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      • 한국 노인복지정책의 발전방향에 관한 연구

        최영태 조선대학교 정책대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        현재 우리가 살고 있는 현실에서 가장 중요한 것을 꼽는다면 미래의 삶을 위한 준비 제 2의 인생을 준비하는 것이라고 말하는 것에 아니라고 대답하는 사람들은 없을 것이다. 누구에게나 장년기를 지나 노년기가 오게 마련이다. 지금의 노인들은 우리나라의 눈부신 경제성장을 이끌었던 주역들이나 그 당시의 법과 제도가 미래를 위한 삶에 대한 준비에 아직 눈 뜨지 못해 극히 소수인 공적연금수혜자를 제외하고는 딱히 노후를 위한 안정적인 삶의 경제적 방편을 마련하지 못했던 것이 현실이다. 또한 앞으로 인간의 평균수명은 점차적으로 늘어나고 있으며 이에 비해 출산율은 계속적으로 줄어들어 노인인구는 나날이 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 고령화 사회란 전체 인구 중에서 노인인구가 차지하는 비율이 7%를 상회하면 고령화 사회에 속한다고 UN의 분류기준에서 정한바 있다. 그래서 우리나라 노인인구의 비율은 2000년에 7.2%로 이미 고령화 사회에 포함되었으며 2018년에는 14.3%로 고령사회로, 2026년까지는 20.8%를 상회할 것으로 예측하여 초고령사회가 될 것이다. 특히 우리나라 노인인구의 고령화는 급속하게 진행하고 있어 앞으로의 고령화 사회에서의 노인문제가 더욱 심각해질 것으로 예상된다. 따라서 노인복지정책에 대한 새로운 접근방식으로 보완 발전된 정책을 수립하지 않게되면 현실적으로 더 심각한 사회문제로서 국가 및 국민들에게 반드시 해결해야할 사회적 이슈 및 문제로 야기될 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구는 한국의 노인복지정책의 현황과 문제점을 고찰하여 큰 범주에서의 노인소득보장, 노인의료보장, 노인사회복지서비스 측면을 중심으로 노인복지정책의 발전을 위한 정책적인 대안을 제시하고 정책의 방향성을 갖도록 하는데 있어 이번 연구의 목적이 있다. 이러한 연구목적을 효과적으로 달성하기 위해 문헌조사를 통한 연구자료분석과 노인복지관련 단행본을 통해 이론적 배경에 대한 연구를 기본적으로 실시하였다. 또한 노인복지정책에 대한 중요하고 핵심적인 개념은 노인복지관련 연구서적 및 선행연구자들의 국내 학위논문, 정책보고서, 국가통계포털의 통계자료를 활용하였으며 노인복지와 관련된 최근 정보수집을 위해 관련 인터넷 홈페이지에 접속하여 자료를 확인하여 이번 연구의 범위를 설정하였다. 일단 초고령화시대에 대비하여 우리나라가 안고 있는 노인복지와 관련한 당면한 문제점을 파악하고 선진국 노인복지정책들의 시사점을 확인하여 우리나라 정책과 비교 및 분석함으로써 현재 한국노인복지정책을 보완할 정책들의 방향성을 제시하고자 하였다. 본 연구논문의 주요 내용을 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 제 1장에서는 이번 연구를 하게 된 연구목적 과 연구범위 및 방법에 대해 기술하였다. 제 2장에서는 연구의 이론적 배경이 되는 고령화 사회 및 노인복지의 이해를 돕기 위해 고령화 사회와 노인복지의 필요성에 관한 주요 학자들의 견해를 알아보고 이번 논문에서 언급하는 고령화 사회와 노인복지의 기준이 되는 개념을 정립하였고 또한 현실적으로 닥쳐온 노인복지의 위기를 극복하기 위해 노인복지정책 개혁의 필요성을 기술하였다. 그리고 우리보다 먼저 노인복지정책을 시행하고 있었던 주요 선진국의 노인복지정책 사례를 알아보고 선진국의 사례가 주는 교훈 및 시사점을 도출해 보았다. 마지막으로 연구의 분석틀을 설정하기 위하여 연구에 대한 중심을 유지하도록 주요 연구요소를 선정하여 기술하였다. 제 3장에서는 한국 노인복지정책 현황을 제시하고 그에 따른 문제점을 분석하기 위해 현재까지의 노인복지정책 발전과정과 노인복지예산 사용 현황을 알아보았고 노인복지 정책 중 현재 주요하게 시행하고 있는 소득보장정책, 의료보장정책, 사회복지서비스정책에 대해 확인하였으며 정책 시행간 발생할 수 있는 문제점을 도출하여 기술하였다. 제 4장에서는 앞에서 확인된 현황과 자료를 기초로 큰 틀에서의 노인복지정책의 개선 방향을 제시하였고 노인복지 정책 중 노인복지정책 예산, 소득보장정책, 의료보장정책과 기타 사회서비스정책에 대해 개선해야할 부분들에 대한 정책적 방향을 제시하였다. 제 5장에서는 결론으로 위에서 고찰한 내용들을 요약하여 정리해 보고 본 연구의 시사점과 향후 추가 연구방향에 대해 제시하였다. 현재 우리나라가 추진하고 있는 노인복지정책에 대해 고찰해본 결과 고령화시대에서 노인문제는 단순히 노인들 개개인의 문제점만은 아니다. 세상에 어느 누구라도 노화는 피해갈수 없고 인생의 황혼기인 노년기는 반드시 찾아오게 된다. 그래서 개인의 노력으로는 절대 해결할 수 없고 적극적으로 중앙정부와 지방자치단체가 나서서 문제를 해결해야 한다. 그러기 위해서는 추가적으로 필요한 사회보장제도의 정비가 반드시 필요하며 그에 따라 법과 제도라는 장치가 선행하여 마련되어야 할 것이다. If one were to decide what the most important thing in his or her life is at the moment, hardly anyone would be able to disagree with: preparing for a better future, a chance to change the way of life. Everyone ages eventually into senescence. Those who have entered their late stage of life used to be the main driver of our economy. But the regulations and policies that were in place in the past could hardly prepare them for the stable future. Consequently, except for the few beneficiaries of public pension, most of the population have not been able to financially prepare for old age. In addition, while the average life expectancy has been gradually increasing, the birth rate has been falling, leading to an aging population. An "aging society" as defined by the classification criteria of the United Nations is that which more than 7 