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        Oh, Chin ku 全北大學校附設 스포츠科學硏究所 1983 논문집 Vol.- No.1

        學問의 發展은 理論 그 자체의 內的인 發展의 結果라기 보다는 特定한 歷史的 社會的 條件에 相應하여 그것에 依해서 規定지어지는 것으로 파악할 必要가 있을 것 같다. 이러한 認識은 學問의 發展에 올바른 方向을 設定하고자 할 때 基本的으로 要求되는 전제이기도 하다. 오늘날 體育이 그 原理的 方向을 모색 함에 있어서 過去와 現在의 不平等한 人間觀에서 벗어나 歷史의 發展과 더불어 積極的으로 그 目的에 寄與할 수 있는 原理가 되기 爲해서도 이에대한 方向은 提示 되어야 할 것으로 思料된다. 初期의 體育關係者들은 體育을 說明하기 위하여 生物學的觀點을 많이 빌어 왔다. Ling. P. A를 위시하여 M-artin, R Marey, E, J. Hill, A等 모두가 體育을 專門化, 分化, 役割등의 立場에서 硏究하였다. 그 후 Williams, J. F이래 지금까지는 많은 體育學者들이 위와 같은 觀點을 基礎로 여기에 哲學的인 原理를 導入하여 人間을 全體的 統合體로서 說明하려 해왔다. 그러나 오늘날 論議의 對象이 되고 있는 것은 그와같은 哲學的 考察과 自然科學的 事實과의 兩者가 어떠한 有機的 關聯性을 가지고 體育의 原理를 形成하는 것인가에 대한 說明이 不充分하다는데 있다. 卽 原理 形成의 學問的 方法論의 問題를 指摘하고 있는 것이다. 學問的 方法論과 연관된 問題의 擡頭는 비록 體育의 分野에서 뿐만 아니라 現代學文의 모든 分野에서 共通的으로 論議되고 있는 問題이다. 이와 같은 現象은 20世紀에 들어와 急速하게 發達한 自然科學의 方法論的 基礎가 된 實證的 分析的 傾向이 이른바 社會科學 및 精神科學의 分野에까지 깊은 影響을 끼치게 되면서부터 비롯된 것으로 判斷된다. 事實上 오늘날 科學精神이라 함은 그 硏究對象이 社會現象이든지 自然現象이든지 간에 實際的 硏究에 있어서는 自然科學의 方法과 Model을 따르는 것으로 생각되고 있다. 이러한 傾向下에서는 傳統的인 學問方法論上의 二元論 내지 新 Kant 學派로 부터 始作된 自然科學과 精神科學과의 方法論的 區分은 다만 發展上의 差異만을 가질뿐 方法論的으로는 單一化되고 있다고 할 수 있겠으며 또 單一化 되어야 하는 것으로 받아 들여지고 있다. 이와같은 實證主義的이고 分析的인 傾向을 基礎로한 方法論的 單一化의 추세는 現代哲學에 있어서도 綜合科學이라는 새로운 理念誕生을 촉진하고 있을 뿐 아니라 體育에 있어서도 體育科學 스포츠哲學등 새로운 用語를 낳기도 하고 있다. 事實上 體育을 綜合科學이란 理念아래 하나의 原理와 法則에 의해서 把握하려는 것은 人間本性의 表現이라는 點에서 傳統的으로 哲學이 追求해온 精神과 脈을 같이하고 있는 것이자 方法論의 窮極的 課題이기도 하다. 그러나 實際로는 哲學史를 通해서나 體育史에 있어서나 그러한 方法論的 原理는 아직 發見되지 않았고, 더구나 體育을 綜合科學의 理念으로까지 提起할 程度로 科學的이라고 생각했던 體育科學의 基礎 方法論 조차 定立된바 없다. 또한 體育은 人間을 對象으로하는 敎育이라고하는 點에서 自然科學과 같이 脫價値的인 것이 아니요 價値評價的인 要素를 包含하는 것이기 때문에 自然科學의 對象이라고 할 수 있는 生物的 生理的 現象과는 根本的으로 다르다는 見解도 나올 수 있다. 아뭏든 위에서 살펴본 바와같은 立場에서의 方法論的見解의 差異는 結局 人間을 包含한 學問對象의 性格을 어떻게 規定하느냐 하는 存在解釋의 差異에 있다고 볼 수 있겠다. 따라서 오늘날 體育方法意識의 主流가 무엇이냐 하는 問題에 있어서도 自然科學의 Model을 따르는 方法論的 一元論의 理念이 支配的이기는해도 實際的으로는 二元論的인 兩立이 現存하고 있음을 否認할 수는 없는 노릇이다. 이와같이 現代體育에서 方法論의 모색이 심각하게 된 背景에는 그동안 個別 科學들의 發達로 因하여 體育의 活動 역시 오로지 「科學精神으로」라는 catch phrase아래 刮目 할만한 發展을 보았고 따라서 學問的 成果도 이루었기 때문이라고 생각된다. 그러나 體育에 導入된 많은 個別科學들이 비록 學問的 成果는 이루었다 할지라도 그것이 제각기 個別科學的인 業績에 基礎한 具體的 方法論에 傾倒한 나머지 體育學 一般에 關한 普遍學的인 槪念을 흐트려 놓았고, 급기야는 그로인한 方法論上의 通時的 綜合的인 態度의 缺如로 말미암아 諸般 問題接近의 全體的 觀點에 混亂을 招來하지 않았나 생각 된다. 事實上 오늘날의 體育을 그것이 實證的 分析的인 自然科學의 性質을 갖는 것이냐, 或은 普遍的 法則을 目標로 하거나 또는 個別的인 意味發見을 目標로 할 것이냐에 따라서 그 目標와 方法등에 있어서 많은 差異를 가져올 수 있다. 同時에 그와같은 觀點의 差異들이 오늘날의 體育에서 많은 混亂을 惹起하고 있는지 모르겠다. 이와같은 現實的 混亂이 結局 方法論一般에 關한 全體的이고 綜合的인 觀點에서의 論理的이고 批判的인 反省의 必要性을 일깨워 주는 것이며, 이러한 限, 그와같은 作業을 遂行하는 現代體育의 方法論的 力向은 結局 個別科學의 具體的 業績들이 相互 관련된 他要表들과의 關係 속에서 總體的 接近의 眼目 아래 進行 되어야 할 것이다. 그리하여 經驗을 通한 綜合的인 理解로서 自我實現을 助長하는 일이며, 그와같은 努力을 體育의 人間化라고 불러 그 原理的 方向으로 삼고자 하는 바이다.

