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      • Using test of intransitivity to compare competing static and dynamic models of intertemporal choice

        Dai, Junyi Indiana University 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247391

        Most traditional research on intertemporal choice assumes a deterministic, static, and alternative-wise perspective, leading to the widely adopted delay discounting paradigm. Recently, however, Dai and Busemeyer (2014) demonstrated that intertemporal choice is probabilistic, dynamic, and attribute-wise in nature, and they developed an attribute-wise diffusion model to account for these properties. This dissertation advances the previous research. Specifically, two new experiments with different types of intertemporal choice questions and an even more extensive comparison of competing static and dynamic models were conducted to further examine the relevant properties and look for a more comprehensive cognitive model of intertemporal choice. The results of the first experiment indicated that the probabilistic, dynamic, and attribute-wise nature of intertemporal choice was supported under both conditions when the SS options occurred immediately or were delayed options. In addition, the results of the second experiment indicated that most participants showed transitive intertemporal preferences in terms of weak stochastic transitivity. The extensive model comparison led to an overall best model which was a generalization of the diffusion model with direct differences as advocated in Dai and Busemeyer. This model can account for all the effects and phenomena examined in this dissertation, including the delay duration effect, the common difference effect (and its reversal), the magnitude effect, and the potential intransitivity of intertemporal choice, as well as the marginal and conditional relationships between choice proportions and response times observed in individual data as a demonstration of the dynamic nature of intertemporal choice. Furthermore, this model can be conveniently extended to intertemporal choice between losses and account for the relevant gain-loss asymmetry. Consequently, it is recommended as a replacement for the existing models of intertemporal choice which assume a deterministic, static, and alternative-wise perspective on the topic.

      • Russia painting of the art culture phenomenon in the end of 19c : Moon, Young Dai

        Moon, Young Dai Herzen State Pedagogical Univ. of Russia 1997 해외박사

        RANK : 247373

        1. 본 논문의 연구결과가 갖는 특징 본 논문에는 19세기 말 예술문화 요인으로서의 러시아 회화(繪畵)가 갖는 학술적 근거가 여러 사조들의 상호 모순과 예술문화 발전의 당위성의 맥락에서 다뤄져 있다. 여기에서 본 논문의 참신성은 러시아 회화의 발전이 다음과 같은 세가지 관점에서 간파되어져 있다. 즉 광범위한 문화 전반적 관점, 이보다 좀더 구체적인 것으로써 예술문화적 관점, 그리고 완전히 구체적인 관점(회화예술만을 다루는 관점)이다. 러시아 문화에서의 정신적 가치의 모색, 그리고 러시아 회화에서의 동방정교의 이상실현이 갖는 독특성에 특별한 의미가 두어졌다. 2. 연구 결과의 가치 본 논문에서 씌여진 19세기 말 러시아 회화의 문화학적 분석은 문화의 세가지 위상의 합일체를 언급해 주고 있으며, 이는 자연과 사회, 그리고 문화자체에 대한 인간의 관계를 통해 보여지고 있다. 이를 구체적으로 살펴보면 1)19세기 말 러시아 사회·문화적 상황이 분석되었다. 2)러시아 회화예술의 높은 "바상"및 이의 에술문화 현실에 대한 역영향을 정립시킨 문화발전의 주의한 과정들이 설명되었다. 3)해당시기 러시아회화의 근원및 사적(史蹟)이 고찰되었다. 4)19세기 러시아 회화의 현상학이 문화학적 측면에서 기술되었다. 5)러시아 회화에 깃들인 정신적측면의 내용, 그 독특성, 그리고 이를 자연, 사회, 문화, 삶의 의미, 인간 및 국가의 발전경로 모색과 결부시켜 이해하는 이해방식의 특징이 간파되었다. 6)감상자들에 대한 새로운 사상의 고취, 러시아 회화의 발전과 예술문화 전체와의 상관관계 등에서 나타나는 미술가의 문화적 역할이 명시되었다. 7)가장 훌륭한 러시아회화 작품들 및 그 독창적 의미가 묘사되었다.(예술학적 견지에서) 8)러시아회화와 그 의미를 세계문화의 출중한 현상으로서 인정하도록하는 기지의 사실들 및 새로운 사실들과 증거들이 제기되었다. 3. 본 논문의 주체와 학술 연구 계획과의 관계 본 논문의 주제는 러시아계르젠 국립사범대학교 예술문화과의 러시아 예술문화 교육을 주제로 한 학술연구 작업계획에 포함되는 것이다. 표명된 모든 학술적 명제들와 결론들은 학술적 분석 논리에 이해 명백히 증명되었고 이의 보다 전면적이고 상세한 이해를 위해 많은 회화작품들이 일러스트레이션으로 첨부되었으며, 철학적·미학적 분석론 및 해당주제의 전문학술서적들에 의해 확고화 되었다.

