb-PE38 combined with 5-FU exerts synergistically antitumor effects and extends survival. This study highlights CDH17 as a promising target for CRC imaging, imaging-guided surgery, and drug delivery. Nanobodies targeting CDH17 hold great potential to construct NIR-II fluorescent probes for surgery navigation, and PE-based toxins fused with CDH17 nanobodies represent a novel therapeutic strategy for CRC treatment. Further investigation is warranted to validate these findings for potential clinical translation.

      • KCI등재

        Distinct growth phenomenon observed on L-Arg․ CF3COOH crystals

        Xiaojing Liu,Zeyan Wang,Guanghui Zhang,Guangwei Yu,Aidong Duan,Xinqiang Wang,Dong Xu 한국물리학회 2009 Current Applied Physics Vol.9 No.1

        Atomic force microscopy has been employed to study the growth behaviour on the {101} facets of L-Arg ․ CF3COOH crystals grown at 25℃ at a supersaturation of σ = 0.2. Nucleation on the wider step terraces and a large nucleus composed of two separate 2D nuclei were observed for the first time. For the region where blocking occurs convex pattern are found in the macrosteps, which correspond to the sites of the impurities that act as pinning points hindering step propagation. Finally, liquid inclusions will be generated because of disparate formation mechanisms. Atomic force microscopy has been employed to study the growth behaviour on the {101} facets of L-Arg ․ CF3COOH crystals grown at 25℃ at a supersaturation of σ = 0.2. Nucleation on the wider step terraces and a large nucleus composed of two separate 2D nuclei were observed for the first time. For the region where blocking occurs convex pattern are found in the macrosteps, which correspond to the sites of the impurities that act as pinning points hindering step propagation. Finally, liquid inclusions will be generated because of disparate formation mechanisms.

      • KCI등재

        Beyond Canonical PROTAC: Biological targeted protein degradation (bioTPD)

        Huifang Wang,Runhua Zhou,Fushan Xu,Kongjun Yang,Liuhai Zheng,Pan Zhao,Guangwei Shi,Lingyun Dai,Chengchao Xu,Le Yu,Zhijie Li,Jianhong Wang,Jigang Wang 한국생체재료학회 2023 생체재료학회지 Vol.27 No.00

        Targeted protein degradation (TPD) is an emerging therapeutic strategy with the potential to modulate disease associated proteins that have previously been considered undruggable, by employing the host destructionmachinery. The exploration and discovery of cellular degradation pathways, including but not limited toproteasomes and lysosome pathways as well as their degraders, is an area of active research. Since the conceptof proteolysis-targeting chimeras (PROTACs) was introduced in 2001, the paradigm of TPD has been greatlyexpanded and moved from academia to industry for clinical translation, with small-molecule TPD being particularlyrepresented. As an indispensable part of TPD, biological TPD (bioTPD) technologies including peptide-, fusionprotein-, antibody-, nucleic acid-based bioTPD and others have also emerged and undergone significantadvancement in recent years, demonstrating unique and promising activities beyond those of conventional small molecule TPD. In this review, we provide an overview of recent advances in bioTPD technologies, summarize theircompositional features and potential applications, and briefly discuss their drawbacks. Moreover, we present somestrategies to improve the delivery efficacy of bioTPD, addressing their challenges in further clinical development.

      • KCI등재

        Fabrication Tolerance of InGaAsP/InP-Air-Aperture Micropillar Cavities as 1.55-μm Quantum Dot Single-Photon Sources

        Shuai Huang,Xiumin Xie,Qiang Xu,Xinhua Zhao,Guangwei Deng,Qiang Zhou,You Wang,Hai-Zhi Song 한국광학회 2020 Current Optics and Photonics Vol.4 No.6

        A practical single photon source for fiber-based quantum information processing is still lacking. As a possible 1.55-µm quantum-dot single photon source, an InGaAsP/InP-air-aperture micropillar cavity is investigated in terms of fabrication tolerance. By properly modeling the processing uncertainty in layer thickness, layer diameter, surface roughness and the cavity shape distortion, the fabrication imperfection effects on the cavity quality are simulated using a finite-difference time-domain method. It turns out that, the cavity quality is not significantly changing with the processing precision, indicating the robustness against the imperfection of the fabrication processing. Under thickness error of ±2 nm, diameter uncertainty of ±2%, surface roughness of ±2.5 nm, and sidewall inclination of 0.5°, which are all readily available in current material and device fabrication techniques, the cavity quality remains good enough to form highly efficient and coherent 1.55-µm single photon sources. It is thus implied that a quantum dot contained InGaAsP/InP-air-aperture micropillar cavity is prospectively a practical candidate for single photon sources applied in a fiber-based quantum information network.

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