      • 女性體育專攻者의 學問活動에 關한 調査硏究

        洪春福 全北大學校附設 스포츠科學硏究所 1985 논문집 Vol.- No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the current(1973∼1983) status of research activities of women physical educators in Korea. Comparisons were made in terms of: (1) the rate of employment, (2) the degree of resarch activities, (3) the degree of resarch support system, (4) the areas of subject­matter. The Educational Yearbook(From 1974 to 1984), The Korean Jornal of Physical Education(From 1974 to 1983), Annual Report on Sports Science in Korea(From 1974 to 1983), and The Catalogue of Publications(From 1974 to 1983) were used for this study. The outcomes were as follow: 1. The employment rate for women physical educators was lower for the past 10 years than men. 2. The level of reseach production as well as the degree of research support for women was lower than men. 3. The major subject area for women was dance.

      • 大學生의 體力評價基準値 設定에 關한 硏究

        申普三,姜鍾求 全北大學校附設 스포츠科學硏究所 1988 논문집 Vol.- No.5

        The purpose of this study was to set up norms for physical fitness tests according to the different age groups for college students and improve their fitness through these results. Subjects were 2,000 students being in 6 colleges in Chonbuk province (College men and women were 1,000, respectively). College men were range in ages from 18 to 24 years and college women from 18 to 22 years. The results through statistical analyses of measurement data collected from 3 items of physique and 16 item of physical fitness were outlined as follows: 1) The more ages of subjects were increased, the less all the levels of physical fitness were decreased. And the result through ANOVA tests appeared a significant difference (p<0.01) in all items except for the body weight of college women (p>0.05). 2) In order to select items of physical fitness tests, the results through factor analyses were chosen right grip strength, back strength, standing broad jump, sargent jump, bent knee sit-up, 50m dash. 10m shuttle run, closed eyes foot-balance and Harvard step test as test items for college men and right grip strength, back strength, 50m dash, flexed arm hang, closed eyes foot-balance, trunk extension, side step test, 10m shuttle run and standing broad jump as test items for college women. 3) Norms for physical fitness tests according to the different age groups for college students were established like table Ⅳ-3-4.

      • 練習方法에 따른 學習效果의 比較 硏究 : 籠球 Free-throw와 Dribble을 中心으로 With Empasis on the Basketball Shooting and Dribble

        李參在,吳成範 全北大學校附設 스포츠科學硏究所 1988 논문집 Vol.- No.5

        The purpose of this study is to find out effective learning method on basketball skill learning on the focus of mental practice by an experimental study. For this objective 200 female students in middle school were randomly selected as subjects. Divided into four experimental groups-control group(50), mental group(50), mental+physical group(50), and physical group(50), -they have been trained in field goal speed test for four weeks, in dribble test for four weeks on the basis of prescribed training program. After the training was finished, the results through the statistical analysis of the effect are as follows. 1. It appeared that there was the learning effect in sequence of mental and physical practice, physical practice, and mental practice. 2. In doing only mental practice of the practice method, it appeared that there was the learning effect. 3. In physical practice and mental and physical practice, it appeared that there was the learning effect two weeks, and in mental practice, four weeks.


