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      • 인권 논리의 아시아적 접근과 쟁점 : 인권의 보편성과 경제성장론의 충돌을 중심으로

        정영선 성공회대학교 인권평화센터 2000 인권과 평화 Vol.1 No.1

        The primary objective of this study is to elucidate the nature of the Asian concept of human rights and to examine the interrelation between the process of economic growth and contingent human rights policies. In the aftermath of the Cold War, several East Asian states in particular mounted a challenge to Western beliefs about human rights. Based on a successful economic growth and on the Confucian logic inherent in their tradition, East Asian states sought to redefine the concepts of human rights by questioning the applicability of universal human rights in different cultural, economic and socio-political settings. The logic of Asian style democracy has been used by Asian repressive states to support the trade-off proposition: that a certain degree of authoritarianism is necessary to make the hard political and economic decisions that produce a states spectacular growth, and that such growth will facilitate the promotion of human rights. However, in recent decades the history of human rights in East Asian countries offers no promise or proof that civil and political rights will be extended to citizens upon the realization of economic development goals. Authoritarian leaders have justified their development of their economic growth strategy, but also as essential for the maintenance of law and order. Basing itself on an understanding of Asian perspectives on human rights and on human rights practices characteristic of modern Korea history, this study concludes that if the economic growth of a country does not facilitate the realization of human rights after the country reaches a certain level of economic development, then various restrictions on human rights cannot be justified in the name of economic growth, and that human rights, a critical factor of desirable democracy, cannot be pushed aside until economic development is consolidated. In the same context, a country's economic policies should promote the rule of law and not the political interests of abusive governments.

      • From Housing Needs to Housing Rights in Korea

        Ha, Seong-Kyu 성공회대학교 인권평화센터 2000 인권과 평화 Vol.1 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 한국 사회의 주거권에 관한 이슈들을 분석·점검하고 미래의 시민단체(NGO)와 주민단체(CBO)의 발전방향을 제시하고자 함이다. 한국의 주거수준은 전반적으로 향상되고 있으나 소득계층간 주거수준의 격차는 심화되고 있다. 특히 도시 지역의 빈민거주지역인 불량주택 재개발 대상지구, 비닐하우스, 쪽방, 노숙자들의 주거빈곤 문제는 심각한 사회문제로 등장했다. 문제를 더욱 심각하게 만드는 것은 불량주택 재개발지구 강제철거로 인한 주거권의 침해사례가 빈번하다는 점이다. 1987년 독일 베를린에서 개최된 Habitat 국제회의에서 남아공화국과 한국 두 나라가 세계에서 가장 잔인하게 강제 철거하는 국가로 지목되기도 했다. 주거 문제 해결에 있어 정부는 공공주택의 직접공급, 시장의존 방식에서 더 나아가 권능부여적 접근 (Enabling approach)을 모색해야만 한다. 주거권 NGO들은 주거문제에서 영향력을 행사할 수 있는 압력집단이 되어야 하고 이를 위해 사실확인 작업과 다양한 캠페인을 전개해야 한다. 그리고 정보의 수집, 교환, 주민 활동 지원, 주민의 자조적 노력 등을 도와주어야 할 것이다. 또한 주거권 NGO는 빈민지역 사회와 문제지역에 관한 연구와 시범사업을 확대하며 주거기본권 등 법적·제도적 틀을 마련 할 수 있도록 캠페인을 전개해야 한다. 마지막으로 주거 빈곤선 또는 최저 주거기준을 설정하도록 촉구하고 주민참여형 활동의 전개를 지원해야 할 것이다.

      • 정보기술과 인권

        허상수 성공회대학교 인권평화센터 2000 인권과 평화 Vol.1 No.1

        The aim of this paper is to explore whether the development of information technology will lead to enhancement of human rights in general. For this the paper briefly review literature on the general history of the human rights question, on the 'right to know' of information, and on the freedom of expression. The essay also outlines some distinctive features related to the nature of technology, the problem with the technology determinism, and the communication technology. It is found that surveillance society on the basis of information technology is highly likely to cause interference with individual privacy and personal information data. It is also identified that electronic tapping and eavesdropping, on the international as well as national level, are causing serious infringement of human rights. It is argued that an alternative perspective should be called on to rectify the situation, which includes, among others, the empowerment of civil power, reflective education, and social control of technology.

      • 인권의 정치학 : 피노체트 사건을 중심으로 The Case of the Pinochet Affair

        조효제 성공회대학교 인권평화센터 2000 인권과 평화 Vol.1 No.1

        The controversy surrounding the legal hassle of whether to extradite to Spain the General Pinochet, the former dictator of Chile, has marked a watershed in the 20th century history of international human rights regime. The Pinochet affair has brought home the fact that to find a way to rectify human rights abuses is as much a political endeavor as it is a legal rendering, the traditional domain of human rights practice. The objective of this paper is three-fold. It reviews the historical origin, process and outcome of the Pinochet affair in the manner of a longitudinal case study. This is followed by an examination of the role of the different actors involved in the decision-making process of the complicated area of legal, diplomatic and political maneuvering. Finally, a typology of the politics of human rights on the basis of the affair is presented, which seeks to map out a theoretical template on which the political implication of human rights practice is discussed. It is argued that a political dimension, alongside the legal approach, should be a part and parcel of any human rights debate.

      • '반인도적 범죄'의 국내적 수용 : 그 개념과 국내 수용방안을 중심으로 Definition and its lncorporation in Korea

        박찬운 성공회대학교 인권평화센터 2000 인권과 평화 Vol.1 No.1

        Torture expert, Lee Geun-An, finally appeared before people long after disappearance from people. Victims and their families have been seeking to bring him to justice for the last decade. However, they have failed to do so because there were many legal obstacles such as statute of limitation, which prevents him form being punished regardless of nature of crimes committed by him. Crimes Against Humanity(CAH) appeared to response this absurdity. Korean society has begun to look carefully at this new concept to bring perpetrators to justice. Under this situation, this article is designed to introduce to Korea society several issues around definition of CAH, which has been recognized by international community for the last century, and how to incorporate this new concept into Korea domestic legal system. Author articulates CAH/Es definition through Nuremberg and recent two ad-hoc international tribunals, and further 1998 Rome Statute. Through this analysis, author makes clear that historical evaluation of CAH has loosen requirements to constitute this crime so that this crime can be applied to heinous human rights violations without military or international character. However, minimum requirements to constitute this crime shall be systematic or widespread human rights violations against civilians. According to this explanation, LEE Geun-An case can be sufficiently categorized as one of CAH. Author also endeavors to list legal characteristics of CAH, recognized by customary international law. First, CAH is one of certain offenses recognized by international community as universal concern for which any state has jurisdiction to punish. Second, statute of limitation cannot be applied to CAH. This kind of heinous crimes shall be punishable at any time without limitation. Third, CAH must be punishable so that CAH/Es perpetrators shall not excused in the pretext of national harmony. Lastly, o^nullum crimen sine lege; nullum poena sine lege(no crime without law, no punishment without law)o¨ principle shall be generally applied to CAH. However, international criminal law and domestic practice have changed this principle from strict principle to loose. For example, CAH can be punishable without specific provision of universal jurisdiction once equivalent crimes are prescribed in domestic law. Author finally articulates how to incorporate CAH into Korean legal system. International law including customary international law is treated same as domestic law according to Constitution, without which, however, international obligation cannot be properly implemented in domestic arena. Author stresses that special legislation, so-called Special Act against Crimes Against Humanity, shall be enacted to apply the above characteristics.

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