percent of the total population is over 65 years of age. Korea has already been listed as an "aging society" in 2000, with the senior population reaching 7.2 percent of the total population. Korea is expected to become an "aged society" by 2018, with the senile population surpassing 14.3 percent, and a "super-aged society" by 2026, with the senile population reaching 20.8 percent. As the world's fastest aging society, the problems of aging population are expected to worsen in the future. It is thus essential that new approaches to providing social welfare for the elderly are devised and put in place, if the social issues of aging population are to be avoided. Otherwise, the people and the country will face even worse situations leading to serious social problems. This study examines the current status and issues of Korea's senior welfare programs, focusing on the subjects of income security, medical security, and social welfare services, with the purpose of providing policy suggestions for senior welfare policies. In order to accomplish this purpose effectively, theoretical research based on literature review was used as a research method. The important core concepts of the welfare policy of the elderly were the monographs related to the welfare of the elderly, the domestic dissertations of the previous researchers, the policy report, and the statistical data of the national statistical portal. In order to collect the latest information related to the elderly welfare, when we checked the data, we confirmed the scope of research by the previous researchers and selected the scope of this study. The purpose of this study is to present the direction of policies that complement the present welfare policies of the elderly in Korea. The main content of this research paper is as follows. The first chapter presented the introduction to the issue of filing and research purposes and the scope and methodology of the problem. In Chapter 2, the theoretical background of the study described the concepts of the aging society and the elderly welfare and the necessity for reform of the elderly welfare policy, and to learn about the trends in the welfare polices of the developed countries and the analysis framework for the research. In Chapter 3, we have analyzed the issues of the elderly welfare budget, the current state of the elderly welfare policy, the income guarantee policy, the health care policy, and the social services policies that are currently being implemented by the government. In addition, based on the current status and data identified, the Chapter 4 presented the development direction of the elderly welfare policy in a larger framework. The needs to improve the elderly welfare policy, the senior income security, health care and other social services are highlighted. The Chapter 5 summarized and concluded the above-mentioned content. The implications of the study and the direction of future research were presented. After examining the senior welfare policies implemented in Korea, what can be learned from this research is that the problem of aging society is not a personal matter but a social one. Therefore, the issue can only be solved with the help of the central government and local community. The implementation of laws and policies aimed at providing additional support for establishing a social security system is a prerequisite to solving the issue at hand.

