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      • 韓國 消防行政의 發展方向에 관한 硏究

        정정기 東亞大學校 經營大學院 1989 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Various kinds of disaster have been on tile increase, in proportion to the high development of economy and industry in Korea. Such a situation requires scientific and effective measures for the roles of fire service administration. However, the administration hasn't appropriately peformed to the demand of nowadays. This study aims at investigating the problems of the present fire service administration and suggesting some programs for its future development. To achieve this goal, this study covers such realms as organization, its function, and fire service capacities (government office, personnel, equipments and water supply), including a working environment for fire service activities. This study uses descriptive approach based on many official records, statistics, and Acts, with the help of comparative method for foreign countries fire service administration. The main body is divided into three chapters. Chapter Ⅱ examines the general aspects of the present fire service administration In Korea. This chapter is composed of five sections, which analyze the organization and system of the administration, the fire prevention and fire suppression administration. Fire restore and first-aid service for the civilian are also discussed. Chapter Ⅲ makes list of the problems of the present fire service administration based on Chapter Ⅱ. Even though fire service demand is increased and the aspects of fires become more diversfied, fire service capacities and budgetary allocations can't meet the requirement. Also, the organization of fire service administration reveals inconsistency and unreasonableness. The fire personnel suffers from an unfavorable working condition. Accordingly, there are many difficulties to perform the fire service activities successfully. Chapter Ⅳ suggests the development program for the fire service administration in Korea. First, the administration needs to be reorganized and enlarged. Secondly, fire service capacities and finance should be expanded and improved. Thirdly, the work of fire service is to be specialized and made scientific Fourthly, the urgent consideration is needed for raising morale of the fire personnel. To sum up, the role of fire service can't be overestimated in the modern society open to the various disaster. In consideration of the present situation, the most ideal development program is as follows : 1) to reorganize the fire service administration to satisfy fire service demand. 2) to expand the fire service capacities and finance. 3) to specialize the fire service duties scientifically. 4) to improve the working environment. It is understood that people in general have to pay more attention to the importance of fire service firelds, and that the decision-maker should make plan and carry it out constructively. Above all, every fire service personnel should make utmost efforts to perform his duty faithfully.

      • 미술교육에서 창의성 신장을 위한 컴퓨터그래픽 활용 방안 : 동영상 컨텐츠 중심으로

        정정기 우석대학교 교육대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        디지털시대라고 불리는 현대 사회에서는 생활의 편리함과 다양한 문화형성을 위해 새로운 기술과 유행들이 하루가 다르게 변화해가고 있다. TV를 보는 휴대폰, 디지털 카메라, MP3, 기능성 네비게이션 등... 최신 장비들이 계속해서 등장하며 이 장비들은 컴퓨터와 호완이 가능한 장비들이다. 뿐만 아니라 캘린더, 포스터, 지면광고, 잡지, 카달로그 등 인쇄분야와 CAD, CAM 등의 건축분야, 영화, CF, 다큐멘타리, 뮤직비디오 등과 같은 영상분야, 더 나아가 인터넷, 시뮬레이션게임분야, 애니메이션(2D, 3D)등 모두 일상생활에서 쉽게 접하고 생활화하고 있다. 이런 다양한 분야에서 공통적으로 사용되고 있는 것이 바로 컴퓨터그래픽과 창조적 능력의 조화라 할 수 있으며 창조적 능력을 표현하기 위해 컴퓨터그래픽이 활용된 것이다. 그러기에 미술교육에서 자유롭고 개방적인 방향과 학생들의 개인적개성표현과 창의성 계발을 위해 많은 연구와 다양한 학습과정으로 발전해 나가야 한다. 본 논문에서는 창의성과 컴퓨터그래픽의 조화로 다양한 동영상 제작시 가장 기본적으로 사용되는 그래픽 프로그램으로 한 장의 이미지에서부터 동영상으로 변화되는 과정을 간략하게 서술하였으며 여러 가지 멀티미디어 활용방안 및 사례를 통해 독창적ㆍ창의적 생각에 접근하고 또한 디지털 영상시대에 자기 자신의 상상력과 제작 의도를 영상으로 표현하기 위해서는 이들 역시 하드웨어에서 소프트웨어까지 전 과정을 이해하고 있어야 한다. 그러므로 더욱더 창의성에 대한 표현이 극대화되고 새로운 도구의 활용으로 기존의 상상력과 독창성이 한정되어지는 것이 아니라 새로운 조화로 인해 창조적 사고를 계발한다. New technology and trends have changed rapidly to conform the convenience of life and various cultures in present age named as digital generation. The newest equipment, for example, cellur phone with TV, digital camera, MP3 and funtional navigation has appeared constantly. These also feature compatibility with computer. And printing fields such as calendar, poster, advertisement, magazine and catalog, architecture fields such as CAD and CAM, and image fields such as movie, CF, dacumentary and music video are available and accesible including internet, simulation game and animation(2D,3D) in daily life. The harmony of computer graphic and creative skills has something in common with these diverse fields. This computer graphic is used for the expression of creative skills. Therefore, various studies and progresses in art education should develope for open direction, students' individual expression and promotion of originality. It's attempted to show shortly the changing process from one-cut image to video with standard graphic program used for production of video. It's needed to access and promote original and creative thoughts and expressions with useful methods of various multi media and cases. And this study is to suggest the understanding for all the process of hardwareand software in order to express image or video with producer's imagination and idea in digital-video generation. Finally, it offers us to acheive broaden expressions of creative and orignial ideas based on new harmony by using the newest things.

