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      • 해항도시(海港都市)와 해양산업의 세계화 : 해양산업전시회의 현재와 미래

        우양호 한국해양대학교 세계해양발전연구소 2013 세계해양발전연구 Vol.22 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to discuss the effect of ocean industry exposition on globalization of ocean industries and regional economy development of sea port cities. Recent research and development on Korean ocean related industries were introduced and its strategy for the globalization were discussed. The study analyzes the effects of the various projects related to ocean industry exposition and answers the question of how to link the effects to development of ocean related industries as well as the economic activation of sea port cities in Korea. To attain this goal, first of all, this study attempted to analyze status of ocean industries, characteristics of existing exposition in sea port cities. To maximize the above positive effects of ocean industry exposition, this study emphasized alternative future strategic options for sea port cities and its ocean industry exposition in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        맥파 신호기반 감정인식을 위한 주파수 특징 분석

        장원두 국제차세대융합기술학회 2022 차세대융합기술학회논문지 Vol.6 No.1

        생체신호를 사용하는 감정인식은 환자, 위험활동 종사자의 모니터링 등에 유용히 활용될 수 있는 기술로, 최근 인공지능기술의 발달에 따라 활발히 연구되고 있다. 본 논문은 감정인식을 목적으로, 공개 생체신호 데이터 셋인 DEAP 데이터셋을 사용하여 맥파 신호를 주파수 대역별로 분석하고, 그 결과를 제시하였다. 기존의 연구가 arousal과 valence에 대하여 0.4Hz 이하의 저주파 신호 특징을 분석한 데 비해, 본 연구에서는 dominance와 liking을 분석 대상에 포함시켰으며, 맥파를 사용하는 감정인식에 있어 0.4 Hz 이상의 고주파 대역이 가지는 중요 성을 유의성 검증을 통해 분석하였다. 그 결과, 기존에 사용되지 않았던 0.4Hz 이상의 주파수 대역에도 valence, dominance, liking등의 감정인식에 유의미한 특징이 존재함을 발견하였으며, arousal 인식에 있어서는 0.4-1Hz 대 역을 제외하고는 유의미한 주파수 특징이 없음을 발견하였다. The recognition of human emotion using biosignals is one of the important techniques to monitor patients or to assist workers in dangerous environments, which has been studied by many researchers in the last decades. This paper presents a frequency analysis of photoplethysmogram for the recognition of emotions, using an open physiological signal dataset for emotion analysis (DEAP). The main contribution of this paper is that the importance of all the frequency bands was analyzed by significance tests, though previous studies analyzed the features in the low-frequency bands of lower than 0.4Hz only. Moreover, the analysis for all the emotions such as arousal, valence, dominance and liking were presented whereas the preivous studies focused on the arousal and valence only. In results, significant differences were found in the higher frequency bands (over 0.4Hz), between the low and high emotional states of valence, dominance, and liking. No features were showing significant differences for arousal except the 0.4-1Hz band.

      • A Comparative Study on the Policy Features of Chinese Marine Economic Development Pilot Zones

        Liang, Yin-Jing,Choi, Sung-Doo 한국해양대학교 세계해양발전연구소 2014 세계해양발전연구 Vol.23 No.-

        본 논문은 2011-2012년 설정된 중국 해양경제시범구들을 연구대상으로 하여 각 시범구의 정책특징을 정성적인 비교분석 방법을 통하여 분석하였다. 4개 시 범구의 비교 준거기준은 각 시범구의 경제발전 목표, 과학과 교육방안, 외부지역 과의 발전연계방안, 정치적 기능들이며, 그 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 경제발전목표 측면에서 산동(산동반도남색경제구)은 ‘중국북부 해양경제 의 핵심’을, 절강(절강해양경제발전시범구)은 ‘지역해양경제 강화’을, 광동(광동 해양경제종합시범구)은 ‘중국전체 해양경제의 핵심’을, 복건(복건해협남색경제시 범구)은 ‘지역해양산업의 촉진’을 각각 내세우고 있다. 둘째, 과학과 교육 측면에서 산동이 가장 강점이 크고, 절강은 상대적 강점을 가지지만 과학적 성취능력이 부족하고, 광동은 상대적 취약성과 연구기금체계 부족이, 복건은 과학적 능력 부족의 특징을 각각 가지고 있다. 셋째, 외부지역과의 발전연계방안 측면에서 산동은 북중국 및 동북아시아와의 넓은 연계망을, 절강은 지역중심의 좁은 영역만을, 광동은 남중국과 남동아시아 와의 넓은 연계망을, 복건은 대만 중심의 가장 좁은 영역을 대상으로 한다. 넷째, 정치적 기능 측면에서 산동은 ‘서구세계에 정치적 의지 표현과 동북아시 아 국가들의 협력 촉구’를, 절강은 ‘남중국해 조어도분쟁 해결과 전략적 안보물 자 공급 확보’를, 광동은 ‘광동-홍콩-마카오의 통합 강화와 남중국해 분해결 촉 진’을, 복건은 ‘대만과의 정치적 신뢰 및 친선유지’를 각각 도모하고 있다.