        Kang, Hi Sung,Rhee, Yang Keun 全北大學校附設 스포츠科學硏究所 1991 논문집 Vol.- No.7

        The Purpose of this study was to find the optimal exercise time zone in a day from the stand point of relation to cardiac load. Nine healthy male students underwent treadmill exercise with Bruce protocol. Blood samples were obtained at rest and immediately after exercise for analyzing Hematocrit(Hct) and hormomes. Heart Rate(HR) and Blood Pressure(BP) were measured at rest and every three min during exercise. Double Product(DP) was calculated by the product of HR and Systolic Blood Pressure(SBP). Exercise was performed at three different time zones, the early morning, the afternoon, and the evening, respectively. 1. HR ratios(HRex. / HRrest) obtained in the early morning were significantly higher than those obtained in the other two exercise time zones. There were no significant differences among the three different exercise time zones in SBP. 2. DP ratios(DPex. / DPrest) were almost the same in the three different exercise time zones during the light and moderate exercises, but significantly higher in the early morning than in the afternoon and evening during the intensive exercise. 3. The level of plasma cortisol concentration was higher in the early morning than in the other exercise time zones, and increased after exercise in the early morning but did not change in the other cases. It is concluded that people especially who have a small reserve capacity of cardiac function may take a larger cardiac load by intensive exercise in the early morning. Today many people participate in exercise programs for health, but most of them do so without instructions about possible dangers of exercise. Thus, some people have experienced injuries, such as joint problems and fracture, or even exercise-related sudden death. Also, many people have had unrealistic views of the value of exercise, as when some years ago a pathologist named Basser(1) suggested that a person who could run a marathon was immune to heart attack. A highly emotional backlash then followed the death o Jim Fixx, accompanied by suggestions that vigorous exercise might be dangerous(13). We still do not know enough about the relationship between exercise and sudden death. It may be related to cardiac disfunction. It has been reported that Double Product(the product of heart rate(HR) and systolic blood pressure(SBP), DP) estimate well the oxygen consumption of the heart(4, 5, 6, 10). Thereore, if we measure the DP during exercise, then we can evaluate the cardic load indirectly. There have been some reports o the circadian variation of autonomic nerve(2, 11) and blood pressure(14). These reports suggest that circadian variation in cardiac load may also exist. Muller et al. (8, 9), Willich et al. (15), and Yasue et al. (16) have suggested that exercisers may expose themselves to a greater risk of sudden death at certain times of the day. In particular, there may be a higher incidence of sudden death (perhaps due to a higher incidence of coronary spasm) during early morning exercise. But Ishida and colleages(3) reporeted that cardiac load was lower during early morning exercise than during late morning exercise. There was no consistant conclusion about circadian variation in cardiac load. The purpose of this study was to find the optimal exercise time zone from the stand point of relation to cardiac load.

      • 싸이클 選手의 長距離 走行時 腎臟 및 당대사의 變化에 關하여

        吳二鐸 全北大學校附設 스포츠科學硏究所 1991 논문집 Vol.- No.7

        The scientific research for physiological change of athletes was applied to physical training and increment of physical fitness usefully. Especially long road cycling and marathon result in severe sweating and exhaustion of energy. To study the scientific and rational method of physical training and mainteinancl of cycle athletes, measurement of renal function and glucose metabolism performed in 17-men cycle athletes during and after 120km-road cycling. 1. Severe weight reduction (4.5%) was occured after 120km-road cycling, it was mainly caused by severe sweating. 2. Small decrement of urine volume, significant decrement of urinary sodium, chloride excretion and increment of urinary potassium excretion was occured. 3. Plasma renin activity increased during and after exercise. 4. Hemoconcentration phenomenon was increased by severe sweating, that is plasma creatinine, sodium, potassium and osmolarity increased significantly during and after exercise. 5. In spite of exhaustion of energy, blood glucose level was not changed, and utilizing efficiency of glucose increased during exercise. From present data, because of 120km long-distance cycling results in sudden and severe loss of body fluid, electrolytes and glucose, I concluded that necessary amount of water, electrolytes and energy source was rationaly supplied to the cyclist during exercise.

