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      • 원료의 선도가 멸치젓갈의 품질 및 위생안전성에 미치는 영향

        김보경 부경대학교 대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The salt-fermented anchovy is representative of Korean marine fermented food, containing various beneficial amino acid and nucleic acid, It is known as its excellent quality, but it is difficult to secure hygiene and safety due to the backward process of manufacture and ripening. Moreover, the biogenic amine which comes from the high-protein foods such as the Korean traditional sauces and marine fermented foods could cause a big problem with human health. A biogenic amine (BA) is a biogenic substance with an amine group produced via decarboxylation of amino acid by human, animals, plants and microorganism. Some prominent examples of biogenic amines include histamine, tyramine, serotonin and so on, especially, the histamine is a substance derived from the amino acid histidine that acts as a neurotransmitter mediating arousal. In general, all of these are known as toxic substances and formed during fermentation and decomposition. High BA contents in food could cause diseases with food poisoning symptom such as stimulating the nerves and blood vessels. Therefore, some of countries have established a guidance level of intake and study with formation mechanism and way to reducing the contents. A volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) contains mainly ammonia, trimethylamine (TMA), dimethylamine (DMA), and the level of increase with these substances by either bacteria or enzymic degradation is used as an index of freshness quality. Thus, the aim of this study is to find out the potent way to reduce a biogenic amine by examining changes of the fresh raw anchovy Engraulis japonicus. At first, the levels of VBN and histamine at 5 and 25℃ were measured to know the effect of temperature on production of BAs. As a result, the levels of VBN significantly increased as time passed, and it showed considerable changes of its contents from 11.98 mg/100g to 88.06 mg/100g at 25 hr, and the contents of histamine also increased from 7.85 mg/kg to 1860.67 mg/100g at the same time. In contrast, when stored at 5℃, the level of VBN dropped 20 mg/100g in 4 days, and increased by 100 mg/100g after 15 days. In the levels of histamine, it revealed some changes of its contents from 79.18 mg/kg in 3 days to 202.58 mg/kg in 13 days. Based on these results, it shows that the levels of histamine is significantly associated with the freshness of anchovy. Then, the levels of BAs, pH, total nitrogen and amino acid nitrogen were assessed to research the influence of freshness of raw material on producing BAs. To conduct this experiment, the salt-fermented anchovy was produced in 3 groups. They were divided by groups which contain 7.82-8.93 mg/ 100g, 23.5-25.0 mg/100g, and 30.7-31.9 mg/100g of the VBN contents, respectively. As a result, there were no significant differences between total nitrogen and aging period, and it showed that the levels of amino acid nitrogen, VBN and histamine were changed according to its aging period. Especially, the content of histamine sharply increased by freshness of raw materials, and it was 48.2-55.68 mg/kg, 64.58-73.07 mg/kg and 219.26-228.30 mg/kg after 90 days. These findings suggest that the freshness of raw material influence the hygiene and safety of the final products, therefore, it is important to manage the freshness of raw material for making high quality of salt-fermented anchovy.

