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        조건부수급자의 자활사업 참여와 불참간 의사결정 요인분석

        이성희,원종욱 한국사회복지정책학회 2004 사회복지정책 Vol.20 No.-

        본 연구는 조건부수급자증 자활사업 불참자의 특성을 자활사업 참여자와 비교하여 분석함으로써 어떠한 요인들이 이 두 집단을 구분짓게 마는지 실증적으로 규명하는데 그 목적이 있다. 조건부수급자중 정당한 사유 없이 자활사업에 불참한 사람들의 특성에 대한 과학적인 분석은 자활사업이 안고 있는 참여율 저조 문제에 대한 원인을 이해하고, 향후 성공적인 자활사업 시행을 위한 정책수립에 기초자료가 될 것으로 사료된다. 이를 위해 『2003 자활정책평가와 개선과제 실태조사』 의 자료를 이용하여 조건 부수급자증 자활사업 참여자와 불참자에 대찬 설문분석과 함께 자활사업 참여결정에 영향을 미치는 요인을 계량적으로 분석하였다. 설문분석 결과 자활사업 불참자는 참여자에 비해 상대적으로 남성의 비율이 높고, 연령은 낮고, 동거 가구원수가 많으며, 학력이 높고, 소득수준이 놓으며, 담당공무원이 자신의 소득수준을 정확히 파악하지 못한다고 생각하는 편으로 나타났다. 자활사업 참여결정에 영창을 미치는 요인을 probit model로 추정한 결과 역시 설문분석 결과의 타당성을 뒷받침하였다. 그리고 자활사업 불참자의 소득 추정식을 분석한 결과 수급자 가구가 근근이 생활하는데 필요하다고 생각하는 금액이 클수록, 즉 기본적인 생활수준을 높이고 싶은 욕구가 강할수록 민간 노동시장에서 얻는 소득수준도 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. The main purpose of the study is to identify the differences in socio-economic variables between participants and non-participants of the public self-reliant program. Under the 『Law of the Guaranteeing Basic Livelihood』, those who are physically fit to work, are classified as conditional recipients. One of the condition applied to them is to participate in the public self-reliant program when they can't find job. By analyzing the survey data of 2003, we found out that there are differences in socio-economic variables between two groups. Other things controlled, men are more likely to not to participate in public self-reliant program rather they chose to work in private labor market. Age is another factor influencing decision on participation of the program. The younger recipients are more likely to work in private labor market rather than public self-reliance program. We also found out that those who believe that real incomes are less likely to be revealed by government social workers are more likely to participate private labor market rather than government program. Finally, we predicted income level that non-participants could earn in the private labor market by utilizing Heckman selection model(two-stage). Even though average income of the non-participants' of the public program was about to 420,000 Won the predicted private market income of the total conditional recipients are close to only 200,000 Won. It implies that public self-reliant program is vital source of income for the recipients who possess labor capacity but are unfit to competitive private labor market.