      • 한국 소방산업 금융공제시스템 발전모델에 관한 연구

        정정기 서울시립대학교 2011 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        소방산업은 사람의 생명과 직결되는 중요한 안전관련 산업으로 그 시장 규모나 종사자 숫자는 결코 무시할 수 없는 중요한 산업이지만 국가정책의 우선순위에 뒤처지거나 건설업계의 하도급 관행, 시장규모의 제한 등으로 인하여 다른 산업의 발전 속도를 따라가지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 본 연구는 이러한 낙후된 소방산업을 진흥․발전시키기 위한 방안으로 금융공제시스템을 소방산업의 특성에 맞게 연구․분석․설계하여 바람직한 소방금융공제시스템이 소방산업의 활성화에 기여하고자 하는 바람으로 본 연구를 수행하였다. 특히 소방산업체의 경영성과 측면에서 어떻게 전략적으로 접근하는지가 소방산업체의 경쟁력 향상과 생존전략 측면에서 매우 중요하다는 것을 관련 업계에서는 인식하고 있었음에도 불구하고, 그동안 건설 등 타 업종에서는 이러한 제도 개선에 대한 많은 논의와 연구가 있었으나, 소방산업계에서는 이러한 연구가 거의 없었다. 본 연구에서는 소방산업의 특성을 고려한 금융공제시스템에 관한 이론연구모형을 설정하고, 분석모형 및 설문조사를 통해 한국 소방산업 금융공제시스템의 장․단기 발전모델을 제시하였다. 본 연구의 설문조사에서 나타난 시사점은 다음과 같다. 소방산업 관계자를 대상으로 현재의 금융공제시스템에 관한 설문조사한 결과 대부분의 응답자들이 소방산업 금융공제시스템에 만족하지 못하고 개선할 필요성을 느끼고 있으며 가장 개선할 필요성이 있는 분야로 융자제도를 들고 있었다. 이는 소방산업체들의 경영규모의 영세성 및 업체 간 수주경쟁에서 에서 기인한 것으로 이를 극복하기 위한 방법으로 융자제한 기간완화(66.7%)와 융자한도 조정(47.7%) 등을 원하고 있었다. 소방산업 금융공제시스템 이용경험은 제1 금융권(84.3%)의 절반 수준인 43.3% 수준에 머물고 있으나 소방산업공제조합이 2009년에 출범하였으므로 소방산업공제조합의 점차 이용고객이 증가하고 있는 것으로 판단된다. 현재의 금융공제시스템의 중점 사업인 보증, 융자, 공제 제도에 대해서는 다음과 같은 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 금융공제시스템은 보증, 융자, 공제, 기타 제도로 운영되고 있으나 소방산업 종사자들이 생각하기에 금융공제시스템과 가장 관련이 있는 제도는 보증제도였다. 보증 업무에서 가장 중요한 부분은 경제성(42.3%)와 안정성(32.0%)이다. 소방산업공제조합에서 운영되는 보증제도는 보증한도는 적절하나 보증수수료가 현실적이지 못하다. 이 때문에 약 70%의 소방산업관계자들이 민영보증회사나 타 공제조합을 선호하고 있었다. 융자제도는 기존의 출자 후 2년간 융자가 제한되어 융자제한기간은 적절치 못하나 융자한도는 비교적 적절한 것으로 판단된다. 최근 소방산업공제조합은 출자금에 대한 융자 제한을 한시적 완화시켜 오랜 기간 동안 건설경기의 침체로 경영에 어려움을 겪는 업체의 부담을 줄였으나 제도적 보완이 필요할 것으로 사료된다. 공제제도는 전반적으로 운영에 문제점이 보이지 않으나 전기공사공제조합의 금융관련 경영지원 정책(26.3%) 및 긍정적 사회인식(30.0%) 등을 참고하여 보완해 나가야 한다. 이외에 소방 산업 관계자들은 현재 소방산업공제조합에서 운영되고 있는 금융공제시스템은 소방산업의 특수성에 특화되지 않아 이용에 다소 어려움이 있어 현실적인 신상품의 개발 필요성을 강조하고 있었다. 금융공제시스템 업무와 소방산업공제조합 이용에 대한 요인과 연관성을 살피면 다음과 같다. 고객들은 보증제도의 안정성을 중요시하기 때문에 소방산업공제조합 직원의 이미지, 조합의 신뢰성, 고객을 대하는 태도, 조합의 지속 성장성 순으로 보증제도와 연관성이 높았다. 융자업무는 직원의 이미지, 조합 이용의 편리성, 직원의 업무 이해력 순이고, 공제제도는 조합의 신뢰성, 고객을 대하는 태도, 직원의 이미지 순이다. 결론은 다음과 같이 정리 하였다. 첫째, 소방산업공제조합의 가입업종에 대해 각 업종이 갖는 위험도, 시장규모, 사업규모 등 특성에 맞게끔 출자금액을 차등화하고 보증한도, 수수료, 보증요율을 조정할 필요가 있다. 둘째, 새로운 보증상품을 전략적으로 개발, 운영해야 할 것이다. 조합설립당시 여건상 타조합의 상품 구조를 벤치마킹할 수밖에 없었지만 시간을 두고 최적의 상품개발을 통해 경쟁력을 강화해야 할 것이다. 셋째, 현행 출자 후 2년으로 되어 있는 융자제한 기간을 완화할 필요가 있는 것으로 판단된다. 적정규모의 조합원 수와 출자금이 확대되면 영세업체의 경영편의 도모를 위해 융자제도를 완화할 필요가 있다. 넷째, 조합원사의 공제조합이용 시 출자금, 보증배수, 수수료와 직결되어 있는 신용평가를 소방산업의 업종별 특성이 잘 반영된 독자적인 평가모델을 개발하여야 할 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 리스크관리 강화를 위한 보증심사기능강화 및 사후관리 효율화 방안강구, 조합수입다각화를 위한 신규사업진출, 조합직원의 전문성 강화 등의 연구 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 이와 같은 연구 결과는 소방산업공제조합이 본래의 목적을 달성하고 조합원의 경제적 이익창출과 나아가서 소방산업의 발전을 통한 재난 없는 사회건설에 이바지 할 것으로 판단된다. The fire protection industry is an important safety-related industry directly connected to the lives of people. And though it is a major industry that cannot be overlooked in terms of its market size and number of employees, it has been unable to keep up with the development speed of other industries due to reasons such as it being placed behind in priority for national policies, customary practices of the construction industry of sub-contracting, and restrictions in the market scale. As a plan to promote and develop the out-of-date fire protection industry, financial cooperative systems were researched, analyzed and designed to fit the features of the fire protection industry, and this study was conducted with the hopes that the fire protection financial cooperative system may contribute in promoting the fire protection industry. In particular, despite the fact that related industries recognize the importance of how the fire protection industry’s managerial performance aspect is approached for improving the competitiveness of the fire protection company, and though there were many discussions and studies on how to improve such systems in other industries such as construction, such studies were close to none in the fire protection industry. In this study, the theoretic research model on financial cooperative systems taking into consideration the features of the fire protection industry was set, and through analysis models and surveys, short-term and long-term development models for the Korean fire protection industry financial cooperative system were suggested. The results from empirical analyses through survey analysis are as shown as below. Survey results on the current financial cooperative system by employees in the fire protection industry showed that most