      • 경남지역 가야시대 주거지에 대한 연구

        위양근 경상대학교 대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        경남지역 가야시대 주거지는 2000년을 기점으로 활발하게 조사가 이루어졌고, 그에 따른 자료가 집적됨에 따라 주거지 연구가 다변화되고 있다. 기존의 주거지 연구는 수혈주거지의 평면형태, 내부시설을 중심으로 구조분석이 이루어졌고, 이를 통하여 주거지의 지역별 변천양상과 시간성을 밝히고자 하였다. 하지만 수혈주거지에 비해 굴립주건물지에 대한 연구나 주거지가 지상화가 이루어지는 과정에 대해서는 연구가 미진한 편이다. 특히 최근에 부산·김해지역에서 굴립주건물지로만 이루어진 취락이 조사되었고, 창원·진해, 진주·산청지역에서는 공간분할이 이루어진 대규모 취락이 조사되면서 이런 논의는 본격화되고 있다. 이에 본고에서는 이런 문제의식을 바탕으로 경남지역 가야시대 수혈주거지와 굴립주건물지의 구조와 시기별 변천 및 전개양상을 파악하고 주거지가 지상화되어 가는 과정에 초점을 두고 연구를 진행하였다. 우선 경남지역 가야시대 주거지 관련유적을 살펴보고, 주거지의 입지와 배치에 따른 취락의 기능과 공간분할에 대해 살펴보았다. 그 다음 주거지를 생활면에 따라 수혈주거지와 굴립주건물지로 분류한 후, 그에 따른 평면형태와 기둥벽체시설, 취사난방시설을 속성분석하여 주거구조를 파악하고 이를 규모에 대입하여 비교해 보았다. 시기구분은 주거지 내에서 출토된 토기를 고분출토품 또는 가야토기와 비교하여 편년을 설정하였다. 토기를 바탕으로 한 편년과 주거구조를 비교하여 3시기로 구분하였고, 시기적으로는 3세기 말부터 가야가 멸망된 6세기 3/4분기에 해당한다. 속성분석 결과에 따르면 수혈주거지의 평면형태는 원형에서 방형으로 변화하고, 기둥벽체시설은 벽체식·벽주식→벽체식·4주식→벽체식·4주식·4주식+벽체식, 취사난방시설은 부뚜막→쪽구들→쪽구들과 부뚜막이 공존하는 것으로 변화한다. 구조변화와 함께 주거지가 조성된 취락은 대형화되고 장기간 존속되며, 방어·생산과 같은 특수한 목적에 따라 조성된다. 굴립주건물의 기능은 창고→주거·창고로 기능이 다양화되고 건물구조는 1×1칸, 2×2칸에서 2×2칸, 2×3칸, 4×3칸, 다주식 등으로 변화한다. 이때부터 부산·김해지역을 중심으로 굴립주건물지로만 구성된 취락이 조성되었고, 중·대형의 굴립주건물지가 축조된다. 전술한 바와 같이 수혈주거지와 굴립주건물지는 평면형태나 주거구조에 따라 변화하고 취락이 장기간 존속되면서 대형화되는데, 지역에 따라 다른 양상이 나타난다. 지역은 수계와 주거지분포를 기준으로 구분되고 경남동부(부산·김해), 경남중부(창원·진해·함안), 경남서부(진주·하동·산청·함양)로 구분된다. 주거지의 구조는 지역성을 띠고 주거구조는 지역별로 시간에 따른 변화가 일어남을 알 수 있다. 전체적으로 동부의 방형계 주거지가 점차 서부로 확산되고 이는 발달된 주거건축기술 전파에 의한 것으로 이해된다. 건축기술의 발달에 의해 기둥벽체시설이 발달됨에 따라 수혈주거지는 점차 지상화되고 이전 시기보다 취사난방시설이 간략화된다. 특히 5세기부터 조성되기 시작하는 굴립주건물지로만 이루어진 취락은 생활면이 지하에서 지상으로 변화하는 것을 말해준다. 또한 수혈주거지에서도 지붕이 발달한 구조(4주+벽주)가 확인되고 이런 구조는 적심건물지의 기둥구조와 유사하다. 이와 같은 선진건축기술의 전파는 고구려 남정을 계기로 금관가야가 멸망하고 이로 인하여 경남 중부와 서부에 가야제국이 성립·발전하면서 시작된다. 즉 가야제국이 성립하면서 주변의 신라와의 교류 또는 신라의 영역확산과 관련되어 선진건축기술이 전파된 것으로 생각된다. 반면, 백제와의 접경지역인 산청·함양에서는 백제의 유물이 출토되는 것으로 보아 신라뿐만 아니라 백제와도 교류가 있었던 것으로 판단된다.

