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      • KCI등재

        연명치료중단에 대한 추정적 의사

        김필수 대한의료법학회 2012 의료법학 Vol.13 No.2

        The Korean supreme court said that Mrs Kim who was in a persistent vegetative state had a right to die if she had a presumed will or assumption of dying against Severance hospital in 2009. Presumed would be vague and can not be subjective to conjecture though, the court had a developed trial on the case. I recommend the higher valued notion such as the 'right to decide on the life extension' is more logical than assumptive will. To achieve this recommendation, I will search right to life, right to decision, human dignity and find the good relationship between them. In conclusion, I will announce that if PVS patients without advanced directives aren't able to express their will and no one could not assume their right to die in spite of meaningless life extension. So only the due and strict procedure about the extinction of meaningless PVS patients will allow them to sacrifice themselves or remove life extension ventilators. Also active euthanasia would be possible under the strict procedure of making advanced directives and the act of helping active euthanasia additionally, the crime of abetting suicide would not be executed in the legal scope.

      • KCI등재

        뇌사자 장기기증의 윤리적 조건과 문화적 과제

        문시영 한국기독교사회윤리학회 2007 기독교사회윤리 Vol.13 No.-

        Organ donation would be a practice of agape for saving patient's life. It has noble and moral meaning for Christians and others also. It is an ethical alternative to dealing in human organs for organ transplants. But, in Korea, shortage of organ for transplants resulted to be cases of purchasing foreigner's organ, e. g. Chinese. Now, Korean churchs eagerly try to promote promise of organ donation from volunteers. In this context, this paper studied the moral justification and ethical conditions for organ donation. There are two ways to procure human organs for transplants: from living donor and from brain death people. This paper focused on the latter, ‘organ donation from brain death people. Now, there are some principles for donation of human organ including autonomy and informed consent. And the key concept is autonomous agree on ment. But it is difficult to certify for brain death people who agree on organ donation in form of ‘living will’. In this case, the only way to decide of organ donation is, what so called, the ‘presumed consent’ of family. Now, presumed consent has some ethical difficulties for rights of decision maker of those cases. Who can decide properly? And what's the grounds of organ donation of brain death people. Now, this paper recommends shift from presumed consent to living will. In other words, organ donation must be justified by autonomous consent and voluntary devotion for agape. Organ transplants have to do with technology and medical issues. But organ donation is an ethical issue which is morally justifiable under the condition of ethical autonomy. And this study propose a task of transformation of traditional bio-culture to biblical view of life and death for Christian of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        연명치료에 관한 계약법적 고찰

        김천수 성균관대학교 법학연구원 2009 성균관법학 Vol.21 No.3

        This paper is related with the legal issues raised when the life-sustaining treatments are withheld or withdrawn. The issues were analysed from the point of view of contract law in this paper. This analysis was triggered by the precedent 2009DA17417 of the Korean Supreme Court. It is a historical judgment by which the removal of artificial respirator from a patient was permitted in accordance with the application of the remove by the family of the patient. The majority opinion of the precedent presumed properly the intention of the patient to remove the artificial respirator. The opinion, however, added improperly an element to the requirements for permission of the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatments. The improper element is that the patient should be on the verge of death. The judges joining the majority opinion overlooked the purpose or reason of the request and permission of the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatments. The purpose or reason is the removal of hindrances to the natural death itself. It does not matter whether he or she would be on the verge of death with the remove or would survived the remove for a long time. In this paper the legal theories and policy of a patient's 'living will' were analysed. The removal of hindrances to the natural death could be permitted only by the sincere intention of the patient. The critical element of the remove is the patient's intention, the ambiguity of which does not make only the physicians confront the difficulties in decision of the remove, but also the family face a dilemma relating to the application of the remove. The introduction of the living will system in a statute would solve the problems brought about by the presumption of the patient's intention related with the remove.

