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      • KCI등재후보

        복잡계 디지털경제의 문화콘텐츠 산업구조

        윤영득(Yoon Young-deak) 한국문화산업학회 2011 문화산업연구 Vol.11 No.1

        The coming of digital economy is bringing about structural change in cultural industry through forming a unique economic ecosystem. In this paper, we recognize economy as complex system and investigate about the changes in the characteristics and the structure of cultural industry, which have been brought about through the introduction of digital technology. This complex system has the characteristics that the system is very complex, self-organizing through mutual interaction among components. In the process of this self-organization, the phenomena such as critical mass, coevolution, super-heredity appear. In the content of this paper, we apply these principles of complex system to cultural industry and investigate the changes of characteristics and structure of cultural contents industry, which is self-organizing newly due to the development of digital technology. The coming of digital economy is bringing about structural change in cultural industry through forming a unique economic ecosystem. In this paper, we recognize economy as complex system and investigate about the changes in the characteristics and the structure of cultural industry, which have been brought about through the introduction of digital technology. This complex system has the characteristics that the system is very complex, self-organizing through mutual interaction among components. In the process of this self-organization, the phenomena such as critical mass, coevolution, super-heredity appear. In the content of this paper, we apply these principles of complex system to cultural industry and investigate the changes of characteristics and structure of cultural contents industry, which is self-organizing newly due to the development of digital technology.

      • KCI등재

        부산자갈치 시장의 문화관광 상품화를 위한 장소마케팅 전략

        윤영득(Young-Deak Yoon) 한국산업경제학회 2013 산업경제연구 Vol.26 No.1

        장소 마케팅은 장소, 즉, 특정 공간이나 지역을 마케팅의 대상으로 하는 것으로 장소의 상품화를 의미한다. 장소마케팅을 구성하는 요소들은 공간을 장소로 만들고자 하는 공간의 생산자와 이러한 공간을 방문하거나 체험하는 공간의 수용자, 그리고 소통의 매체로서 장소가 되어야 하는 공간으로 구성된다. 부산자갈치시장의 장소성의 특징은 부산지역의 정체성과 깊은 관련성이 있고 부산이 국제적인 해양도시로서 관광산업은 전략적 의미를 갖고 있어 넓은 상징적 의미와 중요성이 있다. 따라서 부산자갈치 시장은 현재보다 더 적극적이고 더 넒은 전략적 마케팅으로 확장되어야 한다. 부산자갈치 시장은 체험사회를 대표하는 제3의 공간의 특징인 몰링, 컨셉트 라인, 코어 어트랙션에 유의해서 공간배치와 활용을 하여야 할 것이다. 다음으로 부산자갈치시장의 고유한 문화콘텐츠를 발굴하여 그것을 확장하여 부산자갈시장의 매력도를 높여야 할 것이다. 부산자갈치시장의 고유하면서도 매력적인 문화콘텐츠 형성을 위해서는 우선 부산자갈치시장과 관련이 있는 문화가치를 발굴하거나 새롭게 인식하여 확산하여야 한다. 이 때 부산자갈치 시장과 관련이 있는 문화원형을 발굴하여 그것을 문화콘텐츠로 개발하고 산업화할 수 있도록 하여야 한다. 이러한 문화콘텐츠와 그것의 산업화는 그것만으로 그치는 것이 아니라 그것과 관련이 있는 문화가치의 이식과 확장, 그리고 향후 자갈치시장 지역을 넘어서서 부산 전체에 영향력을 행사함으로써 강력한 추진력과 공감대 형성을 이룩하는 것이 좋을 것이다. Place marketing takes specific space or region as objects of marketing and means commecialization of place. Place marketing is composed of producers of space who intend to make space as place, the receivers who visit or experience the place, and the space which should become place as media of communication. The characteristics of Pusan Chagalchi market as place is deeply related with the identity of Pusan region and has the large symbolic meaning and importance since tourist industry has strategic meaning in Pusan city as marine city. In Pusan Chagalchi market, the allocation and use of space should be done in accordance to the concepts of mall, concept line, and core attraction which are the characteristics of the third space in experience society. Nextly, the attractiveness of Pusan Chagalchi market should be heightened up through searching and expending cultural contents specific to the market. At this time, cultural primitive type related with Pusan Chalgalchi market should be searched and be developed into cultural contents and commercialized. This kind of cultural contents and its commercialization should, not just finish as itself, but excercise the power of affection all through the Pusan, so achieve strong propelling power and consensus.