      • 미중 무역 분쟁이 중국 반도체 무역에 미치는 영향

        DAI ZIHAN 충북대학교 일반대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        Since establishing diplomatic relations, China's reform and opening up have led to a steady increase in bilateral trade with the United States. As China's economy progresses towards high-quality development and implements the "14th Five-Year Plan", the economic gap between the two countries has narrowed, with China's GDP reaching 70% of the U.S. GDP. However, China's growing trade surplus with the U.S. has shifted their relationship from cooperation to competition, resulting in escalating trade frictions. These frictions extend across various sectors, especially in future development areas like artificial intelligence and 5G, where semiconductor technology is crucial. Given that the United States holds key semiconductor technology patents, it has the capability to impede China's future development. Therefore, it is imperative for China to enhance international exchanges and research and development of advanced technologies to mitigate adverse impacts on its future development. In this context, China's semiconductor trade becomes particularly significant. This study examines the impact of Sino-U.S. trade frictions on China's semiconductor industry. Using panel data from 2015 to 2022, a gravity model analyzed China's semiconductor trade with 143 countries. Sino-U.S. trade frictions and the U.S. Section 337 investigation were key independent variables. A random effects model in STATA 17.0 was used to analyze overall semiconductor trade, integrated circuits, and D-O-S devices. Virtual variables for OECD and Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) countries differentiated regional effects. The study also assessed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on semiconductor trade amid Sino-U.S. trade tensions. The research findings reveal that Sino-U.S. trade frictions and the Section 337 investigation have significantly negative effects on China's semiconductor, integrated circuit, and D-O-S device trade with third countries. From the perspective of economic development, Sino-U.S. trade frictions and the Section 337 investigation have restrained China's semiconductor trade with OECD countries/BRI countries. Specifically, virtual variables for OECD countries have a promoting effect on integrated circuit trade, while those for BRI countries have minimal impact on semiconductor trade. Despite the moderation of Sino-U.S. trade frictions, the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic-induced lockdown policies continue to impede China's overall semiconductor, integrated circuit, and D-O-S device trade. The Section 337 investigation significantly inhibits overall semiconductor and D-O-S device trade, but its impact on integrated circuits is less pronounced. Additionally, it was observed that the virtual variable representing the COVID-19 pandemic has a significant promoting effect on integrated circuit trade, while its impact on overall semiconductor trade and D-O-S device trade is less evident. Key words: China-U.S. trade friction,patent trade barriers,gravity model of trad e,semiconductor trade. * A thesis for the degree of Master in August 2024.

      • Application of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of biofilm as an index to indicate water environment in rivers and streams

        Dai Wei 경희대학교 대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        Along with the development of life quality, people pay more attention to monitoring of rivers and streams. Except for measuring water quality, using bioindicators becomes a common method, especially, the benthic diatom. It is easy to collect, and its community can be maintained relatively for a long time in the water. Recently, stable isotope analysis is also widely used for monitoring water changes, which not only can provide a chemical outline of food web structure, but also trace the nutrients sources. However, for monitoring water quality, most of the studies focus on stable isotope ratios of macroinvertebrates, fish, or macrophyte rather than benthic biofilm which includes dominant diatom species. In this study, we test the applicability of stable isotope ratios of benthic biofilm to monitor water quality changes in small and large rivers. At first, we aim to detect stable isotope ratios of biofilm whether can indicate the changes of water quality compared with traditional approaches (water quality parameters and diatom indices) in small rivers and streams. Dual δ13C and δ15N values showed a stepwise distribution based on land type. δ15N enriched in urban rivers and depleted in non-pollution rivers, and the agricultural rivers mediated. The results suggested δ13C values could be affected by seasonal changes and δ15N can increase following by the nutrients accumulation. CCA analysis result showed δ13C related to diatom indices and δ15N related to water quality characteristics. Dual δ13C and δ15N could be a good indicator to monitor river changes both water quality and species aspects. Then, we test the applicability in large regulated rivers based on the study of small rivers. Comparing small rivers and large rivers, we suggested the main nutrient sources of the large river could be speculated by the land type of small rivers. Additionally, we found the weirs led to δ13C of biofilm changes between upstream and downstream. The result showed stable isotope ratios of biofilm were sensitive to monitor river changes. As a conclusion, carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes could be a good indicator to monitor river environmental changes. For the small rivers, δ13C and δ15N could be divided by land type, for the large rivers, we could speculate the main nutrients sources of the river based on tributary changes.

