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        Documents of The Nguyen Dynasty’s Mission to China in 1883: The Origins and Historical Values

        ( Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy ) 부산외국어대학교 아세안연구원 2021 Suvannabhumi Vol.13 No.1

        In 1882, after the French defeated Tonkin for the second time, the Nguyen Dynasty led by King Tự Đức 嗣德 appointed Phạm Thận Duật 范慎遹 and Nguyễn Thuật 阮述 as envoys to the Qing Dynasty to seek the Chinese’s help to deal with the French invasion. The trip’s information from 1883 such as the schedule, the content, the discussion, and the progress was specifically reflected in the two envoys’ diaries, including “Notes of Voyage to Qing Dynasty in The First Year of Jianfu” 建福元年如清日程 (Phạm Thận Duật and Nguyễn Thuật), “Notes of Voyage to Tianjin” 往津日记 (Nguyễn Thuật). This article presents the origin of these documents and their historical values in order to provide insights into the study of diplomatic relations between the Nguyen Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty in the late 19th century through the 1883 mission.

      • KCI등재

        Documents of The Nguyen Dynasty's Mission to China in 1883: The Origins and Historical Values

        Nguyen, Thi Thu Thuy Korea Institute for ASEAN Studies 2021 Suvannabhumi Vol.13 No.1

        In 1882, after the French defeated Tonkin for the second time, the Nguyen Dynasty led by King Tự Đức 嗣德 appointed Phạm Thận Duật 范慎遹 and Nguyễn Thuật 阮述 as envoys to the Qing Dynasty to seek the Chinese's help to deal with the French invasion. The trip's information from 1883 such as the schedule, the content, the discussion, and the progress was specifically reflected in the two envoys' diaries, including "Notes of Voyage to Qing Dynasty in The First Year of Jianfu" 建福元年如清日程 (Phạm Thận Duật and Nguyễn Thuật), "Notes of Voyage to Tianjin" 往津日记(Nguyễn Thuật). This article presents the origin of these documents and their historical values in order to provide insights into the study of diplomatic relations between the Nguyen Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty in the late 19th century through the 1883 mission.

      • KCI등재

        미얀마 내 외국어대학교의 한국어 교육 현황 및 개선 방안 - 학부 과정을 중심으로 -

        먓띠다우,Chaw Chaw Thu 국제한국어교육학회 2016 한국어 교육 Vol.27 No.2

        Myat Thida Oo. Chaw Chaw Thu. 2016. The Status and Direction for the Improvement of Korean language Education in Myanmar -Focus on B.A (Korean) students. Journal of Korean Language Education 27-2: 51-78. The purpose of this study is to examine the status of Korean language education in Myanmar, and find out the problems and directions of future tasks. In order to examine how Korean language education is carried out in Myanmar, a survey was conducted with learners and teachers at the Yangon University of Foreign Languages and Mandalay University of Foreign languages. In this paper, based upon the results of the survey, difficulties of Korean language education were due to insufficient textbooks, teachers, classroom materials, and proportion of major class hours. Therefore, this paper proposes directions and means for providing teacher training courses, student exchange programs, upgrading curriculums and textbooks in Myanmar.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        China’s soft power in Vietnam: Approaching through Cultural Diplomacy

        ( Jung Hye Young ),( Trần Thị Thuỷ ) 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2021 문화와 세계 Vol.2 No.2

        중국 정부는 21 세기 초부터, 문화공공외교를 통한 자국의 소프트 파워 증진을 강조해 왔다. 중국의 문화외교는 중국정부가 ‘공공외교’라는 거시적 범주 안에서 중국의 소프트 파워를 강화하기 위해 정책적으로 실행해온 외교 방식이다. 베트남은 중국과 국경을 마주한 이웃국가이자, 중국이 남중국해와 아세안으로 나아가는 관문에 위치하였다. 이 때문에, 중국은 베트남에 대해 상호 우호적인 관계 이미지를 구축하고 선(善)한 소프트파워 영향력을 행사하는 등의 모습을 보여 중국의 대아세안 공공외교정책을 순조롭게 출발시켜야 하는 국가이다. 세계 여러 나라에서 행해졌던 중국의 문화외교 활동과 마찬가지로, 베트남에 대한 중국의 문화외교 역시, 공자학원과 공자학당 설립, 중국문화원 건립, 문화예술활동, 예술공연교류, 교육활동 등을 중심으로 문화교류 활동이 전개된다. 중국의 대 베트남 소프트파워 영향력 행사 메커니즘 이해에 있어서 주목할 만한 특징이 있는데, 양국은 국경을 마주보는 “가까운 이웃”, “공산주의 이념 채택국”이라는 공통성으로 인해, “편리한 교통”, “빈번한 인적 교류”를 통해 문화외교가 전개되었다는 점이다. 현재 빈번하게 이루어지는 물리적 교류에 비해, 양국의 문화외교 교류는 양측 모두에게 풍부하지 못한 내용과 효과를 지니고 있으며, 문화교류에 이르기까지 적지 않은 시간이 필요했던 영향도 양국 교류의 장애물로 작용한다. 상호 이해하고 소통하는 측면의 교감 형성과 유대관계 진전이 부족한 측면은 양국의 문화외교 특징으로 이해할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 중국이 공공외교의 범주 안에서 정책적으로 작동시키는 중국 소프트파워에 대해 이해하고, 그 수단으로써 사용되는 문화외교와 주요한 문화교류 활동을 베트남의 사례를 통해 살펴본다. 본문에서는, 중국이 베트남에서 소프트 파워를 확대하기 위해 사용한 문화 분야의 외교 도구를 분석하는 데 중점을 두고, 중국이 진행하는 소프트파워 강화방식에 대한 수단과 국가이미지 제고 효과 관계를 분석한다. 큰 틀에서는 중국의 대 베트남 공공외교와 문화외교 독특성을 찾아내고, 작은 틀에서의 양국 문화교류 방식이 지닌 성과와 과제들을 논한다. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the Chinese government has been emphasizing the promotion of China's soft power by developing cultural diplomacy as a means of public diplomacy. Vietnam is a neighboring country facing China. And it is located at the gateway to the South China Sea and ASEAN, China must build a friendly image in relations with Vietnam and convey a good national image to the Vietnamese people first. It can be the starting point for ASEAN foreign policy. Similar to China’s cultural diplomacy activities carried out in many countries around the world, China's cultural diplomacy to Vietnam also involved a number of cultural exchange activities, focusing on the establishment of Confucius Institute, the establishment of Chinese Cultural Center, cultural and artistic activities, and art performance exchanges. However, there is a remarkable feature in the study of the mechanism by which China exercises soft power over Vietnam. Due to the characteristics of the two countries as “close neighbors” and “countries adopting the communist ideology”, “convenient transportation” and “frequent people-to-people exchanges” are the uniqueness of cultural diplomacy in China and Vietnam. In contrast to the frequent physical exchanges, the lack of spiritual sympathy and progress in forming ties in terms of mutual communication can be understood as a characteristic of cultural diplomacy between the two countries. In this paper, we understand China's soft power as a public diplomacy of foreign policy, and examine cultural diplomacy and major cultural exchange activities used as a means through Vietnam's case. This study focused on analyzing the diplomatic tools in the field of culture used by China to expand its soft power in Vietnam, and analyzes the means of China's soft power reinforcement method and the effect of enhancing the national image. In the broad framework, we find the unique characteristics of China's public diplomacy and cultural diplomacy with Vietnam, and discuss the achievements and challenges of the cultural exchange between the two countries in a small framework.

