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      • KCI우수등재

        식민시대 누에바 에스파냐의 가톨릭과 원주민의 관계 -“영혼의 정복”인가 “상호작용”인가?-

        김윤경 ( Kim¸ Yoonkyung ) 한국서양사학회 2021 西洋史論 Vol.- No.150

        이 논문은 우상 파괴와 성인 숭배를 중심으로 식민시대 누에바 에스파냐에서 가톨릭교회와 원주민의 관계가 어떠했는지를 고찰하고자 한다. 16세기 아메리카에 들어간 가톨릭 사제들은 정복자의 시선에서 완전히 벗어나지 못했다. 아메리카에 들어간 후 교회가 맨 먼저 한 것은 원주민에게 집단으로 세례를 주고 그들의 우상을 파괴하는 것이었다. 사제들은 원주민을 속히 개종시켜야 한다고 생각했기 때문에 원주민이 예수를 알게 하고 믿게 하기보다는 개종자 수를 늘리는 외적인 성장에 열을 올렸다. 많은 원주민이 집단으로 세례를 받았지만, 그들은 여전히 그들의 우상을 비밀리에 숭배했다. 그래서 교회는 원주민의 우상을 파괴하고 그들을 처벌하였다. 이러한 폭력은 원주민의 가톨릭 수용으로 이어지기도 했지만 실제로는 큰 저항을 불러일으켰다. 이에 가톨릭교회는 원주민의 우상을 가톨릭 성인으로 대체했다. 그것은 원주민의 전통 신앙과 가톨릭교회의 유사성에서 비롯된 타협이었다. 이러한 타협은 가톨릭 축제에서도 드러났다. 가톨릭 행사인 축제에서 원주민들은 전통 복장을 하고 전통 춤을 주고 노래를 불렀다. 이러한 축제를 경제적으로 지원하기 위해 다양한 꼬프라디아(cofradía)가 만들어지기도 했다. 결과적으로 가톨릭교회는 원주민의 영혼을 “정복”하지 못한 채 원주민과 절충하고 타협했다. 이러한 타협이 바로 교회와 원주민 관계의 본질이었다. 그로 인해 “누에바 에스파냐의 가톨릭”이 탄생했다. This study examined how Catholic Church and indigenous peoples interrelated in the colonial era of New Spain, focusing on iconoclastic movement and worship of saints. Catholic priests who entered America in the 16th century were unable to escape from the perspective of conquerors. Over time, the church became a powerful economic institution. The first thing Catholic priests did when they entered America was to baptize natives collectively and destroy their idols. These priests, under the pressure to convert many natives quickly, focused on the outward growth of increasing the number of native converts rather than making them truly know and believe in Jesus. Although many indigenous peoples were baptized collectively, they still worshiped their idols secretly. Thus, the church destroyed those idols of the natives and punished them severely. Such violence led to Catholic acceptance by indigenous people. However, in reality, it provoked great resistance. The Catholic Church replaced idols of the natives with Catholic saints. It was a compromise that stemmed from similarities between traditional beliefs of indigenous people and Catholicism. This compromise was also revealed at Catholic festivals. Priests tried to promote the piety of indigenous peoples and control their religious life by holding festivals on Catholic saints or anniversaries. In order to economically support these festivals, various cofradias were created. The Catholic Church did not "conquer" spirits of the natives. In other words, Catholic priests were unsuccessful in saving souls of indigenous people by getting them to know and believe in Jesus. The Catholic Church realized limitations of group baptism in the early days of the conquest and offered a compromise of Catholic saint worship and festivals so that indigenous people could more easily accept Catholicism. In this compromise, an interaction between the church and indigenous people took place. As a result, “Catholics of New Spain” was born. (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies / yetla@hanmail.net)