      • Association analysis of tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) polymorphisms and haplotypes with osteonecrosis of femoral head in Korean population : 한국인에서 TFPI 유전자의 다형성과 대퇴골두무혈성괴사증 발생과의 연관성 분석연구

        Dai, Xuelian 경북대학교 대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        Thrombophilia and hypofibrinolysis have been implicated in the pathogenesis of osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH). Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), a multivalent protease inhibitor, is an important regulator of the tissue factor (TF)-mediated blood coagulation pathway. Mutations of the TFPI gene can increase the risk of thrombin generation and venous thrombosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of the TFPI gene polymorphisms with ONFH. All exons and their boundaries including the -1,500bp promoter region of TFPI gene were directly sequenced in 24 Korean individuals and four sequence variants were identified. These four polymorphisms (-51096 G>A (C-399T), -50984A>G (T-287C), +24999A>G (Int7 -33T>C), +37339T>A) were genotyped in 474 ONFH patients and 349 control subjects. Association analysis of genotyped single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and haplotypes with ONFH was performed. The association of genotyped SNPs with ONFH was not found in the present study. Haplotype (AAAT) of TFPI was significantly associated with total, alcohol- and idiopathic ONFH (P=0.003, 0.021, and 0.007, respectively). Also, haplotype (GAAT) was significantly associated with total and idiopathic ONFH (P=0.02 and 0.009, respectively). In addition, a new SNP +37339 T>A in 3’-UTR of TFPI gene was found in the Korean population. To date, this study is the first report that shows the haplotypes of the TFPI gene were associated with an increased susceptibility of ONFH in the Korean population. The results suggest that genetic variations in TFPI may play an important role in the pathogenesis and risk factor of ONFH.