      • 한국의 外交政策과 國防政策의 연계성에 관한 연구 : 史的考察을 中心으로

        김홍연 조선대학교 정책대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        Since human beings have lived in small tribes or cities, they have always contacted with exteriors or groups. They also have given influence to other groups and been influenced by them. A lot of small and large groups have constituted and disappeared through those processes. Human history has been unification and amalgamation process socially, and military conquer and invasion history. Change of nation foreign policy gives important influence on its defense policy. Especially, the foreign policy of the past was developed based on military Power. Therefore, if the foreign policy that made without considering defense policy or defense policy did not fit in with foreign policy, war was occurred and nation's sovereignty was lost. Considering the relation between Korean major foreign and defense policies of the past, both the relation between Kogurue and Sue and Korue and Yoe was a reasonable foreign and defense policy. However, the relation between Chosun and Yoejin was a failed case. A desirable relation between foreign and defense policy should give an answer on "Our nation security can defend by ourselves." The most important matter that the ROK(Republic of Korea) must deals with in the 21st century is to improve Korea's security capabilities and guarantee nation's survivability, prosperity, and unification through providing against the current North Korea's threat and uncertainty future situations. Under new global system. the self-defense capability for nation security is absolutely needed for nation security and preparing the new international circumstances. The ROK'S defense policy has to be changed from the North Korean oriented policy to the friendly coordination concept with countries around the Korean peninsula. The military size also be changed to fit with this concept and the unit must restructured from quantity to technical and information centered unit.

      • 다문화가정 지원정책 개선방안 연구

        양명희 조선대학교 정책대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        The study is intended to seek the methods to improve the support policies for multicultural families by comprehending the currently adopted laws and rules for the support and the policies of the government and local governments and analyzing the problems, which are especially focused on support & delivery, operational, financial and personnel aspects. As a result, the purposes to seek which support policies for multicultural families have to be improved by the government and local primary authorizes may be summarized as follows. First of all, the current laws and systems suggest the principles that marriage emigrants enter, exit and acquire the nationality and what they could benefit as a national from the society. The Act on Treatment of Foreigners Residing in the Republic of Korea and the Multicltural Families Support Act, however, restrict the subjects to be protected as ones who legally reside; the latter act also excludes foreign workers, North Korean migrants and foreign students as the subject to be protected. It is desirable that the act, as the primary act to demonstrate the attitude of our society, should be revised to contain the definition, scope and supports for the excluded by expanding the subjects to be protected and proclaiming the security of human rights, cultural diversity and the significance of social integration. In addition, the newly revised Act on Regulation of Marriage Brokerage Agency should be able to secure the enforcement personnel against the agencies, which have showed illegal acts, resulting in damages thus far, inter-departmental cooperation and international cooperative system. Next, the social integration program mastering should be mandated and the programs should be improved. Finally and more importantly, to benefit from such improving acts and systems, the law-supportive rescue system should be followed. To promote the efficient policies of multicultural families on the part of the government, a new department should be established by integrating works relating to them, which are presently scattered in order that the policies can be generally and systematically performed and then, once the government sets out the directions, the local authorities should be able to establish and promote the policies reflecting the local features in detail. As long as the cooperative system is established, the wasted budget owing to duplicate services can be reduced, subsequently improving the efficiency of service. For the improvement alternatives of local authorities, firstly in the aspect of operation, it is true that communication related services such as integrated operation for supporting the multi-cultural families, civil affairs office, provision of customized program by the former nationality and more information are not enough and that social life support services such as multilateral employment support, medical service promotion and mother care service, which are intended to support fostering and school life, and social adaptation are insufficient, so the improvements should focus on the above-mentioned problems. However, even though policies are reinforced and services are improved, it will be more important that the society warmly care and consider them. Therefore, it is suggested that we should respect the diversity, improve the recognition to the multicultural families through multicultural education that is necessary to maintain the coexisting and harmonized society, and educate the natives about the families in order to improve the recognition. Meanwhile, regarding the financial aspect, it will be important to support them in proportion to the number of family members and differentiate the support by city or rural life. Finally, regarding the field of personnel, it will be necessary to develop the professional with the expertise on the families and the education systematically.

