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      • 地方自治制 實施에 따른 地方財政 擴充方案에 관한 硏究

        남순영 전북대학교 경영대학원 1989 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Though the local autonomy have been held since the 1960's, it will execute before long. Thus, execution the administration of the local autonomy, it will be needed a lot of budget required the projects for which promote the people' welfare and develop the local incoming projects that are the ultimate objects in the local autonomous boby. But beginning the local self-governing system in a view of the local finance, it could not so be administered just as the real condition of the local autonomous body itself that could not be performed it’s administration in dependendence on the central government because of the budget deficit and so low of the level of the self-supporting ability. Also, it could not be intended to develop the local incoming projects as well as to promote the people's welfare. So, in this study, it would like be put on a point that expand the financial ability of the local self-governing body in order to require an amount of budget itself in performing the administration of it's local government nearing it's autonomy. In the second chapter, reviewed the functions of the specific characters and the local financial autonomy. It's functions are distribution of resources, redistribution of in-come and economic modulation. And it's characters are variety, complexity, heteronomy, beneficial character. It is also described the autonomous standards and alternative functions of the national affairs. In the third chapter, have been reviewed about situations and problems of the local finance. the situations were classified with the size of national and local finance, financial progress of each local self-governing system, the structure of the local financial expenses and the level of the local financial self-supported. Problems were described structual and institutional problems and operational problems of local finance. In the fourth chapter, as the heart of this study, have inquired about expanding method of the local finance. At first, it is largely classified to increasing the local taxes, increasing the local public business incomes, rationalizing the local financial supporting systems. Increasing the local taxes were considered the modificating the tax systems, introducing the new tax resources and complementing the local financial coordinating systems, Rationalizing the local financial supporting systems were investigated the rationalization of the subsidy and grant-in-aid systems. Second, it is considered about the introduction of the business administration system of the local large district and reasonable expenses of the local budgets. Third, it is described about rational operation of the local public enterprises. In the fifth chapter, as a conclusion, it is emphasized that has to secure the good financial resources at the local self-governing body considered it's special conditions for expansion of the effective local finance.

      • 간유입 혈류 차단시 문맥압의 변화

        남순영 경북대학교 대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        (Purpose) Acute ligation of the portal vein in animal results in pooling of blood in splanchnic bed followed by rapid cardiovascular collapse and death. However, human can withstand portal inflow occlusion because of portal collateral circulation. I tried to prove the development of portal collateral circulation in the case of acute portal inflow occlusion by serial measurement of portal pressure. (Methods) 187 patients who underwent liver resection with portal triad clamping (PTC) were studied. We inserted a catheter to right gastroepiploic vein and measured portal pressure before PTC, after PTC and just before reperfusion of the last clamping. (Result) During the liver resection, portal pressure decreased gradually because of collateral circulation development by 61.8 mmH_(2)O in normal liver group, 71.1 mmH_(2)O in chronic hepatitis group, 43.0 mmH_(2)O in cirrhosis group. The differences among three groups has no statistical significance. Moreover, there was no difference in portal pressure decrease between intermittent and continuous clamping group. However, the decrease of portal pressure in 21 patients with varices was much less than those without varices (10 mmH_(2)O vs. 62.7 mmH_(2)O, p=0.008). In recent 20 cases, we additionally measured portal pressure 15 minutes and 30 minutes after PTC. The pressure decreased to nearly full extent within the first 15 minutes after PTC. (Conclusion) Gradual decrease of portal pressure during PTC suggests the development of portal collateral circulation. It makes possible the partients to tolerate liver ischemia during liver resection or transplantation. Most of collateral circulation seems to be developed within the first 15 minutes after PTC.

      • 임상간호사의 법의식과 의료과오 · 분쟁에 대한 인식

        남순영 경북대학교 수사과학대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        임상간호사의 법의식과 의료과오·분쟁에 대한 인식에 관한 세부적인 연구가 필요하며 임상간호사의 법의식과 의료과오·분쟁에 대한 인식의 변화를 파악하고 보완하기 위해서 정기적인 연구가 수행되어야 할 것이다. 둘째, 졸업 후에도 보수교육이나 직무교육등을 통해 지속적인 법교육이 이루어져야 하며 의료과오·분쟁의 예방과 대처에 있어 전문적이고 체계적인 교육이 필수적이므로 기관 내 정기적 교육이 수행되어야 할 것이다.

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