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      • Serotonin 및 Dopamine 受容體 遮斷劑가 白鼠의 Schedule-induced polydipsia에 미치는 影響

        이경규 慶熙大學校 1999 국내박사

        RANK : 1839

        본 연구는 현재까지 알려진 강박장애의 가설들 중 serotonin-dopamine 상호작용 가설에 주목하여, 최근에 개발되 serotonin과 dopamine을 동시에 차단하는 것으로 알려진 비정형 항정신병약물(atypical antipsychotics)의 하나인 olanzapine을 이용하여 강박장애 동물모형에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. 그리고 백서에서 SIP를 형성시키고 나서, 백서의 신경절 후 5-HT₂수용체를 단독으로 차단하는 약용량과 신경절후 5-HT₂와 D₂수용체를 동시에 차단하는 약용량을 장기투여 하여 SIP 동물행동에 이들이 각각 어떠한 영향을 주는지 알아보았다. 한편, 강박장애에 유효하다고 입증된 SSRI로서 fluoxetine을 비교 투여하였다. 이러한 실험을 통하여 첫째, fluoxetine에 대한 다음증의 변화를 관찰하여 SIP 동물모형이 약물투여연구에 합당한 모형인지, 또한 SIP 동물모형이 뇌수용체와 serotonin 또는 dopamine 수용체중 어떤 수용체에 주로 반응하는 동물모형인지를 알아보고자 하였다. 둘째, serotonin 단독차단과 serotonin-dopamine 동시차단이 강박행동에 미치는 영향을 비교하여 현재까지 알려진 강박장애에 관한 생물학적 원인론에서 serotonin과 dopamine의 역할을 간접적으로 규명하고자 하였다. 셋째, 강박장애의 치료적 접근에 있어 serotonin과 dopamine 수용체를 동시에 차단하는 약물들의 임상적 적용 가능성을 뒷받침하고자 하였다.

      • 조기상환 함수를 이용한 MBS 가치산정에 관한 연구

        李炅奎 亞州大學校 大學院 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        본 논문에서는 MBS의 가치평가에 있어서 핵심적인 요인인 조기상환 함수을 측정하기 위해 차입자의 조기상환 행태를 예측하는 조기상환 함수를 Schwartz-Torous(1989)가 사용한 Proportional Hazards 모델을 사용하여 이자율 기간구조, 조기상환 존재 시 가치와 단순 원리금 상각 만을 고려한 가치의 비율, 계절적 요인 등의 다양한 설명변수가 설명해 주는 통계적인 조기상환 함수를 한국주택저당유동화주식회사의 데이터와 결합하여 매 시점에서의 조기상환 확률을 구현하여 투자자에게로 현금흐름을 추정해 보고, MBS를 구성하는 각 모기지(Mortgage)의 이자율 경로가 의존적이라는 특성을 고려해 이에 적합한 몬테-카를로(Monte-Carlo) 시뮬레이션을 이용해 각 시점을 이자율을 산출하여 이를 먼저 구해진 다양한 동기의 조기상환 행태가 고려된 현금흐름을 할인하여 최종적으로 연체위험까지 반영된 MBS의 가치를 구해 보았다. This paper estimates the mortgagor’s prepayment, which is the most important factor in the valuation of Mortgage-Back Securities, by using Schwartz and Torous’ Proportional Hazards Model. This Model can explain the combinational influence on the mortgagor’s prepayment decision by introducing various explanatory variables and covariates, for example the spread between long-term interest and short-term interest, the effect of previous prepayment and seasonality etc. By integrating KoMoCo’s empirical prepayment into the prepayment function, we get a probability of prepaying at each point and calculate the cash flow into the investors for MBS. And considering that the interest process of MBS is path-dependent, the interest rates are generated by Monte-Carlo Simulation at each point. Finally, through adding delay risk, this paper provides the complete value of MBS, which is the discounted total cash flow by the interest rates.

      • Binary CDMA를 이용한 車輛 多重配線 시스템 설계 및 구현

        이경규 忠南大學校 大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        Multi-code CDMA(MC/CDMA) system is a good way of sending multi-channel data through a single-wired or wireless physical channel. The end-product signal of the baseband transmitter of MC/CDMA system has multi-levels since the binary data signals are multiplied by spreading codes and eventually summed up. When the number of data channels is increased, the number of multi-levels is also increased. For example, if there are 251 data channels with spreading factor of 256, the number of multi-levels is 252. A new technology was reported by Ryu, et al. [1]. Since the probability of occurrence of levels differs, through clipping they send only a few levels that have high probability of occurrence. In this paper, we show that the above clipping method yields large transmission errors when the number of data channels is large. We suggest a new method of reducing the number of multi-levels drastically. In the above example of 251 channels, we only choose 8 levels out of 252 multi-levels using a non-uniform quantization. The chosen 8 multi-levels are PCM coded with three bits in turn and finally binary signals are transmitted. This method is one of binary CDMA technologies. The binary CDMA technology is then applied to the automotive multiplexed wiring system. Through this way, a multiplexed (maximum 250:1) wiring system is suggested. The validity of the proposed method is verified through computer simulations and FPGA implementation.