respondents were unsatisfied with the fire protection industry financial cooperative system and felt the need for improvement. They answered that the field that needed improvements most was the financing system. This is due in part by the small business scale of fire protection companies and competition for orders among the companies, and as methods to overcome this, they wanted softening of financing restriction periods (66.7%) and adjustment of financing limits (47.7%). Experience in using the fire protection industry financial cooperative system is at 43.3%, which is approximately half of that of using banking sectors (84.3%), but with the launching of the Fire Guarantee in 2009, it is judged that the number of customers using the Fire Guarantee is gradually growing. The following results can be attained from the key businesses of the current financial cooperative system such as guarantee, financing and financial policies. Though the financial cooperative system is operated in guarantee, financing, cooperative, and other systems, in the minds of employees in the fire protection industry, the system most related to the financial cooperative system is the guarantee system. The most important part in guarantee is economic feasibility (42.3%) and stability (32.0). Though the guarantee system operated by the Fire Guarantee has a suitable guarantee level, its guarantee commission is not realistic. Due to this, about 70% of persons in the fire protection industry prefer private guarantee companies or other cooperative unions. It was judged that though the financing restriction period was inappropriate because financing is restricted for two years after financing, the financing limit was relatively appropriate. Recently, the Fire Guarantee temporarily softened financing restrictions for loans to reduce the load of companies undergoing difficulties due to the stagnated construction business sector. However, it is judged that more systematic supplementation will be needed. The cooperative system did not show problems in its overall operation, but the Electric Contractors’Financial Cooperative’s finance-related managerial business support policies (26.3%) and positive social perspective (30.0%) should be referred to when making improvements. In addition, personnel in the fire protection industry are emphasizing the need for realistic new products because the financial cooperative system currently offered by the Fire Guarantee is not customized to the characteristics of the fire protection industry, and so there are some difficulties in using it. When examining the correlation of the financial cooperative system operations with the factors on using the Fire Guarantee, the results are as follows. Because customers place importance on the stability of the guarantee system, there was a high correlation with the guarantee system in the order of image of the employees of the Fire Guarantee, reliability of the cooperative, attitude to customers, and sustainable growth of the cooperative. For financing operations, they were in the order of employee image, convenience of using the cooperative, and employees’ understanding of their work, while for the cooperative system it was in the order of reliability of the cooperative, attitude to customers, and employee image. Considerations of this research found through the results of the survey area as shown below. First, there is a need for grading the financing amount according to the features such as risk, market size, business size of each business for members of the Fire Guarantee, and also a need to adjust the guarantee limit, fees, and guarantee rates. Second, new guarantee products should be strategically developed and operated. Though there was no other option but to benchmark product structures of other cooperatives when the cooperative was first established, it must increase its competitiveness with time by developing the most optimal product products. Third, it is judged that there is a need to soften the current financing restriction period that is set at two years after being financed. When the number of cooperative members and investments are increased to a suitable size, there will be a need to soften the financing system so to offer business convenience to smaller companies. Fourth, it is judged that there will be a need to develop a proprietary evaluation model that well reflects the features per business type in the fire protection industry for the credit evaluation that is directly related to the financing amount, guarantee, and commission fees when a member company uses the cooperative. In addition, it was possible to acquire research results such as strengthening guarantee screening functions to improve risk management, come up with plans for efficiency of follow-up management, entering new businesses to diversify income of the cooperative, and to strengthen specialization of the employees of the collective. It is assessed that these research results will contribute in achieving the Fire Guarantee's original goal, while creating economic profits for the cooperative, and furthermore, help construct a disaster-free society through the development of the fire protection industry.

