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      • Theology of Restoration

        ( Dong Gee Lyu ) 삼육대학교 선교와사회문제연구소 2014 Asia-Africa Journal of Mission and Ministry(AAMM) Vol.9 No.-

        Restoration is one of the major themes that runs through the whole Bible. It develops from the beginning of human history right after the first family lost the Garden of Eden. The Old Testament expectation of glorious national restoration was not fulfilled in the political history of Israel. However, with Jesus the fulfillment of the promises is inaugurated. The promise of restoration goes on fulfilling not through national Israel, but through the history of the Christian church as the spiritual people of God. Revelation 20 and 21 finally shows the ultimate consummation of restoration. Everything goes back to its right place and condition. The greatest blessing is the restoration of a perfect relationship with God who dwells with human beings. The anticipation of the loving God who wants to dwell with His children is finally fulfilled in the complete restoration.

      • Fall of End-Time Babylon: The Use of Jeremiah in Revelation 18

        ( Dong-gee Lyu ) 삼육대학교 선교와사회문제연구소 2017 Asia-Africa Journal of Mission and Ministry(AAMM) Vol.16 No.-

        This study has explored the passages of Rev 18 that seem to allude to the Old Testament prophetic book of Jeremiah. The passages examined in this study generally include the end-time consummation of the Jeremian prophecies, especially concerning judgment of Babylon. As John portrays the destruction of Babylon, he alludes to different passages of Jeremiah to articulate the evil condition and arrogance of Babylon (18:5), the reason for her judgment (v. 5), the foretelling of Babylon’s fall (v. 4), the announcement of her punishment (v. 6), the assurance of her destruction (vv. 20-21), the state of her desolation (v. 2), and so forth. On the other hand, instead of the Old Testament racial Israel we now have the end-time people of God, which is Christian church, as its fulfillment and consummation. John reasserts and assures the readers, by alluding to the book of Jeremiah with a specific intention, that the destruction of the end-time Babylon will be as surely realized as the ultimate fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy.

      • A Preacher`s Language: Athletic Imageries in 1Cor 9:24-27

        ( Dong-gee Lyu ) 삼육대학교 선교와사회문제연구소 2015 Asia-Africa Journal of Mission and Ministry(AAMM) Vol.11 No.-

        The apostle Paul, in his letters, likes to use athletic imageries to apply and illustrate Christian responsibility. In 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, by using the imageries of athletic games and the competitors of Isthmian games at Corinth, Paul describes his own effort and endurance as a missionary, and urges his readers to follow his example in self-control and discipline. Likewise, the preachers and Bible teachers of the twenty-first century also have to know their audience first, and may well use language and ideas from their own everyday life that are familiar to them.

      • Ethical Teachings in Pirke Abot

        ( Dong-gee Lyu ) 삼육대학교 선교와사회문제연구소 2016 Asia-Africa Journal of Mission and Ministry(AAMM) Vol.13 No.-

        This is a study on the Mishnah, a literature of great significance in Jewish religion. The Mishnah is an earliest compilation of the rabbinic law and discussion. It includes interpretations of and commentaries on the Torah during the earliest stages of rabbinic Judaism. And the richest source for moral discussion in the Mishnah is the tractate of Abot or Pirke Abot, a collection of the ethical instructions and proverbs of the rabbis in Mishnaic period. This tractate, consisting of five chapters, contains the teachings of respected rabbis or sages from 300 B.C. to A.D. 200. The present study aimed to pursue the ethical teachings of the tractate of Abot. It thematically grouped the texts of the Avot that are related to moral discussion, and they are categorized into the following four groups according to their themes. First, teachings about respecting God; second, teachings related to personal attitudes; third, teachings related to public relations and social life; and fourth, teachings related to personal relationship.

      • 사도바울과 그의 시민권

        유동기 ( Dong Gee Lyu ) 글로벌기독교세계관학회 2011 학문과기독교세계관 Vol.4 No.-

        It is well known that the Apostle Paul possessed the coveted Roman citizenship with considerable advantage for his gospel ministry in the Mediterranean world of the first century. The Roman citizenship carried considerable privileges. Citizens were not subject to the local laws of the provincial cities but to Roman law. A citizen had a right to be heard before a Roman tribunal, and he could not be scourged or imprisoned without a hearing. In capital offenses, a citizen had the right to appeal to the emperor. Three occasions that Paul uses his Roman citizenship are contained in Acts of the Apostles (16:37-39; 22:25-29; 25:10-12). He divulges his Roman citizenship to inform that he was unjustly scourged in Philippi; to avoid another beating in Jerusalem; and to appeal to Caesar. Paul does not mention his Roman citizenship in his letters because he was more interested in the heavenly citizenship. While explicit language related to heavenly citizenship is rare in Paul`s letters, it is evident that the influence of its idea to Pauline theology is so strong. In both ethical teachings and eschatological description, Paul`s use of the metaphor of citizenship is clearly indicated.

