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      • 삼각모형에 의한 색채표현 연구 : 칼 융의 차크라를 적용한 본인 작품 중심으로

        조성민 홍익대학교 대학원 2019 국내박사

        RANK : 247726

        In the field of plastic arts, creative artwork expressions embodies an artist’s spiritual world in innovative forms such as colors, crafts, designs, etc. There are multiple ways to represent and perceive colors. Even if we do not represent a color in three attributes of color as hue, saturation and brightness, the word ‘color’ is enough to convey the meaning we want to express. This is because there is a meaning to psychological and aesthetical colors, which exist behind the colors that humans perceive visually. This study tries to embody the unconscious structure of color by utilizing Carl Gustav Jung’s analytical psychological approach. Attributes of colors were applied to Carl Jung’s archetype theory to look into the polarity and ambiguity of psychological colors that men have and to represent them as colored artworks by using a color triangle model. This color triangle model was used for the artwork to visualize the three-dimensional composition principle in detail by colored expressions through a repeated usage of triangle, a geometrical element. Through this, the study tried to establish various algorithms and the aesthetical attributes as artworks that come from triangles’ colored expressions. To achieve this, the study analyzed the attributes of colors by Carl Jung’s analytical psychology and contemplated upon his psychoanalysis theory to represent this as artworks. Carl Jung’s analytical psychology considers artworks as representations of one’s consciousness and conceptualized the archetypal theory, which argues that humans developed their archetypal world of consciousness since the beginning of their primitive states and this was revealed through their artworks. The study tried to structurally analyze Carl Jung’s analytical psychology theory in chromatic view and also looked into the possibility of application to the study conductor’s artworks, as well as what kind of analyzation could be drawn when it was represented with colors. Therefore, the study determined the correlation between colors and analytical psychology, and tried to express the unconscious archetypes of the study conductor’s artworks through an individualized process. After that, the study refined the ambiguous meanings of the seven rainbow colors that were used for Carl Jung’s chakras, analyzed the formativeness of the triangle model used for the study’s artworks, and applied the analyzation into the artworks that were produced through the study. A total of twelve artworks were organized and color planned, and pattern-design and modeling were conducted by using two forms: a pyramid using a triangle and stained glass. <Artwork 1>Trinity Red, <Artwork 2>Trinity Orange, <Artwork 3>Trinity Yellow, <Artwork 4>Trinity Green, <Artwork 5>Trinity Blue, <Artwork 6>Trinity Ultramarine Blue, <Artwork 7>Trinity Violet, <Artwork 8>Trinity Gold, <Artwork 9>Trinity Silver, <Artwork 10>Trinity Rainbow were all three dimensionally produced in the shape of pyramids, which are either a repetition or a combination of triangles. <Artwork 11>Trinity Stained GlassⅠ and <Artwork 12>Trinity Stained Glass Ⅱ were produced by cutting stained glasses by 2 centimeters apart, putting them into triangle frames, and baking them in an electrical kiln. Lastly, the study suggests the artworks’ purpose of planning and future usage that were intended to be studied as the result of this whole process of study. The conclusions drawn from this study are the followings. First, the study began with the study about the mind’s color space, not the colors that were refined by physical colors. Therefore, an aesthetical and psychological color study, which perceives and feels colors, was conducted. For <Artwork 1>Trinity Red, <Artwork 2>Trinity Orange, <Artwork 3>Trinity Yellow, <Artwork 4>Trinity Green, <Artwork 5>Trinity Blue, <Artwork 6>Trinity Ultramarine Blue, <Artwork 7>Trinity Violet, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, navy, and purple were used in two tones to express ‘the meanings of seven colors of chakras.’ In addition, from <Artwork 10> Trinity Rainbow, which used all the fourteen colors, all seven colors that were used for chakras were experienced. In the concept of chakras, it was possible to show the polarity and ambiguity of the seven rainbow colors that are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, navy, and purple, through the respective artworks. Second, viewers were able to have time for mental healing by experiencing the effect of colors that come from each artwork, which provided positive energy by repetitive unity that could be seen through triangle model artworks for this study. For <Artwork 8>Trinity Gold와 <Artwork 9>Trinity Silver, the ambiguous attribute of Carl Jung’s chakra was three-dimensionally represented through triangle models with silver and gold colors. Three, there was an active interaction between the artworks that expressed the study conductor’s consciousness and the viewers. In addition, the artworks were appreciated in many different aspects through the change of colors with lights, lights, colors, and triangle models ‘Trinity’ by the light of the viewing location and the psychology of the viewers. <Artwork 11>Trinity Stained Glass I and <Artwork 12>Trinity Stained Glass II were represented by utilizing powerful lightings to penetrate the stained glass and showed various colors to the viewers. The artworks that were produced by using triangle models through color expression study could be used in the future as design elements such as interior accessories, full-scale art walls, etc. However, this study is limited in a way that it provides subjective analysis and cannot offer consistent analysis from all viewers and medium that come into contact with the artworks. Therefore, it will try to figure out other different medium to expose the artworks. In addition, more artworks study will be conducted utilizing many different colors and textures in hopes of realizing the value of the future artwork study by using the unconscious analyzation of colors other than the seven colors in this study for information-oriented result that come from medium that connects many viewers and artworks. Lastly, the study anticipates the study conductor’s artworks, which was based on the colors that were represented in chakras, to be utilized in many fields as physical and aesthetical colors. 조형예술에 있어서 창조적 조형표현은 색채, 공예, 디자인 등과 같은 창의적 행태로 자신의 정신세계를 예술로 형상화한다. 색을 표현하고 인지하는 방법은 다양하다. 자신이 전달하고자 하는 색의 삼속성의 의미를 색상, 명도, 채도로 표현하지 않더라도 ‘빛깔’이라는 말로써 충분한 의미 전달이 될 수 있다. 그 이유는 인간이 시각적으로 인지하는 색채 이면에 있는 심리적인 색과 심미적인 색의 의미가 존재하기 때문이다. 본 연구는 색채의 무의식적 구조를 칼 구스타브 융(Carl Gustav Jung, 1875~1961)의 분석심리학적 접근을 통해 형상하고자 한다. 색채의 속성을 칼 융의 원형(Archetype) 이론에 대입하여 인간이 가진 심리적 색채의 양극성과 양면성을 살펴보고 삼각모형을 활용한 색채 작품으로 표현하고자 하였다. 삼각모형을 작품에 활용한 것은 기하학적 형태의 구성요소인 삼각형의 반복을 이용한 입체적인 구성 원리를 색채표현으로 활용하여 세심하게 시각화하고자 함이었다. 이로 인해 삼각형의 색채표현에서 느껴지는 다양한 알고리즘(Algorithm)과 작품으로써 갖는 심미적 특성을 규명하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 색채의 속성을 칼 융의 분석심리학으로 분석하고 이를 작품으로 표현하기 위해 정신분석 이론을 고찰하였다. 칼 융의 분석심리학에서는 예술작품을 무의식의 표현이라 보고 인간이 원시 상태로부터 발달되어 내려오는 원형 의식의 세계가 예술작품을 통해 발현하고 있다는 원형 이론을 개념화하였다. 칼 융의 분석심리학 이론을 색채학적으로 구조적인 해석을 하고자 하였으며 본 연구자의 작품에 적용 가능성과 색채로 표현할 때 어떠한 해석이 가능한지 살펴보고자 하였다. 이에 색채와 분석 심리학의 상관관계를 밝히고 본 연구자의 작품에서의 무의식적 원형을 개별화 과정으로 표출하고자 하였다. 그 후, 칼 융의 차크라에 사용된 7가지 무지개색이 가지는 색의 중의적 의미를 정리하였으며 본 연구의 작품에 사용된 삼각모형의 조형성을 분석하고 이를 통해 제작한 작품에 적용하였다. 총 12개의 작품을 구성 및 색채계획하였으며, 삼각형을 이용한 각뿔 형태와 스테인드글라스(Stained Glass) 두 가지 형태로 도안 디자인(Design) 후 모델링(Modeling) 하였다. <작품1>Trinity Red, <작품2>Trinity Orange, <작품3>Trinity Yellow, <작품4>Trinity Green, <작품5>Trinity Blue, <작품6>Trinity Ultramarine Blue, <작품7>Trinity Violet, <작품8>Trinity Gold, <작품9>Trinity Silver, <작품10>Trinity Rainbow는 삼각형을 반복, 결합한 각뿔 형태의 입체 제작을 하였으며, <작품11>Trinity Stained GlassⅠ, <작품12>Trinity Stained Glass Ⅱ는 스테인드글라스를 2cm 간격으로 재단하여 삼각모형틀에 넣고 전기 가마에 구워 제작하였다. 마지막으로 전체적인 연구 진행과정의 결과로 본 연구를 통해 연구하고자 했던 작품의 기획의도와 미래의 활용방안을 제안하였다. 본 연구를 통해 얻은 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 본 연구는 물리적 색상에 의해 규정된 색채가 아닌 마음의 색 공간에 대한 연구로 시작하였으므로 색채를 지각하고 느끼는 심미적, 심리적인 측면의 색채연구가 이루어졌다. <작품1>Trinity Red, <작품2>Trinity Orange, <작품3>Trinity Yellow, <작품4>Trinity Green, <작품5>Trinity Blue, <작품6>Trinity Ultramarine Blue, <작품7>Trinity Violet에 빨강, 주황, 노랑, 초록, 파랑, 남색, 보라를 각각 두 가지 톤으로 사용하여 ‘차크라의 7가지 색의 의미’를 표현하였으며, 여기에 사용된 총 14가지의 색채를 모두 사용한 <작품10>Trinity Rainbow에서는 차크라에 사용된 7가지 색상을 모두 체험할 수 있었다. 차크라의 개념에서 빨강, 주황, 노랑, 초록, 파랑, 남색, 보라의 7가지 무지개색의 양극성, 양면성을 각각의 작품을 통해 보여줄 수 있었다. 둘째, 본 연구를 통해 제작된 삼각모형 작품에서 보이는 반복적 통일성을 내포하고 있는 긍정적 에너지를 통해 관람객이 각각의 작품에서 느껴지는 색채의 효과를 경험하며 치유의 시간을 가질 수 있었다. <작품8>Trinity Gold와 <작품9>Trinity Silver에는 금색과 은색을 삼각모형에 의해 입체 표현하여 칼 융의 차크라에서 말하는 색의 중의적 특성을 나타냈다. 셋째, 연구자의 정신세계를 표현한 작품과 관람자의 상호작용이 활발하게 이루어졌으며 조명에 의한 색채의 변화, 빛, 색채, 삼각모형 Trinity가 관람 장소의 빛과 관람객의 심리상태에 의한 다양한 감상이 이루어졌다. 강한 조명에 의해 스테인드글라스에 빛을 투과시켜 만들어낸 <작품11>Trinity Stained GlassⅠ, <작품12>Trinity Stained Glass Ⅱ는 관람객에게 다양한 빛깔을 보여주었다. 삼각모형을 활용한 색채 표현 연구를 통해 제작된 작품은 향후 인테리어 소품, 전면 아트월 등 디자인적 요소로써 활용가능하다. 그러나 본 연구는 관람자와 작품을 접하는 모든 매체에서 일관된 해석이 나올 수 없는 주관적인 해석이라는 한계점을 가지므로 향후 여러 매체를 통해 작품을 알려 나가는 방안을 모색하고자 한다. 더욱 다양한 색채와 소재를 활용하여 다양한 작품 연구를 하고자 하며, 본 연구 작품에서 사용된 7가지 색상 이외의 무의식적 해석을 응용한 연구가 많은 관람객들과 작품을 접하는 매체를 통해 정보화됨으로써 작품 연구의 가치가 실현되길 바란다. 끝으로 ‘차크라’에서 서술한 색채를 바탕으로 여러 분야에서 물리적 색채, 심미적 색채로 활용되길 기대한다.

