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      • KCI등재

        석탄회를 이용한 석탄광산 폐기물의 안정화 효율성 평가

        오세진(Se-Jin Oh),김성철(Sung-Chul Kim),고주인(Ju-In Ko),이진수(Jin-Soo Lee),양재의(Jae E. Yang) 한국토양비료학회 2011 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.44 No.6

        본 연구는 다량의 중금속을 함유하는 폐석탄 광산에 적치된 폐석으로부터 발생하는 침출수의 안정화를 위해 석탄회를 안정화제로서의 적용성을 평가하는데 목적이 있다. 석탄폐석에 석탄회를 적용하여 컬럼시험을 수행한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 석탄회의 pH는 비산재와 바닥재가 각각 11.1, 9.7의 강알칼리성을 갖는 것으로 나타나 강산성 조건의 폐석 (pH 3.5)를 교정하였으며 유기물을 비롯하여 식물생장에 필요한 영양소인 인산, 칼슘 등을 함유하는 것으로 나타나 폐석과 혼합할 경우 비옥도가 개선될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 2) 폐석만을 충진한 컬럼에서 발생하는 침출수의 pH는 3.5~4.0의 수준을 시험기간 동안 지속적으로 유지하는 것으로 나타나지만, 석탄회의 처리량에 따라 40% (pH 5.0~6.0) 〉 20% (pH 4.5)로 나타나고, 동일 처리량 (40%)의 처리방법에 따른 효율성은 완전혼합 (pH& & 5.0~6.0) 방법이 층위처리 (pH 4.0~4.5)에 비해 pH 상승효과가 높은 것으로 조사되었다. 3) 침출수의 Ca과 Mg의 함량은 4 pore volume까지 빠르게 용탈되다 그 이후부터 안정화 되었으며 석탄회에서 용탈된 Ca과 Mg의 영향으로 폐석에 함유되었던 Cu, Pb, As, 및 Al 등이 탄산이온 (CO₃<SUP>2-</SUP>) 또는 수산화이온 (OH-)과 불용성 화합물을 형성하여 안정화 되는 것으로 사료된다. 4) 철의 용존함유량에 대한 분석결과 석탄회 처리구의 용존량이 석탄회를 40% 층위처리한 처리구를 제외하고 대조구에 비해 약 8-74% 정도 감소하는 것으로 조사 되었다. 5) 석탄회를 이용한 폐석의 중화 및 철의 용존량 감소 효율성을 평가한 결과 폐석의 중화 효율성은 석탄회를 40% 완전혼합한 경우 가장 높았으며 철의 용존량 감소 효율성은 석탄회를 20% 완전혼합한 경우가 가장 좋은 것으로 조사되었다. 따라서 석탄회를 이용하여 현장에서 폐석을 처리할 경우 약 20-40%의 석탄회를 처리해야 높은 효율성을 얻을 수 있을것으로 사료된다. In this study, coal combustion ash (CCA) was evaluated for its stabilization effect on acidic mine waste with column experiment. Total of six treatments were installed depending on mixing ratio between coal wastes and CCA (0, 20, 40%) and mixing method (completely mixing and layered). Artificial acidic rain (pH 5.6) was used for feeding solution with flow rate of 0.05 mL min<SUP>-1</SUP>. Result showed that higher pH of leachate was observed as more CCA was mixed. The highest pH in leachate was measured when 40% of CCA was mixed with coal waste (pH of 5.8). Also, complete mixing with CCA and coal waste was more effective to increase the pH of leachate than layered treatment. Regarding the reduction of soluble Fe amount, the highest efficiency (78%) was observed when 20% of coal ash was completely mixed with mine waste. Based on those result, optimum mixing ratio of coal ash with mine waste can be ranged 20-40% depending on environmental circumstances in the field.