      • 기후변화대응 정책방안에 관한 연구

        송경란 조선대학교 정책대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        Climate change response policy has so much impact on its severity, resoluteness and transmission if it relies on hastily implemented policy system. The world has been irreversibly affected by climate change, which has been causing negative impacts on many regions. Therefore, the analysis of climate change response policy is necessary to solve the global challenges seriously threatening all the creatures and livelihood in the world. This study has a purpose to be aware of this problem and to look into current climate change response policy. The direction of national policy toward climate change is relaxation and adjustment, which could be helpful to reduce the risks of climate change. In this study, the impacts of the governance on climate change response policy were analyzed. Especially, the factors affecting cooperative governance in the central government, between central and local governments, and between public and private sectors were set as ① policy adjustment system, ② policy linkage, ③ relation with the public, and how each factor affects climate change response policy depending on the governance was examined. As a result of analysis, firstly regarding climate change policy adjustment system, although the Presidential Committee on Green Growth, which was established under direct control of the president in the beginning of 2009, externally looks like it is powerful, it has weak policy adjustment system to makes people have interests or be cooperative since it is not playing a critical and ultimate role. Secondly, in terms of the policy linkage, both of central and local governments had weak points. This is because it lacks of a strong transmission system that efficiently solves policy linkage between central and local governments or cooperation between ministries and offices. Thirdly, the reason might be the weak cooperative governance toward climate change response policy. This can be solved by expanding campaigns against climate change after organizing cooperative networks regarding climate change responses between the government and civilians and by expanding civil movements to cope with the climate change. Thus, the cooperative Green Governance gives an strong impact on climate change response policy since it makes civilians participate in it who could influence people and promotes the policy based on establishment of effective policy adjustment system and policy linkage.

      • 탈냉전시대의 강대국의 대한반도 정책과 한국외교의 과제

        정철우 조선대학교 정책대학원 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        This study aims at analyzing the policy of the Korean peninsula against big four countries, the tasks and problems of Korea in the age of post-ideology. For this, it analyzes the policies of the United States, Japan, China and Russia against the Korean peninsula after 1990 through the literature survey. The basis of the policies of bif four countries against the Korean peninsula was influenced most by the United States in the political, economic, social and cultural sides. The recovery of relationship among big four countries, its extension and the national security of the Korean peninsular are secured, they establish the status as the local supremacy states of Big Power and also try to challenge the supremacy of the United States. Therefore, the United States develops its local security and cooperative system with neighboring powerful countries, establishes the cooperative system for the or leader. One of the major characteristics in new world order which has been established since the collapse of cold war system is that the instability is deepened in comparison with the cold war system. Single multipolar system has the nature of the system which treats the international problems through the consultation with Big Power while the United States plays the role of coordinator as the only Big Power, but the instability is maintained since the challenge of Big Power against the supremacy of the United States becomes intense and the maintenance of balance among Big Powerand actual interests are to be obtained. The focus on ideology for representing the post cold war means the end of showdown between communism and democracy and that on the military power is the end of military showdown between the United States and the Soviet Union or the close of history. So whether we return to cold war system or not for treating the situation after post cold war is in the same context of whether Russia will succeed in reform for democracy system. It is true that the Korean foreign policy has been in the consistent structure of relationship to the United States under the shadow of the American foreign policy. When we consider that the current of the international conditions meets a new phase, the establishment of Korean foreign policy and strategy must be concentrated on general foreign strategy and it must be recognized that it is directly related to the national fortune.

      • 농촌지역 노인복지정책의 개선방안 연구

        윤은희 조선대학교 정책대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Koreas social welfare field is lagging behind that of other countries whose economic status is similar to that of Korea. In particular, the area of social welfare for the aged is weaker than other areas of social welfare in the country. As the percentage of the countrys population that is over 65 years old has already reached 7.2% nationally and 27.1 % in rural areas, the countrys rural communities have already entered into the realm of an aging society. Therefore, Koreas rural communities are now afflicted with various social problems related to an aging population. The rapid increase of the number of the aged according to the aging phenomenon of population is a problem that needs urgent and considerable attention, for it brings forth many other problems, such as those related to income, medical services, housing, social welfare services, etc. Since the aging of the population in many European countries was steadily monitored and processed, there was enough time to draft and implement appropriate policies. Since Korea, however, is experiencing the fastest aging process ever seen in the whole world, there is hardly any time to take appropriate measures to address the problem. As such, it can be said that Koreas aging population problem is more serious than that of other countries. Furthermore, Koreas social security system does not favor the aged residing in rural communities, as well as welfare-related organizations. Facilities, human resources, and social welfare services are concentrated in urban areas. The welfare benefits for the aged in rural communities are generally far too weak. This study, therefore, aims to look into the welfare policies for the aged in rural areas, and to find out how these policies can be improved. Toward this end, the demographic features of the aged in rural communities were studied, and the social problems related to the aging of the rural communities were identified. Furthermore, the results of advanced studies, foreign cases of social welfare policies and services for the aged in rural areas, and Koreas existing social welfare policies were analyzed, and based on the results of the analysis, suggestions were made for the improvement of the social welfare policies for the aged in Koreas rural communities. The active cooperation and untiring efforts of the Korean government and the countrys local self-governing bodies arc required to provide adequate sources of income, medical services, housing, and other social welfare services to the aged in Koreas rural communities, who are in dire need of support.

