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      • 경북대학교 교양영어교육의 실태와 개선방향

        임 홍미 경북대학교 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 248687

        The purpose of this study is to examine the present state of general English education in Kyungpook National University(KNU) and to discuss how to improve the general English programs in order that the students of KNU can get better equipped with English proficiency. In order to accomplish this purpose, the students who are attending KNU participated in the questionnaire. The results of this showed that most of the students recognized that learning English is very important and necessary in college education. And they weren't satisfied with the current general English programs in KNU, pointing out several problems that should be further improved. Some recommendable suggestions based on the questionnaire are summarized as follows: First, the basic goal of the general English education in KNU should be the training of "four skills" to improve the English communicative abilities of the students. Second, we should change the general English courses in KNU into compulsory subject, increasing credit hours in order that students can have more opportunities for using English. Third, we should place students of the same proficiency level in one class, reducing the class size and the number of classroom students with a view to promoting more interaction between students and a teacher. Forth, we should offer a variety of general English courses. So students can choose the courses such as ESP/EAP-based education so as to satisfy the needs of each student. Fifth, we should provide many kinds of technological aids to encourage the students to willingly and positively participate in class. Finally, we should establish an authorized department to manage and supervise effectively the general English education program. It is to be hoped that this study will contribute to the development of the general English education program for the purpose of offering more effective methods to the students of KNU although further studies are needed.