      • 정당해산결정에 부수하는 의원지위상실결정의 허용성

        박찬주 헌법재판소 2016 헌법논총 Vol.27 No.-

        헌법재판소는 2014. 12. 19. 통합진보당해산심판청구사건(2013헌다1)에서 동 정당에 대한 해산결정과 함께 동 정당의 소속의원에 대해 의원직상실결정을 하였다. 문제는, 정당해산심판을 헌법재판소의 관장업무로 규정하는 헌법이나 정당해산청구에 대한 심판절차를 규정하는 헌법재판소법에서 정당해산결정으로 의원직이 상실된다는 규정을 두지 아니하고 있고, 그리하여 헌법재판소는 의원직상실의 근거를 정당해산심판제도로부터 발생하는 본질적 효력에서 구하고 있다는 점에 있다. 동 결정은 지위상실설에 입각한 것이며, 서독연방헌법재판소의 사회주의제국당에 관한 위헌정당해산결정에서 취한 입장이기도 하다. 위헌정당해산결정에도 불구하고 의원직을 그대로 보유한다는 지위유지설에서의 논거는 「민주주의를 방어한다는 명목으로 자유위임관계에 대한 예외를 인정하는 경우 국회의원의 국민대표성과 자유위임관계를 희생하는 뇌관이 될 수 있으며, 이는 민주주의의 독소로 작용할 수 있다」는 데 있다. 그러나 정당이 선거에서 후보자를 공천하고 후보자로 하여금 선거에 참여하도록 하는 경우에, 국민은 그 정당이 민주적 기본질서를 훼손하지 않는 정당에 해당할 것이고 장래에도 민주적 기본질서를 훼손하지 아니할 것이라고 가정하고 자신의 대표자로 소속의원을 선출하였을 것이다. 이러한 가정은 대의제도의 기초를 형성하는 국민의 「추정적 의사」에 해당한다. 그리고 일단 선출이 이루어진 경우에 있어서의 국민들의 가정은 선출된 의원이 설사 자유민주적 기본질서에 적극적으로 부합하는 인물은 아니라고 하더라도 적어도 자유민주적 기본질서를 훼손하지 아니하고 의정활동을 수행할 것이라는 일종의 소극적 형태로 유지하고 있을 것이다. 헌법재판소가 어떤 정당에 대해 위헌정당으로 인정하고 해산결정을 하는 것은 그 정당의 후보자를 자신들의 대표자로 선출한 국민의 「추정적 의사」를 근본적으로 뒤엎는 상황이라고 할 수 있다. 지위유지설에서는 국민의 「추정적」 의사가 파괴된 경우에도 국민대표성과 자유위임관계만을 내세워 소속의원의 지위가 유지되어야 한다는 것을 주장할 뿐, 훼손된 국민대표성과 자유위임관계에 대한 어떠한 복원방법도 제시하지 아니하고 있다. 이는 위험한 사고놀음이다. 주권은 국민의 일반의사(volonté générale)를 떠나서 논의할 수는 없다. 한편 필자는 의원직상실결정은 있을 수 있는 위헌법률심사와 관련하고 있다는 점을 지적하고 있다. 헌법에서 소속 국회의원의 지위 상실에 관하여 어떤 규정을 두지 아니한 상태에서 법률에서 위헌정당의 해산에도 불구하고 소속 국회의원에 대해 의원직을 상실하지 아니하는 것으로 규정하고 있다면 헌법재판소는 그러한 법률에 대해 위헌결정을 할 수 있다. 정당해산제도의 본질적 효력은 그러한 규정들에 대해 당연히 위헌결정하도록 요구하기 때문이다. 필자가 「당연히」 「위헌결정의 대상이 되어야 한다」고 주장하는 것은 헌법재판소가 그와 같은 절차를 취하지 아니하는 것은 「위헌정당해산제도가 가지는 헌법수호의 기능이나 방어적 민주주의 이념과 원리」가 수행될 수 없는 상태를 방치한다는 것을 의미하기 때문이다. 헌법재판소의 방치는 그 자체로서 계속적인 헌법위반상태의 방치에 해당한다. 필자는 이 글에서 지위유지설에 대한 반론을 제시하는 데 그치지 아니하고 헌 ... The Constitutional Court passed decision on the requested dissolution of Unified Progressive Party in favor of Government and collaterally decided to deprive 5 national assemblymen belonging to that Party of their each membership of the National Assembly on Dec. 19, 2014. The problem raised by the decision is as follows. The Constitution granting the jurisdiction over dissolution of political party to the Constitutional Court or the Constitutional Court Act providing the legal procedure and the resultant matters of that dissolution lacks the provision(s) about whether the compulsory dissolution deprive those assemblymen of their each membership. For this reason the Constitutional Court established the ground of deprivation of the membership on the fundamental/intrinsic effect which the adjudication on dissolution of unconstitutional political party gives birth to. Such a rationale is based on the maintenance view of the status of assemblyman, and is also the view taken by the decision of the German Federal Constitutional Court on the dissolution of an unconstitutional political party, i.e. Die Sozialistische Reichspartei (SRP). The argument presented by the maintenance view in spite of the dissolution of an unconstitutional political party resides in the worry that “if we acknowledge an exception to the free mandate relation under the pretext of defending democracy, such exception may work as a poison to the direct cause of sacrificing the wholesome representative character of national assemblyman to the public and the principle of free mandate relation, and works as a poison to democracy.” But when a party nominates a person as a candidate for that party and make him participate in an election, the public elect him as their representative under the supposition that the party must not be the party impairing the fundamental free and democratic order and further will not impair that order in the future likewise. This sort of supposition corresponds to the 「assumptive will」 of the public forming and supporting the basis of representative system, and the character of their supposition corresponds to an affirmative one. After the election, the assumptive will varies a little nevertheless holds in passive form that the elected assemblyman, though not answering the fundamental free and democratic order actively, but still is without impairing that order in the course of legislative activity. The decision of the Constitutional Court judging a party as an unconstitutional one and making that party dissolve brings about a situation betraying such 「assumptive will」 of the public fundamentally. The maintenance view stubbornly advocates the holding of membership solely in the name of representative character to the public and the principle of free mandate relation even when the 「assumptive will」 is destructed, without offering any practicable restoration about the impaired representative character and the principle. For this reason the maintenance view is a dangerous thinking spree. The sovereignty cannot be discussed departing from 「volonté générale」 of the public. The writer also asserts that the decision on the deprivation of membership is linked to the review of unconstitutionality on possible legislations, if any. Even if a law stipulates that an assemblyman does not lose his membership in spite of a compulsory dissolution on the ground that the Constitution is silent about the membership, the Constitutional Court can declare such legislation as unconstitutional. It goes without saying the fundamental effect of adjudication on dissolution of unconstitutional political party requires such declaration. The reason of the writer's using terminology such as 「it goes without saying」, 「requires」 is, if the Constitutional Court does not declare the possible legislations as unconstitutional, it means that the Court neglects the situation where 「the function of protecting the Constitution and ideal and pri...