      • KCI등재후보

        인적 자원 다양성의 확대와 산업구조의 진화

        윤영득(Yoon Young-deak) 한국문화산업학회 2010 문화산업연구 Vol.10 No.1

        This paper analyzes how the expansion of talent diversity of human resources affects various industries such as creative industry, high-tech industry and traditional industry develop relatively. Especially we ascertain the characteristics of firm task coordination pattern, technical function and human resource within the industries. The characteristics of this analysis is to induce the conclusion through comparatively analyzing the evolutionary equilibrium induced by game theory and comparative statics of neoclassical school. In conclusion, we induced that the expansion of human talent diversity improves the efficiency of industrial structure. This paper analyzes how the expansion of talent diversity of human resources affects various industries such as creative industry, high-tech industry and traditional industry develop relatively. Especially we ascertain the characteristics of firm task coordination pattern, technical function and human resource within the industries. The characteristics of this analysis is to induce the conclusion through comparatively analyzing the evolutionary equilibrium induced by game theory and comparative statics of neoclassical school. In conclusion, we induced that the expansion of human talent diversity improves the efficiency of industrial structure.

      • 신문화도시 부산의 문화산업 특화와 문화컨텐츠 개발 (pp.99-119)

        윤영득(Yoon Young Deak),소희(Yoon So-hee) 한국문화산업학회 2009 한국문화산업학회 학술대회 Vol.2009 No.6

        The concept of cultural city, which emphasizes physical environment, does not understand the specific characteristics of Korea, where cultural basic environment and urban cultural contents have been destroyed. Therefore cultural city needs to be changed to the new cultural city, the city affluent with diverse cultural contents enjoyable by citizen. Then what kinds of strategy coping with this new cultural city exists.? It can be summarized as followings: The formation of urban cultural contents: finding and transferring of cultural value The mobilization of urban cultural contents: the combination with time, the combination with space The diffusion of urban cultural contents: the fusion of culture and urban planning, the formation of creative region combined with IT, the education through culture. This paper discusses the background and the strategy of new cultural city and the direction of specialization of cultural industry in Pusan. It also suggests the direction of development of cultural contents in Pusan.

      • KCI등재후보

        신문화도시 부산의 문화산업 특화와 문화컨텐츠 개발

        윤영득(Yoon Young-deak),소희(Yoon So-hee) 한국문화산업학회 2009 문화산업연구 Vol.9 No.1

        The concept of cultural city, which emphasizes physical environment, does not understand the specific characteristics of Korea, where cultural basic environment and urban cultural contents have been destroyed. Therefore cultural city needs to be changed to the new cultural city, the city affluent with diverse cultural contents enjoyable by citizen. Then what kinds of strategy coping with this new cultural city exists? It can be summarized as followings: i) The formation of urban cultural contents: finding and transferring of cultural value. ii) The mobilization of urban cultural contents: the combination with time, the combination with space. iii) The diffusion of urban cultural contents: the fusion of culture and urban planning, the formation of creative region combined with IT, the education through culture. Based upon these concepts, this paper discusses the background and the strategy of new cultural city and the direction of specialization of cultural industry in Pusan. It also suggests the direction of development of cultural contents in Pusan. The concept of cultural city, which emphasizes physical environment, does not understand the specific characteristics of Korea, where cultural basic environment and urban cultural contents have been destroyed. Therefore cultural city needs to be changed to the new cultural city, the city affluent with diverse cultural contents enjoyable by citizen. Then what kinds of strategy coping with this new cultural city exists? It can be summarized as followings: i) The formation of urban cultural contents: finding and transferring of cultural value. ii) The mobilization of urban cultural contents: the combination with time, the combination with space. iii) The diffusion of urban cultural contents: the fusion of culture and urban planning, the formation of creative region combined with IT, the education through culture. Based upon these concepts, this paper discusses the background and the strategy of new cultural city and the direction of specialization of cultural industry in Pusan. It also suggests the direction of development of cultural contents in Pusan.