      • 日本語敎育と敎科書硏究 : 일본어교육과 교과서연구

        김 성균 경북대학교 대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 248687

        (抄錄) 日本語教科書에 대한 分析硏究는 敎育人的資源部에서 정한 “敎育課程”을 準用하고 있는 高等學校 日本語教科書에 集中되고 있다. 본 論文은 이러한 狀況을 直視하면서 日本語와 日本에 관한 一般的인 敎養의 習得을 目標로 하는 大學校 日本語敎養教科書 使用語彙의 バラツキ를 實證하고 語彙選定의 妥當性의 度合い를 明確히 하는 것을 目的으로 하고 있다. 지금 까지, 語彙分析에 있어서 先行硏究의 對象은 私立大學校의 日本語敎養教科書에 限定되어 있었지만, 본 論文는 2007年 現在 日本語 關聯學科가 設置되어 있는 國立 5個 大學校 즉, 慶北大學校(KB), 慶尙大學校(KS), 釜山大學校(PS), 全南大學校(CN), 全北大學校(CB)의 教養科目 『日本語Ⅰ』과 『日本語Ⅱ』를 對象으로 했다. 一般的으로 前者는 1學期, 後者는 2學期에 使用하는 敎科書를 意味한다. 大學校 日本語敎養敎科書는 高等學校 日本語敎科書와 달리 日本語 關聯學科의 敎授의 主觀的인 觀點에서 執筆한 敎材나 特定 出版社가 製作한 敎材를 그대로 敎科書로 使用하고 있을 뿐만 아니라, 使用語彙의 選定基準이 없기 때문에, 語彙分析의 基準으로 삼을 만한 根據가 없다. 따라서, 본 論文에서는 2007年3月 敎育人的資源部가 第7次 敎育課程을 修整・補完한 『2007年 改訂敎育課程』의 基本語彙1,023字를 語彙分析의 基準으로 設定하여, 大學校 日本語敎養敎科書의 使用語彙와 함께 名詞, 動詞, 形容詞, 形容動詞, 副詞, 連體詞, 接續詞, 感動詞, 助動詞, 助詞, 連語, 接頭語, 接尾語 등의 13品詞로 分類한 後, 兩者의 語彙를 總語彙一致數와 總語彙一致率, 品詞別一致數와 品詞別一致率, 換算品詞別一致率과 偏差値, 種數別共通語彙數와 種數別共通語彙率 側面에서 各各 比較分析하였다. 以下 본 硏究을 통해서 얻은 結果를 敍述하면 다음과 같다. 먼저, 総語彙一致數에서 얻은 総語彙一致率를 보면, 慶北大學校(KB)ー釜山大學校(PS)ー慶尙大學校(KS)ー全北大學校(CB)ー全南大學校(CN) 順이고, 各各의 數値는 「54.1%」「49.5%」「39%」「35.3%」「26.2%」이며, 平均的으로는「40.8%」程度이다. 이 結果는, 各教養教科書 使用語彙의 総語彙數에 따른 順序, 釜山大學校(PS)ー慶北大學校(KB)ー全北大學校(CB)ー慶尙大學校(KS)ー全南大學校(CN)와는 一致하지 않는다. 이것은 各教養教科書 使用語彙의 総語彙数와 改訂教育課程 基本語彙와의 一致語彙數는 반드시 比例하지 않는다는 것을 意味한다. 즉, 教養教科書의 使用語彙數가 많다고 해서 改訂教育課程의 基本語彙와의 一致語彙數가 많아 진다고는 断定할 수 없는 것이다. 다음으로, 品詞別一致數로 얻은 品詞別一致率을 보면,「名詞」「形容詞」「形容動詞」「副詞」「連体詞」「感動詞」「接頭語」「接尾語」의 8個 品詞에서는慶北大學校(KB),「動詞」「助動詞」「助詞」「連語」의 4個 品詞에서는 釜山大學校(PS)、「接続詞」에서는 慶尙大學校(KS)가 各各 가장 높은 一致率을 보이고 있다. 이와 같은 結果를 基準으로 判斷하면, 総語彙一致數와 品詞別一致數는 대체로 比例한다고 말할 수 있다. 다음으로, 品詞別偏差値の合計を基準으로, 가장 偏差値가 작은 것부터 順序대로 敍述하면, 慶北大學校(KB)ー全北大學校(CB)ー慶尙大學校(KS)ー全南大學校(CN)ー釜山大學校(PS)이고, 各各의 數値는「0%」「-0.1%」「0.2%」「-2.1%」「3%」가 된다. 이것은 総語彙一致率에 의한 妥当性에 따른 順序와는 전혀 一致하지 않으며, 특히, 釜山大學校(PS)의 경우, 総語彙一致率에 따른 順序에서는 2位임에도 불구하고 여기서는 最下位에 位置하고 있다. 이와 같은 現象은 教養教科書 使用語彙의 品詞別構成比率에도 バラツキ가 存在하고 있다는 좋은 證據라 말할 수 있다. 또한, 平均偏差値을 보면,「接尾語」ー「動詞」ー「形容動詞」ー「助詞」ー「名詞」ー「感動詞」ー「副詞」ー「接続詞」ー「連体詞」ー「接頭語」ー「連語」ー「形容詞」ー「助動詞」順이며, 各各의 數値는 「-1.3」「+0.8」「-0.8」「+0.7」「-0.7」「-0.4」「+0.3」「+0.2」「-0.2」「+0.1」「-0.1」이 된다. 이것을 合計하면 플러스数値「+2.8%」, 마이너스数値「-2.9%」이고, 兩者의 差를 計算하면, 마이너스「-0.1%」로、基準數値「0%」에서 보면, 教養教科書 使用語彙속의 改訂教育課程 基本語彙의 採用程度가 各 品詞別側面에서도 여전히 마이너스傾向을 띄고 있다고 말할 수 있다. 다음으로, 教養教科書 使用語彙의 種数別共通語數에 있어서는, 3種,4種,5種 語彙數는 적고, 2種과 1種 語彙數가 차지하는 比率이 3.5%로 半 以上이나 된다. 이 數値는, 가령, 種數別共通語率87.7%를 100%로 換算할 경우, 61%에 이르고, 3種,4種,5種 語彙數는 극히 적은 것을 알 수 있다. 이것은 結局, 各 大學校 日本語教養教科書 使用語彙에 バラツキ가 그 만큼 크다는 것을 意味한다. 以上과 같은 結果에서 国立 5個 大學校의 教養教科書 使用語彙는, 그 選定基準이 없기 때문에 使用語彙의 種類나 數에 있어서 큰 差가 생긴다는 것을 確認할 수 있었다. 이것은 國立 5個 大學校의 敎養敎科書는 使用語彙에 バラツキ가 큰 教材를 授業에 使用하고 있다는 것을 意味한다. 이와 같은 教材를 使用해서는 教養科目 本来의 目的에 適合한 授業은 期待하기 어렵기 때문에 教材의 改善이 시급히 要求되고 있다. 따라서, 教養教科書 使用語彙의 現況을 直視하고, 이와 같은 諸問題를 解決하기 위해서라도 第7次 改訂教育課程 基本語彙를 大學校 日本語教養教科書 使用語彙의 選定基準으로 삼는 것을 하나의 方案으로 들 수 있을 것이다. 以上과 같이, 大學校 日本語教養教科書의 語彙分析을 中心으로 多樣한 分析方法을 利用하여, 使用語彙의 バラツキ를 實證하고 語彙選定의 妥當性의 度合い를 明確히 하고자 努力하였다. 그러나, 본 論文의 對象을 벗어난 그 밖의 大學校 日本語敎養敎科書에 대한 보다 폭넓고 深度있는 分析硏究가 이루어질 必要가 있다고 思料되지만 이 部分은 今後의 課題로 남기고 싶다.