      • 地方議會의 政策決定能力 向上方案에 관한 硏究 : 全羅南道議會를 中心으로

        송희성 朝鮮大學校 政策大學院 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Korea has initiated the substantial local autonomy in the wake of four local elections on june 27th. 1995, resuscitating the local council from ashes in 30 years. It's no doubt that local government competency should be more strengthened, in particular, that of local council, in order to have a successful local autonomy To that end, the more powerful local council with various support systems is needed. More than anything else, the policy-making competency among its fundamental roles, takes a priority Thus, this study is intended to suggest alternatives for policy-making competency of local council with the case of Cholla-Namdo Council. It provides policy-making alternatives for improving competency through analysis of current situation and problems in the members, structural factors and environmental factors of local council The desirable directions which this study suggests for enhancing policy-making competency of local council a s follows Firstly, it's concerned with speciality of council members. To that end, substantial devices such as annual members' forum, policy community activation and brushing up speciality of standing committee are required Secondly, it's related to how to improve structural factors of local council This requires of securing efficient term management, special committee system and payed adviser and so on Thirdly, the environmental factors should be considered. The recommended orientations for improving policy-making competency of local council are the rearrangement of works shared with local government, reduced intervention of central government and active participation of residents. The past elections in june kick off the era of 'the consummation of local autonomy' along with civilian head of local government and strong will of local council In retrospect, the council members, in the early stage, were blamed for their leadership, showing on and off immaturity, which was greeted In the generous mood though. But the current situations are in reverse. Henceforth, the local council, as the representative institution, has to have competency enough to sense and respond residents' opinions. On the other hand, local council should also recognize its duty and accountability corresponding to the entrusted authority After all, they should bear in mind that the acknowledgement of their impacts within and without council building is the shortcut way to establish the respectful local council

      • 美國의 對 東北亞政策과 韓半島 統一에 關한 硏究

        김영걸 朝鮮大學校 政策大學院 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        This study investigates the strategic interests of the United States in the Northeast Asia in newly made international order in relation to the situation of the Korean peninsula and aims at anlayzing the effects of it on the reunification of the Korean peninsula. For this, it focuses on the relation of the United States to Japan, China and South and North Koreas centering around the policy of the United States against the Northeast Asia from the late period of 1980s to 1990s and the policy of the Korean peninsula and analyzes it through technical and historical approaches. The basis of the United States' policy of the Northeast Asia secures free and fair activity of the American enterprises through the extension of democracy and market economy in the side of political ideology and is also to secure and maintain the foothold to seek the military intervention for the protection of its own national interests within the area. The United States secures the national security within the area through the recovery and extension of its relation to China, nonnuclear experiment in the Korean peninsula and the development of local security, opens the Japanese market and tries to extend the free trade through the development of APEC. Especially the United States extends the multiparty access method of the economic security within the area gradually. Accordingly, the United States establishes the various national security cooperative system such as the development of conversation for local security and the economic cooperative system between Asia and Pacific regions and tries to perform the role of coordinator in these areas. The core of the United States' policy of the Korean peninsula is to prevent the risk of nuclear war or local dispute or to pursue the reunification of the Korean peninsula based on nonnuclear and peaceful method. It adheres to the positionthat it cannot neglect its participation and intervention in the Korean peninsula for the success of domestic economy. Therefore the United States maintains the continuous supremacy in the Korean peninsula and is to get the economic interests by preventing the local dispute which threatens the stability of the Korean peninsula. The United States judges that when the regime of North Korea is collapsed, the only substitute power is military authority and then the region of North and South Koreas has the risk of the armed attack. Accordingly, we must establish the basic frame of consistent diplomatic and national security policy and embody the proper countermeasures for us. Also we must prepare the long-term peace and reunification strategy against the challenge of North Korea and settle a new Korea-America relationship based on joint interests and purposes. In short, the principle that nuclear freezing and soft landing of North Korea are impossible without the peace and cooperation in the Korean peninsula must be communicated to the United States and the continuous cooperative system with the United States and the countries of the Northeast Asia should be established.