      • KCI등재

        부산·경남지역 사찰에서 수집된 차나무(Camellia sinensis L.)잎 형태별 분류

        제순자(Je, Soon-Ja)・,이용호(Lee, Yong-Ho)・,오주성(Oh, Ju-Sung3)・,정영수(Chung, Yong-Soo)・,정대수(Chung, Dae-Soo) 한국차학회 2007 한국차학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        본 시험은 부산·경남지역 사찰 주변에 자생하고 있는(또는 30년 이상 재배되어 온) 차나무를 중심으로 14개 지역을 선정하여 산지별로 차나무 잎을 채취, 수집하여 잎 형태별 특성을 조사하였다. 차나무 잎의 형태적 특성 중 엽장(葉長) (12.04㎝), 엽폭(葉幅)(4.90㎝), 엽면적(葉面積)(41.33㎝)은 사천 배방사지 차나무 잎이 가장 크게 나타났으며, 가장 작게 나타난 곳은 부산 전등사 차나무가 엽장(6.30㎝)과 엽폭(2.48㎝)이 작으며, 엽면적은 거제 봉곡사(14.80㎝) 차나무가 가장 작게 나타났다. 엽병장(葉柄長)은 밀양의 엄광사지(0.57㎝)와 사천 배방사지(0.57㎝) 차나무 잎이 가장 길게 나타났으며, 거치수(鋸齒數)는 사천 배방사지(30.13개) 차나무였으며, 엽맥수(葉脈數)는 하동 쌍계사(11.27개) 차나무로 가장 많게 나타났다. 생엽중(生葉重)과 건엽중(乾葉重)은 사천 배방사지 차나무가 생엽중(0.81 g), 건엽중(0.34 g)으로 가장 무거웠으며, 가장 작은 지역은 부산 전등사가 생엽중(0.25 g)이며, 건엽중은 전등사와 범어사(0.10 g)가 가장 가볍게 나타났다. 차나무 잎의 형질간 상관관계는 수량성을 나타내는 건엽중은 엽장, 엽폭, 엽면적, 생엽중과 고도의 유의성을 보였으며 0.8이상의 매우 높은 유의차를 보였다. 본 연구 결과 사천 배방사지 차나무가 엽장(葉長), 엽폭(葉幅), 엽면적(葉面積), 엽병장(葉柄長), 거치수(鋸齒數), 생엽무게, 건조무게 등은 전체적으로 가장 크고 무거웠으며, 엽맥수(葉脈數)는 하동 쌍계사 주변의 차나무가 가장 많았다. 자생하는 차나무의 다양한 유전적 변이를 이용하여 유용한 유전자원으로 이용한다면 우량 다수성 계통의 신품종 개발 가능성이 높을 것으로 판단되며, 금후 자생지역별로 생육환경이나 지리적 특성도 검토 분석 한다면 기능성 신품종 개발 보급에 기초 자료로서 활용성이 높을 것으로 판단된다. We collected the tea leaves from the vicinity of 14 Buddhist temple located in Busan and Gyeongnam area where wild tea trees and more than 30 year old tee trees were commonly found. The characteristics of the tea leaves were surveyed. Among those tee leaves from 14 areas, Baebangsaji (Goseong) tea leaves had the highest value of leaf length (12.04 ㎝), leaf width(4.90 cm), and leaf area (41.33 ㎝). The tea leaves of Jeondeungsa (Busan) had the lowest value of leaf length (6.30 ㎝) and leaf width (2.48 ㎝). The tea leaves of Bonggoksa (Geoje) had the lowest value of leaf area (14.80 ㎝). The longest leaf stalk length was Umgwangsaji (Miryang) tea leaves (0.57 ㎝) and Baedangsaji (Goseong) tea leaf (0.57 ㎝). The largest No. of serrate was Baedangsaji (Goseong) tea leaves (30.13) and for leaf vein was Ssanggyesa (Hadong) as a number of 11.27. The heaviest weight of fresh leaf was Baedangsaji (Goseong) tea leaf (0.81 g) and, also, the dry tea leaf of Baedangsaji (Goseong) was the heaviest (0.34 g). The lightest weight of fresh leaf was Jeondeungsa (Busan) tea leaves (0.25 g) and the lightest weight of dry leaf was Jeondeungsa. In this study, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, leaf stalk length, No. of serrate, weight of fresh leaf and weight of dry leaf value of the leaves collected from Baedangsaji (Goseong) was generally high and The highest value of No. of leaf vein was from Ssanggyesa (Hadong).