      • 칼 융의 원형 개념에 대한 철학적 연구

        진숙 전북대학교 일반대학원 2018 국내박사

        RANK : 247711

        The aim of this study was to contemplate similarity between the concept of archetype by Carl Gustav Jung who developed Analytical Psychology and another concept of archetype derived from Alfred North Whitehead's philosophy. Despite of difference between terms in the t concept of Archetype, this study discovered that both concepts had similarities; they were originated from Plato's Theory of Ideas to establish theory of Archetype and put emphasis on epistemological background and experience of math and science. Among the ‘actual entity’, ‘eternal object’ and ‘prehension’—which were important concept in Process Philosophy, the eternal object passed down turning from forms of Plato to the Whitehead’s object and Jung’s Archetype. In addition, the key point of Process Philosophy was ‘the process is actual’, which was developed on the basis of fundamental concept ‘process.’ The actual entity that consisted of world and human looked for the existence in its generation process while the eternal object could be replaced with Archetyp, i.e. certain possibility that are selectively brought into the actual entity, as pure potentiality. Jung supported the Plato’s philosophy which insisted on the ideal world that surpasses both material world and mental world and argued that the first archetypes which determine structure and rule of existence are simply the numbers of Pythagoras. He’s argued that images of folktales and in mythology have similarity that transcends the age and culture as well and explained them with archetype and symbol. Although Jung failed to present obvious answer about the origin, Whitehead explained it having certain tendency, i.e. archetype in the deep unconsciousness through prehension on repeated events of past. In addition, every moment is a present and the experience comprised entity while putting emphasis on the eternal experience of the present. Thus, it seemed to be more reasonable and persuasive when it’s explained in Process Philosophy in comparison to Jung’s. The Process Philosophy is not completion but underway to reach completion, in a similar vein to integrity of Jung’s individuation process, not its completion. Therefore, Process Philosophy suggested wide-ranging system on Jungian archetypes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the origin and concept of archetype in the collective unconscious that provide foundation for Jungian Analytical Psychology. Moreover, it’s to explore how the concept of archetype could be reinterpreted and expanded in the contemporary philosophy. Meanwhile, the influence of Jungian archetypes on our lives and connection with philosophy will be explored to think up ways and also, look for the way to achieve ‘self-actualization’ through individuation.