      • KCI우수등재

        잉카 시대 안데스 원주민의 세계관을 통해서 본 아이유(Ayllu)의 사회경제구조 -이원론과 상호성을 중심으로-

        김윤경 ( Kim¸ Yoon-kyung ) 한국서양사학회 2020 西洋史論 Vol.0 No.147

        이 논문은 잉카 시대 원주민의 세계관을 통해서 아이유의 사회경제구조가 어떻게 작동하고 있었는지를 분석하고자 한다. 특히 아이유 사회경제구조의 주요 원리인 상호성과 이원론이 노동조직과 토지보유 형태에 어떻게 반영되었으며, 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 검토하고자 한다. 아이유의 사회경제구조는 안데스 원주민의 세계관, 특히 이원론과 상호성에 바탕을 두고 있었다. 아이유의 사회경제구조에 상호성이 반영되는 과정에서 아이유 구성원들 간의 상호 협력과 존중이 중요시되었다. 하지만, 그 이면에는 현실적인 필요에 의한 계산과 거래가 있었다. 그러한 상호성이 유지되기 위해서는 통제, 보복, 강제, 경쟁 등이 수반되기도 했다. 따라서 아이유의 이념과 현실을 분리해서 생각해야 한다. 상호 협력과 보완, 조화와 질서를 이루는 세계를 생각했던 안데스의 전통적인 세계관이 아이유에 반영되었던 것은 사실이다. 하지만 아이유의 사회경제구조의 실제 모습은 그러한 이념과는 다소 거리가 있었다. This article analyzes how the Ayllu’s social and economic systems were viewed from the perspective of the Andeans during the Incan empire. Specifically, this paper looks at how reciprocity and dualism were the founding principles which affected the establishment of all social and economic structures existing at the time, from systems ranging from labor organization all the way to the conceptualization of land ownership. From its inception, the Ayllu’s social and economic structures were based on Andean worldview and cultural values, particularly the social collective values of dualism and reciprocity. Firstly, the concept of Andean dualism and reciprocity are particularly reflected in the Ayllu’s organization of class structure. Kurakas, Ayllu’s nobility, and Jatunrunas, Allyu’s term for common people, cooperated with each other and significantly relied on each other in order to maintain an orderly and peaceful existence. Secondly, within the the Allyu’s conceptualism of labor organization, the idea of communality, based on the promise of reciprocity, was the underlying social agreement which legitimized the Allyu’s land-holding, which was considering the most significant kind of property. In contrast, the Andean indigenous people believed that nature could not become personal property, and rather that human beings and nature should coexist in harmony. In reality, Andean people valued mutual cooperation and respect amongst themselves, but the transactions occurring within the Ayllu’s economy were based on realistic needs, which eventually led to instances of control, revenge, use of force, and high competition. I insist that we should avoid idealize the Ayllu. While the Andean traditional worldview was reflected in Ayllu society, it was still somewhat distant from the socio-economic structure of the Ayllu. (Institute of Latin American Studies, HUFS / yetla@hanmail.net)

      • KCI등재

        스페인 톨레도의 역사문화경관 특성과 활용

        공윤경 ( Kong¸ Yoon Kyung ) 한국사진지리학회 2021 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        이베리아반도 중앙에 위치한 톨레도는 과거 로마 제국의 군사도시, 서고트왕국의 수도, 이슬람 세력의 북부전진기지 그리고 카스티야왕국의 수도였던 곳이다. 본 연구는 스페인 톨레도를 사례로 역사문화경관의 특성과 활용방안에 대해 살펴보고자 하였다. 연구 결과를 정리하면 첫째, 기독교, 이슬람교, 유대교가 공존함으로써 문화·예술의 혼종을 유도하였다. 콘비벤시아는 각종 건축물에 모사라베 양식과 무데하르 양식으로 표현되었다. 둘째, 회당, 왕궁, 병원, 성(城) 등을 문화시설이나 숙박시설로 활용하였다. 이는 도시정체성 유지뿐만 아니라 도시의 가치 향상, 도시 재활성화에 기여하였다. 셋째, 역사문화경관의 관리, 주민 편의와 복리 증진을 위해 통합적 보호계획을 수립하고 기구를 설립하였다. 이와 같이 톨레도는 서로 다른 종교와의 공존을 통해 이루어낸 다양한 역사문화경관을 복원하거나 때로는 활용하면서 간직하였다. 따라서 오늘날 톨레도는 유럽의 여타 도시들과는 다른 독특하고 이국적인 중세도시로 자리매김할 수 있었다. Toledo, located in the center of the Iberian Peninsula, was formerly the military city of the Roman Empire, the capital of the Visigothic Kingdom, the northern forward base of the Islamic forces, and the capital of the Castile Kingdom. The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics and utilization of historical and cultural landscapes focusing on Toledo, Spain. The results of the study are summarized as follows; First, the Convivencia of Catholicism, I slam, and Judaism led to the hybridization of culture and art. Convivencia was expressed in the mozarabe style and mudejar style in various buildings. Second, synagogue, royal palace, hospital and old castle were used as cultural facilities or accommodation facilities. It contributed not only to maintaining urban identity, but also to improving the value of the city and revitalizing the city. Third, Toledo established an integrated protection plan and an organization to manage the historical and cultural landscape, and to promote the convenience and welfare of residents. In this way, Toledo preserved the various historical and cultural landscapes achieved through coexistence with different religions, or sometimes utilized. Thus, today Toledo has been able to establish itself as a unique and exotic medieval city different from other European cities.