      • 朝鮮時代 家族의 食色敎育 硏究

        정정기 서울대학교 대학원 2012 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 현대 한국인의 바람직한 인간형성이라는 현재적인 문제의식으로부터 출발하였다. 이러한 문제의 해결을 위한 방법은 다양하지만 교육을 통해서 개인을 변화시키고 공동체적인 안전망을 확보하여 가족적 이상사회를 구현하려고 했던 조선시대의 모델에 주목함으로써 그 해답을 구하고자 하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 조선시대에 널리 활용되었던 문헌을 분석하여 식색에 대한 교육의 특성을 규명하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 구체적으로는 성리학 중심의 유학적 사상 기반 위에서 실시된 조선시대의 식색에 대한 교육의 내용과 방법을 시대별 및 영역별로 분석해서 규명하고자 한다. 식색교육의 내용과 방법을 밝히기 위하여 『소학』과 『가례』를 중심이 되는 자료로 선정한 후 다양한 관련자료를 중심으로 개괄적인 연구틀을 잡고 연구문제와 관련되는 적절하면서도 광범위한 사료의 수집을 진행하였다. 사료의 신뢰성과 연구주제와의 관련성을 검토하여 적절한 사료를 선택, 번역한 후에 사료해석을 통해서 연구를 진행하였다. 본 연구의 연구문제는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 조선시대 가족의 식색교육의 내용은 어떠한가? 식색교육의 내용을 음식교육과 남녀교육으로 나누었다. 각각의 주제에 대한 교육서와 문집 등의 문헌자료로 시대별 특성과 영역별로 나누어 그 내용을 파악하였다. 둘째, 조선시대 가족의 식색교육의 방법은 어떠한가? 식색에 대하여 어떻게 교육했는지를 가족, 향당, 국가의 범주로 나누어 검토하였다. 국가와 학교의 역할에 특히 주의를 기울이면서 영역별로 분석을 진행하였다. 내용과는 달리 방법을 밝히는 과정에서는 식색간에 일맥상통하는 측면이 강하고 서로가 서로를 조장하고 필요로 하는 부분이 많기 때문에 식색교육을 통합하여 분석하였다. 조선시대 가족의 식색교육의 내용을 파악하기 위해서 조선시대를 초기(14세기- 16세기전반), 중기(16세기중반-17세기후반), 후기(18세기전반-19세기후반)로 나누어 검토하였다. 조선전기는 아직 고려 식색교육의 영향이 강고한 시기이지만 성리학적인 교육내용과 전달체계를 확립하기 위한 노력이 다각도로 모색된 시기이다. 이 시기에는 아직 사원이 가장 강력한 교육기관으로 기능하고 있고 성리학적 이념에 기반한 교육체제는 형성중에 있었다. 이 당시에는 사회교화의 차원에서 『소학』을 필두로한 유교윤리서의 보급과 『가례』 중심의 향촌일상의례의 시행 및 정표정책의 실행이 이루어졌다. 조선중기는 성리학에 대한 이해가 심화되고 이에 기반하여 식색에 대한 교육에서도 성리학적 경향이 공고화되는 시기이다. 특히 전란을 겪으면서 기존의 사회체제가 붕괴되고 가족의 영역에서 성리학적인 변환이 급속도로 이루어지고 식색교육에 있어서도 그 영향을 크게 받게 된다. 이 시기에는 전기에 기능하던 향교 등의 관학이 성리학적 이념을 실현하는 역할을 제대로 수행하지 못하게되자 서원이 새로운 교육기관으로 부상하게 되고 향약도 사회교화체제로서 확고하게 자리를 잡게되어 식색교육에 많은 영향을 끼치게 된다. 또한 이 시기에는 예학의 발달도 본격화되어 식색교육이 성리학의 식색에 대한 예의 교육으로 치환될 수 있을 정도로 변모하였다. 조선후기는 학교교육과 사회교화체제가 통합되는 양상을 띤다. 식색교육의 주류는 성리학에 기반을 두고 있으나 실사구시(實事求是)적인 무실가(務實家)의 관점에서 다양한 시도들이 모색되기도 한다. 따라서 이 시기는 가장 보수적인 식색교육과 이전에 볼 수 없었던 새로운 식색교육이 다양하게 포진하고 있으며, 서양과학적인 지식과 기독교적인 식색관도 사회에 영향을 끼치기 시작한다. 본 연구에서는 서구의 영향에 대해서는 본격적으로 다루지 않았다. 이와 같이 조선시대를 세단계로 나누어 식교육에 접근한 결과 각각의 시기에 대하여 성리학을 중심으로 한 유학적 식교육이 소개되는 도입기와 그에 대한 이해의 심화와 경험의 축적이 따르는 성숙기, 외래적인 식교육에 고유의 것이 접목 또는 도입되어 우리화하는 토착화기로 성격규정을 할 수 있었다. 이를 기반으로 하여 음식에 대한 가치관, 음식준비에 대한 교육, 음식 예절교육, 가계(家計)에 대한 교육의 범주를 가지고 음식 교육의 내용을 밝혔다. 또한 같은 방법으로 시기를 나누어 색교육에 접근한 결과 각각의 시기에 대하여 성리학을 중심으로 한 유학적 색교육의 도입기와 그에 대한 이해의 심화와 경험의 축적에 따른 성숙기, 외래적인 색교육에 고유의 것이 접목 또는 도입되어 우리화하는 토착화기로 성격규정을 할 수 있었다. 이를 기반으로 하여 남녀에 대한 가치관, 남녀 관계에 대한 준비교육으로서의 임신•출산에 대한 교육과 성생활에 대한 교육, 남녀 예절교육, 가계(家系)에 대한 교육의 범주를 가지고 남녀 교육의 내용을 밝혔다. 이 중에서 식교육이 경제로 이어질 수 있는 단초를 가계(家計)에 대한 교육으로, 색교육이 가족으로 이어질 수 있는 단초를 가계(家系)에 대한 교육으로 각각 전개한 것은 식색을 경제와 가족으로 연결시킨 중요한 성과라고 할 수 있다. 식색을 보다 큰 범위의 가계(家計)와 가계(家系)로 연결시켜 경제와 가족의 핵심 개념으로 제안한 것이다. 이제 식색교육은 종욕(縱欲)과 절욕(節欲)이라는 틀을 기반으로 한 개인적 차원을 넘어 극기복례(克己復禮)의 관계를 고민하는 사회적 차원으로 승화되기에 이른 것이다. 방법 측면에서의 식색 교육은 전달체계를 기준으로 볼 때 가정에서의 교육, 향당에서의 교육, 국가 주도의 교육을 통해서 이루어지며, 주로 직접적이기보다는 간접적인 방법을 채택하고 있고, 교육보다는 교화의 측면이 더 강조되고 있으며, 교과보다는 생활을 통해서 이루어지고 있다. 또한 교과교육도 학교보다는 가정에서 이루어지는 비중이 더 크며 여성의 경우는 가정의 비중이 거의 절대적이다. 이처럼 가족이나 공동체를 중심으로 교육이 이루어지고 학교나 전문기관의 직접적 개입이 적은 것은, 사회화의 수준이 낮고 체계화가 덜 되어있다는 점에서 조선시대 식색교육의 단점인 반면 가족 속에서 생활 속에서 일반적으로 행해지며 핵심을 잡음으로써 확산시켜나가는 점에서 상당한 장점이다. 가정의 식색교육은 가풍에 의한 무의식적인 교육과 가훈 등의 문헌을 통한 교육, 편지 등의 교훈을 통해서 이루어지는 교육 및 관혼상제 등의 가정의례를 직간접적으로 경험하는 과정에서 관람자나 수행자의 역할을 하면서 식색에 대한 교육적 전통이 전승되면서 이루어졌다. 가족은 식색과 관련해서 오관이라는 몸의 작용이 일차적으로 기능하는 공간이며 경험의 축적이 중시되는 영역이다. 향당의 식색교육은 회자명구나 속담, 성인 등의 모범을 통한 무의식적인 교육과 향약과 의례를 통한 공동체의 강제와 결속을 통한 교육이 이루어졌다. 공동체교육은 관주도의 교육과 민간주도의 교육으로 나누어 볼 수 있지만 이 둘이 배타적으로 존재하는 것은 아니며 교육기관을 매개로 하여 둘 사이에 교섭이 존재하고 시대에 따라 그 양상이 변화하기도 하였다. 국가의 식색교육은 주로 출판사업이나 지방관이 학교를 통해서 하는 교육을 통해서 이루어졌다. 지방관의 주도로 출판사업을 진행하고 학교를 매개로 국가의 개입이 이루어지기 때문에 학교는 가정과 향당 사이에서 중요한 역할을 한다. 향음주례와 향사례, 독법 등의 학교의례를 통한 식색교육도 중요하며 각종 국가의례를 통한 식색교육 또한 중요하다. 