      • 중국 서부대개발사업 이후 서부지역의 소득격차 요인분석

        최성일,조준현 한국해양대학교 세계해양발전연구소 2015 세계해양발전연구 Vol.24 No.-

        This paper is to analyse the cause of income disparity between regions and between provinces in the western region of China since implementing the Great Development Strategy of Western China, employing relative labor productivity index and relative openness index etc. The results of this paper are as followings; First, the indices of relative labor productivity have great differences between regions and between provinces in the western region. In the east the indices were high and increasing, but in the west low and even decreasing. So the disparity between east and west was widen over the periods. Second, the Chinese provinces vary considerably in the degrees of relative trade openness. The relative openness indices were high and increasing in eastern region of China, whereas low and unchanging in western region.

      • 정부부처의 아프리카 공적개발원조(ODA) 사업에 대한 평가

        최성두 한국해양대학교 세계해양발전연구소 2012 세계해양발전연구 Vol.21 No.-

        This paper aims at reviewing the performance of official development assistance(ODA) programs of Korean government towards Africa nations. Especially, as the foundation of performance survey results on the five Korean ministries(foreign affairs, finance, commerce, transpotation & construction, general affairs) which had implemented Africa ODA programs for lately 5 years, the overall evaluation and the better ways of Korean government's ODA programs on Africa could be suggested. First, it has to change the diverse and fragmented program governance and to intensify the institutional linkage and the function of control tower. Second, the nation-wide integrated ODA program should be planned on the umbrella of the prime ministry. Third, the participatory program planning & implementation system should be established including the government, NGO, enterprises, universities, international organizations. Fourth, the performance review system should be not only built integrally, but also the evaluation competence and accountability should be made sure. Fifth, the ODA size on Africa should be not only enlarged more, but also the ODA program efficiency should be bettered more. But, this research has some limitations. Above all, because the period of case programs are so short, it is difficult to evaluate generally and universally. And because the feature of this research is exploratory and basic, it must be supplemented by in-depth case studies in the future.

      • 자유무역지역의 활성화를 위한 개선방안에 관한 연구

        함길선,신용존 한국해양대학교 세계해양발전연구소 2016 세계해양발전연구 Vol.25 No.-

        In general, various schemes such as free trade zone are being implemented with the purpose of foreign investment attraction, trade promotion through advanced technology, international logistics facilitation, and balanced regional development. The Korean government has been designating and operating 13 free trade zones including 8 free economic zones and 86 foreign-invested areas. But these policies have not been evaluated to be sufficient to the foreign investment and the international competitiveness compared to other countries. This study investigated the role and operational status of the free trade areas to try to diagnose the problem and the need, and so derived some improvement plans for them by the comparative analysis to other domestic similar institutions, for example Free Economic Zone, Foreign Investment Zone and Comprehensive Bonded Zone. Moreover, it respectively presented the drawbacks and improvements of those zones in Korea at the economical, operational and institutional aspects.

      • 한국 동해(East Sea)명칭 표기에 관한 연구

        최홍배 한국해양대학교 세계해양발전연구소 2017 세계해양발전연구 Vol.26 No.-

        Korea argues that historically the more common name was East Sea and the name Sea of Japan did not become common until Korea was under Japanese rule, at which time it had no ability to influence international affairs. Japan argues that the name Sea of Japan has been the most common international name since at least the beginning of the 19th century, long before its annexation of Korea. To provide evidence for the date when Sea of Japan came to be used internationally, both South Korea and Japan have undertaken surveys of various historical maps. Both sides have conducted studies of antiquarian maps, but the two countries have produced divergent research results. Additional arguments have been raised regarding the underlying geography of the sea as well as potential problems regarding the ambiguity of one name or the other. On 18 November 2006, during the APEC summit in Hanoi, South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun informally proposed to the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe that the sea be called instead the "Sea of Peace" or "Sea of Friendship", which Abe rejected. In January 2007 Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuhisa Shiozaki opposed the idea, saying that there was no need to change the name of the Sea of Japan. In 1992, objections to the name Sea of Japan were first raised by Korea at UNCSGN. The Japanese government supports the use of the name "Sea of Japan", while South Korea supports the name "East Sea". In 2012, IHO decided not to change the current single name "Sea of Japan" rejecting South Korea's request to use "East Sea" together with "Sea of Japan".