      • KCI등재후보

        문화예술교육특구 부산 금정구의 장소마케팅 방안

        윤영득(Yoon, Young Deak) 한국문화산업학회 2014 문화산업연구 Vol.14 No.4

        장소 마케팅은 장소, 즉, 특정 공간이나 지역을 마케팅의 대상으로 하는 것으로 장소의 상품화를 의미한다. 장소마케팅을 구성하는 요소들은 공간을 장소로 만들고자 하는 공간의 생산자와 이러한 공간을 방문하거나 체험하는 공간의 수용자, 그리고 소통의 매체로서 장소가 되어야 하는 공간과 그와 결부된 장소관련 문화콘텐츠로 구성된다. 부산 금정구는 수려한 자연과 도시서비스, 공업, 농업, 교육, 관광 등이 어우러진 발전의 잠재력이 큰 도농복합지역으로서 2013년 정부로부터 문화예술교육특구로 지정되어 각종 프로그램이 실시되고 있다. 이러한 큰 잠재력과 정부지원을 받는 지역의 발전은 전략적인 장소마케팅의 견지에서 검토하여 정책을 추진하여야 그 발전 잠재력을 충분히 현실화시킬 수 있을 것이다. 부산 금정구는 체험사회를 대표하는 제3의 공간의 특징인 몰링, 컨셉트 라인, 코어 어트랙션에 유의해서 공간배치와 활용을 하여야 할 것이다. 다음으로 부산금정구의 고유한 문화콘텐츠를 발굴하여 그것을 확장하여 부산금정구의 매력도를 높여야 할 것이다. 부산금정구의 고유하면서도 매력적인 문화콘텐츠 형성을 위해서는 우선 부산금정구와 관련이 있는 문화가치를 발굴하거나 새롭게 인식하여 확산하여야 한다. 이 때 부산 금정구와 관련이 있는 문화원형을 발굴하여 그것을 문화콘텐츠로 개발하고 산업화할 수 있도록 하여야 한다. 이러한 문화콘텐츠와 그것의 산업화는 그것만으로 그치는 것이 아니라 그것과 관련이 있는 문화가치의 이식과 확장, 그리고 향후 금정구 지역을 넘어서서 부산 전체에 영향력을 행사함으로써 강력한 추진력과 공감대 형성을 이룩하는 것이 좋을 것이다. 이러한 일의 추진 과정에는 지역의 문화예술인과 기업인, 학계 등이 참여하는 금정문화위원회를 결성하여 산학관 협력의 거버넌스를 확립하여야 할 것이다. Place marketing takes specific space or region as objects of marketing and means commercialization of place. Place marketing is composed of producers of space who intend to make space as place, the receivers who visit or experience the place, the space which should become place as media of communication, and the cultural contents relatedwith the place. Pusan Kumjungku is city-rural complex region which is composed with city services, industry, agriculture, education, and tourism, and so has big potential for development. It has been nominated as cultural artistic and educational special district by central government in the year of 2013. The development of the region with such big potential and government support can be realized enough only when the policy is supported with the examination of the region with the strategic place marketing. The characteristics of Pusan Kumjungku as place is deeply related with the identity of Pusan region and has the large symbolic meaning and importance In Pusan Kumjungku , the allocation and use of space should be done in accordance to the concepts of mall, concept line, and core attraction which are the characteristics of the third space in experience society. Nextly, the attractiveness of Pusan Kumjungku should be heightened up through searching and expending cultural contents specific to the place. At this time, cultural primitive type related with Pusan Kumjungku should be searched and be developed into cultural contents and utilized not only in artistic creation but also in cultural industry. This kind of cultural contents and its commercialization should, not just finish as itself, but excercise the power of affection all through the Pusan, so achieve strong propelling power and consensus. In the process of these job, the governance system of cooperation among citizen, bureaucracy academic and industrist through forming Kumjung. Cultural Committee should be established. 