      • Numerical methods for solving nonlinear matrix equations, geometrical approximations of diffusion tensors, and local threshold methods for defects inspection of TFT-LCD panel : 비선형 행렬 방정식의 풀이에 대한 수리적방법, 확산텐서의 기하학적 근사방법, 그리고 TFT-LC

        정창도 경북대학교 대학원 2011 국내박사

        RANK : 247661

        이 논문은 `X^n=f(X) 꼴의 비선형 행렬 방정식 풀이에 대한 수리적방법', `확산텐서의 기하학적 근사방법', 그리고 `TFT-LCD 패널의 결함 검사를 위한 지역 임계화방법'으로 총 3개의 주제로 구성되어있다. 첫째, f가 실양정치 공간 P(k)에서 P(k)로의 함수일 때 X^n-f(X)=0에 관한 비선형 행렬 방정식을 다룬다. n ≥ 2 일 때 이 방정식은 유일한 해를 가짐을 증명하였다. 증명은 P(k)상에서 합동변환, 평행이동, 역변환이 Riemannian 거리함수상에서 축소함수들임을 이용하여 함수 f가 축소함수임을 밝히고 고정점이론(fixed point theorem)을 이용하여 근의 존재성과 유일성을 밝혔다. 그리고 반복법을 통하여 X^n-f(X)=0 방정식들의 해를 계산하였다. 둘째, 양정치해렬 공간에 속하는 확산텐서들의 기하학적 근사 방법에 관해 논한다. 확산텐서들의 기하학적 근사 방법은 행렬 평균을 이용하여 확산텐서들간에 새로운 점을 보간하여 확산텐서영상의 화질 개선을 목적으로 한다. 고전적인 방법은 확산텐서들을 영상으로 변환하고 얻어진 영상을 보간하였지만 제안한 방법은 영상변환 전 확산텐서들을 보간하여 영상을 개선하였다. 고전적 방법, 산술평균, Ando-Li-Mathias (ALM) 기하평균, Bini-Meini-Poloni (BMP) 기하평균, Jung-Lee-Yamazaki (JLY) 기하평균, log-Euclidean (LE) 평균, Sagae-Tanabe (ST) 기하평균, 그리고 Resolvent (RES) mean을 적용한 제안한 방법의 결과를 비교하였다. 수학적인 분야에서 Ando-Li-Mathias가 반복법을 이용하여 다변수 양정치행렬의 기하평균을 정의하였다. 이들이 정의한 다변수의 기하평균은 실수의 기하평균이 갖는 10가지 성질들을 만족한다. 그 후 Bini-Meini-Poloni도 10가지 성질을 만족하는 기하평균을 정의하였다. 하지만 반복법을 이용하여 정의되기 때문에 계산상의 효율성이 높지않다. 우리는 Ando-Li-Mathias의 기하평균이 가지는 10가지 성질 중 순열불변을 뺀 9가지 성질을 만족하는 새로운 다변수 기하평균 (JLY)을 정의하였다. 수리적 계산을 통해 새로운 기하평균은 기존 ALM, BMP 기하평균보다 계산 효율성이 높다는 것을 보여주었다. 마지막으로 영상처리분야에 대해 논한다. 특별히, thin film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD)는 많은 전자제품에 사용되고 표면의 불량을 컴퓨터 비전을 이용하여 검사하는 것은 제품의 불량을 사전에 방지할 수 있는 중요한 과정이다. TFT-LCD 패널의 영상은 불균일한 배경 신호, 노이즈와 불량영역 신호로 구성되어 있다. TFT-LCD영상의 불량들은 배경과 구분되는 그레이 레벨을 가지고 있다. 그러나, 불균일한 배경으로 결함영역의 분할이 쉽지않다. 영상 분할은 컴퓨터 비전의 중요한 파트중의 하나이다. 디지털 영상에서 임계화는 배경과 다른영역의 분할을 위해 많이 사용하는 방법이다. 그러나, 불균일한 휘도, 대비의 차이, 유사한 질감등의 요인들로 배경과 목표물의 분할이 어렵다. 지역임계화방법은 전체 임계화방법에 비해 위 요인들에 둔감하게 배경과 목표물을 분할 할 수 있다. 지역임계화의 기존방법들과 수학적 형태학 (morphological operations) 이론, 다항 표면 회귀 (polynomial surface regression) 와 푸리에 변환(Fourier transform)에 관해 공부한다. 이를 이용하여 TFT-LCD의 불량검사를 위한 아래의 4가지 지역임계방법들에 관해 논한다. (a) 멀티가중치 형태쌍 방법 (Multiweighted morphology pairs method), (b) 2회로 나눈 구분적 선형 회귀법 (Piecewise linear regression in twice), (c) 다해상도 방법을 적용한 수정된 Eikvil et al.의 방법 (Modified Eikvil et al.'s method with multi-scale method), (d) 주파수영역에서 수정된 Niblack의 방법 (Modified Niblack's method on frequency domain). 일반적으로 TFT-LCD 저해상도 영상은 불균일한 배경분포를 가지고, 고해상도 영상은 주기적 패턴을 가진다. (a),(b),(c) 방법은 저해상도 영상에서 불량을 분할하기 위한 방법이고, (d)는 고해상도 영상에서 불량을 분할하기 위한 것이다. 실제 불량영상을 이용하여 제안한 방법의 결과를 해석한다. The dissertation consists of 3 chapters: nonlinear matrix equations X^n = f(X), geometrical approximations of diffusion tensors and local threshold methods for defects inspection of TFT-LCD panel. First, C. Jung, H. Kim and Y. Lim consider a class of nonlinear matrix equations X^n - f(X) = 0 where f is a self-map on the convex cone P(k) of k × k positive definite real matrices [1]. It is shown that for n ≥ 2, the matrix equation has a unique positive definite solution depending continuously on the function f if f belongs to the semigroup of nonexpansive mappings with respect to the GL(k,R)-invariant Riemannian metric distance on P(k), which contains congruence transformations, translations, the matrix inversion and in particular symplectic Hamiltonians appearing in Kalman filtering. We show that the sequence of positive definite solutions varying over n ≥ 2 converges