      • 한·중 스마트 도시 정책 비교분석 연구 : 부산시와 상해시 사례 비교

        DAI WEI 홍익대학교 대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        스마트도시는 정보통신기술(ICT)을 활용해 도시 관리와 서비스를 최적화하고, 주민의 삶의 질과 지속가능성을 향상시키는 미래기술전략의 중요한 플랫폼이다. 이를 통해 교통 혼잡과 에너지 소비를 줄이는 것은 물론, 환경 모니터링과 스마트 헬스케어 시스템을 통해 시민 건강을 실시간으로 관리하는 등 다양한 혜택을 제공한다. 이러한 스마트도시의 발전은 국가경쟁력을 강화하고 도시 문제를 해결하는 중요한 전략으로 자리 잡고 있다. 현재 많은 국가가 스마트도시를 통해 지속 가능한 미래도시를 구축하기 위해 노력하고 있으며, 이는 환경 보호, 자원 관리, 시민 안전 등 다양한 분야에서 큰 영향을 미치고 있다. 그러나 국가마다 지리적 위치와 추진 과정에 따라 스마트도시의 발전 양상은 다르며, 한국과 중국의 스마트도시 정책 추진과 성과에 대한 비교 연구는 아직 부족한 실정이다. 한국과 중국을 비교하게 된 이유는 두 나라 모두 IT 기술이 발달하고 첨단기술 발전에 집중하고 있으며, 지리적으로도 비슷한 위치에 있기 때문이다. 또한, 사례 도시로 비교분석하는 부산과 상해시는 각각 한국과 중국의 제2의 도시이며, 항만을 끼고 발전해온 도시로서 지리적, 역사적 배경이 비슷하여 비교 대상으로 선정되었다. 본 연구는 문헌 조사, 국가 정책 비교, 사례 비교를 통해 한국과 중국의 스마트도시 정책의 발전 과정, 정책목표와 중점과제, 정책 성과 및 변화, 정책 성과에 대한 평가의 네 가지 부분을 비교분석하였다. 또한 이러한 정책의 실현성을 분석하기 위해 한국의 부산시와 중국의 상해시를 사례로 들어 두 도시의 스마트도시 구축 현황을 비교 분석하였다. 한국과 중국의 스마트도시 정책은 몇 가지 유사점과 차이점을 보인다. 유사점으로는 양국 모두 도시 관리의 효율성 제고, 데이터와 기술 활용, 시민 삶의 질 향상을 주요 목표로 스마트도시 건설을 추진하고 있으며 5개년 계획을 통해 장기적인 비전과 목표를 설정하고 이를 달성하기 위한 구체적인 정책과 중점과제를 수립하고 있다. 특히, 정보기술을 통한 도시 관리 시스템의 현대화와 통합 도시 데이터 플랫폼 구축을 통해 도시 관리의 효율성을 높이는 데 중점을 두고 있다. 차이점으로 한국의 스마트도시 정책은 2008년부터 시작되어 입법을 통해 기준과 법적 기반을 마련하고, 시민 참여와 지역 실증사업, 기술 혁신, 국제 협력, 데이터 투명성에 중점을 두고 있다. 반면, 중국은 2012년부터 Top-down 접근 방식으로 5개년 계획에 따라 대규모 스마트도시와 인프라를 개발하며, 경제 성장과 기술 통합을 통해 도시 문제를 해결하고자 하였다. 한국과 중국의 대표적인 스마트도시인 부산시와 상해시도 스마트도시 구축에 있어 몇 가지 공통점과 차이점을 보인다. 두 도시 모두 도시 관리의 효율성 제고와 시민 서비스 향상을 목표로 하고 있으며 지능형 교통 시스템과 데이터 플랫폼 구축을 통해 도시 문제를 해결하려는 공통된 목적을 가지고 있다. 또한, 두 도시는 국제 스마트도시 지수에서 높은 평가를 받고 있으며, 각각의 국가에서 시범 도시로 선정되어 다양한 혁신적인 기술과 시스템을 시험하고 있다. 한편, 차이점으로 부산시는 지방 정부의 주도로 스마트도시 구축을 시작하였으며 민간기업과 시민의 적극적인 참여를 통한 유연성과 협력을 강조하였다. 특히, 환경 보호와 지속 가능한 발전에 중점을 두고 스마트 그리드 시스템을 도입하여 에너지 비용 절감과 재생 에너지 사용을 늘리고자 하였다. 리빙랩, 규제 샌드박스, 플러그인 도시와 같은 혁신 생태계를 구축하여 시민 참여와 기업 협력을 촉진하고 있다. 반면 상해시는 첨단 기술을 활용하여 고도로 통합된 도시 스마트화를 추진하고 있으며, 지능형 교통 시스템과 자율주행 기술을 통해 교통 문제를 해결하고자 시도하고 있다. 또한 대규모 인프라 개발 및 정부 주도의 프로젝트를 통해 스마트도시를 건설하고, 접근 방식은 중앙 정부 주도의 Top-down 방식으로, 대규모 자원 투입과 빠른 기술 통합을 특징으로 한다. 연구 결과, 두 도시의 사례에서 스마트도시의 성공적인 구현이 명확한 정책 지원과 분리될 수 없음을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한, 스마트도시는 기술 혁신을 통해 환경 오염, 교통 혼잡, 인구 고령화, 일자리 부족 문제를 해결할 뿐만 아니라 지능형 수단을 통해 도시 거버넌스의 현대화도 강화시킬 수 있다. 더불어, 스마트도시 건설 과정에서는 지속 가능한 발전과 시민 삶의 질 향상에 더 많은 관심을 기울여 모든 도시 거주자에게 혜택을 제공하고, 또한 미래 도시화의 도전에 함께 대응하며, 더 지능적이고 지속 가능한 발전 경로를 모색할 것을 제안한다. Smart cities are gaining global attention as a crucial platform in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The primary goal of these cities is to optimize urban management and services using information and communication technology (ICT), thereby improving the quality of life for residents and enhancing urban sustainability. Through this approach, smart cities are emerging as an effective solution to various issues caused by rapid urbanization. Smart cities offer numerous benefits, such as reducing traffic congestion through intelligent transportation systems, decreasing energy consumption through energy efficiency measures, and managing air and water quality through environmental monitoring systems. Additionally, smart healthcare systems can significantly enhance residents' quality of life by monitoring health status in real-time and providing prompt medical services. The construction of smart cities is a vital strategy for strengthening national competitiveness and addressing urban problems. Many countries are striving to build sustainable future cities through smart city initiatives, which have significant impacts in various areas, including environmental protection, resource management, and citizen safety. However, the development patterns of smart cities vary depending on geographical location and implementation processes, and there is still a lack of comparative research on the smart city policies and outcomes of South Korea and China. This study examines four aspects