장소 마케팅은 장소, 즉, 특정 공간이나 지역을 마케팅의 대상으로 하는 것으로 장소의 상품화를 의미한다. 장소마케팅을 구성하는 요소들은 공간을 장소로 만들고자 하는 공간의 생산자와 이러한 공간을 방문하거나 체험하는 공간의 수용자, 그리고 소통의 매체로서 장소가 되어야 하는 공간과 그와 결부된 장소관련 문화콘텐츠로 구성된다. 부산 금정구는 수려한 자연과 도시서비스, 공업, 농업, 교육, 관광 등이 어우러진 발전의 잠재력이 큰 도농복합지역으로서 2013년 정부로부터 문화예술교육특구로 지정되어 각종 프로그램이 실시되고 있다. 이러한 큰 잠재력과 정부지원을 받는 지역의 발전은 전략적인 장소마케팅의 견지에서 검토하여 정책을 추진하여야 그 발전 잠재력을 충분히 현실화시킬 수 있을 것이다. 부산 금정구는 체험사회를 대표하는 제3의 공간의 특징인 몰링, 컨셉트 라인, 코어 어트랙션에 유의해서 공간배치와 활용을 하여야 할 것이다. 다음으로 부산금정구의 고유한 문화콘텐츠를 발굴하여 그것을 확장하여 부산금정구의 매력도를 높여야 할 것이다. 부산금정구의 고유하면서도 매력적인 문화콘텐츠 형성을 위해서는 우선 부산금정구와 관련이 있는 문화가치를 발굴하거나 새롭게 인식하여 확산하여야 한다. 이 때 부산 금정구와 관련이 있는 문화원형을 발굴하여 그것을 문화콘텐츠로 개발하고 산업화할 수 있도록 하여야 한다. 이러한 문화콘텐츠와 그것의 산업화는 그것만으로 그치는 것이 아니라 그것과 관련이 있는 문화가치의 이식과 확장, 그리고 향후 금정구 지역을 넘어서서 부산 전체에 영향력을 행사함으로써 강력한 추진력과 공감대 형성을 이룩하는 것이 좋을 것이다. 이러한 일의 추진 과정에는 지역의 문화예술인과 기업인, 학계 등이 참여하는 금정문화위원회를 결성하여 산학관 협력의 거버넌스를 확립하여야 할 것이다. Place marketing takes specific space or region as objects of marketing and means commercialization of place. Place marketing is composed of producers of space who intend to make space as place, the receivers who visit or experience the place, the space which should become place as media of communication, and the cultural contents relatedwith the place. Pusan Kumjungku is city-rural complex region which is composed with city services, industry, agriculture, education, and tourism, and so has big potential for development. It has been nominated as cultural artistic and educational special district by central government in the year of 2013. The development of the region with such big potential and government support can be realized enough only when the policy is supported with the examination of the region with the strategic place marketing. The characteristics of Pusan Kumjungku as place is deeply related with the identity of Pusan region and has the large symbolic meaning and importance In Pusan Kumjungku , the allocation and use of space should be done in accordance to the concepts of mall, concept line, and core attraction which are the characteristics of the third space in experience society. Nextly, the attractiveness of Pusan Kumjungku should be heightened up through searching and expending cultural contents specific to the place. At this time, cultural primitive type related with Pusan Kumjungku should be searched and be developed into cultural contents and utilized not only in artistic creation but also in cultural industry. This kind of cultural contents and its commercialization should, not just finish as itself, but excercise the power of affection all through the Pusan, so achieve strong propelling power and consensus. In the process of these job, the governance system of cooperation among citizen, bureaucracy academic and industrist through forming Kumjung. Cultural Committee should be established.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        EU 경제통합에 있어 회원국 국가의회의 역할