      • 국내산 김, 다시마, 미역, 톳의 생산지역에 따른 미네랄 함량 분석 및 영양평가

        정효정 부경대학교 대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the nutritional components and to evaluate nutritional value of seaweeds: laver (Porphyra tenera), Japanese kelp (Saccharina japonicus), sea mustard (Undaria pinnatifida) and hijiki (Sargassum fusiforme). Proximate composition, fatty acid composition, total amino acid and mineral contents were measured. There was no significantly difference in the proximate composition of the laver, Japanese kelp, sea mustard and hijiki produced in different regions of Korea. Moisture contents were ranged from 85.34 g/100 g to 92.68 g/100 g and crude protein contents were ranged from 0.05 g/100 g to 0.45 g/100 g. Crude lipid contents were ranged from 1.20 g/100 g to 5.14 g/100 g. As a result of investigation of fatty acid composition of laver, Japanese kelp, sea mustard and hijiki by production area, the content of saturated fatty acids was mainly palmitic acid (C16:0) and that of monounsaturated fatty acids was oleic acid (C18:1). In polyunsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid (C18:2), arachidonic acid (C20:4) and eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5) were the major components of laver, and brown algae like Japanese kelp, sea mustard, hijiki were mainly composed of stearidonic acid (C18:4), arachidonic acid (C20:4), and eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5). Total amino acids were analyzed for 17 amino acids except tryptophan. Among the amino acids, leucine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and alanine appeared high contents in the analyzed samples. Among them, the content of glutamic acid was the highest. The contents of total amino acids produced in different regions of Korea were laver 24.66-25.71 g/100 g, Japanese kelp 9.63-11.16 g/100 g, sea mustard 12.36-17.96 g/100 g and hijiki 9.93-10.21 g/100 g. The total amino acid content of laver was highest and the amino acid content of each sample produced in different regions of Korea was not different. As a result of mineral contents in four Korean seaweeds produced in different regions, macro minerals content was highest in K (462.82-2,066.65 mg/100 g), followed by Na (123.61-360.76 mg/100 g), Ca (18.00-131.29 mg/100 g), Mg (28.10-61.43 mg/100 g) and P (28.10-61.43 mg/100 g). The contents of micro mineral per 100 g were the highest in I (0.23-94.82 mg), followed by Fe (0.46-3.59 mg), Zn (0.14-0.93 mg) and Cu (0.00-0.07 mg), and Se and Mo were detected in trace amounts. In order to evaluate nutritional assessment of mineral intake of laver, Japanese kelp, sea mustard and hijiki, the maximum and minimum mineral intakes were calculated and nutrient uptake ratios were calculated in comparison with the Korean nutritional intake standard. Nutrient uptake proportion of mineral intakes was (in descending order): K (157.29±222.74%), Na (75.06±85.83%), Mg (62.19±71.54%), Ca (39.43±47.81%), P (26.11±28.51%), I (141,284.39±348,022.06%), Fe (69.48±98.09%), Zn (14.95±20.85%), Cu (6.58±7.54%). Japanese kelp showed high nutrient uptake rate in most minerals. To consume mineral usefully, it was judged that healthy diet based on the recommend and adequate nutrient intake should be maintain. Also, through this study, it was expected to utilize as base data in order to secure a nutritional excellence and to establish a standard of intake laver, Japanese kelp, sea mustard and hijiki of Korea.

      • 멸치액젓 제조 시 소금의 종류가 품질에 미치는 영향

        김기동 부경대학교 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        This study was conducted the change of physico-chemical characteristics according to salt types; sun-dried salt, refined salt, Chinese sun-dried salt, salicornia herbacea salt and bamboo salt. As a results, volatile basic nitrogen(VBN) contents were 193.24-198.32 mg/100g, amino nitrogen(AN) contents were 1250.37-1296.91 mg/100g, total nitrogen(TN) contents were 2.22-2.38 %, moisture contents were 64.19-66.00 % and pH were 5.23-5.98. There are various type of salts that have difference in content of salinity, moisture, various mineral content, size and shape of salt crystal, granularity and chromaticity. In this study, Than the difference in the salt, difference in the fish sauce is determined to be insignificant, that is, there are no significant effect on the quality of the fish sauce according to the kind of salt.