      • 排球競技中 體力의 變化

        尹信重 全北大學校附設 스포츠科學硏究所 1988 논문집 Vol.- No.5

        The purpose of this study was to predict changeable pattern of fitness factors in volleyball game and futher present statistical data for training prescription of volleyball players. To achive this purposes, 6 volleyball players of 12 in Chonbuk National University were selected as subjects. Proceeded sets, datas acquired from subjects were computed. The result through statistical analyses for these datas were as follows : 1. In 9m shuttle run, there has appeared significant difference after 1 set. 2. In blocking Jump and leg muscular endurance, there were appeared significant differences after 2 set. 3. In grip strength, power of upper limb, running jump and rolling test, there were appeared significant differences after 4 set. 4. In muscular endurance of the arm and the shoulder girdle, there was appeared sigrificant differences after 5 set. 5. In back strength, abdcminal muscular endurance, cardiovascular fitness, coordination and flexibility, there were not appeared significant differences after 5 set. 6. The result through regression analyses to predict changeable pattern for physical fitness factors in volleyball game were deduced equations of the first degree and quadratic equations like (Table Ⅳ-1.1)∼(Table Ⅳ-6.2) and (Fig.Ⅳ-1.1)∼(Fig.Ⅳ-6.2).

      • 社會體育과 職場體育

        金武泳 全北大學校附設 스포츠科學硏究所 1987 논문집 Vol.- No.4

        Physical education is considered to be one of education that aims through physical education such as games, sports, recreation and related activities to develop the individual's potentialities. In these modern days, physical education and sport have significant meaning in a sense that they can contribute to the build up of national strength through development of individual's health and physical strength. Particulary, to increase physical activities at work place (25-65yr) occupied most of lifetime(0-70yr), we have to activate social physical education, to understand and adapt physical education in school and to train leaders that can be achieved related development between physical education in school and social physical education. Definitely, the factors to be concidered in social physical education and physical education at work place are as follows : 1. Social physical education There have been to be concidered factors of leaders, participants, contents of traing and sports facilities etc.. 2. Physical education at work place 1) In views of administration, there have been to be unified the organization concerning physical education and sports administration and be newly built department charged physical education at work place, be induced investment of civilian assets to expand sports facilities and be opened the existing facilities, playground and gymnasium etc., to small enterprise or workers. 2) In views of enterprise, there have been to be built sports facilities, achieved the opening of sports club, the input of card system and the secure of safety counter measure and seperately managed sports for workers and athletes. 3) In views of school, there have been to be trained good leaders and to be opened sports facilities in school to works.

      • 運動後의 呼吸數와 心拍數의 變化에 對한 硏究 : 體位 變化를 中心으로

        鄭敬會 全北大學校附設 스포츠科學硏究所 1983 논문집 Vol.- No.1

        The Purpose of this study is to look at how the function of heart and lung changes of posture after exercise and at how posture is quickly recovered as a function of heart and lung in resting condition. A group of 12 soccer players and a group of 15 nonathletic students who attend high∼school as subjects of this study. The measured heart and respiratory rate in their standing and sitting and supine posture resting position and the measured recovery rate of heart and respiratory rate by the changes of posture after tread-mill exercise. The results were as follows ① In the condition of rest the change of heart and respiratory rate during posture ch-ange is lowest in supine posture and highest in standing posture in both groups. ②In the some condition as above, there is no differente in respiratory rate between∼athletic subjects and the non-athletic ones during the posture change. ③ During recovery of heart rate for each posture change after exercise, the recovery of faster than that of non-athletes. When in a standing posture, the athletes recovery rate of heart is 138% for 10minutes non-athletes 157%for 10minutes : that is athletes recover as faster as the non-athletes. When is a sitting posture, the athletes recovery rate 135% for 10 minutes : non-athletes, 149.7% for 10 minutes. This shows that the former recover faster then the latter. When in a supine posture, athletes recovery rate is 125% for 10 minutes : non-athletes 138.4% for 10 minutes, We can see that the former recovers as fast as the latter. ④ After the exercise, heart and respiratory rate are recovered quickly but, after some time the recovery rate slows down. ⑤After the exercise, athletes recovery rate of respiration is faster that of nonatheletes in each posture. In standing posture, athletes recovery rate is 109% for 10 minutes, non-athletes 123% for 10 minutes. This proves that the former recovers as fast as the latter. In sitting supine posture, both subjects show similar recovery rate but, when they are in a supin posture, they recovery a little faster than when in a sitting posture. In Summery : after the exercise, heart rate does not return to a condition of rest untill after 10 minutes, where as resperatory rate is nearly recovered before 10 minutes the most part in both supine and sitting posture but not in standing posture. The atheletes heart and respiratory rate increases slowly but their recovery is quick these facts indicate a need for further study in this field.

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