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      • KCI등재

        A magnetostrictive self-powered biosensor based on Au-BaTiO3-FeGa & PDMS

        Qiang Zhang,Meng Xu,Yan Liu,Chunyan Zhang,Rui Zhang,Zhiyuan Fu,Jianlong Ji,Riguang Zhang,Shengbo Sang 한국공업화학회 2023 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.117 No.-

        Piezoelectric flexible sensors have been used to detect biomolecules such as sweat and glucose because oftheir passive, simple structure and high sensitivity. This paper proposes a novel flexible piezoelectric Au-BaTiO3-FeGa & PDMS biosensor in which magnetostrictive deformation amplifies the surface stress generatedby biomolecules combining on the thin film. The modification process of bovine serum albumin(BSA) binding with the sensor was initially determined by the first principles approach. Then, the sensingmechanism was verified by finite-element simulation. Based on the simulation results, flexible Au-BaTiO3-FeGa & PDMS biosensors were prepared, modified, and measured. The structure, modification,and detection of the sensors were analyzed by digital microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectrometry(FTIR), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The responses ofthe biosensors detecting different BSA solution concentrations under magnetic fields were then investigated. Experimental results indicate that the biosensor has the highest sensitivity under a magnetic fieldof 30 mT.

      • KCI등재

        <구운몽>과 <옥루몽>에 나타난 정처(正妻)인물의 비교 연구

        장몽몽(Zhang Meng-meng) 어문연구학회 2021 어문연구 Vol.109 No.-

        이 연구는 <구운몽>과 <옥루몽>에 등장하는 정처인물을 비교 검토하는 것이 주목적이다. 이를 위해 먼저 <구운몽>과 <옥루몽> 정처인물의 형상화 양상을 살피고, 이어서 정처인물의 서사적인 기능을 검토하였다. 이를 바탕으로 정처인물의 변화와 문학사적 의의를 조망해 보았다. 먼저 두 작품에 등장하는 정처인물의 형상화 양상을 살폈다. 두 작품의 정처인물은 각기 출생과 외모가 출중하다. <구운몽>의 경우 정부인과 이부인 공히 천상의 선녀가 적강한 인물로 외모가 관념적인 미인으로 형상화되었다. 예능적 자질도 뛰어나 음악적인 식견이나 문재도 돋보인다. 그런가 하면 품성과 행실도 좋아 가족공동체를 위하여 자신의 희생도 마다하지 않는다. <옥루몽>의 경우 윤부인과 황부인의 형상화가 상반된다. 윤부인은 전형적인 중세 사대부 집안의 여성인물로 특출한 외모를 가졌지만 수동적인 성격이다. 모든 행위도 유교적인 이치에 준하고 있다. 황부인은 개인적인 욕망을 추구하는 인물이다. 재상가의 여식으로 그 출신이 돋보이지만 외모에 있어서는 부족한 편이다. 예능적인 자질은 돋보이지 않지만 악행을 일삼아 갈등을 유발하는 주체라 하겠다. 다음으로 정처인물의 서사적인 기능을 분석하였다. <구운몽>이나 <옥루몽>의 정처인물은 서사적인 기능을 달리하고 있다. <구운몽>의 정처인물은 중세적인 공동체의 이념을 추수하는 공통점이 있다. 개인보다는 집단을 중시했던 유교이념을 충실히 수행하는 것으로 문학적인 효능감을 발휘한다. 두 정처가 개인적인 의지를 관철하기도 하는데 이것은 갈등을 조성하여 서사성을 고양하는 데 일익을 담당한다. <옥루몽>의 정처인물은 보수적인 중세인물과 근대적인 진보인물로 형상화된다. 그래서 서사적인 기능에서 상당한 차이를 보인다. 윤부인은 고답적인 유교이념을 추수하는 전범화된 여성인물로 서사에 내재되어 있다. 반면에 황부인은 개인적인 이익과 욕망 때문에 악행도 마다하지 않는다. 그 결과 사건을 추진하는 동력이 되어 소설의 흥미성 제고에 크게 기여한다. 끝으로 정처인물의 변화와 문학사적 의미를 파악하였다. <구운몽>의 정처인물은 개인적인 욕구가 있을지라도 그것을 전면에 내세우지 않고 유교적인 덕목을 실천하는 데 집중한다. 중세적인 이념을 담은 조화의 문학에 적합한 인물이라 할 수 있다. <옥루몽>의 경우 중세적인 이념을 고수한 인물은 서사적 기능이 대폭 축소되고, 근대적인 욕망을 담은 인물의 기능은 크게 확장된다. 이것은 중세에서 근대로 변화하는 문학사의 사정을 정처인물이 증명하는 바라 할 수 있다. 