      • 요한계시록에 나타난 구약의 교회적,종말적 적용

        유동기 ( Dong Gee Lyu ) 글로벌기독교세계관학회 2011 학문과기독교세계관 Vol.2 No.-

        This is a study on the use of the Old Testament prophecies in the book of Revelation. While John does not quote the passages of the Old Testament passages with quoting formula or the exactly same wording, his book is virtually saturated with the persons, events, themes, and images that allude to the Old Testament passages. He uses those passages not by accident but with particular intention. There are remarkable thematic patterns of allusion: christological applications, ecclesiological applications, and eschatological application, the last two categories of which are discussed in this study. John the Revelator, instead of the Old Testament racial Israel, has the Christian church as its fulfillment and consummation. The author of Revelation, as a Christian prophet in the same tradition of the Old Testament prophets, reinterprets the Old Testament with a new christological and ecclesiological emphasis. Old Testament language, imagery and themes used in Revelation are generally oriented toward the end-time. By borrowing from the Old Testament, the author gives the readers clues to what will take place to the people of God during the days before parousia of Christ. It is always possible to apply one or more categories to the allusions.

      • KCI등재

        요한계시록의 종말적 바벨론과 예레미야가 보도하는 바벨론의 관계에 관한 연구

        유동기(Lyu, Dong-gee) 한국신약학회 2016 신약논단 Vol.23 No.4

        요한계시록이 구약 선지서들을 문장 표현 그대로 직접 인용하는 경우는 없지만, 다수의 이름, 사건, 주제와 이미지들이 구약으로부터 빌려온 인유(引喩, allusion)라고 하는 것은 잘 알려진 사실이다. 따라서 요한계시록을 적절하게 해석하기 위해서는 구약적인 배경에 대한 올바른 이해가 있어야 한다. 본 연구는 요한계시록의 구약 사용의 용례의 일반적인 특성을 살펴본 후에 계시록의 주요 주제 중 하나인 바벨론의 멸망 장면에서 구약 예레미야서가 어떻게 사용되었는지 고찰한다. 예레미야서에 나타난 고대 바벨론의 역사적 멸망과 요한계시록에 언급된 마지막 때의 신비적 바벨론의 멸망 사이에는 다수 언어적‧주제적인 연결이 있다. 본 연구에서는 (1) 하나님의 절대 주권 (2) 심판의 확실성 (3) 심판의 이유 (4) 심판의 상징들 (5) 심판의 결과, 그리고 (6) 하나님의 환희 등의 요소들이 두 책을 어떻게 연결시키는지 살펴보았다. 구약의 이스라엘과 관계된 구절들이 계시록에서는 교회, 곧 “영적 이스라엘”에 적용되는 것이며, 요한계시록은 포괄적으로 종말, 곧 마지막 때를 지향하고 있다. 요한은 구약을 사용함으로써 자신의 독자들에게 마지막 때 하나님의 백성에게 일어날 일들의 단서를 제공하고 있다. The importance of understanding the Old Testament text in interpreting the book of Revelation can hardly be overemphasized. John often employs in his symbolic narrative the names, images, symbols, themes and events that appear in the OT. It is also clear that the author of Revelation is heavily indebted to the prophetic traditions of Israel in particular, of which this study focuses on the book of Jeremiah. When he uses Jeremiah, John usually alludes to it rather than making direct quotations. The most obvious link between the two texts in play is a common theme. Our study finds at least six thematic links that bind Revelation to Jeremiah: (1) God’s sovereignty (2) certainty of judgment (3) reason for judgment (4) symbols of judgment (5) results of judgment and (6) exaltation of God. John recognizes the fundamental connection between the vision he sees toward the end of the first century and the prophetic text of Jeremiah which features the ethnic Israel. In the Apocalypse, the church is understood to be “spiritual Israel.” Orientation toward the end-time is another character shared by Revelation and Jeremiah. The allusions to the OT in Revelation would have provided the Christian readers with narrative clues to understand what would take place to the people of God during the time of the end.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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