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      • 초등학교 체육수업 내 게임활동이 학교 폭력 성향 및 태도에 미치는 영향

        이승기 한국교원대학교 교육대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        이 연구는 초등학교 6학년을 대상으로 체육수업 내 게임활동이 학교 폭력 성향 및 태도에 미치는 영향을 규명함으로써 학교 폭력의 대책으로써 체육수업 내 게임활동의 효과성을 검증하고 인성 교육의 방법적 측면을 구체적으로 모색함으로써 초등학교에서의 체육수업의 올바른 발전을 제시하는 데 목적이 있다. 연구의 목적을 얻기 위하여 서울S초등학교 6학년 남․녀 학생을 대상으로 하였고, 총 4학급 중 두 학급(48명)은 실험집단으로 다른 두 학급(48명)은 통제집단으로 설정하였다. 12차시의 연구기간 동안 체육수업 내 게임활동을 적용한 수업을 실험집단에 적용하였다. 통제집단은 기능위주의 체육수업을 적용하였다. 체육수업의 변수 개입을 최소화하기위해 모든 수업을 교사 이승기가 진행하였다. 체육수업 내 게임활동이 학교폭력성향 및 태도에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 이 연구에서는 최영식(2010)의 연구에서 사용된 검사지와 청소년보호위원회(2003)에서 ‘폭력없는 아름다운 학교 만들기’ 학생용을 참고하여 총 14개 문항을 선정한 검사지를 사용하였다. 수집된 자료 처리는 두 집단 간․집단 내 실험집단과 통제집단에 따른 변화를 알아보기 위해 spss 18.0 프로그램으로 t-검정을 실시하였고, 얻은 결과를 분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 첫째, 본 연구에서 체육수업 내 게임활동 수업은 학교 폭력의 행동 성향의 변화 효과에 있어서 유의한 효과가 있었다. 실험집단에서 학교 폭력 행동 성향의 변수인 충동성, 공격성, 개인 심리, 분노조절감, 대인관계의 모든 변수에서 사전, 사후 분석 결과 유의하게 폭력 행동 성향이 줄어들었다. 체육수업 내 게임활동을 하지 않은 통제집단은 학교 폭력 행동 성향의 변화에 대해 변화가 조금 있거나 부정적으로 변화하였다. 하지만 통제집단에서도 대인관계 변수에서 긍정적인 변화를 가져온 실험 결과로 미루어 보아 기능 위주의 체육 수업도 학생들 사이의 대인 관계에 긍정적인 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 체육수업 내 게임활동이 통제집단의 체육수업에 비해 학교폭력성향의 변화에 많은 영향을 미치고 있음을 알 수 있다. 둘째, 본 연구에서 실시한 체육 수업 내 게임 활동은 초등학생의 학교 폭력에 대한 태도의 변화 효과에 있어서 학교 폭력에 대한 허용적 태도, 가해 및 피해자에 대한 태도, 학교 폭력에 대처하는 태도의 모든 변수에서 긍정적인 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 통제 집단에서도 학교폭력에 대한 허용적 태도에서 유의한 결과가 나와 기존의 체육수업이 학교폭력의 허용적 태도에 긍정적인 영향을 끼치고 있다는 것을 알 수 있다. 기존 수업의 나머지 변인에서도 유의한 수준은 아니었지만 평균점수가 낮아진 것은 체육 수업이 학교 폭력 태도에 긍정적인 영향을 끼친 것으로 분석된다. 결론적으로 초등학교 체육수업은 학교 폭력 성향을 줄이고, 태도에 영향을 주고 있다. 그 중 체육수업 내 게임활동은 기능위주의 체육 수업에 비해 학교 폭력 성향 및 태도에 더 많은 영향을 주는 것으로 사료된다.