      • KCI등재

        A Pyrenyl-Appended Triazole-Based Calix[4]arene as a Fluorescent Sensor for Iodide Ion

        김종승,Sun Young Park,Sang Hoon Kim,Pierre Thuéry,Rachid Souane,Susan E. Matthews,Jacques Vicens 대한화학회 2010 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.31 No.3

        The synthesis and evaluation of a novel calix[4]arene-based fluorescent chemosensor 1 for the detection of I‒ is described. The fluorescent changes observed upon addition of various anions show that 1 is selective for I‒ over other anions. Addition of I‒ results in ratiometric measurements with 1 : 1 complex ratio.The synthesis and evaluation of a novel calix[4]arene-based fluorescent chemosensor 1 for the detection of I‒ is described. The fluorescent changes observed upon addition of various anions show that 1 is selective for I‒ over other anions. Addition of I‒ results in ratiometric measurements with 1 : 1 complex ratio.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Continuous Behavior of Using Food Delivery Mobile Applications in Vietnam after Covid-19 Pandemic

        Ha Thu LUONG(Ha Thu LUONG ),Nhi Lan DAO(Nhi Lan DAO ),Trang Thu NGUYEN(Trang Thu NGUYEN ),Uyen Thu Thi LA(Uyen Thu Thi LA ),Na Thi Le TRAN(Na Thi Le TRAN ),Hoa Thi DUONG(Hoa Thi DUONG ) 한국유통과학회 2023 유통과학연구 Vol.21 No.3

        Purpose: During and after Covid-19 pandemic, technology has emerged as a key factor in supporting the recovery of the economy and the rise of living standards. This study examines seven factors affecting the intention of food delivery apps usage, which include Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Hedonic Motivation, Price Value, and Habit, and how much influence they have on the customers' behavioral continuance of food delivery apps after Covid-19 Pandemic. Research methodology: This research is a quantitative descriptive research with 473 qualified respondents from 550 respondents collected. Besides using the UTAUT2 model (Venkatesh et al., 2012), Information Quality was added to give a better explanation for the consumers’ intention towards continuance behavior using food delivery apps. The collected data is then processed using SPSS 22.0. Results: Habit factors and Information Quality factors have significant positive effects on promoting food delivery apps usage intention, which in turn influences continuance behavior. In addition, Habit factors and Information Quality factors together have an effect of 48.57% on Behavioral Intention. Conclusion: The result proves that positive habits and food information quality can increase the usage intention towards the behavioral continuance of consumers. Higher usage frequency can be improved by increasing these two factors.

      • KCI등재

        Tourism Cooperation between Vietnam and India

        Trang Thu NGUYEN(Trang Thu NGUYEN ) 한국유통과학회 2023 Asian Journal of Business Environment (AJBE) Vol.13 No.1

        Purpose: This study aims to understand the potential of destinations, accessibility and accommodation services of Vietnam and India for the purpose of cooperation in tourism development. Research design, data and methodology: The data was mainly based on Tourism statistics at a glance of India Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, and Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam between the two countries. The qualitative research was supported by a case study methodology. Documentary sources were used as collection instruments, which allowed the characterisation of Vietnam - India as well as interviews applied within a focus group, supported by a semi-structured script. Result: The results of the study indicate that Vietnam - India understand the importance of cooperation to obtain synergies that ensure the development of tourism; Government of two countries recognize and identify a set of benefits associated with cooperation and have a collective awareness of some of the difficulties associated with it, but which do not necessarily prevent their willingness to cooperate. Conclusion: The strength of tourism development between the two countries is great, in which the relationship between “attractive force - propulsive force” is not commensurate with the tourism potential of Vietnam - India.

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