      • 초등학교 미술 현장학습과 연계한 경북대학교 박물관 셀프가이드 연구

        김아라 경북대학교 교육대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 248687

        A museum can be said to be a treasure house of educational resources and a field of history and culture class to awaken a viewer's intelligence and emotion and enhance the level of culture and the quality of life through the exhibition, a collection of art works and relics. Recently, the educational role of the museum tends to get bigger and the museum gets its function emphasized as a life-long educational institution and cultural institution for all walks of people, and especially becomes a place of field study connected to school education. The strongest merit of museum field study lies in that students can see the works directly instead of seeing them only through subject illustrations, and the museum presents the environment of appreciation to understand the arts in a big context through ‥exhibition…. Therefore, the museum needs to grope for positive and diverse methods to reflect students' tastes and dispositions and induce their interest in developing the appreciation program and educational materials considering students' interest. What is most important for the activation of the educational function of the museum is to prepare and use the educational materials to induce an active participation in appreciating and understanding the exhibitions and collections of the museum. Hence the museum requires 'a Self-guide' fitted for the students' eye level as an educational means placed in the museum for the service. The Self-guide plays the role to help the students themselves to become the study subjects, learn to be fitted for their own level and necessity and make a meaningful view in their field trips. The field trips using a Self-guide will help the students understand the museum themselves and also make out the exhibitions and collections of the museum in the social cultural context. This student's problem awareness starts from here. Usually schools make field trips of the museum to get over the limitation of the appreciation activities in the school classrooms, but the museum and the schools have neglected the efforts for the systematic appreciative education. This student hereby intended to personally develop a Self-guide as an educational means for the students to express and criticize the reason of their favorite works through a field study and approach them closely. The Self-guide of this research is to help the students learn the museum and understand the appreciation widely and draw students' originative and creative ideas, and focus on their diverse activities with an active attitude to express ?E appreciate the works fully and evaluate themselves together with aesthetic experiences. In addition, this Self-guide aimed at analyzing the self-guide previously developed by the art gallery and the museum at diverse angles, complementing and differentiating insufficient parts in the museum appreciation activities, first of all, developing an integrating class to induce a creative idea and thinking as well as history study based on objective facts. The objective of this thesis is to argue the necessity of a Self-guide as an educational means to heighten the importance of the museum field trips and the appreciation effects thereon, design ?E develop the Self-guide of the museum of Kungpook National University with a high educational value as a district museum and find out a method of the use of the Self-guide. In addition, it intended to analyze the problems of the self-guide of the existing art gallery and museum and seek for the progressive direction of the self-guide to be developed in future. It also attempted to contribute to arousing viewers' interest and lifting the efficiency of the appreciative education of the museum through a fresh self-guide development needed in inducing a variety of activities in the museum field trips.