      • KCI등재

        출생 전 스트레스와 감금 스트레스가 흰쥐 편도복합체 별아교세포에 미치는 영향 : I. 별아교세포의 세포체에 미치는 영향

        이지용,최병영,김동희,정원석,조병필,양영철 韓國電子顯微鏡學會 2008 Applied microscopy Vol.38 No.3

        신경계통의 가소성은 신경세포의 변화에 의해 이루어질 뿐 아니라 신경아교세포의 변화에 의해서도 이루어진다. 신경아교세포 중 별아교세포는 신경세포의 기능을 조절하므로 정상적인 뇌의 기능을 유지하는데 매우 중요하다. 뇌에서 편도복합체는 위험 혹은 유해한 일련의 감각정보를 받아들이는 구역으로 받아들인 일련의 이와 같은 정보를 통합하고 변환시켜 공포라는 감정을 만들어낸다. 이런 과정은 편도복합체 신경세포에서 분비되는 신경전달물질의 균형변화에 의해 이루어지며, 신경전달물질의 조절에 별아교세포가 관여하므로 본 연구에서는 출생 전 스트레스와 성장 후에 받은 스트레스가 편도복합체 별아교세포의 세포체에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 조사하였다. 이를 위해 흰쥐를 스트레스를 받지 않은 대조군 (CON), 성장 후 스트레스를 받은 군(CONR), 출생 전 스트레스를 받은 군(PNS), 출생 전 스트레스와 성장 후 스트레스를 모두 받은 군 (PNSR)으로 구분하였다. 별아교세포는 GFAP 항체를 이용한 면역조직화학 염색을 시행하여 확인하였으며, methylene blue/azure II로 대조 염색하였다. Neurolucida 프로그램을 이용하여 계측한 별아교세포의 세포체는 일부 편도복합체 신경핵에서 출생 전 스트레스를 받은 PNS군이 대조군에 비하여 면적이 증가하였으며, 이런 경향은 출생전 스트레스를 받고 다시 성장 후 스트레스를 받은 PNSR군에서 더욱 증가하였다. 따라서 흰쥐의 편도복합체에 분포하는 별아교세포는 스트레스에 영향을 받아 비대해지는 경향을 보인 것으로 나타났으며, 출생 전 스트레스가 성장 후에도 영향을 미치는것으로 사료된다. The plasticity of nervous system is generated not only due to changes in neurons but also due to changes in neuroglial cells. Astrocyte is important for maintaining the normal brain function and controlling the neuronal functions. The amygdala receives an array of important sensory information of danger signals. This information is further transduced and integrated to produce the highly adaptive emotion, fear. In this study, morphometric changes in the cell bodies of astrocytes in the amygdala, induced by prenatal stress and restraint stress were examined. For this purpose, rats were classified into 4 groups; control group (CON), only restraint-stressed (starting on P90 for 3 days) group (CONR), prenatally-stressed group (PNS), and prenatally and restraint (on P90 for 3 days) stressed group (PNSR). Astrocytes were verified with anti-GFAP immunohistochemistry, counter stained with methylene blue/azure II and were examined using the Neurolucida. Results showed that astrocytes in the amygdala of PNS rats had significantly larger cell bodies than did CON rats and this was enhanced further by restraint stress. Thus this data showed that hypertrophy of the astrocytic cell bodies of amygdala complex is induced by prenatal and restraint stress.

      • New Zealand White 토끼의 생식세포 및 체세포 분열에 의한 염색체 분석

        신선희,김희수,최영현,이원호 부산대학교 유전공학연구소 2001 분자생물학 연구보 Vol.17 No.-

        토끼(New Zealand White rabbit)의 감수분열 및 유사분령상을 통해 그 염색체적 특징을 조사하였다. 감수분열 염색체의 표본 작성은 공기건조법을 다소 변형하여 사용하였고, 유사분열 중기상의 핵형분석에는 G-분염법을 이용하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 제1감수분열의 접합기와 태사기의 염색소립과 sex vesicles 및 동원체가 뚜렷하게 구별되었다. 태사기의 중기에서부터 후기 과정이 진행되는 동안에 2가염색체에서 측면으로 돌출한 머리카락 모양의 돌기들이 관찰되어졌고, 이 돌기들은 염색체가 lampbrush 염색체 구조의 모양이 되도록 해주었다. 이동기의 염색체들은 키아즈마의 수와 위치에 따라 분류가 가능하였다. 제1 감수분열 전기의 후반부 과정과 중기Ⅰ 시기에는 2가염색체로 된 21개의 상염색체와 1개의 말단결합으로 연결된 X-Y 염색체를 관찰할 수 있었다. 2. New Zealand White rabbit의 생식세포에서 관찰된 2가 염색체의 형태는 1CH, 1TAl 및 2TA 2가염색체 유형이 대부분을 이루었다. New Zealand White rabbit에서의 평균 키아즈마 빈도는 약 30.2로 나타났으며, 키아즈마 빈도가 복사기, 이동기 및 중기Ⅰ로 분열이 진행됨에 따라 다소 감소하는 경향이 있었다. 3. New Zealand White rabbit의 핵형분석에 의하면 염색체 수는 44개(2n=44)로서, 8쌍의 중부염색체, 9쌍의 차중부염색체, 4쌍의 단부염색체로 된 21쌍의 상염색체와 중부염색체인 1개의 X 염색체 및 단부염색체인 1개의 Y 염색체로 구성되어 있음을 알 수 있었다. Chromosomal characteristics of New Zealand White rabbit was studied at meiosis and mitosis. The meiotic chromosomal preparations were made with the modified air-drying method and karyotype analysis was performed with the G-banding technique, using isolated mitotic metaphase chromosomes of the New Zealand White rabbit. Chromosomes, sex vesicles and centromeres could be could be classified in the zygotene and the pachytene of the meiosis Ⅰ. The hair-like processes projecting laterally from the axes of bivalent chromosomes at the mid-late pachytene were basis of the numbers and the locations of chiasma in the diakinesis. Twenty-one autosomal bivalents and a single unequal terminally associated X-Y bivalent were observed during the late prophase and the metaphase of the meiosis Ⅰ. Most of the bivalent types observed in the New Zealand White rabbit spermatocytes were 1CH, 1TAl, and 2TA bivalents. The mean chiasma frequency (CE) of the male New Zealand White rabbit was 30.2, and it was found that the CF value tended to decrease through the diakinesis and the metaphase Ⅰ. The karyotype of the New Zealand White rabbit was a male chromosome number of 44(2n=44), comprising 8 pairs of metacentric, 9 pairs of submetacentric, 4 pairs of acrocentric autosomes, metacentric X chromosome and acrocentric Y chromosome.