      • KCI등재

        초음파 주파수 및 반응조건 변화에 따른 나프탈렌 분해효율과 OH 라디칼의 발생량 비교

        박종성(Jong Sung Park),박소영(So Young Park),오재일(Jei Ll Oh),정상조(Sang Jo Jeong),이민주(Min Ju Lee),허남국(Nam Guk Her) 大韓環境工學會 2009 대한환경공학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        나프탈렌은 휘발성이 있는 소수성 물질로 발암유발 가능성이 있고, 수생태계에 심각한 영향을 미친다. 본 연구는 초음파의 주파수 및 반응조건별 나프탈렌 분해효율과 OH 라디칼 변화량을 조사하였다. C-18 역상칼럼을 이용한 LC/FLD (1200 series, Agilent)로 나프탈렌을 분석한 결과 MDL (Method detection limit)은 0.01 ppm이었다. 초음파 조사 동안 휘발된 나프탈렌은 거의 검출되지 않았고(0.05 ppm 이하), 반응조 덮개 개폐별 나프탈렌 분해효율은 거의 차이를 보이지 않았다(1% 이내). 초음파 반응온도가 증가할수록 나프탈렌 제거효율은 감소하는 경향(15℃: 95%→40℃: 85%)을 보였고, pH가 낮을수록 나프탈렌 분해효율이 증가(pH 12: 84%→pH 3: 95.6%)하였다. 나프탈렌 초기농도의 감소에 따라 반응속도는 증가하는 경향을 보여주었다(2.5 ppm: 27.3×10(-3) min(-1), 5 ppm: 22.7×10(-3) min(-1), 10 ppm: 19.0×10(-3) min(-1)). 동일한 초음파 조건(2.5 ppm 나프탈렌, 0.075 W/mL, 20℃, pH 6.8)에서 28 kHz의 분해효율이 132 kHz보다 약 1.46배 높았고(132 kHz: 56%, 28 kHz: 82.7%), 유사 일차반응 속도상수(k1)도 약 2.3배 높게 나타났다(132 kHz: 2.4×10(-3) min(-1), 28 kHz: 5.0×10(-3) min(-1)). 초음파 조사 10분 후 H₂O₂ 농도는 132 kHz가 28 kHz보다 약 7.2배 높았지만(132 kHz: 0.36 ppm, 28 kHz: 0.05 ppm), 조사 90분 후에는 28 kHz가 132 kHz보다 1.1배 높았다(28 kHz: 0.45 ppm, 132 kHz: 0.4 ppm). 2.5 ppm 나프탈렌 용액에 132 kHz와 28 kHz 초음파 조사시 발생된 H₂O₂ 농도는 초순수에 초음파 조사한 결과보다 각각 0.1 ppm과 0.05 ppm씩 낮게 나타났다. 혼형(24 kHz)과 배스형(28 kHz) 초음파의 나프탈렌 분해효율은 각각 87%와 82.7%였고, k1은 22.8×10(-3) min(-1)와 18.7×10(-3) min(-1)로 산출되었다. 다주파 복합형 초음파 시스템(28 kHz 배스형+24 kHz 혼형 초음파)의 나프탈렌 분해효율은 단일주파수 24 kHz(혼형)와 비슷한 제거효율을 보였으나(88%), H₂O₂의 농도는 약 3.5배 높게 조사되었다(28 kHz+24 kHz: 2.37 ppm, 24 kHz: 0.7 ppm). 이와 같은 다주파 복합형 초음파 시스템은 OH 라디칼에 의해 산화가 잘 일어나는 물질의 분해에 매우 효과적으로 적용될 수 있을 것으로 예상된다. Naphthalene is a volatile, hydrophobic, and possibly carcinogenic compound that is known to have a severe detrimental effect to aquatic ecosystem. Our research examined the effects of various operating conditions (temperature, pH, initial concentration, and frequency and type of ultrasound) on the sonochemical degradation of naphthalene and OH radical production. The MDL (Method detection limit) determined by LC/FLD (1200 series, Agilient) using C-18 reversed column is measured up to 0.01 ppm. Naphthalene vapor produced from ultrasound irradiation was detected under 0.05 ppm. Comparison of naphthalene sonodegradion efficiency tested under open and closed reactor cover fell within less than 1% of difference. Increasing the reaction temperature from 15℃ to 40℃ resulted in reduction of naphthalene degradation efficiency (15℃: 95%→40℃: 85%), and altering pH from 12 to 3 increased the effect (pH 12: 84%→pH 3: 95.6%). Pseudo first-order constants (k1) of sonodegradation of naphthalene decreased as initial concentration of naphthalene increased (2.5 ppm: 27.3×10(-3) min(-3)→10 ppm : 19.0×10(-3) min(-3)). Degradation efficiency of 2.5 ppm of naphthalene subjected to 28 kHz of ultrasonic irradiation was found to be 1.46 times as much as when exposed under 132 kHz (132 kHz: 56%, 28 kHz: 82.7%). Additionally, its k1 constant was increased by 2.3 times (132 kHz: 2.4×10(-3) min(-1), 28 kHz: 5.0×10(-3) min(-1)). H₂O₂ concentration measured 10 minutes after the exposure to 132 kHz of ultrasound, when compared with the measurement under frequency of 28 kHz, was 7.2 times as much. The concentration measured after 90 minutes, however, showed the difference of only 10%. (concentration of H₂O₂ under 28 kHz being 1.1 times greater than that under 132 kHz.) The H₂O₂ concentration resulting from 2.5 ppm naphthalene after 90 minutes of sonication at 24 kHz and 132 kHz were lower by 0.05 and 0.1 ppm, respectively, than the concentration measured from the irradiated M.Q. water (no naphthalene added.) Degradation efficiency of horn type (24 kHz) and bath type (28 kHz) ultrasound was found to be 87% and 82.7%, respectively, and k1 was calculated into 22.8×10(-3) min(-1) and 18.7×10(-3) min(-1), respectively. Using the multi- frequency and mixed type of ultrasound system (28 kHz bath type+24 kHz horn type) simultaneously resulted in combined efficiency of 88.1%, while H₂O₂ concentration increased 3.5 times (28 kHz+24 kHz: 2.37 ppm, 24 kHz: 0.7 ppm.) Therefore, the multi-frequency and mixed type of ultrasound system procedure might be most effectively used for removing the substances that are easily oxidized by the OH radical.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        Factors increasing the risk for psychosocial stress among Korean adults living in rural areas