      • 한국 청소년폭력에 대한 컨텐츠 분석 : 신문 사설을 중심으로

        이승기 한양대학교 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        국문요지 민주주의 사회에서 언론은 여론을 형성하는데 있어서 가장 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 시대의 변화로 SNS, 인터넷 등 여론형성에 있어서 다양한 창이 마 련되었지만 그럼에도 불구하고 인터넷의 이슈가 언론을 통하지 않고서는 사회 적 이슈가 되지 않고 사라질 정도로 아직까지도 언론이 가장 큰 역할을 가지 고 있다. 따라서 한 사회에 위협적인 사건이 발생하고 그에 따른 법이 수립되 는 데에는 언론이 어떠한 여론을 형성하느냐 하는 점에서 그 법의 성격 및 방 향까지도 달라질 수 있는 것이다. 그렇기에 각 언론들이 학교폭력과 같은 청 소년문제에 대해 어떤 정치적 입장을 가지고 여론을 형성하는지 살펴볼 필요 가 있다. 본 연구는 2011년 후반 대구 학교폭력 사건을 발생 후, 보수의 대표로 알려 진 조선일보와 동아일보, 진보의 대표로 알려진 한겨레신문과 경향신문의 사 설을 분석하였다. 그리고 위 4개 신문사가 제시하고 있는 학교폭력의 원인 및 대책이 무엇인지 알아보았다. 또한 보수와 진보의 성향에 따라 원인 및 대책 이 달라지는 원인을 찾아보았다. 그 결과 보수신문의 경우 청소년 문제의 원 인과 해법을 교육사회학의 기능론적 관점에서 진보신문은 갈등론적 관점에서 바라보고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 보수신문에서는 청소년 갈등의 사회 구조적 성격이나 원인, 확산의 과정에 대한 관심보다는 체제질서 유지의 관점에서 청소년문제를 바라보고 있다. 반 면 진보신문은 청소년을 억압하고 소외시키는 사회 구조적 문제의 갈등에 초 점을 맞춘다. 이 관점에서는 과도한 입시전쟁, 좁은 취업문, 경제 불평등이 야 기한 교육기회의 박탈 등을 청소년 문제의 원인으로 진단한다. 따라서 두 관 점의 한계는 첫째, 보수적 관점의 교육론은 사회구조적 문제를 소홀히 다루는 점에 있다는 것이고 둘째, 진보적 관점은 구체적인 개혁·개선의 방향을 제시 하지 못하는 데 있다. 교육은 개개인의 성장을 도우면서 사회가 발전할 수 있는 기반도 만들어 주 어야 한다. 따라서 서로간의 정파성만 내세우기 보다는 두 정파 간의 간극을 줄이고 청소년의 바른 성장과 그 대책에 대해 진지한 논의가 필요할 것이다. 주요어: 학교폭력, 학교폭력 가해자, 학교폭력 언론보도, 학교폭력에 관 한 정책

      • 中.高 劒道選手들의 體格, 體力 特性에 관한 考察

        이승기 東亞大學校 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to obatine knowledges of body composition and physical fitness by measuring all 62 subjects(12 Kum-Do players and 20 non-athletes who attend middle school 10 Kum-Do players and 20 non-athletes who attend high school). And furthermore to compare the correlationship between factors of body composition and physical fitness. The results were as follows : 1. It revealed that middle and high school Kum-Do players are superior in development of girth in physique which includes height, volume and girth. 2. As for %fat, high school Kum-Do players were 11.6±1.99%, middle school Kum-Do players were 12.3±3.00%, high school non-athletes were 12.9±2.05%, middle school non-athletes were 14.6±4.93%. 3. The order of Lean Body mass per height was as follows : 32.13±2.88 kg/m in high school Km-Do players, 31.68±7.40 kg/min middle school Kum-Do players, 30.68±3.09 kg/min high school non-athletes 28.8±1.44 kg/min middle school non-athletes. 4. As for physical fitness, middle and high school Kum-Do players were superior than non-athletes group in all item except balance. There were statistical significance of strength and agility in middle school Kum-Do players, endurance and agility in high school Kum-Do players (P〈0.05, P〈0.01 respectively). 5. As for correlation analysis, there shows positive correlation between %fat and physical fitness but lean body mass shows negative correlation between physical fitness respectively.

      • 우리나라 재난대응체계의 문제점과 개선방안

        이승기 淸州大學校 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        As society becomes pluralistic and complex(With pluralistic and complex of society), the preventive measures and the ability of immediate disaster restoration is deeply needed, since the type of disaster also becomes diverse and enormous and the claim of safety against disaster is raised. This study presents the improvement alternatives of disaster management to prevent such disaster by analyzing the problem of disaster management based on the examples of large incidents happened in recent. (When it is specifically examined), first, as the above-mentioned, the overall disaster affairs has been inefficiently operated so far by that it is separated and operated according to each business and faculty. Therefore, the overall management systems and the efficient operation for emengent response and rescue is needed. And, by unifying the declaration system Which so has been separated far, all informations must be understood quite obviously, noticed to its related facility immediately and any succeeding measures must be taken according to circumstances. Secondly, when any unexpected incident occurs, a doctor, a nurse and an emergency rescuer must be included in a rescuer team in order to do a practical activity of medical rescue. And a close connection system among hospitals must be required for a transfer and treatment of a patient. To do this, it is necessary for medical faculties to give a first treatment to a patient on the spot. Also, it is required to cultivate emergency men efficient through activation the system of an emergency rescue so as to immediately save a life on the spot. A traveling clinic must be established on the spot in order for a patient to get a first treatment from a professional doctor. Thus, any secondary damage can be prevented when a patient is carried into a hospital. The present situation on medical centers and special subjects must be also data-based. Further more it is the present situation of Korea that it is difficult for the persons concerned with medicine like a doctor to participate in treating a patient on the emergency place or in trait. Especially, the examples of various types of incidents shows such problems. Therefore, it is desirable to introduce Doctor Car System which a doctor or a nurse goes out to the emergency place for the treatment or knowledge for the prolongation of a life. Thirdly, through the establishment of the spot direction system, the crowed around the spot can be avoided in efficiency when an incident happens. For this, it is required to control the traffic, to establish emergency communication system among agents concerned and to build up the spot direction office couping with in an emergency. The development of volunteer program is also required to coup with disaster, and a joint coverage team must be made up to prevent a discreet coverage competition. And, by using the news data of an information bureau, the joint coverage team must keep cooperation system in order to get national cooperation for saving a life, and the relief and protection and annul the apprehension of the sufferers. Finally, Check-In office which can efficiently manage a disaster must be set up around the incident spot. Thus, on receiving a report of disaster, the police can move into the incident spot without hesitation, set up a boundary zone, keep out zone and a control point. That means all persons and equipments coming into the incident spot must be checked in Check In office first. In recent, since enormous incidents are laid disproportionate emphasis on the overall safety frigidity and the technical research, there is limits in controlling a disaster when it occurs. Although the mentioned things in this study are not sufficient, I want them to be helpful for disaster management. And, further studies about disaster management must be done in the future. Thrugh such studies, a disaster must be prevented, and the damage of the life and property of nations must be minimized when it happens.