이와 같이 조선시대 식색교육을 내용과 방법으로 나누어 살펴본 결과 내용상으로는 정교함과 풍부함을 더해가고 방법상의 치밀함과 다양함을 더해가면서 식색에 대한 교육이 지속적이며 조직적으로 이루어졌음을 알 수 있다. The aim of this study is to identify the characteristics of food and sex education taught in the Joseon Dynasty by reviewing the historical and ideological points of the education. Specifically, this study focuses on the contents and methods of food and sex education, which were delivered on the basis of Neo-Confucianism; it also attempts to identify the goal and significance of the education. The idea for this study started with the emerging critical question of how to achieve what contemporary Koreans consider to be desirable human forms. I set my research questions by considering the contents and methosd used to teach food and sex education in the Joseon Dynasty. I selected Sohak and Garye as my main resources, and used them to shape the framework of the study. Then, I collected extensive resources related to my research questions. Among those collected, I chose the most relevant resources through source criticism by which the reliability and validity of the resources could be reviewed. Finally, I translated the selected resources into Korean, and analyzed them. My research questions are as follows. First, what were the contents of food and sex education taught in the Joseon Dynasty? I attempted to identify the intention of food and sex education by reviewing the literature. For this purpose, I divided the contents into two topics: food and sex. For each topic, I examined its historical characteristics, and categorized them into subgroups to comprehend the details. Second, what were the methods of food and sex education taught in the Joseon Dynasty? I examined the institutional dimensions on which the education was delivered: family, community, and government. I performed the analysis according to these dimensions, and paid special attention to the roles of schools and government. In examining the methods of food education and sex education, I decided to combine the topics of food and sex under a single analysis. The reason was because food education and sex education had much in common in terms of their methods, and they facilitated and required each other. In order to historically understand the contents of food and sex education, I divided the Joseon Dynasty period into three phases: early (14th century – early 16th century), middle (mid 16th century - late 17th century), and late (early 18th century – late 19th century). During the early period of the Joseon Dynasty, the impact of the Goryeo Dynasty’s food and sex education was still strong. Yet, efforts were made in many ways to establish Neo-Confucian educational contents and delivery systems. Nevertheless, the most powerful educational institutions were Buddhist temples, and Neo-Confucian educational systems were still in the making. At this time, under the name of social indoctrination, Confucian ethics were being distributed by Sohak, the rituals of rural life were being implemented by Garye, and the jeongpyo policy came to be enforced. In the midst of the Joseon Dynasty, the understanding of Neo-Confucianism became profound; as a result, the food and sex education assumed a Neo-Confucian character. The war that occurred in this era brought down the existing social system. In particular, the realm of the family experienced rapid Confucianization, which greatly affected food and sex education. At this time, the public education system such as hyanggyo lost its dominant status in the area of realizing the Neo-Confucian ideals, and at the same time, new institutions such as seowon were emerging. Hyangyak(the code of community) was firmly established as a social indoctrination system, and it enormously influenced food and sex education. In addition, ritual studies were advanced in earnest. Thus education concerning food and sex was transformed into trainings in Neo-Confucian rituals. In the late period of the Joseon Dynasty, the school system and social indoctrination system were integrated. The education of food and sex was based on the mainstream philosophy of Neo-Confucianism. On the other hand, there were also various attempts to adopt practical perspectives. Thus, we can observe the co-existence of the most conservative education and the most progressive education on food and sex. Moreover, Western knowledge of science and Christian viewpoints of food and sex started to affect the society. In this study, however, I did not cover the influence of the West in full scale. As such, the Joseon Dynasty is divided into three stages of and approaches to food education. In terms of the three stages, the first was an