정처인물의 문학사적 의미를 바로 여기에서 찾을 수 있다. The main focus of this study is to look at the diachronic changes in the characters of the true wife figures in Guwoonmong and Oklumong. To this end, the figuration aspect of the characters of the Guwoonmong and Oklumong were first examined, followed by the epic functions of the true wife figures. Based on this, the diachronic change and literary significance was overlooked. First of all, the figuration aspects of the true wife characters were examined in the two works. The characters of the two works are outstanding in their birth and appearance. In the case of Guwoonmong, both Mrs. Jeong and Mrs. Lee were portrayed as an ideal beauty, a figure descended from the heavenly fairy. They have great artistic qualities, so they stand out in musical knowledge and literature. Their personality and behavior are also good, so they do not mind sacrificing themselves for the family community. In the case of Oklumong, the images of Mrs. Yoon and Mrs. Huang are opposite. Mrs. Yoon has an exceptional appearance as a female figure from a typical medieval aristocrat family, but she is passive. All her actions are in accordance with Confucian concept. Mrs. Huang is a person who pursues personal desire. Her social status stands out as she is the daughter of the Chancellor, but her appearance lacks. Her artistic qualities are not outstanding, and she causes conflict by misbehavior. Next, the epic functions of true wife figures were analyzed. The true wife characters of Guwoonmong and Oklumong have different narrative functions. The characters of the Guwoonmong have something in common to pursue medieval community ideologies. It demonstrates literary efficacy by faithfully carrying out Confucianism, which valued groups rather than individuals. The two true wife characters also carry out their personal needs, which are responsible for raising the narrative by creating conflicts. The true wife characters of Oklumong are shaped as conservative medieval and modern progressive figures. So there is a significant difference in narrative function. Mrs. Yoon is embedded in the narrative as a typical woman character who pursues classical Confucianism. On the other hand, Mrs. Huang does not mind evil deed because of her personal interests and desires. As a result, it contributes greatly to raising the interest of the novel by becoming the driving force behind the event. Finally, the meaning of literary history and diachronic change of the true wife figures was understood. The character of Guwoonmong focuses on practicing Confucian virtues. Even if a personal desire exists, it is not put at the forefront. This character is well suited to the literature of harmony with medieval ideologies. In the case of Oklumong, the person who adheres to medieval ideologies greatly reduces one’s epic function and the function of the person who contains modern desires greatly expands. This can be a testament to the changing situation from medieval literature to modern literature. The literary historic meaning of true wife figure can be found from here.