        Structure–ActivityRelationships and Optimization of 3,5-Dichloropyridine DerivativesAs Novel P2X<sub>7</sub> Receptor Antagonists

        Lee, Won-Gil,Lee, So-Deok,Cho, Joong-Heui,Jung, Younghwan,Kim, Jeong-hyun,Hien, Tran T.,Kang, Keon-Wook,Ko, Hyojin,Kim, Yong-Chul American ChemicalSociety 2012 Journal of medicinal chemistry Vol.55 No.8

        <P>Screening of a library of chemical compounds showed that the dichloropyridine-based analogue 9 was a novel P2X(7) receptor antagonist. To optimize its activity, we assessed the structure-activity relationships (SAR) of 9, focusing on the hydrazide linker, the dichloropyridine skeleton, and the hydrophobic acyl (R-2) group. We found that the hydrazide linker and the 3,5-disubstituted chlorides in the pyridine skeleton were critical for P2X(7) antagonistic activity and that the presence of hydrophobic polycycloalkyl groups at the R-2 position optimized antagonistic activity. In the EtBr uptake assay in hP2X(7)-expressing HEK293 cells, the optimized antagonists, 5i and 52, had IC50 values of 4.9 and 13 nM, respectively. The antagonistic effects of 51 and 52 were paralleled by their ability to inhibit the release of the pro-inflammatory cytokine, IL-1 beta, by LPS/IFN-gamma/BzATP stimulation of THP-1 cells (IC50 = 1.3 and 9.2 nM, respectively). In addition, 52 strongly inhibited iNOS/COX-2 expression and NO production in THP-1 cells, further indicating that this compound blocks inflammatory signaling and suggesting that the dichloropyridine analogues may be useful in developing P2X(7) receptor targeted anti-inflammatory agents.</P>



        Lee, Sung-Han,Kim, Dong-Su,Lee, Sim-Won,No, Young-Gyu,Na, Man-Gyun,Lee, Jae-Yong,Kim, Dong-Hoon,Jang, Chang-Heui Korean Nuclear Society 2011 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.43 No.3

        The diametral creep of pressure tubes (PTs) in CANDU (CANada Deuterium Uranium) reactors is one of the principal aging mechanisms governing the heat transfer and hydraulic degradation of the heat transport system (HTS). PT diametral creep leads to diametral expansion, which affects the thermal hydraulic characteristics of the coolant channels and the critical heat flux (CHF). The CHF is a major parameter determining the critical channel power (CCP), which is used in the trip setpoint calculations of regional overpower protection (ROP) systems. Therefore, it is essential to predict PT diametral creep in CANDU reactors. PT diametral creep is caused mainly by fast neutron irradiation, temperature and applied stress. The objective of this study was to develop a bundle position-wise linear model (BPLM) to predict PT diametral creep employing previously measured PT diameters and HTS operating conditions. The linear model was optimized using a genetic algorithm and was devised based on a bundle position because it is expected that each bundle position in a PT channel has inherent characteristics. The proposed BPLM for predicting PT diametral creep was confirmed using the operating data of the Wolsung nuclear power plant in Korea. The linear model was able to predict PT diametral creep accurately.