always to the identity matrix and convergence speed is more rapid as n increases. We will give some numerical examples for solving nonlinear matrix equations Xn - f(X) = 0 by using iterative method. Second, DT-MRI has emerged as a unique technique to reveal small anatomical structures of brain by characterizing the diffusion process of water molecules in image voxels. The recent emergence of DT-MRI was challenging since data produced by this modality are not simple grey-value images but complex diffusion tensor fields. Tensors are symmetric, positive definite matrices and suffer from a lack of adaptedtheoretical tools to manipulate them. In this dissertation, we present geometrically approximations of diffusion tensors on P(3). Using the matrix means on the space of SPD matrices, we propose an interpolation algorithm, based on matrix means, to approximate the SPD diffusion tensor fields and show result images. We use matrix eans as follows: (a) arithmatic mean, (b) Ando-Li-Mathias (ALM) geometric mean, (c) Bini-Meini-Poloni (BMP) geometric mean, (d) Jung-Lee-Yamazaki (JLY) geometric mean, (e) Log-Euclidean (LE) mean, (f) Sagae-Tanabe (ST) geometric mean, (g) Resolvent (RES) mean. The theory of matrix means is one of the most important branches in mathematics. For n positive definite operators A1, . . . ,An, Ando-Li-Mathias and Bini-Meini-Poloni define geometric mean of n-matrices G(A1, · · · ,An) by symmetric procedure. ALM and BMP hold ten properties of geometric mean by Ando-Li-Mathias. C. Jung, H. Lee and T. Yamazaki construct the JLY geometric mean which satisfies the two conditions: (i) not require an enormous calculation, and (ii) satisfy all properties of geometric mean. However, the JLY geometric mean satisfies nine properties except permutation invariant. We will compare computational efficiency of ALM, BMP and JLY.Finally, we study image processing for computer vision. Especially, thin film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) images consist of ununiform background signal, random noises and defective regions. Defects in TFT-LCD image have some gray-level differences compared to background signal. Image segmentation is an important part of inspection system for finding defective regions. Thresholding is widely used in image segmentation. In TFT-LCD images, the intensity of targets and that of the background are sufficiently different to make thresholding a simple method of image segmentation. However, many factors, such as illumination, insufficient contrast, similar textures within target and background, prevent a simple threshold from segmenting targets well. Due to those factors, generally speaking, local threshold is superior to global threshold in terms of segmentation quality. We present background theories including local threshold methods, morphological operations, polynomial surface regression and Fourier transform. We propose several local threshold methods for defects inspection of TFT-LCD panel as follows: (a) Multiweighted morphology pairs method([4]), (b) Piecewise linear regression in twice, (c) Modified Eikvil et al.′s method with multi-scale method, (d) Modified Niblack′s method on frequency domain. The methods (a), (b) and (c) are applied to low resolution images with nonuniform illumination, and (d) is applied to high resolution images with periodic pattern. We will show experimental results using real TFT-LCD images with defects.