      • 대학 기술이전 체계 개선방안 : 경북대학교를 중심으로

        손영수 경북대학교 산업대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 248687

        The case of technology licensing transfer, such as patents and/or intellectual rights, from universities to industries has recently increased every year, but it hasn't been actively done yet except a few case in some universities. So far, it has been done only recently for the government and universities to enforce the policies of technology licensing, and moreover the government and universities have enforced many different sorts of policies. However, it is very difficult for the officers in charge of technology licensing to facilitate in universities on doing their projects, since there are not enough practical case-oriented analyses data of the universities' technology licensing projects. The aim of this thesis is to provide some useful practical information to policy makers and hands-on staffs in charge of technology licensing projects in universities. So, various data related to technology licensing systems, such as the organizational structure, labor forces in the related office, and their activities for 3 years (2006~2008) of other universities in Korea and those of the Kyungpook National University as the major source are reviewed, and some ideas are suggested how to improve their activities effectively. 대학의 지적재산인 신기술이나 특허 등이 산업체로 이전(이하 “기술이전”이라 함)되는 건수는 최근 들어 매년 증가하고 있으나 아직까지 일부 대학을 제외하고는 활발하게 이루어지지 않고 있다. 기술이전에 관한 정부와 대학 자체의 정책이 시행된 것은 얼마 되지 않았다. 그 동안 정부와 대학은 기술이전을 활성화시키기 위해 여러 가지 정책을 추진해 오고 있으나, 이에 관한 사례 중심의 실증적 분석이 충분치 않아서 업무 담당자들이 기술이전을 촉진하는데 어려움을 겪고 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 대학에서 기술이전 업무를 담당하는 정책입안자와 실무자들에게 실무적인 정보를 제공하고자 기술이전과 관련된 3년 동안(2006~2008)의 각종 자료들을 재정리하여 경북대학교를 중심으로 기술이전 전담부서의 조직 구조 및 인력, 제도에 대한 실증적 비교 􍾳 분석을 통하여 기술이전 체계의 문제점을 진단하고 개선방안을 제시하였다.

      • 대구·경북지역 대학생의 음료섭취 실태 및 관련 요인 분석

        박애리 경북대학교 교육대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 248671

        The purpose of this study was to investigate beverages intake and related factors of college students in Daegu and Gyeongbuk area. The subjects of 518 college students were surveyed with a questionnaire developed for this stidy. The date were analyzed with SAS 8.0 and ANOVA were employed for the data analysis and Scheffé test for post-hoc analysis. The results are as follows: First, Intakes of beverages showed significant difference according to the general characteristics of college students in Daegu and Gyeongbuk area. Male drank more than female and had low interest in considerations to purchase beverage. Participants who live with parents drank more than others. When they buy beverage, the didn't much care about nutritive value, advertisement, and packing. For BMI, obesity group showed significantly high intake quantity of beverage and highly considered nutritive value. Second, the amount of beverage intake was significantly different according to the eating habit. The group of higher eating habit drank more of milk, dairy products, and tea beverage while lower eating habit group drank more of carbonated drink, which implies that eating habit influences on beverage intake and preferrence. Third, beverage intake was significantly different according to the meal type. The group of higher snacking frequently drank more of water, carbonated drink, and fruit juice which goes well with snacks. Taste was the most highly concerned factor for selecting beverage. The group with higher frequency of eating-out drank more of carbonated drink, caffeine drink, and alcohols and they also drank more then any others. Fourth, beverage intake was significantly different the recognition and knowledge of beverage also affected the intake of beverage. The group with higher recognition and knowledge leve on beverage drank more of milk and tea and less of for alcohols and carbonated drinks. They considered nutritive value more then any oothers to select beverages. The results of this study show that the beverage intake is affected by eating habit and behavior as well as the knowledge and recognition on beverage.