      • Ag-(Mo-W)/ZrO<sub>2</sub> catalysts for the production of propylene oxide: Effect of pH in the preparation of ZrO<sub>2</sub> support

        Lee, Eo Jin,Lee, Jong Won,Lee, Joongwon,Min, Hyung-Ki,Yi, Jongheop,Song, In Kyu,Kim, Do Heui Elsevier 2018 CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS - Vol.111 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Direct oxidation of propylene to propylene oxide was carried out over Ag-(Mo-W)/ZrO<SUB>2</SUB> (pH X) catalysts prepared by changing the pH of Zr precursor solution from 3 to 14 while preparing the ZrO<SUB>2</SUB> support. It was found that the fraction of monoclinic phase and the ratio of acidity to basicity in the catalysts showed a volcano-shaped trend with respect to pH of Zr precursor solution. Such characteristics were well correlated with the selectivity of reaction towards propylene oxide. Ag-(Mo-W)/ZrO<SUB>2</SUB> (pH 10) with the highest fraction of monoclinic phase of ZrO<SUB>2</SUB> and ratio of surface acidity to basicity showed the highest selectivity (68%) for propylene oxide.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Ag-(Mo-W)/ZrO<SUB>2</SUB> catalysts are used to oxidation of propylene to propylene oxide(PO). </LI> <LI> ZrO<SUB>2</SUB> supports are prepared by changing pH value of Zr precursor solution. </LI> <LI> Highest selectivity for PO is observed over Ag-(Mo-W)/ZrO<SUB>2</SUB> (pH 10) catalyst. </LI> <LI> The fraction of monoclinic ZrO<SUB>2</SUB> phase is correlated with PO selectivity. </LI> <LI> The ratio of acidity to basicity of catalysts is crucial for high PO selectivity. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • Identification and Phylogenetic Analysis of SINE-R Retroposon Family in cDNA Library of Human Fetal Brain

        Lee,Ji Won,Yi,Joo Mi,Shin,Kyung Mi,Jeon,Seung Heui,Jung,A Ram,Hong,Kyung Won,Huh,Jae Won,Paik,In Ho,Jang,Kyung Lib,Kim,Heui Soo 한국생명과학회 2001 한국생명과학회 학술발표회 Vol.33 No.-

        SINE-R retroposons have been derived from human endogenous retrovirus HERV-K family and found to be hominoid specific. Both SINE-R retroposons and HERV--K family are potentially capable of affecting the expression of closely located genes. From cDNA library of the human fetal brain, we identified seven SINE-R retroposons and compared them with sequences derived from the GenBank database. The SINE-R retroposons from human fetal brain showed 85-97% sequence similarities with human-specific retroposon SINE-R.C2. They also showed 88-96% sequence similarities with the sequence of the schizo-cDNA clone that derived from postmortem tissue from the frontal cortex of an individual suffering from schizophrenia. Phylogenetic analysis using the neighbor-joining method revealed that the seven new SINE-R retroposons from cDNA library of the human fetal brain have been proliferated independently during human evolution. The data indicate that such SINE-R retroposons are expressed in human fetal brain and deserve further investigation as potential leads to an understanding of neuropsychiatric diseases


        A Numerical Model for Nuclide Migration in the Far-field of the Repository

        Lee, Youn-Myoung,Lee, Han-Soo,Park, Heui-Joo,Cho, Won-Jin,Han, Kyong-Won,Park, Hun-Hwee Korean Nuclear Society 1989 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.21 No.4

        A numerical model for nuclide migration through fractured rock media has been developed. Nuclide transport with groundwater in rock fissures and the diffusion of nuclides into rock matrix are considered one-dimensionally . In the safety assessment of the repository for radioactive waste, this one-dimensional model by the finite-difference scheme, which enables us not only to use more realistic boundary conditions but also to model the nonhomogeneous rock medium as the multilayered media, can be used effectively with the analytical mode. The solution by the numerical model will be verified analytically, and then extended to the double-layered rock medium transport model.

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