      • 한국의 대테러정책 발전방향 : 美 9.11이후 한국군의 대테러 정책변화를 중심으로

        모선서 조선대학교 정책대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        The Main point medicine terror usually "Action that shed blood and damage private citizen and their property to achieve political purpose" define. When look at historically mankind, even though have existed in series course line shot of tenor until present age from ancient times, saying too much is not. But, tenors which breed because do 21th century postwar days are having special quality sheaf enemy same time that personality differs fairly with type with past. The AI KAEDA's attack like that 9.11 tenors of 2001 that loss all the world in impact mobilize static lift as representative example aimed several targets in the United States of America at the same time. Another special quality is that various method is mobilized for large scale killing and injuring and subversion. Scattering and limited aspect of kidnaping, sharp shooting, burst etc. of large majority terrorists was seen even if move in the '90s. But, the latest terrorist outrages could do to minimize damage because there is opportunity of negotiation with terrorist crime after terrorist occurrence two past it but the other alternative could not be except terror courtesy call because is causing damage of huge person's name and property with occurrence that possibility of negotiation has not existed by suicide terror recently. Moreover, to be worried is that such terror influences may use biological weapon, nuclear weapons sooner or later. Domestic because the United States of America prepares in large scale terrorism that is structured as go through the Afghanistan and Iraq war after 9.11 tenors event two that is readying active disposal plan in outside dimension. This is American positive action that explain practice of courtesy call attack (Preventive Strike) and preemptive strike(Preemptive Strike) individually about all groups or country that possibility that can inflict terror is. North Korea's nucleus and biochemistry weapon are making necessity of courtesy call and provision that say that our country must do direct defense to threat target country of terror at the future that making is enough will spoil to war with terror of 2 in future if see that is handling in same veins and Alka and dispatch of force department retaliation threat are not far at visual point that allow Iraq addition dispatch of force in close at hand day by day cannot help emphasizing connecting here. Therefore, when considered this terror aspect and change of international community, Korea Peninsula's circumstance back, will have to need basic access about terror occurrence inhibition and courtesy call in The Korea Peninsula by influence except North Korea and he and consider general countermeasure of national policy dimension. We must consider terrorism occurrence cause and future aspect and type, ability to consider counter measures about this terror. American 9.11 terrorist outrages was construed the cause in several sights but society by long-term method that Anti-Terrorism policy removes the root cause as terror is both political conduct one soldiers aspect influenced in the Korea Peninsula by problem and present state that appear with American of Arab domestic and witnesses war with American terrorism ? Lexical action such as co-relation stabilization knew weight by consistency of extension of solution of economic problem, political stability and participation and free citizen stockholder's development and policy. Tiger country enemy for organic study and confrontation about terror, the people who do national trust by backbone by after one's death ? Pipe ? County's confrontation quickness ? Efficiency Tuesday, will need base of cooperation that have number of percent. We join to war with active terror such as Iraq dispatch of force and endeavor for NPK's nuclear weapons solution. Then, Anti-Terrorism complete charge formation composition, terror prevention law legalization, anti terror operation number of persons who is need doing terror environment exclusion by countermeasure and international terror list, terror intelligence activities pacification, terror plant judo, terrorist's access cutting, international mutual assistance so that may by diplomacy strategy that form international atmosphere deriving by class terror camp by the North Korea command and does not execute terror by defeat persimmon in South Korea communization unity and system competition and does terror occurrence provision member Tuesday ? Is provision crack of equipment security and best and must ready ex post facto measures of preservation back. Ⅰst extremely rightful natural existing circumstances of one that appear immediately if terror is mirror that reflect society, and the mirror is intervened violence, and appears after time is required some if politics and economic action are intervened. Middle East of because come to will terror by the North Korea origin of the appeared present state that is actual cast shadow be . Moreover, new terror is committed in war form and need firm and consistent Anti-Terrorism policy-making and execution that prevent and copes in country dimension.

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