      • 大學校 學生會館의 建築計劃 特性에 관한 硏究

        권영석 경북대학교 산업대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 248655

        This study set out to analyze the cases of student halls on campus, which have been built since 1970, for their architectural characteristics and provide basic data for more diverse and developmental student halls on campus. The research findings were as follows: First, 50.0% of the examined student halls were in the range of 1,000~2,000㎡ in terms of construction area, and 38.9% in the range of 6,000~9,000㎡ in terms of architectural area. Four- or five-story student halls accounted for 30.6%, and student halls with the first basement 66.7%. Second, the most popular arrangement pattern of student hall on campus was the central pattern(47.2%), which was followed by the connection to the gate pattern(30.6%) and the outer ring pattern(22.2%) in the order. Then central pattern that formed the campus core with the main building, library, and student hall accounted for the highest 47.2%. Third, a high percentage of the surveyed student halls had student body facilities on the third, fourth, and fifth floor, school affairs and administration facilities on the first and second floor, food, drink, and rest facilities in the basement and on the first, second, and third floor, convenience facilities for students on the first floor and in the basement, health and treatment facilities on the second floor, and gathering and exhibition facilities in the basement and on the fifth floor. The case of KK University, which was built in the 2000s, was analyzed in terms of area percentage of each facility. The analysis results show that student body facilities claimed the highest area percentage at 35.1%, being followed by food, drink, and rest facilities(34.8%), convenience facilities for student(16.5%), gathering and exhibition facilities(9.6%), school affairs and administration facilities(2.4%), and health and treatment facilities(1.6%) in the order. Finally, the most popular form characteristic, one of the primary perceptive elements, was the combined form(44.4%), which was followed by the single body form(22.3%), overlapping form(19.4%), and fragmented form(13.9%) in the order. The most popular finishing material, one of the secondary perceptive elements, was face bricks(38.9%), which were followed by paint(19.4%), glass/hybrid panels(19.4%), stone(11.1%), and tiles(11.1%) in the order. 본 연구는 1970년부터 현대까지 지속적으로 건축되고 있는 대학교 학생회관의 건축적 특성에 관한 사례조사와 유형의 분류 그리고 사례분석을 통해서 향후 좀 더 다양하고 발전적인 대학교 학생회관 계획을 위한 기초자료로 활용하기 위해서 진행되었다. 본 연구의 결과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학생회관 계획 시기는 1971년 고려대를 시점으로 80년대 후반에 가장 많이 건축되어 오늘날 까지 꾸준히 건설되고 있다. 건축면적은 1,000~2,000㎡미만의 규모가 전체의 50.0%, 연면적은 6,000~9,000㎡미만의 규모가 전체의 38.9%로서 가장 보편적이다. 층수는 지상 4층과 5층이 각각 전체사례의 30.6%, 지하 1층이 66.7%로 가장 일반적인 규모이다. 둘째, 대학캠퍼스내 입지유형을 분석한 결과는 중심형(47.2%) > 출입구연계형(30.6%) > 외곽형 (22.2)% 순으로 나타났다. 그리고 중심형으로서 본관, 도서관, 학생회관이 캠퍼스코어를 형성하는 사례가 전체의 47.2%로 가장 많이 나타났다. 셋째, 소요시설은 학생자치시설, 학사행정시설, 식음휴게시설, 학생편의시설, 보건진료시설, 집회전시시설 등 6개로 구분되며, 전체사례의 90%이상이 계획된 학생자치시설, 식음휴게시설, 학생편의시설이 학생회관의 중심시설이다. 층별 소요시설 분포도는 학생자치시설이 3,4,5층, 학사행정시설이 1층과 2층, 식음휴게시설이 지하층과 1,2,3층에서 높은 비율로 나타났다. 그리고 학생편의시설은 1층과 지하층, 보건진료시설은 2층, 집회전시시설은 지하층과 5층에서 높은 비율을 보였다. 2000년대에 건축된 KK대학교를 중심으로 소요시설별 면적구성을 분석한 결과, 학생자치시설(35.1%) > 식음휴게시설(34.8%) > 학생편의시설(16.5%) > 집회전시시설 (9.6%) > 학사행정시설(2.4%) > 보건진료시설(1.6%)의 규모로 나타났다. 넷째, 1차 지각요소인 매스유형은 혼합형(44.4%) >일체형(22.3%) > 중첩형(19.4%) > 분절형(13.9%) 순으로 나타났다. 그리고 2차 지각요소인 마감재료의 사용은 치장벽돌(38.9%) > 페인트(19.4%) > 유리/복합판넬(19.4%) > 석재(11.1%) > 타일(11.1%) 순으로 나타났다.