        윤영득(Young Deak Yoon) 한국유럽학회 1999 유럽연구 Vol.9 No.-

        In the beginning state of international economic integration, the role of parliamentary institutions does not take its prominence except the issue of treaty ratification due to technical problems and the immaturity of the integration. But the deepening of economic integration brings about the necessity of political integration or political process of economic integration due to functional spillover of economic integration, enhancing the role of parliamentary institutions. This article analyzes the role of member national parliaments in EU Integration. The supremacy of EU law brings about the supplementary role of national parliaments to adjust the national law into EU law. The institutional backgrounds of member national parliaments have affected the process of EU integration and bargaining powers of national representatives in EU council in various ways. The newly introduced flexible EU integration brings about enhancing the role of national parliaments to adjust the attitudes of member nations to circumstance of member countries and EU integration. Amsterdam treaty recognizes this fact and brings about a major improvement in member national parliaments` role in European Union affairs by introducing procedures which require open and clearer communication between the European institutions and national parliaments. But the parliamentary inability to control daily operation of EMU has brought about the dilemma of western parliamentary politics. It also raises the difficult philosophical question of to whom democratic accountability of EMU should be secured in relation to the independence of ECB.

      • KCI등재

        The Advance of Information Society and Wage Inequality

        Young Deak Yoon(윤영득) 한국산업경제학회 2015 산업경제연구 Vol.28 No.5

        본 논문은 디지털정보기술의 발전, 숙련노동의 증가, 선진국에 있어서 지식기반서비스 교역증가의 효과 분석을 한다. 분석적 결과는 다음과 같다. 고정요소의 존재와 산업간 무역만이 아니라 산업내 무역이 있는 이 논문의 모델에서조차도 전통적인 스톨퍼-사무엘슨 정리가 적용된다는 것이 주장된다. 그리하여 무역당사자국 간에 상대적인 요소부존이 차이가 난다면 정보화 사회에서 지식기반서비스의 중가는 임금불평등의 상승을 가져온다. 그러나 그 이유는 윤상철(2002)의 논리가 아니라 스톨퍼-사무엘슨 정리와 같은 이유이다. 지식기반서비스의 산업내교역의 증가는 선진국에 있어서 임금불평등을 증가시킨다. 정보기술진전 그 자체는 임금불평등을 변화시키지 않는다. 그러나 숙련노동편향기술변화, 기술재로의 선호변화와 숙련노동의 증가가 정보기술의 진전과 더불어 나타날 수 있다. 이러한 변화는 임금불평등에 영향을 준다. 그리하여 만약에 정보기술의 진전이 임금불평등을 증가시킨다면 그것은 숙련노동편향의 정보기술의 진전과 기술재로의 선호변화의 임금불평등 증가효과가 숙련기술증가의 임금불평등 감소효과를 압도하기 때문이다. 따라서 정보사회의 진전에 따르는 임금불평등을 감소시킬 수 있는 것은 숙련노동을 증가시키는 교육정책을 충분히 실시하는 것이다. We analyze the consequence of the development of digital information technology, the increase of skilled labor, the increase of knowledge-based service trade in the advanced country. The analytical consequences are as follows: The traditional Stolper Samuelson Theorem applies in our model even though economy of scale exists through fixed factor cause and intra-industry trade, not just the inter-industry trade, is allowed. Thus when the relative factor endowments are different between the trading partner countries, the increase of knowledge-based service trade results in the increase of wage inequality but the rational for that is similar with Stolper-Samuelson theorem unlike Yoon(2002). The advance of information technology itself does not change the wage inequality. However, the skilled-labor biased technological change, preferential change toward technology goods and the increase of skilled labor are likely to happen along the advance of information society. These changes affect the wage inequality. Thus if the advance of information technology increases the wage inequality, it is because the effects of skilled-labor biased technology and preferential change toward technology goods together dominate the effect of skilled-labor increase along the advance. Therefore it is the educational policy i.e., the increasing the skilled labor enough that can diminish the wage inequality along the advance of information society.

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