      • KCI등재

        코로나19 이후 도시관광 선택속성이 만족도 및 재방문 의도에 미치는 영향 : 중국 상해를 중심으로

        장멍멍 ( Zhang Meng-meng ),김진강 ( Kim Jin-kang ) 동북아관광학회 2023 동북아관광연구 Vol.19 No.1

        21세기는 전염병의 시대가 되었다. 전 세계적 전염병의 확산으로 국가 간 이동이 제한되고 유동 인구가 감소하였으며 이에 따라 관광수요도 꾸준히 감소했다(백방림, 2021). 코로나19 대유행이 장기화함에 따라 관광 분야의 사회적, 경제적 타격이 심화하고 있다(송혜민·김홍범, 2022). 현재 코로나19가 세계적인 전염병으로 확산한 만큼 국제 관광시장이 전면 회복되기까지는 상당한 시간이 걸릴 것으로 보인다(손효리·김영현, 2021). 그러나 중국에서 코로나19 환경 속에서 도시관광에 관한 연구가 부족하다. 따라서 본 연구는 코로나19 환경 속에서 중국 국내 도시 상해 여행 경험이 있는 중국 관광객이 관광지를 선택할 때 도시관광 선택속성 요인에 대한 중요성과 만족, 이런 결과가 전체 관광 만족도에 미치는 영향을 파악하고 만족도가 재방문 의도에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위한 것이다. 아울러 이런 요인을 분석해 관광산업의 이해관계자들이 코로나 환경에서 관광정책 및 마케팅 전략을 수립할 수 있는 기초자료를 제공하고자 한다. 본 연구를 위해 2021년 9월 16일부터 10월 16일까지 코로나19 환경에서 상해 여행경험이 있는 중국 관광객들을 대상으로 온라인 설문조사를 실시하였다. 총 500부의 설문지를 배포하였으며 불성실하게 응답한 설문지를 제외하고 237부를 최종 분석에 이용하였다. 연구결과, 도시관광 선택속성(매력성, 서비스품질, 접근성, 비용성, 방역수준)에서 방역수준, 매력성, 접근성과 비용성은 만족도에 유의적인 영향을 미쳤지만, 서비스품질은 만족도에 미치는 영향 유의하지 못한 것으로 나타났다. 특히 방역수준이 만족도에 미치는 영향이 큰 것으로 나타났다. 한편, 매력성, 접근성, 비용성은 만족도에 유의적인 영향을 미칠 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 하여 학술적, 실무적 시사점을 제시하였다. The 21st century has become an era of infectious diseases. Due to the spread of infectious diseases around the world, movement between countries was restricted, the floating population decreased, and tourism demand decreased steadily(Baekbangrim, 2021). As the COVID-19 pandemic is prolonged, social and economic damage in the tourism sector is intensifying(Song Hye-min and Kim Hong-beom, 2022). Currently, as COVID-19 has spread to a global epidemic, it will take a considerable amount of time for the international tourism market to fully recover(Son Hyo-ri and Kim Young-hyun, 2021). However, in China, there is a lack of research on urban tourism in the COVID-19 environment. Therefore, this study aims to understand the importance and satisfaction of urban tourism selection attributes when Chinese tourists with experience in Shanghai, China, in the COVID-19 environment, and the effect of satisfaction on the intention to revisit. In addition, by analyzing these factors, we intend to provide basic data for stakeholders in the tourism industry to establish tourism policies and marketing strategies in the COVID-19 environment. For this study, an online survey was conducted on Chinese tourists who have traveled to Shanghai in the COVID-19 environment from September 16 to October 16, 2021. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed, and 237 copies were used for the final analysis, excluding the questionnaires that were faithfully answered. As a result of the study, quarantine level, attractiveness, accessibility, and cost in urban tourism selection attributes(attractive, service quality, accessibility, and quarantine level) had a significant effect on satisfaction, but service quality was not significant. In particular, it was found that the level of quarantine had a large effect on satisfaction. On the other hand, it was found that attractiveness, accessibility, and cost can have a significant effect on satisfaction. Based on these results, academic and practical implications were presented.

      • Prevalence of Human Papillomavirus 16 in Esophageal Cancer Among the Chinese Population: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

        Zhang, Shao-Kai,Guo, Lan-Wei,Chen, Qiong,Zhang, Meng,Liu, Shu-Zheng,Quan, Pei-Liang,Lu, Jian-Bang,Sun, Xi-Bin Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.15 No.23

        Background and Aim: No firm evidence of HPV infection in esophageal cancer has been established to date. The aim of this meta-analysis was to investigate the prevalence of HPV 16 in esophageal cancer in China, which had a high burden of the disease. Materials and Methods: Studies on HPV infection and esophageal cancer were identified and a random-effects model was used to pool the summary prevalence and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Results: A total of 3,429 esophageal cancer cases were evaluated from 26 eligible studies in this meta-analysis. The summary estimate for HPV16 prevalence was 0.381 (95% CI: 0.283, 0.479). The prevalence varied by geographical areas of the study, publication year, HPV detection method and types of specimen. In sensitivity analysis, HPV 16 prevalence ranged from 0.368 (95% CI: 0.276, 0.460) to 0.397 (95% CI: 0.286, 0.508). Conclusions: The results indicate a relatively high level of HPV 16 prevalence in esophageal cancer among Chinese population, although there was variation between different variables. Further studies are needed to elucidate the role of HPV in esophageal carcinogenesis with careful consideration of study design and laboratory detection method, providing more accurate assessment of the HPV status in esophageal cancer.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Uniqueness of Entire Functions and Differential Polynomials Sharing one Value

        Zhang, Xiao-Bin,Meng, Da-Wei Department of Mathematics 2014 Kyungpook mathematical journal Vol.54 No.3

        In this paper, we shall utilize Nevanlinna value distribution theory to study the uniqueness problems on entire functions and differential polynomials sharing one value. Our theorems improve or generalize some results of Zhang and Lin, Chen, Zhang, Lin and Chen.