      • 18세기 경북지역 사찰의 수륙재 설행과 공간이용

        홍지현 경북대학교 산업대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 248655

        본 연구는 조선 후기 사찰들이 추구한 배치가 중정형 가람인 점과 조선후기 수륙재의문이 제시하는 가람배치가 유사한 점에 주목하였다. 그래서 조선 후기의 수륙재 설행 방법을 고찰하여 경북지역 사찰과의 관계를 살펴보았다. 연구의 대상은 경북지역 사찰 중에서 수륙재를 설행하였을 것으로 추측되는 안동 봉정사, 영천 은해사, 영주 부석사, 문경 김룡사, 청도 운문사, 청도 적천사, 김천 직지사, 상주 남장사, 구미 대둔사로 총 9 개소이다. 시간의 범위는 18세기로 하였다. 경북지역은 다른 지역과 달리 조선후기 수륙재의 방증인 괘불도가 주로 18세기에 제작되었기 때문이다. 연구대상 사찰배치에 영향을 준 수륙재의문은 지반문과 자기문으로 중정형 배치를 추구하는 점은 같으나 각 배치의 중심축 순서는 지반문은 법당-정문-종루-해탈문이고, 자기문은 법당-종루-천왕문이었다. 두 배치의 차이로 보아 경북지역의 수륙재는 지반문의 수륙재와 자기문의 수륙재가 각각 전각배치에 맞게 설행되었음을 알 수 있었다. 연구대상 주불전은 후대로 갈수록 규모가 줄어들며 불벽 후면의 공간도 축소되었다. 이는 경제적 요인 외에도 수륙재 절차의 간소화와 예능화가 원인인 것으로 추측되었다. 또한 연구대상 주불전은 후대로 갈수록 벽면의 수가 증가하였다. 이는 수륙재의 의식화 봉안으로 시작된 다양한 신앙의 봉안이 주불전의 공간이용 방식의 새로운 패러다임으로 정착한 것임을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구는 수륙재의 설행방법이 경북지역 사찰의 공간 구성에 영향을 준 것을 증명하였다. 또한 현존 수륙재의문의 소장 결과와는 달리 자기문의 영향력이 지반문의 영향력과 비슷하였음을 알 수 있었다. 이는 기존 연구가 현존 판본수를 중심으로 한 것에 재고를 요한다고 생각되었다. 그리고 현존 자기문이 모두 경상도에서 간행된 것으로 보아 향후 연구에는 전국적인 조사가 필요하다고 생각되었다. This study paid attention to the points that the arrangement pursued by the late Joseon Dynasty Buddhist temples was courtyard temple buildings and the arrangement of temple buildings presented by the late Joseon dynasty Suryuk ritual sentences was similar. Thus, this study examined the method of performance of Suryuk ritual ceremony in the late Joseon Dynasty and looked into the relationship with Buddhist temples in the Kyungpook region. Subjects of study were nine Buddhist temples in the Kyungpook region: Bongjeongsa Temple in Andong, Eunhaesa Temple in Yeongcheon, Busuksa Temple in Youngju, Kimryongsa Temple in Mungyeong, Unmunsa Temple in Cheongdo, Jeokcheonsa Temple in Cheongdo, Jikjisa Temple in Gimcheon, Namjangsa Temple in Sangju, Daedunsa Temple in Gumi, which are assumed to have performed Suryuk ritual ceremony. A time range was set to the 18th century. This is because unlike other regions, in the Kyungpook region, Gwaebuldo (hanging painting), circumstantial evidence of Suryuk ritual ceremony in the late Joseon Period had been produced mostly in the 18th century. Suryuk ritual sentences that affected the arrangement of the target Buddhist temples were Jibanmun(志磐文) and Jagimun(仔夔文), which commonly pursued courtyard arrangement, but as the order of the central axis of each arrangement was Buddhist sanctuary(法堂)-front door(正門)-bell tower(鐘閣)-Haetalmun(解脫門) in Jibanmun while Buddhist sanctuary(法堂)-bell tower(鐘閣)-Cheonwangmun(天王門) (the temple gate dedicated to the Four Devas) in the Jagimun. Judging from the difference between the two arrangements, in Suryuk ritual ceremony in the Kyungpook region, Suryuk ritual ceremony of Jibanmun and Suryuk ritual ceremony in Jagimun were performed for each building layout. The target Jubuljeon(法堂) became smaller to the generations to come, and the space on the back side of the Buddhist mural painting became reduced. This was deemed to be caused by the simplification and entertainment of Suryuk ritual ceremony procedures as well as economic factors. In addition, the number of walls increased in the target Jubuljeon as time went by. It was found that the enshrinement of various faiths starting from the ritualized enshrinement of Suryuk ritual ceremony settled as a new paradigm of method of space utilization in Jubuljeon. This study proved that the method of performance of Suryuk ritual ceremony influenced spatial configuration of Buddhist temples in the Kyungsang region. Also, it was found that in spite of the result of holding the existing Suryuk ritual sentences, the impact of Jagimun was similar to that of Jibanmun. It should be reconsidered that the existing research focused on the number of editions in existence. Moreover, judging from the fact that all Jagimun in existence was published in Kyungsang Province, it is judged that studies on a nationwide scale should be carried out in the future.