      • 국내산 시판 액젓의 등급판정을 위한 품질 평가

        이홍희 부경대학교 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        Fish sauce is one of the fishery product that it was extracted from the fermentation of fish with sea salt during a long period. It is used as a crucial ingredient in many types of kimchi, seasoned the vegetable, side dish etc. However, fish sauce was formated histamine that is thus identified as a hazard in fish sauce because of long fermented period under unhygienic condition. The purpose of this study is thus to investigate the quality of commercial fish sauce been circulating the market in Korea in order to determine the grade. The ten anchovy sauce and northern sand lance sauce products were purchased from traditional market and super market in Korea. The samples were analyzed moisture, salinity, pH, total nitrogen, amino nitrogen, color, biogenic amines, coliform bacteria and viable cell counts and analyzed the relationship between their composition and quality standards. The commercial salt-fermented anchovy sauce contained 65.84-70.94% (mean : 68.39%) of moisture, 22.19-25.43% (24.22%) of salinity, 5.4-6.1 (5.8) of pH, 0.76-1.61%(1.18%) of total nitrogen, 478.52-924.66 mg/100 g (702.05 mg/100 g) of amino nitrogen. The commercial salt-fermented sand lance sauce contained 66.63-71.99% (68.73%) of moisture, 23.9-25.5% (24.57%) of salinity, 5.5-6.4(6.16) of pH, 0.64-1.46% (1.07%) of total nitrogen, 433.51-1006.67 mg/100 g (665.36 mg/100 g) of amino nitrogen. From contents of total nitrogen and moisture, commercial salt-fermented fish sauce seem almost diluted for reduction of manufacturing cost. Besides, 6 samples are not up to Korean's food code. Protease activity of Non-heated samples is higher than heated samples. These result mean that protease and bacterias are decreased the activity by heating process. The commercial salt-fermented anchovy sauce contained 89.65-202.86 mg/100 g (mean : 151.11%) of volatile basic nitrogen, similarly, sand lance sauce contained 90.36-369.40 mg/100 g (165.79 mg/100 g). This figures is higher than the control (120.24 mg/100 g). The commercial salt-fermented anchovy sauces contained 452.46-2070.58 mg/100 g of histamine. These high level of histamine can be fatal to hypersensitive reaction patients, the elderly and infants. Correlation of TN, AN and VBN containing nitrogen was high, but there was no significant correlation between these results and histamine. In total nitrogen content, 6 of the 20 fish sauces were less than Korea Food Standard. The eight samples were less than the amino nitrogen regulation of Korean Industrial Standard (KS). And 14 fish sauce were exceeded by 68% for moisture content standard of Korean Industrial Standard.

      • 도미 유사어종의 식품학적 품질 비교 및 도미회의 원료 판별

        정지용 부경대학교 글로벌수산대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The mullet(chelon lauvergnii), red drum(sciaenops ocellatus) which is a similar species of red sea bream(pagrus majro) are difficult to be distinguished due to its comparable features of color and shape as sliced raw fish. Because of this, almost low-budget fish restaurants have been selling the mullet or red drum as the red sea bream which is more expensive. This study investigated to confirm the differences among red sea bream, mullet and red drum by comparing their food quality and ecological characteristic. To judge the origin raw material of red sea bream sliced raw fish, several distinction index components which can clearly show the differences among them were adopted. Moreover, a survey was conducted in order to compare an appearance, tensile stress and standard of red sea bream distinction before and after training the way of red sea bream distinction. In proximate components, red sea bream, mullet and red drum’s moisture contents were 72.35±0.37%, 73.47±0.35% and 70.78±0.04% respectively, And crude protein contents were 19.58±0.06%, 19.93±0.18% and 20.97±0.66% respectively, In addition, they presented 1.37±0.07%, 1.27±0.08% and 1.19±0.08% respectively in crude ash contents, and 7.07±0.17%, 1.89±0.24% and 5.36±0.43 respectively in crude lipid contents. Most proximate components were not significantly different among three species, but red drum contained lowest lipid contents and mullet was highest. Mineral and heavy metal contents of muscle of three species are significantly different, but not much. Constituent fatty acid were different among species and omega-3 fatty acid contents were 17.08%, 6.45%, 18.29% at red sea bream, mullet and red drum. In breaking strength, 3 species were not significantly different, and red sea bream was the lowest level and red drum wes the highest level. In electrophoresis, red sea bream and mullet were clearly featureless and 18 raw sliced fish bought at sea food restaurants were not distinguishable at SDS-PAGE, showing that bands were not clearly different. For appearance, red sea bream and mullet were distinguishable, but red sea bream and red drum were similar that cannot be distinguish. For tensile stress test, the length of stretched spring was 3.5±0.1cm, 4.7±0.2cm, 5.0±0.2cm at red sea bream, mullet and red drum. red drum’s lowest tensile stress means its flexibility is the highest. The survey was conducted to confirm result of education that distinguishing red sea bream and its similar fishes by making education manual was conducted. In result, trained people can distinguish by simple appearance and tensile stress test.