introductory period during which Neo-Confucian food education was introduced; then the second stage was a maturation period during which understanding was deepened and experiences were accumulated; and the final stage was a settling period during which the emphasis shifted from foreign food education to native food education through engrafting or the introduction of original food education. On the ground of these results, I researched the contents of food education according to the following categories: the value of food, education in food preparation, education in table manners, and home economics education. Sex education in the Joseon Dynasty can also be divided into three stages: an introductory period during which Neo-Confucian sex education was introduced, a maturation period during which understanding was deepened and experiences were accumulated, and a settling period during which there was a shift from an emphasis on foreign sex education to native sex education by engrafting or introducing our original sex education. On the ground of these results, I illuminated the contents of sex education according to the following categories: the values of men and women, education in pregnancy and childbirth as preparation for relations between men and women, training in sex, gender etiquette training, and education in genealogy. Among these topics, the suggestion that food education can lead to economy is home economics education and the suggestion that sex education can lead to family is education in genealogy. The formation of these links between food and economy, and sex and family, was an important achievement. The linkage of food and sex to the greater range of home economics and genealogy indicates that food and sex were the core concepts of the economy and family. Thus, food and sex education went beyond the personal dimension, which was based on the framework of indulgence and continence, to reach the social dimension, which was concerned with the relationship between self-restraint and the following of certain rites. The methods of food and sex education taught in the Joseon Dynasty were as follows. The delivery system consisted of family-led, community-led, and government-led education. Primarily, training employed indirect rather than direct methods, and aspects of indoctrination rather than education. More emphasis was made through life than textbooks. In addition, the curriculum was implemented more at home than at school, and home education was almost absolute in the case of women. As such, family or community-oriented education was dominant, and at schools or professional organizations, food and sex education was given less emphasis and was more indirect. While the low level of socialization and systematization was a weak point of food and sex education in the Joseon Dynasty that the education was practiced by families in their everyday lives and spread by obtaining the core value is a significant advantage. Family education of food and sex was carried out by the unconscious training of family traditions, literature lessons such as family motto, teaching through lessons such as letters, and training in ceremonial rituals through direct or indirect experiences of the audience or practitioners. Regarding food and sex education, the family serves as the area upon which the five senses of the body primarily act and the space where the accumulation of experience is important. Community education of food and sex was carried out by unconscious training by showing examples such as famous phrases, proverbs, saints and by the hyangyak and rituals symbolizing the community’s force and unity were incorporated into the training. Community education of food and sex, which is still deeply rooted in our society, can be said to ba an important delivery system. The natural tradition of the community's interest and regulation to minor’s food and sex is a proof to this trend. Community training can be divided into government-led education and citizen-led education. Government-led education was mainly led by local officials and evaluated by indicators of its effectiveness and achievement of policy. Government also led people by the jeongpyo policy. Citizen-led education intended to produce educational effects by regulating the custom through the hyangyak system. Though I divided education into two categories, these two types of education were not mutually exclusive. Regardless of ownership of the initiative, there were always negotiations between the two types of