      • Development of Optical Devices for Digital Medicine

        Jung Kweon Bae Graduate School of UNIST 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 247647

        Advances of technology have made a revolution that interconnects industrial devices and fuses the boundaries of digital, physical and biological spaces. These technologies such as cloud computing, 3D printing technology, big data, internet of things (IOT), artificial intelligence (AI), and maturity of system integrations have been improved every year, changing our daily life quickly in intelligent and convenient ways. In this days, these explosions of technology, changing the way we live and think, is referred to 4th industrial revolution. As we know, every industry is affected by the new waves of technologies, digitalization and connectivity, and the biomedical or medical field is no exception. Healthcare fields have benefited mostly from recent technical improvements, revolutionizing the medical systems in many terms in cost-effective ways. Particularly, “digital medicine” has been recently came into the limelight as one of the uprising fields. In digital medicine, traditional medical devices and diagnostic programs have become miniaturized, digitalized, and automated. As taking advantages of digital medicine, specific fields related to digital pathology, point-of-care (POC) diagnostics, and application of deep learning or machine learning technologies have shown the great potentials not only in biomedical academia but also in the revenues of their markets. It allows to connect devices, hospital equipment, and to accelerate efficiencies in health service such as diagnosis, and to reduce the cost of services. Moreover, interconnection between advanced technologies has been improved the access of healthcare to the places where hospital or medical services are limited. Furthermore, artificial intelligence has shown promising results related to disease screening especially using medical images. Although fields in digital medicine are prospering, still there are limitations that needs to be overcome in order to provide further advanced health services to patients in the various situations. In digital pathology, improvements of microscopic technologies, internets, and storage capabilities have reduced the time-consuming processes. The simple transformation of microscopic image to digital have successfully alternated many limitations in the analogue histopathology workflow to efficient and cost saving ways. However, tissue staining is currently referred as one of the bottleneck that makes workflow still lengthy, labor-intensive, and costly. In the POC diagnostic fields, various digitalized portable smartphone-based diagnostic devices have been introduced as alternatives to conventional medical services. These devices have provided the quality assurance of diagnostics by taking advantages of sharing, and quantitative analysis of digital information. However, most of these works have been focused on replacing diagnostic process which mostly done in laboratory settings. As medical imaging devices and trained clinicians or practitioners are limited, there are also high demands on clinical imaging-based diagnostics in developing countries. In this thesis, computational microscope using patterned NIR illumination was developed for label-free quantitative differential phase tissue imaging to bypass the staining process of the pathology workflow. This system overcame the limitations found in the conventional quantitative differential phase contrast in a LED array microscope, allowing to captured light scattering and absorbing specimen while maintaining weak object approximation. Moreover, portable endoscope system was developed integrating the additive production technologies (3D printing), ICT, and optics for POC diagnostics. This innovative POC endoscope demonstrated comparable imaging capability to that of commercialized clinical endoscope system. Furthermore, deep learning and machine learning models have been trained and applied to each devices, respectively. Generative adversarial network (GAN) was applied to our NIR-based QPI system to virtually stain the label-free QPI which look comparable to image that is captured from bright field microscope using labeled tissue. Lastly, POC automated cervical cancer screening system was developed utilizing smartphone-based endoscope system as well as training the machine learning algorithm. 3-5% of acetic acid was applied to the suspicious lesion and its reaction was captured before and after application using smartphone endoscope. This screening system enables to extract the features of cancers and informs the possibility of cancer from endoscopic images.

      • (An) empirical study on determinants and issuer benefits of green bonds : the case of U.S. municipals