of smart city policies in South Korea and China through literature review, policy comparison, and case studies: development process, policy objectives and key tasks, policy outcomes and changes, and evaluation of policy outcomes. Using Busan in South Korea and Shanghai in China as examples, the study compares and analyzes the current status of smart city development in these two cities. The smart city policies of South Korea and China show several similarities and differences. Both countries aim to enhance urban management efficiency, utilize data and technology, and improve citizens' quality of life. They set long-term visions and goals through five-year plans and establish specific policies and key tasks to achieve these objectives. Both countries focus on modernizing urban management systems and building integrated urban data platforms using information technology. South Korea's smart city policy began in 2008, establishing clear standards and a legal basis through legislation. It combines a top-down and bottom-up approach, emphasizing citizen participation and local pilot projects, and focusing on technological innovation and international cooperation. The policy highlights citizen participation and data transparency in building smart cities. In contrast, China has been gradually implementing pilot projects and constructing large-scale smart cities through a top-down approach since 2012, following five-year plans. The focus is on large-scale infrastructure development and government-led projects, aiming to solve urban problems through economic growth and technological integration. Busan and Shanghai, the representative smart cities of South Korea and China, respectively, also show some commonalities and differences in their smart city development. Both cities aim to enhance urban management efficiency and improve citizen services, with shared objectives of addressing urban issues through intelligent transportation systems and data platform construction. Both cities are highly rated in international smart city indices and serve as pilot cities in their respective countries, testing various innovative technologies and systems. Busan began building a smart city under the leadership of the local government, emphasizing flexibility and cooperation through active participation from private companies and citizens. The city focuses on environmental protection and sustainable development, introducing a smart grid system to reduce energy costs and increase the use of renewable energy. It fosters citizen participation and corporate cooperation by establishing an innovative ecosystem with living labs, regulatory sandboxes, and plug-in cities. Shanghai is promoting highly integrated urban smartization using advanced technologies, addressing traffic issues through intelligent transportation systems and autonomous driving technologies. The city focuses on developing the digital economy and integrating urban and industrial sectors, constructing a smart city through large-scale infrastructure development and government-led projects. The top-down approach led by the central government is characterized by large-scale resource input and rapid technological integration. The study results confirm that the successful implementation of smart cities cannot be separated from clear policy support. Smart cities need to strengthen urban governance modernization through intelligent means while solving environmental pollution, traffic congestion, population aging, and job shortage problems through technological innovation. The smart city construction process should pay more attention to sustainable development and improving the quality of life for citizens, ensuring that technological advances benefit all urban residents. It also suggests that global cities should jointly address the challenges of future urbanization, seeking a more intelligent and sustainable development path.