        Ju-Hyun Nam,Myeong-Seob Lim,Hyun-Kyeong Choi,Jae-Yeop Kim,Sung-Kyeong Kim,Sung-Soo Oh,Sang-Baek Koh,Hee-Tae Kang 대한직업환경의학회 2017 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.29 No.-

        Background: This study was conducted to analyze the distribution of the psychosocial well-being index among adults living in two rural communities in Korea and to examine its correlation with lifestyle variables such as sleep duration, regular exercise, and sedentary time. Methods: Using the cohort data of the Atherosclerosis Risk of a Rural Area Korean General Population, this study examined 3631 participants living in Wonju and Pyeongchang in Gangwon Province; their preliminary data were established from 2005 to 2007 while their follow-up data were collected 3 years later. This study investigated demographic characteristics, lifestyle habits, disease history, Psychosocial Well-being Index-Short Form (PWI-SF) scores, sleep duration, regular exercise, and sedentary time during work. Using repeated measures ANOVA, this study examined how the variables and PWI-SF scores changed over the course of 3 years and identified the correlation between them based on mixed model analysis. Afterwards, using the generalized estimation equation, this study identified each variable’s risk towards the PWI-SF high-risk group and performed a stratified analysis by occupation after dividing the participants into farmers and non-farmers. Results: The PWI-SF high-risk group was found to be 18.9% of the participants from preliminary data and 15.5% from follow-up data. The odds ratio towards the PWI-SF high-risk group was 1.503 (95% CI 1.241–1.821) in the short sleep duration group and 1.327 (95% CI 1.136–1.550) in the non-regular exercise group. A stratified analysis by occupation showed that middle and long sedentary time in the white-collar group increased the risk toward the PWI-SF high-risk group. Conclusions: Short sleep duration, no regular exercise, and long sedentary time in the white-collar group were identified as risk factors toward the PWI-SF high-risk group in the rural communities, and policy interventions are needed to address this issue.

      • QTLs analysis of agronomic traits in Oryza sativa X O. glaberrima BC3F4 population

        Ju-Won Kang,Dong-Min Kim,Chang-Sik Oh,Ji-Min Oh,Jung-Pil Suh,Sang-Nag Ahn 한국작물학회 2007 한국작물학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2007 No.11

        In this study, a 141 BC3F4 lines from across between the O. sativa cv. Milyang23 as there current parent, and O. glaberrima as the donor parent was used to identify favorable QTL alleles from O. glaberrima for yield and yield components. To detect the introgressions, 198 microsatellite markers of known chromosomal position were used for the parental survey. Of the 178 markers, 128 (64.6%) showed polymorphism. Among them, 115 SSR markers were used to construct a genetic linkage map with average interval length of 12.7 cM based on the previous rice molecular genetic map. The mean number of O. glaberrima segments in the population was 1.84 ranging from 0 to 7. The average length of the segments was 16.6 cM and ranged from 0.5 to 232.5 cM. This population consisting of 141 lines was used to evaluate for six traits of agronomic importance and genotypes were determined for 141 BC3F5 using SSR markers. A total of 22 QTLs for 6 traits were detected on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9. Phenotypic variance associated with each QTL ranged 9.5% ~ 58.2%. For 26 of the QTLs identified in this study, the O. glaberrima alleles contributed a desirable agronomic effect despite the over all undesirable characteristics of the wild phenotype. Favorable wild alleles were detected for culm length, panicle length, yield, panicles per plant and 1000-grain weight. When compared with previous studies involving interspecific crosses, it can be concluded that O. glaberrima is useful asa source of valuable alleles for rice improvement. There sults will be discussed.