      • 歷史學習資料로서의 歷史地圖에 관한 調査 分析

        이경규 경북대학교 교육대학원 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        Historical maps are one of the most important materials in historical learning materials. The historical atlas contains many of historical maps, summaries or graphs, photographs. Therefore, it is remarkably important learning material in history teaching. Thus, the historical atlas is helpful to school education when it is used with textbook. The intent of this study is to comparatively analyze historical maps contained in the middle and high school "Korean History" textbooks and seven kinds of "High School Historical Atlas". The results of this study are as follows; 1.Relative importance of periodical classification in the middle and high school "horean History" textbooks is concentrated in the ancient times. 2.Relative importance of sphere classification in the middle and high school "Korean History" textbooks is expressed political, economical and cultural parts in order. 3.In the middle and high school " Korean History", textbooks, the same kinds of historical naps are overlapped a lot. 4.Because the present "High school Historical Atlas" is published separately compared with prior "High School Atlas", papers and contents are increased a lot. 5.Analyzing the, printed papers composition in the " High School Historical Atlas", to mention the contents of both "Korean History" and of U World History" concurrently is helpful for a learner. 6.Because " High School Historical Atlas" in seven kinds of "High School ' Historical Atlas" is one of comprehensive materials, " C Historical Atlas" may be relatively helpful. 7.From a point of in the "Korean History" unit composition of seven kinds of "High School Historical Atlas"," F,D Historical Atlas" can be useful.

      • 초등학교 고학년의 동시 쓰기 지도방안 연구

        이경규 순천대학교 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        As there are obvious difference in each child's ability for juvenile poem writing, while some children express properly their thinking on poem, others don't clarify line or verse. To cope with the difference of ability, we try to develop children's ability for juvenile poem writing by cooperative learning of each circle. As we teach them juvenile poem writing by cooperative learning of each circle, Park-Yeongmok's process central writing model is applied to the concrete steps. Generating idea through brain storming strategy, structuring idea through bundle making strategy, expressing through draft writing strategy and corrective writing through conference and correction were the process of the step, where the type of cooperative learning of each circle was applied to generating idea and corrective writing levels. Idea generating activity through cooperative learning of each circle was successful to make lots of idea with variety of experience of children and cooperative relation of schemers, and make children's ability to find idea from circumstance of them expanded. Small circles were composed after investigating children's interest rate for juvenile poem and condition checking through pre-test that how much children know about basic concept of poem and how fairly they could write poem. First of all, 'poem reading room' corner was set up and run, and then, we made them do memory reading by selecting 'this week's poem', and we made our effort to establish good class atmosphere by making and using illustrated poems for each circle. For next procedure, we test them after teaching three line poem writing, writing poem by dividing paragraph into lines and verses, making parody that exchange some part of poem to other words after presenting a poem, writing poem for a subject through cooperative learning of each circle and writing poem for free subject through cooperative learning of each circle. As a result of doing those, we found that children's interest rate for poem had remarkably been raised. For establishing basic concept, among various kinds of concept to be taught at elementary school, their ability to use metaphorical word, clarify line and verse and write poem with rhythm had largely been improved, thus, teaching method for poem writing through cooperative learning of each circle is useful way to make establishment of basic concept of poem for children. Even though teaching methods have been various by treating all the process of juvenile poem writing from idea generating to corrective writing on the study, any profound study at each process and structural strategy have not been accessible. Therefore, on the following study, various strategy to be applied to each process should be developed. Suggestions for the way of following study on the basis of the conclusion are as follows. Firstly, Children's way of thinking and imagination should not be restricted by teacher's way of thinking for poem on juvenile poem writing. Secondly, a teacher must support his pupils to feel a sense of closeness for juvenile poem by making them enjoy it and have more chances to be close to it, and the teacher shall make his every effort to strict vision of teaching, improve teaching methods so that children could be raised with right characters as they were pleased by expressing their feeling into juvenile poem.

      • 고령환자군의 뇌동맥류에 대한 혈관내 수술의 치료결과

        이경규 경북대학교 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        Objective : Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is known to have a high mortality rate and increase incidence by aging process. To old aged patients, treatment of cerebral aneurysm is controversial due to multiple factors, regarding underlying disease, life expectancy and treatment risk. We reviewed treatment outcome of the patients older than 65 years who had cerebral aneurysm (s) by using endovascular technique. Methods : Between 2000 and 2009, 177 patients who aged over 65 years were treated by endovascular management. Among them, 116 patients were presented with SAH and 61 patients were unruptured aneurysm. In SAH group, treatment outcome was evaluated by Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) at discharge and modified Rankin Scale (mRS) at 3 months. In unruptured aneurysm group, rocedure complication and recurrence of the cerebral aneurysm were evaluated. Results : 177 patients harbored 209 aneurysms in total. GOS for the patients with SAH at discharge was good recovery (n=82, 71%), mild disability (n=7, 6%), severe disability (n=18, 15%), vegetative (n=3, 3%) and death (n=6, 5%). Three months mRS was good condition (mRS 0-2) in 83 patients, poor condition (mRS 3-5) in 26 and death in 1. Regarding the factors related with good recovery in SAH groups, initial Hunt and Hess grade showed statistical significance. In the group of unruptured aneurysm, only 1 patient (1.6%) had a procedure rupture and related in symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage. Conclusion : Based upon our data, coil embolization of cerebral aneurysm was relatively safe and effective to older patients.

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