      • 중국의 항만배후단지 운영제도에 관한 고찰

        조경우,강윤호,김만홍 한국해양대학교 세계해양발전연구소 2012 세계해양발전연구 Vol.21 No.-

        The recent changes in the logistics environment has emphasized the importance of value-added features as the evaluation factors of port competitiveness. In this environment, the competitiveness of the port is switched by the competitiveness of the port hinterland. In particular, China has been strengthening the investment and construction of the port hinterland. Since the first Bonded Port of China-Shanhai yangshan Bonded Port was founded in June, 2005, Bonded Port has achieved a lot after decades of development. The purpose of this study is to analyze the operating systems on port hinterland in China and to derive the implications of policy by comparative analysis of each operating system over the main contents, each of the functions and roles. In order to perform this, firstly, this study introduces the development condition of hinterland in China now after examining the various concepts on port hinterland in China, that is, Duty-Free Zone, Export Processing Zone, Bonded Logistics Park and so on. Then, In order to analyze the features and preferential policies, this study conducts the comparative analysis of each operating system on port hinterland in China, among Duty-Free Zone, Export Processing Zone, Bonded Logistics Park and so on. Finally, this study suggests the implications of policy based on the above the results of analysis.

      • 동북아시아 크루즈산업의 현황 및 전망

        남형식,류동근 한국해양대학교 세계해양발전연구소 2015 세계해양발전연구 Vol.24 No.-

        While the cruise industry has been identified as an ever increasingly important aspect of the wider tourism industry, this sector remains relatively under researched. A cruise can be defined as a journey on a large ship for pleasure, during passengers visit several places. A cruise ship is like a large floating holiday resort. On board passengers enjoy the luxury and comfort of a hotel and are able to choose all different activities. Most cruise ships are equipped with several restaurants, bars, casinos, swimming pools, Jacuzzi, spa, gym, shops, theater, cinema, etc. One clear preference in Asia is for shorter cruises of five days or less. This makes cruises offer distinct programs only for Asians, different from cruises in North Americans and Europeans who prefer 12 to 14 days or longer cruises. The global cruise industry could be divided into three different geographic segments: the North American cruise industry, the European cruise industry and the Asia-Pacific cruise industry. Although the European cruise industry is smaller, in terms of operating cruise lines, than the North American industry, the number of cruise passengers has been growing faster. According to the Cruise Line International Association (CLIA), average annual growth rate of cruise industry is over 8%. Furthermore, the number of cruise passengers was 15 million in 2008, which was ten times more than that in 1980s. Asian cruise market had predicted approximately 7 million passengers a year by 2020. There are two main purposes of this study; to summarize the concept of cruise and cruise industry, to identify and research current state of the cruise industry in Northeast Asia, especially focused on three countries: China, South Korea and Japan.

      • 공급사슬 리스크관리에 관한 고찰

        이홍원 한국해양대학교 세계해양발전연구소 2013 세계해양발전연구 Vol.22 No.-

        Supply chain provide all of us with many benefits as consumers. Supply chain management is responsible for the movement of materials all the way from initial suppliers through to final customers. Producers of goods and services need to take advantage of the many opportunities for efficiency provided by global linkage. However they involved risks. Supply chain risk appears as many event that might affect this movement and disrupt the planned flow of materials. This study is about the risks involved in supply chains, especially in recent research. Supply chain risk is a nascent field, going back only to the early 2000s. This does not mean there was no risk in supply chains before then, but that supply chain risk began to be identified as a domain of research and practice only around that time. This study present in three part, layered upon each other: (Ch.1) Introducing supply chain risk, (Ch.2) Presenting broad mitigation approaches in research, (Ch.3) Implications by including the viewpoints for further research. This approach is intended to contribute knowledge and understanding into the extensive fields.

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