      • KCI등재후보

        Relation between Ethical Legitimacy and Legal Legitimacy regarding Human Acts on Human Life

        Duttge,Gunnar 가톨릭생명윤리연구소 2016 인격주의 생명윤리 Vol.6 No.2

        Law and ethics in medicine face the same questions but respond them differently sometimes. This is also the case for the central question of self-determination or patient autonomy at the end of life: Patient autonomy in a ambitious sense is not restricted in the free volition, but requires the optimal support for a reflected individual decision. In the light of the protection of life and individual freedom, the current legal approach of the Patient Decree and implementation of representatives is imperfect. It therefore requires the further development to a structured process of the advance care planning.

      • KCI등재후보

        Relation between Ethical Legitimacy and Legal Legitimacy regarding Human Acts on Human Life

        Duttge, Gunnar 가톨릭대학교(성의교정) 가톨릭생명윤리연구소 2016 인격주의 생명윤리 Vol.6 No.2

        Law and ethics in medicine face the same questions but respond them differently sometimes. This is also the case for the central question of self-determination or patient autonomy at the end of life: Patient autonomy in a ambitious sense is not restricted in the free volition, but requires the optimal support for a reflected individual decision. In the light of the protection of life and individual freedom, the current legal approach of the Patient Decree and implementation of representatives is imperfect. It therefore requires the further development to a structured process of the advance care planning.

      • KCI등재

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