      • 지역방송 선거보도의 특성에 관한 연구 : 2010년 6ㆍ2 지방선거에 대한 보도를 중심으로

        이승기 광주대학교 언론홍보대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The era of media politics refers to the phenomena that the politics including elections, political activities, public opinion and others are closely related to and influenced by the practice of media. The coverage of media play an important part in political election. Historically, the election coverage of media have shown many kinds of problems. Especially, it doesn't paid attention to the politics of political parties and the candidates. So, voters have disappointed to the election coverage of media. Such phenomena appeared more strongly in the local election, because of the center oriented political culture and political system. This study intends to study the characteristics of media coverage during the local election campaign period in 2010. The research questions of this study are as follows. Research question 1. What is the general characteristics of election coverage of local media? Research question 2. What are the characteristics of election coverage of local media on the June 2 local election in 2010? Research question 3 What kinds of problems are appeared in the election coverage of local media and which measure can be proposed to improve those problems? The subjects of this study are the news programs of 3 local television broadcasting companies, KBS, MBC, KBC in GwangJu. The period of analysis was 13 days of the official campaign period (2010. 5. 20∼2010. 6. 1), from the candidate registration to the day before the election day. The data were collected through the VOD service from the internet sites of main evening news of each broadcasting companies. The analysis showed the current status of local broadcastings in Gwangju on the local election as follows. The main news of 3 broadcasting companies in Gwangju for the period of the local election reveals that the news topics accounted for more than half. Second, The Gwangju MBC made much more report news than KBS Gwangju, KBC Gwangju. On the other hand, KBS Gwangju and KBS Gwangju gave much more weight to the straight news than Gwangju MBC. To sum up, it was shown that while Gwangju MBC relatively heavily dealt with in-depth news in the election coverage, and KBS Gwangju heavily dealt with relatively superficially. Third, the news covering main issues and arguments, election law violation, election-related complaints, illegal election practices don't show notable differences between the three broadcasting stations. For news related the aftermath of the election, impact, future prospects and so on, all the three broadcastings showed low attentions. And the three broadcastings didn't remarkably dealt with the overview and comparison of main policies of each party, and biography and evaluation of candidates. The proportion of news items related to such topics were only very low, not more than 5% of total election coverage. In conclusion, the local broadcasting stations, KBS Gwangju and Gwangju MBC, KBC Gwangju failed to cover, compare and analyze the main policies of parties and candidates. It means they failed to play their role in transfer useful information related to policies and candidates to voters. In recent years, many researchers and media professionals have emphasized the right to know of voters, in-depth reporting in the election coverage, and the civil participation in the coverage of media. The trends of public journalism and citizen journalism can be useful idea and practice to meet the goal of worthwhile and valuable election coverage. What is the feature on contents of the report related to 6.13 regional election of 3 broadcasting companies in Busan area. In order to get answer of the above Subject for Study, I have looked around through an analysis of the content with a subject to analysis from the news reports of the three (3) news and TV broadcasting companies, such as KBS, MBC, PSB in Busan area. As a results of the analysis, the following results are drawn. First, since the composition time is reduced due to habitual practice of the report in centering of the center area by the national event that is the World Cup Games and it does not reach to the previous election on its whole reporting numbers and the numbers in report related to the regional election and we would say that our regional broadcasting companies have the more lower concerns to the regional reports. To have concerns reporting on the regional election is to really have a reason of the existence for the regional press. However, the regional broadcast shall not carry out well their functions and roles as a provider of information. Second, the regional broadcasting companies have carried out a lot in numbers, on the report for the regional election than that of the World Cup Game, however, in value of the news, it was a reporting type to give a more high value to the World Cup Game rather than the regional election even if it is the period of the regional election period. However, ratio for the report news comes appearance higher than the strait news that cannot help putting the superficial report compared with the other reports, and it will be positive to intend to put the more deep contents. Third, at the 6.13 regional election, the regional broadcasting companies have reported in concentration only for election on the chief, metropolitan city group as if it were an election for a chief, metropolitan city group. Accordingly, the eligible voter's concerns to the election for the chief of the foundational group and election on assemblies of the metropolitan and foundational group are more possible to be fallen down. Fourth, the cored main subject for the report of the regional election is the electioneering tour relating report, such as report for candidate's movement around the electioneering and political offense and defense surrounded the special agenda were handled, and in the viewpoints of the report, the sneer theory for election pointed at the various election report till now and the negative contents to b