education driven by educational institutions existing and changing with the times. Community education was carried out through hyangyak and rituals of self-discipline within the organization by the code of community and confirmed by hyangeumjurye(community drinking ceremony), hyangsarye(community archery ceremony), dokbeop(active reading ceremony). Government education of food and sex was carried out primarily through the publications and local officials’ school-base education. Translation, illustration and publication of the books like Samganghaengsildo, Naehun, and Yeolnyeojeon anteceded local officials’ enlightening the people throughout the hyanggyo by these texts. Government intervention took place under the leadership of local officials through schools. Thus, schools played an important intermediary role between family and community. Private schools such as seodang and seowon and public school such as hyanggyo and Sungkyunkwan were responsible for the education of the curriculum. But in this area the education of food and sex was not practiced through an independent curriculum but naturally taught in the everyday lives at institution and through an extension of the learning materials which contained a wealth of information on food and sex education. A variety of school texts such as Cheonjamun, Sohak, Haengsildo, Garye, Saseo, Samkyeong, and Samrye have a wealth of educational information on food and sex education. In the area of food and sex education responsible for the education of the crown prince and king, seoyeon and kyeongyeon are crucial institutional arrangements which must cultivate the qualities of the monarch as an inner sage and outer king. Food and sex education taught through school rituals such as hyangeumjurye, hyangsarye, and dokbeop are important as are state rituals. As such, family education of food and sex in the Joseon Dynasty has been reviewed according to the following: contents and methods. The results are apparent, contents increasing in sophistication and richness, and methods strengthening in elaboration and diversity while training has occurred sustainable, systemic and persistent way.

      • 국민학교 아동의 學年別, 性別 및 超認知 能力 정도에 따른 讀解水準 硏究

        정정기 東亞大學校 敎育大學院 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study was aimed to examine primary school children's reading comprehension ability in both areas of literal and inferential comprehension. The reading ability in both areas was compared by children's grade and sex, and was related to children's metacoginitive ability. The specific problems set up in this study were as follows : First, is there any difference in the level of children's reading comprehension performance between the areas of literal and inferential comprehension and among the subareas of inferential comprehension ? Second, is there any difference in the level of children's reading comprehension performance by grade ? Third, is there any difference in the level of children's reading comprehension performance by sex ? Fourth, is the level of children's reading comprehension performance positively related to their metacognitive ability ? The subjects of this study were 60 primary school children, 20 in each grade level from 4th to 6th grade. The test, to measure reading comprehension ability were developed by the author and metacognitive ability was measured by the test revised from metamemory test developed by Kreutzer, Leonard and Flavell. The following conclusion were obtained from the results and discussion of this study : First, the level of children's inferential reading comprehension performance is lower than that of literal comprehension. In inferential reading comprehension, the abilities of integration and elabolation were lower than that of summary. Second, children's reading comprehension ability improves with the increase of grade. The improvement by grade reveals greater in infrential comprehension despite the fact that general level of the ability is lower. Third, there is no difference by sex, in the level of reading comprehension in general, However, girls are superior to boys in integration and elaboration of inferential reading comprehension. Fourth, children's reading comprehension ability is positively related to their metacognitive ability in both literal and inferential reading comprehension in general. However, more specific examination reveals that inferential reading comprehension is more closely related to metacognitive ability than literal comprehension is related metacognition.