      • KCI등재후보
      • A Study on Re-structuralization of Dance Curriculum in Korea

        ( Yoonkyung Lee ),( Mihye Cho ) 한국체육학회 2016 국제스포츠과학 학술대회 Vol.2016 No.1

        Purpose: As there have been growing interests on competency-based education, core competency are emphasized in the 2015-revised national curriculum. In this respect, this study is to provide baseline data to improve the dance competency for elementary and secondary education in Korea. This study is a part of process for developing competency-based dance curriculum, and based on the result of study of dance competency previously carried out. The main focus of this study is to structuralize the essential element, value, dance competency and contents category of dance education. Method: To achieve this goal, literature review, delphi survey, in-depth interview were adopted. Literature review was to seek the elements that make up the theoretical basis for dance education. And the elements were identified using delphi survey for three times. Ten general dance education experts were took for the survey. The elements constituting the theoretical foundation of dance education were selected for literature review by analyzing documents of P.E. curriculum and previous studies. In-depth interview was carried out three insider dance teachers and two outsider dance teachers who participated in the delphi survey to apprehend the context in between dance competency and contents category. Result: In 2015 revised P.E. curriculum, essential element, value, physical education competency and contents category were suggested to explain the meaning and concept of physical education. For this, delphi survey method was used to structuralize essential element of dance education, affirming the value and structure between dance and physical education, dance competency and contents category. As a result, dance education’s essential element was drawn by body movement. Dance education includes aesthetic, moral, social, creative, artistic, cultural, expressive, playful, practical and emotional value, which are highly correlated with the value of expressing physical education. After structuralization of dance competency and contents category, it was shown that dance morality is related to folk dance and creative dance, dance performance is related to movement education and practical dance, dance cognitive is to art of dance and folk dance, dance creation is related to creative dance. The meaning between dance competency and contents category identified by interview is as following. In terms of dance morality, it was mainly related with group dance such as creative dance, which goes forward the outcome cooperated with folk dance in process based on agrarian society. When it comes to dance performance competency, it was related with the category of practical dance and movement education with easy-to-practice characteristic, considering the fact that movement itself is related with performance and action, rhythm, emotion are properly combined. Because dance recognition competency contains contents structure long systematized through culture and history, it seemed related with art of dance and folk dance category. Regarding dance creation, it was related with creative dance including the students’ activity of creating, performing, making announcement and appreciating. Conclusion: First, this study, by focusing on core competency emphasized by recent national curriculum, suggested essential element which is basic concept of dance education prepared for competency-based curriculum, value, dance competency and contents category’s structuralized outcome. Second, based on the characteristic of dance education and explaining the meaning between contents category, it founded theoretical foundation. For the follow-up study, standardization study of contents structure in dance education which is a factor of developing curriculum needs to be carried out based on this study. And also the method of dance teaching-and-learning and how to evaluate it need to be drawn.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of lubricating-oil performance and emissions with lubricant formulations using ZDDP as the selected additive in GDI engines: a simultaneous study of VOCs and soot in oil

        Yoonkyung Kang 대한기계학회 2021 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.35 No.11

        This study investigated the effect of different antiwear additives on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and particulate matter (PM) characteristics based on a gasoline direct injection engine with a 0W-40 fully- synthetic oil. We focused on benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) for the VOC study and soot-in-oil for the PM study. In addition to the BTEX emission results, BTEX in lube oil was measured to determine its relationship to the soot-in-oil mass concentration. The soot in crankcase oils was analyzed via three different tests corresponding to its antiwear additives (oil-A, oil-B, oil-C), and the analysis was implemented using the DLS technique to identify particle sizes and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Our results indicate that particles in lubricating oil exhibited a bimodal size distribution as measured by DLS. The characterization of oil viscosity was also investigated. Oil-B (ZDDP addition) showed the best performances in terms of the brake specific fuel consumption. However, oil-B had the shortcomings in BTEX reduction compared to oil-C.


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