      • KCI등재

        Identification and sex expression profiles of olfactory-related genes in Mythimna loreyi based on antennal transcriptome analysis

        Zhang Yun-Ying,Guo Jin-Meng,Wei Zhi-Qiang,Zhang Xiao-Tong,Liu Si-Ruo,Guo Hui-Fang,Dong Shuanglin 한국응용곤충학회 2022 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.25 No.2

        To better understand the olfactory mechanism of Mythimna loreyi, a worldwide migratory pest, we for the first time conducted a large scale identification of olfactory-related genes and investigation of their sex expression profiles by transcriptomic analysis. A total of 42,832 unigenes were obtained by transcriptome sequencing, as sembly and annotation, with an average length of 1,229 bp and N50 of 2,086 bp. In particular, 138 olfactoryrelated genes were identified by homologous blasting, including 33 odorant binding proteins (OBPs), 16 che mosensory proteins (CSPs), 63 odorant receptors (ORs), 24 ionotropic receptors (IRs) and two sensory neuron membrane proteins (SNMPs). Further, by using differential gene expression (DGE) and fragments per kilobase per million fragments (FPKM) values to compare the transcript levels between female and male antennae, we found that 22 olfactory-related genes (9 OBPs, one CSP and 12 ORs) were sex biased, with 10 genes being male biased and 12 genes female biased. In addition, sex and tissue expression profiles determined by qPCR of 15 selected genes confirmed the reliability of sex expression profiles obtained by the transcriptomic analysis, and demonstrated that most olfactory-related genes were specifically or primarily expressed in antennae, suggesting their roles in olfaction, while a few genes were highly expressed in other tissues, implying their non-olfaction functions. This study provides an important basis for further functional study of olfactory genes in M. loreyi.

      • SCOPUS

        Management Strategy Based on Genetic Algorithm Optimization for PHEV

        Zhang Yu,Meng Dawei,Zhou Meilan,Lu Dengke 보안공학연구지원센터 2014 International Journal of Control and Automation Vol.7 No.11

        Aiming at the refitted HAFEI hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), fuzzy logic energy management strategy is constructed based on genetic algorithm optimization. The difference value D between the total require torque Tr of path and the target required torque Te of engine, the intelligence quotient value with Tr is selected as the first input variable of fuzzy controller, the SOC of battery as the second input variable; torque control coefficient C is selected as output variable, meanwhile two input variable membership function is improved on genetic algorithm. To further evaluate the control strategy, dynamic programming control strategy is used as standard; the simulation experiments show that every kind of gas emission is obviously reduced by 12% to 47% in fuzzy control strategy B based on genetic algorithm optimization compared to strategy A based on determinacy rules. Compared to dynamic programming, fuel economy in strategy A is only 45.09% of standard value which is not ideal, the utilization of fuel is low and the gas emission is serious, while in strategy B fuel economy is 78.89% of standard value and effect is improved obviously.

      • KCI등재

        Diversity and geographic variation of endosymbiotic bacteria in natural populations of the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) in China

        Zhang Li,Cao Ya,Zhang Li-Jun,Wang Meng-Yao,Wang Xiao-Tong,Yang Xing-Zhuo,Duan Ting-Yu,Yuan Ming-Long 한국응용곤충학회 2021 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.24 No.3

        Bacterial symbionts in aphids are known to benefit the insect host and associated with aphid’s ecological adaptation. The pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum), an important legume pest worldwide, carries at least eight endosymbionts, providing a model system to study insect–bacteria interactions. However, species diversity and geographic variations of endosymbionts are unknown in Chinese populations; therefore, we characterized symbiont communities and diversity of 27 pea aphid samples from 13 geographic populations of China. Via amplicon high-throughput sequencing and diagnostic PCR, we found that bacterial communities of Chinese populations were dominated by Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. Among eight known endosymbionts, five (Buchnera, Serratia, Hamiltonella, Regiella, and Rickettsia) were detected by both methods, with a specific geographical distribution. The obligate symbiont, Buchnera, was present in all aphid samples, while the four facultative symbionts showed a significant geographic variation. Each population was randomly infected with distinct endosymbionts, ranging from three to five species. Serratia and Rickettsia showed relatively higher abundance in central regions of China, Regiella was predominant in eastern and western China, whereas Ham iltonella showed an extremely low abundance and was absent in four populations. Samples grouped by altitudes showed a significant diversity difference, whereas there was no significant difference between red and green body colors. Bacterial community structures of the Chinese pea aphid populations were mainly influenced by environmental factors, other than body colors. These data can guide the development of potential biocontrol techniques against this aphid.

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