      • 綜合貿易商社의 役割과 進路

        이승기 전주대학교 중소기업대학원 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        수출입국의 역사적 소명을 지고 국가적 관심과 기대속에 1975년에 출범한 한국의 종합무역상사는 올해로 만 16년째를 맞이하게 되었다. 그동안 종합무역상사는 숱한 영전의 회오리 속에서 성장의 뿌리를 이땅에 심었고 수출증대에 지대한 공헌을 하였다. 그러나 출범으로부터 현재까지 일관되게 견지하여 온 종합무역상사의 수출일변도정책은 자체기능의 경직화를 초래하였고 이로인하여 종합상사 근본원리인 종합화의 효과를 생성시키지 못함으로서 내부적으로는 "회의"와 외부적으로 "비판"에서 벗어날 수 없었다. 이에따라 전면적인 수출드라이브정책 재검토와 더불어 그간 정부의 과도하게 의존하여 오던 종합무역상사의 수동적 체질에 있어 근본적인 혁신을 요구하여 왔다. 그동안 우리나라의 종합무역상사들은 비록 그 역사는 짧지만 수출규모의 확대와 신시장개척등 많은 업적을 남겼으나 아직 기능도 미약하고 외국에 비해 규모도 영세하여 다소의 문제점을 노출하고 있는것이 사실이다. 그러므로 이젠 제2의 도약하기 위해서는 수출의 고도화 및 질적개선을 가해야 될것으로 본다. 지정요건의 문제점을 깊이 인식하고 검토하여 현실에 맞는 요건이 되도록 할것이며 수출제고의 위주의 성장이 상사들의 수익성 악화에 영향을 미치고 있다는 것도 알아야 할 것이다. 상사간 과당 경쟁역시 채산성 악화의 큰 원인이 되고 있으며 기존시장 유지를 위해서도 최대의 노력을 기울여야 될것으로 본다. 또한 신시장 개척을 위한 기수개발과 상품개발에 힘써야 될 것이며 국제적 경쟁력을 높이기 위한 장기적인 안목으로 기업 체질강화를 위해 유능한 인적자원의 육성들에 대해서도 적절한 대책이 요망되고 있으며 경제전반에 걸친 융화와 종합무역상사의 내실을 위해서도 정부와 업체 당사자를 과다의 관심과 협조속에 균형적인 발전과 성장을 위한 대책이 지속적으로 모색되어야 할것이다. General Trading Company have been 16 years since it was established in 1975 to place our hope, concern, and historical mission as an export country. It took root in the ground under all kinds of difficulties, honor and disagrace and made a great contribution to the increase of export. However, from the beginning to the present time, a consistent policy of export of general trading company caused to bring rigidity on the self-function and if faces doubt inside and cirtism outside because a comprehensive effect which is a basic principal of general trading company can't come into being. In view of the fact, overall review of export policy and passive tendency of general trading company which depended on the government too much has been required a basic renovation. General trading company with a short history in Korea has produced lots of achievments regarding export extension on an enlarged scale and opening of new markets. However, in comparision with foreign countries, its weak function and small scale are appeared as several points at issue. Therefore, for the economic second take-off, high growth of export and quality improvement should be considered. In order to be actual points, indicated problems at issue have to be realized and reviewed. First, an export-centered growth has an influence on the aggravation of profit for companies. Second, an excessive competition between companies is a major cause for payability aggravation, and a great efforts should be made for maintenance of the existing market. Third, it requires a great deal of labor to open new markets and developqr techinque and products. A moderate policy for the growth ofrcapable man-power resourced is re uired for international competitive power and buildup of enterprise potential. Fourth, for overall economic harmony and substantiality of general trading company, the government and the concerned firms should keep trying to find a way for the balanced development and growth with a continuous interest and co-operation.

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