      • 現行 大學敎育機關의 奬學金制度 類型 및 特性에 關한 考察 : 慶北大學校 事例를 中心으로

        최병익 慶北大學校 1985 국내석사

        RANK : 248655

        There are various kinds of scholarship in Korean colleges and universities. Since college students' practice of tutoring has been forbidden by the government because of its harmful effects for citizens' economy, the government has paid more attention to the scholarship systems for college and university students. The purpose of education in college and university is to educate future leaders of the country and it could be a pity if they could not study because of their economic problems. Furthermore it will bring damage to the country's interest. Therefore, the government is trying to offer many and various scholar ships to prospective students so that they can continue their study. It could also damage not only the students themselves but also the country if those bright and able students can not continue to study simply because they are poor. In order to make this country a modern and developed one, those able students must study without any economical hardships The campus also must have many able professors and modern facilities. It is reported that in the advanced countries able students are offered not only scholarships but also petty cash. It is desirable that ample scholarship must be allocated by the government so that student with ability can continue study and research without any economic worry. In our country 30% of national and public college and university students receive scholarships of full tuition exemption and 20% in private college and university students. Besides these scholarships many students borrow money from banks for their tuition. Scholarships from firms and companies are increasing every year. And also alumni associations are offering many scholarships. We are grateful that many individuals such as Professor Kim Seong-hyok are also soffering scholarships to the able but poor students. Beside offering scholarships the university is trying to find jobs for the students so that they will be able to earn part of their living expenditure. Presently many students work and earn considerable amount of money. In the campus they receive salaries by working at professors' offices, libraries, newspaper offices, and other research institutes. And others work as traffic guides and do counsling to children and youth. However, it is desirable that more students receive government scholarships. In order to make a better society it is urgent to deucate more able students. More companies and individuals come to offer scholarships in order to aid these needy students. Only by the cooperation between the rich and the poor the development of a healthy country can be expected. In our country it is hard to define who is poor and who is rich because of fluctuating taxation systems. Therefore the students' records of their backgrounds does not. Show students' richness and poverty. On the records students' parents possess large estate of farming area but income can be much less than a city dewller's whose tax record does not show his hidden wealth. This phenomenon hinders exact evaluation of students' economical background. Even talking to students themselves does not disclose the students being rich or poor because of their dishonesty or poor expression of their economical status. Because of above mentioned reasons most of scholarships go to those students with high marks of academic achievements and the rest of scholarships go to the poor students. The third category covers the students whoreceive scholarships by doing manual works regardless of their academic achievements or poverty. Some students with skill receive scholarships from companies or the government. It is desirable that more students receive scholarships in many ways The author of this thesis desires that Korea become a more rapidly developing and later an advanced country only by expanding scholarships to more students with bright future.