      • 冷血K 心停止液을 사용한 開心術例에서 心停止時間에 따른 心筋保護效果에 관하여

        정정기 全南大學校 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        開心術을 위한 虛血性 心停止時 臨床的으로나 實驗的으로 안전한 大動脈遮斷時間은 대부분 120분 이내라고 알려져 있으나, 저자는 冷血K^+心停止液을 사용한 虛血性 心停止時 心筋保護效果를 연구하기 위하여 1987년 12월부터 1989년 1월까지 全南大學敎 醫科大學胸部外科學 敎室에서 開心術을 시행한 患者중 大動脈遮斷時間이 60분 이상이었던 88명을 對象으로 大動脈遮斷時間이 120분 미만인 군(이하 ACCT<120min 군, ACCT = aortic cross cIamping time)과 120분 이상인 군(이하 ACCT≥ 120min 군)으로 나누어, 手術 前後 血中 酵素活性値를 측정하고 手術死亡, 手術後 頻脈性 心室 不整脈의 發生, 手術後 inotropic support의 必要 等의 臨床 經過를 比較 檢討하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 手術死亡率은 ACCT<120min 군에서 3.2%이었고, ACCT≥120min 군에서 7.7%이었다. 2. 手術後 頻脈性 心實 不整脈 發生率은 ACCT<120min 군에서 1. 6%, ACCT2≥120min 군에서 11.5%로 有意한 차이가 있었다(P<0.05). 3. 先天性 心疾患 患者에서 手術後 inotropic support가 필요했었던 경우는 ACCT<120min 군에서 13.0%, ACCT120min 군에서 45.0%로 有意한 차이가 있었고(P<0.05), 後天性 心疾患 患者에서는 ACCT<120min 군에서 26.0%, ACCT≥120min 군에서 40.0%이었다. 4. 手術 前後 血中 GOT(glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase), LDH(lactic dehydrogenase), CPK(creatine phosphokinase), CPK-MB(creatine phophokinase MB isoenzyme)를 측정하였으며, a) 手術後 모든 血中 酵素活性値는 顯著하게 上昇되었다. b) 手術 前後 血中 酵素活性値는 소아에서 성인보다 높았다. c) 先天性 心疾患 患者에서는 ACCT≥120min 군이 ACCT<120min 군보다 手術後 GOT, LDH, CPK, CPK-MB에서 높았고, 後天性 心疾患 患者에서 는 GOT, LDH, CPK-MB에서 높았다. 위와 같은 結果로 冷血K^+心停止液을 사용한 虛血性 心停止時, 大動脈遮斷時間이 120분 이상인 경우에 더 심한 心筋 損傷이 발생할 수 있음을 示唆하였다. The efficacy of cold blood potassium cardioplegia during periods of aortic cross clamping time(ACCT) was assessed in 88 patients undergoing open heart surgical procedures at Chonnam National Universitv Medical School from December, 1987 to January, 1989. The purpose of this study was to determine if the cardioplegic. arrest over 120 minutes correlated with operative mortality, incidence of postoperative ventricular tachyarrythmia, need of postoperative inotropic support and serum enzyme levels. The patients were divided according to aortic cross clamping time (less than 120 minutes and 120minutes or greater) The results were as follows : 1. The operative mortality was 3.2% in ACCT<120min group and 7.7% in ACCT≥120 min group. 2. The incidence of postoperative ventricular tachyarrythmia was 1.6% in ACCT<120min group and 11.3% in ACCT≥120min group(P<0.05). 3. The incidence of postoperative inotropic support in congenital heart disease was 13.0% in ACCT<0120min group and 45.0% in ACCT≥120min group(P<0.05). Tire incidence in acquired heart disease was 26.0% in ACCT<120min group and 40.0% in ACCT≥120min group. 4. After cardiopulmonary bypass, serum GOT, LDH, CPK and CPK-MB were elevated prominently. Children showed higher value of the enzymes examined than adults did before and after cardiopulmonary bypass. In congenital heart diseases, postoperative serum GOT, LDH, CPK and CPK-MB levels of ACCT≥120min group were significantly higher than those of ACCT<l20min group. Postoperative serum GOT, LDH and CPK-MB levels of ACCT>120min group were significanitly higher than those of ACCT<120min group also in acquired heart diseases. The results suggest that the myocardial protective effect with blood potassium cardioplegic solutions was not sufficient when the aortic cross clamping time was over 120 minutes.

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