      • Lipopolysaccharide로 유도된 Raw 264.7 cell에서 물레나물(Hypericum ascyron)의 pro-inflammatory 억제 효과

        홍은진 경북대학교 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        Hypericum ascyron has been used for medicinal plant and recent studies have reported that H. ascyron has anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial effects. There is no study about H. ascyron for anti-inflammatory mechanism. We have investigated whether H. ascyron has potential inhibitory effect on pro-inflammatory responses or not. H. ascyron was extracted at optimal extraction condition. Total phenolic compounds contents in water and 90% ethanol were 29.75, 31.82 mg/g, respectively. Anti- inflammatory activities of H. ascyron extracts were investigated by measuring hyaluronidase inhibition, cell viability, Nitric oxide (NO) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression by western blotting and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), and pro-inflammatory cytokines (tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β)) by ELISA in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated Raw 264.7 cells. In result, hyaluronidase inhibitory activity of H. ascyron extracts (50~200 phenolic ㎍/mL concentration) was determined 0.00~14.81%, 15.33~47.49% on hyaluronidase inhibition, respectively. Cell viability showed that water and ethanol extract was not cytotoxic to Raw 264.7 cell at concentrations up to 50 ㎍/mL and 20 ㎍/mL, respectively. We selected the water and ethanol extracts concentration of 10, 20, 30, 50 ㎍/mL and 5, 10, 20 ㎍/mL for further study. In NO production, water and ethanol extracts were approximately inhibited 88.30% and 71.5% each at the high concentration. Extracts inhibited the release of NO in a dose dependent manner, significantly. iNOS-derived NO protein expression inhibitory effect of extracts was determined 50.00%, 58.00% at high concentration. PGE2 production was decreased up to 83.00%,93.00%. COX-2–derived PGE2 protein expression inhibitory effect of extracts was decreased up to 50.00%, 33.00%. The pro-inflammatory cytokines inhibitory effect such as TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1β were decreased in the dose dependent manner. The results indicate that H. ascyron extracts reduced inflammatory responses in LPS-induced 264.7 cells via the regulation of the iNOS, COX-2, NO, PGE2 and pro-inflammatory cytokines. Therefore, these results suggest that extracts of H. ascyron may have significant effects on inflammatory factor and may be a potential anti-inflammatory as therapeutic materials.

      • 횟집 무채 및 천사채의 위생실태에 관한 연구

        박선영 부경대학교 글로벌수산대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        본 연구에서는 무채 및 천사채의 위생 실태와 위생 관리 대책을 목적으로 부산시 소재의 20곳의 횟집에서 무채와 천사채를 수집하여 실험 대조구간을 비교분석하여 그 차이를 비교 검토하였다. 무채 및 천사채의 재사용 유무 및 오염 여부를 확인 할 수 있는 색도 측정, 일반 세균수, 대장균군수 및 분변성 대장균수를 측정하여 각 시료와 대조구간에 비교 분석 하였고 소비자들의 무채 및 천사채에 관한 생선회 데코레이션 인식, 선호도, 기호도 조사를 실시하여 그 자료에 근거하여 데코레이션 종류에 따라 생선회 내의 수분함량 보존의 차이를 비교하였으며 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다.