        Hyun, Jung-hee Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei U 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        도시의 CO2 배출량이 70%를 상회함에 따라 저탄소 인프라 투자의 필요성이 증대되고 있다. 하지만 탄소배출 감축 및 규제 실시 권한을 가진 지방자치단체의 예산만으로 집행하기에는 한계가 있어 저비용 자본에 필요한 접근을 제공할 수 있는 녹색채권시장이 주목받고 있다. 2008년, ‘녹색’프로젝트 및 회사 등에 자금을 지원하기 위한 녹색채권시장이 출현한 이래로 투자자의 높은 수요를 충족시키며 1,310억 달러의 자본이 모아졌고, 초과 가입하는 경우도 생기는 추세이다. 이에 따라 본 연구는 현재까지 미국의 지방채 발행 시장에 대한 특성을 파악하고, 지자체 녹색채권 발행이 낮은 이자율(yield)의 자본마련을 수반하는지를 분석하고자 한다. 이를 위해 2014년 7월부터 2017년 6월 사이에 발행된 1,998개의 녹색지방채권과 2,317개의 일반지방채권(총 46,332채권의 5% 무작위표본)의 데이터 샘플을 이용하였고, 종속변수인 녹색채권(Dummy)의 특성에 따라 프로빗모형(probit model)을 사용하였다. 또한, 녹색채권발행의 내부결정에 따른 내생성을 고려하여 편향성을 보정하기 위해 Heckman 2단계 추정 모형을 사용하였다. 즉, Heckman 2단계에서는 Inverse Mills Ratio(IMR)를 포함한 OLS를 실시하여 녹색채권의 이자율(yield)의 영향을 분석한 것이다. 추정결과, 녹색지방채권을 결정하는 특성은 전통적인 지방채권과는 상이하게 나타났다. OLS 회귀의 초기 결과에 따르면, 다양한 시장 및 발행 특성에 대해 통제될 때 녹색 채권이 전통적인 지방채권보다 평균 0.05% 낮은 이자율을 확보한다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한, Heckman 2단계 모형 추정에서는 IMR이 통계적으로 유의하였으며, 이는 녹색 채권의 표본만을 가진 회귀분석에서 샘플링 편차가 발생함을 제시한다. 이를 통해 본 연구의 모형의 적합성을 검증할 수 있었다. 따라서 본 연구는 녹색채권시장의 현황 및 분석을 중심으로 결정요소 및 발행자 이익을 측정하고, 이를 기반으로 공급 및 수요행위자 특성에 맞는 녹색지방채시장 확대 방안을 제시하였다는 점에서 의의가 있다. Local (municipal) governments have executive and regulatory power over sectors crucial for emission reductions. At the same time, cities' share of CO2 emissions from energy (both Scope 1 and 2 emissions) is above 70%. However, their huge low-carbon infrastructure investment needs cannot be funded by tax money alone. The green bond market can offer the necessary access to low-cost capital. Increasingly, green bonds are recognized as a valuable tool to access low-cost capital to finance low-carbon and climate resilient infrastructure. Since the emergence of the green bond market in 2008, $131 billion USD of capital has been raised to finance “green” projects, companies, etc. Issuances have been met with high demand from investors, often oversubscribing at each issuance. The purpose of this study is to analyze and understand the market for Green Bonds issued by U.S. municipalities so far, especially in terms of identifying the difference in characteristics and whether benefits arise from usage by issuers. Since issuers choose to issue green bonds if the perceived benefits exceed those of regular bonds, the decision is not exogenous but endogenously determined by issue- and issuer-specific factors. To correct for selectivity bias the Heckman two-stage estimation model is used. Using a data sample of 1,998 green municipal bonds and a comparable set of 2,317 vanilla bonds (a 5% random sample of 46,332 bonds) issued between July 2014 and June 2017, analysis using a probit model regression (green bond issuance will be a dummy dependent variable) is selected to examine the determinants of green bond issuance for the first stage. At the second stage an ordinary least squares (OLS) regression including the inverse Mills ratio calculated from the first stage estimation is run to examine the factors that influence the yield of green bonds. Various issuer and specific bond characteristics are selected as independent and control variables based on literature review and continuous trial and error. Analysis shows that there are differences in the characteristics determining green municipals from traditional municipals. Initial results of a simple OLS regression on bond yields showed that green bonds secure on average 5 basis points lower yields than those for traditional tax-exempt bonds when controlled for various market and issue characteristics. When the Heckman two-stage model was estimated, the IMR was statistically significant, indicating a sampling bias occurring for a regression with only a sample of green bonds. Ultimately, this research hopes to empirically identify the characteristics that enable participation in the green municipal market so far. By identifying the green bond determinants and issuer benefits, implications on how to scale up the green municipal bond market for both supply and demand actors are made.

      • (A) crystal-less clock recovery with calibration for BLE smart-tag application

        Jung, Jaehyung Sungkyunkwan University 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        이 논문은 32, 72, 80MHz의 운영 주파수를 가진 Bluetooth 저전력 (BLE) 스마트 태그 응용을 위한 보정이 포함된 크리스탈 없는 참조 클럭 복구 (CR) 주파수 합성기를 제시합니다. 기존의 주파수 합성기와 달리, 제안된 주파수 합성기는 외부 구성 요소 없이 구성됩니다. 단일 종단 안테나를 통해 2.4065GHz 신호에서 최소 입력 전력 -36dBm을 받아, 제안된 CR은 재생성 증폭기 (RA)에 의해 받은 RF 신호를 사용해 주파수를 합성합니다. 이를 통해 시스템은 크리스탈 없이 참조 클럭을 생성할 수 있습니다. 받은 신호는 RA에 의해 증폭되고 16비트 자동 클럭 보정 (ACC) 회로로 전달됩니다. ACC는 받은 신호의 주파수와 발진기 출력 신호의 주파수를 비교하고, 클럭 계산 방법을 통해 32MHz의 참조 클럭을 합성합니다. 발진기는 주파수 분배기가 있는 링 발진기 (RO)로 구성되며, 32/72/80MHz의 세 가지 주파수를 제공합니다. 제안된 주파수 합성기는 0.61 mm2의 영역을 차지하며 55-nm CMOS 공정을 사용하여 설계되었습니다. 재생성 증폭기 (RA)가 있는 전체 클럭 복구는 0.9V의 공급으로 1.678mW를 소비합니다. This thesis presents a crystal-less reference clock recovery (CR) frequency synthesizer with calibration for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Smarttag application with the operating frequency of 32, 72, and 80MHz. Unlike conventional frequency synthesizer, the proposed frequency synthesizer is composed without external components. By receiving minimum input power through a single ended antenna -36dBm at 2.4065GHz signal, the proposed CR synthesizes frequency using RF signal received by Regenerative Amplifier (RA). It enables the system to generate reference clock without crystal. The received signal is amplified by RA and propagated to the 16-bit Automatic Clock Calibration (ACC) circuit. ACC compares the frequency of received signal and the oscillator output signal, synthesizing reference clock of 32MHz by clock calculation method. Oscillator is composed of Ring Oscillator (RO) with Frequency Divider, and provides three numbers of frequency, 32/72/80MHz for diverse blocks. The proposed frequency synthesizer occupy area of 0.61 mm2 and is designed using a 55-nm CMOS process. Total clock recovery with RA consumes 1.678mW with the supply of 0.9V.