      • Comparison of gingival display in smile attractiveness preference across perspectives and races : 경북대학교의 국가별 인종별 학생들을 대상으로 시각별 잇몸 웃음 심미적 선호도에 대한 조사및 연구

        Wu, Fan 경북대학교 대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 248655

        연구목적: 경북대학교에서 국가별 인종별 학생들을 대상으로 설문조사를 통해각도별잇몸웃음심미적 선호도를 조사하여,인종간 심미적 차이 유무 및 각도별 미소가 심미적 선호도에영향을미치는지통계분석을 통해 연구한다. 연구방법:응답자들은 구글폼을 통해 설문조사를 실시했으며,원본 미소사진의정면, 45도, 측면사진은 각각 잇몸 노출-3mm, -1mm, 0mm, 1mm, 3mm, 5mm로 제작한 다음에 그룹별로정면그룹, 45도-측면그룹,3면그룹 (정면, 45도와 측면사진)로 나눠 개인 심미적 선호도에 대한 점수를매겼다.응답자들은잇몸 노출 정도가 다른 미소 사진들에 대해 개인적인 취향으로 채점했으며, 통계분석을통해국가별인종별 학생들이 서로 다른 잇몸 심미적 선호도를 가질 수 있는지 여부와각도가다른심미적선호도에 매우 영향을 미치는지를 알아냈다. 결과:1. 인종 간 잇몸 노출에 대한 심미적 선호도 비교.표 2는 다양한 인종에대한조사결과의평균등급과 표준 편차를 보면, 정면그룹(Asian vs European white, P < 0.05)에서잇몸노출-1mm를제외하고는 인종 간 잇몸 노출 심미적 선호도에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없었다. 2. 인종구분않고다양한 각도 잇몸 미소에 대한 미적 선호에 미치는 영향 비교.잇몸 노출 -3mm와+5mm를제외하고,3면그룹 간의 다른 잇몸 노출(-1mm, 0mm, +1mm, +3mm)의 미소 심미적 선호도차이는표3(P < 0.05)과같이 통계적으로 유의했다. 또한 잇몸 노출은 -1mm일 때 정면그룹과 45도-측면그룹사이에통계적차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다(P < 0.05). 잇몸 노출은 0mm, +1mm, +3mm일 때정면그룹과3면그룹은비스듬한 측면그룹과 비교했을 때 유의한 차이를 보였다(P < 0.05). 결론:1. 경북대학교 국가별 인종별 학생들을는 -1mm 잇몸 노출의 정면 미소사진을보았을때를백인과 아시아인의 통계적 차이가 있었다(P <0.05).다른 국가별 인종별 잇몸 노출대한미소심미적선호도에서 유의한 차이가 없었다.2. 다른 각도의 미소 심미적 선호에 대한 인식에영향을미칠수있다.정면도와 3면의 보기 사이에 미적 선호도에는 차이가 없었지만, 정면도가아닌보기는때때로심미적 인식에 영향을 미친다. 잇몸 노출은 0~3mm 범위일 때 정면도와 3면의 뷰는각각비정면도그룹과비교했을 때 심미적 선호도에서 통계적 차이를 보였다(P < 0.05)

      • 대구경북 자동차부품산업의 활성화를 위한 수요자 중심의 기술정책에 관한 연구

        이석호 경북대학교 산업대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 248655

        Development period of automobile industry of Korea is shorter than that of many advanced countries such as United States, Japan, and Germany. As we go through the skyrocketing economic growth at 70’s, demands of automobile increased rapidly and ripple effect of automobile industry recognized nationally. Even though supporting policy has been expanded, it was limited to complete vehicle and development of automobile component industry was just stage of following complete vehicle industry. One of main industries of Daegu-Gyeongbuk area, which is automobile components industry, involves crucial problems like lack of complete vehicle company and production of low added value components. Purpose of this study is to encourage the Daegu-Gyeongbuk area’s future automobile components industry based on analysis of study the main trend and existing technical policy to suggest modified technical policy of Daegu-Gyeongbuk area automobile components industry.

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