      • 大加耶圈 石室墓 硏究

        오재진 경상대학교 대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        An archaeological study on the Daegaya region together with the Geumgwan Gaya region in Gimhae is a critical part of the archaeological research into the Gaya region. Studies have been conducted with focus on a large variety relics excavated from stone lined tombs and their surrounding remains. On the contrary, there have been relatively few studies on stone chamber tombs that well reflect the fast-changing society at the time as part of the radical changes in funeral and burial customs introduced and settled in around the 6th century. Notwithstanding it, several studies were conducted but left something to be desired due to the lack of examination into a number of topics, including the concrete background of introduction of Baekje style stone chamber tombs and their dissipation, localities and local differences between Goryeong and Hapcheon regions that served as a heartland to Daegaya, introduction of stone chamber tombs with horizontal entrance and their evolvement, introduction of Silla-style stone chamber tombs after the collapse of Gaya, preservation of local tradition seen during the process of gaining popularity and the introduction of new building techniques. Against this backdrop, this study has made new attempts of classification and stage settings for stone chamber tombs in the Daegaya region as part of the effort to properly address the issues described above, based on which I have sought to revive the overall development of stone chamber tombs identified in the Daegaya region and their historical significance in consideration of relevant historical implications. A variety of stone chamber tombs in Goryeong and Hapcheon regions that served as a heartland to Daegaya have been classified into a number of categories with walk-in stone chamber tombs and horizontally-prepared stone chamber tombs classified into 12 and 13 categories, respectively, which in turn were set to different stages, depending on several different factors, including the form and stage of construction as well as structural characteristics such as temporal and spatial variation, different styles and shapes of entrance, and the shape of plane surface of the burial chamber to examine the architectural and historical implications in each stage. First of all, the period of building walk-in and the horizontally-prepared stone chamber tombs can be classified into four different stages: the second quarter of the 6th century, third quarter of the 6th century, fourth quarter of the 6th century and the 7th century and afterwards, which are also named the period of introduction, expansion, prevalence and decline. The period of introduction, or Stage 1, saw a distinct difference in structure of tombs between Goryeong and Hapcheon although the both belong to the same Daegaya. That is, Goryeong adopted horizontally-prepared stone chamber tombs under the influence of Baekje while Hapcheon chose Silla style walk-in stone chamber tombs. This noticeable difference in the form of tombs is assumed to reflect historical backgrounds at the time characterized by close kinships between Daegaya’s ruling class and Baekje that resulted in building horizontally-prepared stone chamber tombs in Goryeong and the matrimonial alliance between Daraguk as a part of Daegaya Confederation and Silla that explains the Silla style walk-in stone chamber tombs and relics found in Hapcheon. The period of expansion, or Stage 2, features expansion of Baekje style horizontally-prepared stone chamber tombs that originated from the Goryeong region to the Hapcheon region and adoption of Baekje style walk-in stone chamber tombs even among general public. These Baekje style walk-in stone chamber tombs used coffins, which indicates sustained affinity toward the Baekje region and contained the Okjeon style iron-plate ritual utensil with bird decorations that demonstrates the preservation of regional tradition. This is also the period when stone chamber tombs with a variety of forms were built by accepting changes from the previous periods over time and adopting new factors attained from the outside while preserving the tradition of stone chamber tombs in previous periods. However, this period also saw huge historical changes in and around the Gaya region, which were incorporated into building stone chamber tombs. That is, in the third quarter of the 6th century, or the beginning part of this period, Daegaya and Gaya in the western Gyeongnam region were destroyed by Silla marching west. The period of prevalence, or Stage 3, saw the demise of Baekje style stone chamber tombs that were found in the period of introduction in the Daegaya region and a sharp rise of Silla stone chamber tombs even among general public, and in the fourth quarter of the 6th century with a little bit of influence of Daegaya left, Silla enforced its local system with focus on Daeyaju established in 565 in the Goryeong region where Daegaya collapsed but this was a chaotic period marred by severe conflicts and clashes between Silla and Baekje as indicated by the Daeyaseong battle that occurred in 642. Under these circumstances, stone chamber tombs built in the Daegaya region were mostly influenced by Silla. The period of decline is characterized by a noticeable decrease in the number of stone chamber tombs and their size also shrunk, resulting in the prevalence of small stone chamber tombs. And the existing graveyard sites gave way to new graveyard sites. These disruptive changes that included the establishment of new graveyard along with the standardization and reduction of stone chamber tombs in terms of structure and scale are presumably due to the regulations by Silla’s ruling class on burial customs upon establishment of control over major regions throughout the country. During the period of introduction through prevalence, most traditional items typically found in burial chambers in Okjeon graveyard sites, including wooden cover, iron-plate ritual utensil with bird decorations, coffin nails, coffin hooks, metal fittings for coffins, and other tomb related structure went out of sight, presumably walking on the path to demise, and stone chamber tombs started to get unified and standardized under the influence of Silla.

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