      • (A) comparison of spatio-temporal smoothing methods for small area estimation in complex survey data

        Jung, Heesun Graduate School, Yonsei University 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        Sample surveys are widely used to obtain data representative of the population, because it is economically infeasible to obtain detailed data about all of the individuals in a nation. However, a significant problem with survey data is that it is difficult to produce reliable estimates for small areas, because of insufficient data. Therefore many spatial smoothing methods have been suggested to produce reliable estimates of the characteristics of areas with small sample sizes. Also, as healthcare surveys are usually conducted over time, it is important to use accumulated data to show time trends or patterns over years, while producing reliable estimators. In this paper, we report on our work in extending a spatial smoothing method for small area estimation (SAE) in survey data to a space-time situation, and we compare SAE methods using simulation studies and the application of real data. SAE methods can be classified into two main categories: model-based methods and design-based methods. We used the Horvitz-Thompson estimator (Horvitz and Thompson, 1952), the most widely used design-based method, as the design-based method. For the model-based method, five model-based methods described by Mercer (2014) (Naive binomial, Logit-normal, Arcsine, Pseudo-likelihood approach, Effective sample size) were used. In simulation study, we compared SAE methods considering various population, prevalence and sampling scenarios. All model-based methods provided estimates close to true prevalence than HT estimator in space-time situation. Also, estimates tended to be unstable when spatial correlation exist and population has a higher prevalence, regardless of SAE methods and time trends. For the three different models of temporal random effects, there was only a small difference between models. A design-based method using sample weights is the most widely used method for the survey data. However, as for small area estimation, it is more appropriate to use a smoothing method which uses adjacent spatial information than a design-based method in terms of the accuracy of the estimates. In this paper, we showed that a spatial smoothing method can be extended to a situation with space-time structure reflecting time trends and showing patterns over years, while producing a reliable estimator.

      • Crystal Structure of Trapped Non-conjugated Carbon Radical within Suprachannel

        Cho, Yoon Jung 부산대학교 대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        탄소 라디칼을 안전하게 저장하는 것과 그 구조를 규명하는 것은 다양한 화학 반응에 있어서 중요한 해결방안으로서 지난 몇 세기간 각광받아온 분야이다. 본 연구에서는 구조가 규명된 전례가 없는 iodomethyl 라디칼을 아연(II)착물의 Suprachannel속에 안정화시킴으로써 그 구조를 규명하였다. 본 연구에서는 에스테르 결합을 가지는 유기 리간드인 2,3-bis(isonicotonoyloxy)naphthalene (L)와 ZnI2를 자기조립법을 통해 반응시켜 블록모양의 결정을 얻었다.. 이는 X-선 회절분석을 이용하여 3차원 구조를 해석하였다. 아연(II) 고리이합체의 골격구조는 나프틸기 사이의 π∙∙∙π 상호작용에 의해 서로 맞물리면서 독특한 기둥형태의 suprachannel을 형성한다. 반응 용매로 사용된 diiodomethane 용매가 host물질로 suprachannel 내부에 안정화어 CH2I2@[ZnI2L]2·2CH2I2한 구조를 가진다. CH2I2@[ZnI2L]2·2CH2I2 결정을 350 nm 자외선을 조사시키게 되면 (0.3 •CH2I + 0.85 I2)@[ZnI2L]2·2CH2I2 결정으로 단결정간 광반응에 의한 구조변환이 일어나게 되며, 단결정 회절 분석을 통하여 구조를 규명하였다. 결정의 색상은 연한 노랑색에서 진한 고동색으로 변화하며, 350 nm의 자외선 조사로 채널 내부의 CH2I2만이 iodomethyl radical (•CH2I)과 요오드(I2)로 바뀌기 때문에, 결정 channel 내부의 CH2I2 분자와 channel 외부의 CH2I2 분자를 구별할 수 있으며 결정성과 suprachannel은 유지된다. Suprachannel 내부에 포획된 탄소 라디칼은 EPR, 13C CP-MAS-NMR, UPS, Raman 스펙트럼을 통해서도 규명되었다.

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