      • Characterization and functional analysis of methionine sulfoxide reductase A gene family in tomato

        Dai, Changbo Kangwon National Univ. 2012 국내박사

        RANK : 247359

        We identified four methionine sulfoxide reductase A (MSRA) genes, termed SlMSRA2 (NCBI accession number, JN033214), SlMSRA3 (JN102297), SlMSRA4 (JN102298), and SlMSRA5 (JN102299), from Micro-Tom (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Micro-Tom) via Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) procedure. Exon/Intron distribution assays indicated that the gene sequence of SlMSRA2, SlMSRA3, and SlMSRA4 contained two exons and one intron in the tomato genome, while the coding sequence of SlMSRA5 was interrupted by three introns. Sequence alignments showed that the sequences of tomato MSRA (except for MSRA5) contained the conserved catalytic site ‘GCFW’ motif, and C-terminal ‘DPIRCYG’ region which is unique to plant MSRAs. Subcellular localization assays revealed SlMSRA2-GFP was transported to the whole cell, SlMSRA3-GFP and SlMSRA4-GFP localized to plastids, while SlMSRA5-GFP was probably targeted to secretory pathway. SlMSRA gene family existed as low copies in the tomato genome based on Southern blot results. Although SlMSRA2 and E4 gene (one of ethylene-inducible gene) shared a similarity of 93.4% in terms of their amino acid sequences, the expression levels were remarkably different based on organ-specific expression analysis. Moreover, SlMSRA3 and SlMSRA4 were abundant in the leaves while SlMSRA5 was expressed weak in most of organs examined. In addition, tomato MSRA2 gene was expressed in a contrary manner after treatment with SA and ABA elicitors, suggesting that SlMSRA2 might be implicated in JA-associated defense pathway. In contrast, the transcript level of SlMSRA4 was accumulated under ABA treatment, but not accumulated with addition of SA, indicating that SlMSRA4 gene is related to an ABA-dependent pathway. The expression patterns of SlMSRAs, which were affected in a distinct manner by various environmental stresses, revealed that tomato MSRA genes might be involved in different stress defense pathway. MSRA is a ubiquitous enzyme that has been proposed to reduce the S enantiomer of methionine sulfoxide (MetSO) to methionine (Met). To confirm the stereospecificity of tomato MSRAs, the coding sequences of SlMSRAs were subcloned into pET 28a(+) and pET 22b expression systems. HPLC assays suggested that the purified SlMSRA2, SlMSRA3, and SlMSRA4 proteins could reduce both free and protein-bound Met-S-SO back to Met, but did not utilize Met-R-SO as a substrate. Recombinant SlMSRA4 exhibited the highest affinity for Met-S-SO and its catalytic efficiency (Kcat/Km) was 3-fold higher than that of SlMSRA2 and 6.5-fold higher than SlMSRA3 in the DTT-dependent reduction system. However, the activity of purified SlMSRA5 was not detected in this system even in the high concentration of recombinant proteins. In addition, the optimal pH was observed between 8.0-8.5 for SlMSRA2, 7.5 for SlMSRA3, and 8.0 for SlMSRA4. The appreciate temperature for SlMSRA2, SlMSRA3, and SlMSRA4 were detected to be approximate 28oC, 20oC, and 36oC, respectively. To investigate MSRAs activities in the presence of endogenous reductants, two key reduction components i.e. thioredoxin h (Trx h) and NTR (NADPH-dependent Trx reductase), were recombinantly expressed in pET expression system. Insulin and DTNB reduction analysis of recombinant Trx h and NTR revealed that both proteins could function as electron donors for targeted enzymes such as MSRs. To demonstrate the catalytic mechanism of E4 and SlMSRA2, site-directed mutagenesis was performed to construct SlMSRA2 and E4 variants. The disulfide intermolecular cross-linking, kinetics parameter, thiol content titration analysis of wild-type and mutated E4 proteins revealed that the cysteine (Cys) at position 37 (Cys-37) was the key catalytic residue, and Cys-194, but not Cys-180 served as the first recycling Cys in the thioredoxin (Trx)-dependent regeneration system. For SlMSRA2 protein, which was encoded by another MSRA gene, shared high similarity with the E4 protein and was truncated at the C-terminus. The wild-type and mutated SlMSRA2 enzymes had similar activities compared to the E4 protein using DTT as a reductant, but showed extremely low activities in the Trx-dependent reduction system. Our results indicated that E4 and SlMSRA2 proteins might exhibit distinct catalytic mechanisms. In addition, the roles of SlMSRA5 in response to abiotic stress were investigated by generation of transgenic yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and Arabidopsis. The results indicated that SlMSRA5 gene might perform important functions in root development and protection of the plants and yeasts against various stresses.

      • Methods for Determining Consensus in Large Collectives

        Dai Tho Dang 영남대학교 대학원 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 247359

        Nowadays, consensus or collective knowledge plays an essential role in our life. The rapid development of information technology and its applications lead to the size of collectives is increasing. Determining the consensus for large collectives is very time and cost consuming. Thus, in this dissertation, we propose methods to solve this problem. In the MCM (Multi-step Consensus Method), a large collective is horizontally divided into smaller collectives. Then, a consensus-based algorithm is used to determine the consensus for each smaller collective. These consensuses are considered as members of a new collective. These steps are repeated until a specified number of steps are completed. Finally, the consensus of the large collective is found. The MCM's computational complexity is much smaller than 62.5% that of the BCM (Basic Consensus Method). This percentage rapidly reduces if we increase the number of smaller collectives. In the VPM (Vertical Partition Method), a primary collective is vertically partitioned into small parts. Then, a consensus-based algorithm is used to find the consensus for each smaller part. Finally, the consensus of the primary collective is determined based on the consensuses of the smaller parts. The computational complexity of the VPM is at least 57.2% smaller than that of the BCM. This percentage reduces quickly if the number of smaller parts increases. The consensus of binary vector collectives appears in many fields, such as distributed networks, transport systems, e-commerce, bioinformatics, medicines. The fastest algorithm's computational complexity to determine the consensus for such collectives in previous is O(m^2 n). Therefore, we develop a quick algorithm with the computational complexity of O(mn) for this task. This algorithm is efficient to deal with a large collective.

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