      • KCI등재

        Induction chemotherapy followed by concurrent chemoradiotherapy versus CCRT for locally advanced hypopharynx and base of tongue cancer

        ( Sung Hee Lim ),( Jong-mu Sun ),( Joohyun Hong ),( Dongryul Oh ),( Yong Chan Ahn ),( Man Ki Chung ),( Han-sin Jeong ),( Young-ik Son ),( Myung-ju Ahn ),( Chung-hwan Baek ),( Keunchil Park ) 대한내과학회 2021 The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol.36 No.0

        Background/Aims: Clinical trials have not consistently supported the use of induction chemotherapy (IC) for locally advanced head and neck squamous cell cancer. Hypopharynx and base of tongue (BOT) cancer has shown relatively poor survival. We investigated the role of IC in improving outcome over current chemoradiotherapy (CRT) in patients with hypopharynx and BOT cancer. Methods: Treatment-naïve patients with stage III/IV (M0) hypopharynx or BOT cancer were randomly assigned to receive CRT alone (CRT arm: cisplatin 100 mg/m<sup>2</sup> on D1 3-weekly, two times plus radiotherapy 68.4 Gy/30 fractions on weekdays) versus two 21-day cycles of IC with TPF (docetaxel & cisplatin 75 mg/m<sup>2</sup> on D1, and fluorouracil 75 mg/m<sup>2</sup> on D1-4) followed by the same CRT regimen (IC arm). The primary endpoint was progression-free survival (PFS). Results: This study closed early after enrollment of 36 patients (19 in the CRT arm, 17 in the IC arm). After a median follow-up of 47.2 months, there was no significant difference in PFS: the median PFS was 26.8 months for the CRT arm and was not reached for the IC arm (p = 0.13). However, the survival curves were widely separated with a plateau after 3 years, suggesting a potential survival benefit from IC: 3-year PFS rates were 45% and 68%, and 3-year overall survival rates were 56% and 86%, in the CRT and IC arms, respectively. Conclusions: This study failed to demonstrate that induction TPF chemotherapy improves survival in patients with BOT and hypopharynx cancer. However, it suggested a favorable outcome with IC to this population.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        The RpoS Sigma Factor Negatively Regulates Production of IAA and Siderophore in a Biocontrol Rhizobacterium, Pseudomonas chlororaphis O6

        Oh, Sang A,Kim, Ji Soo,Park, Ju Yeon,Han, Song Hee,Dimkpa, Christian,Anderson, Anne J.,Kim, Young Cheol The Korean Society of Plant Pathology 2013 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.29 No.3

        The stationary-phase sigma factor, RpoS, influences the expression of factors important in survival of Pseudomonas chlororaphis O6 in the rhizosphere. A partial proteomic profile of a rpoS mutant in P. chlororaphis O6 was conducted to identify proteins under RpoS regulation. Five of 14 differentially regulated proteins had unknown roles. Changes in levels of proteins in P. chlororaphis O6 rpoS mutant were associated with iron metabolism, and protection against oxidative stress. The P. chlororaphis O6 rpoS mutant showed increased production of a pyoverdine-like siderophore, indole acetic acid, and altered isozyme patterns for peroxidase, catalase and superoxide dismutase. Consequently, sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide exposure increased in the P. chlororaphis O6 rpoS mutant, compared with the wild type. Taken together, RpoS exerted regulatory control over factors important for the habitat of P. chlororaphis O6 in soil and on root surfaces. The properties of several of the proteins in the RpoS regulon are currently unknown.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Pulmonary function and toxicities of proton versus photon for limited-stage small cell lung cancer

        Sang Hoon Seo,Hongryull Pyo,Yong Chan Ahn,Dongryul Oh,Kyungmi Yang,Nalee Kim,Jong-Mu Sun,Sehhoon Park,Hyun Ae Jung,Se-Hoon Lee,Jin Seok Ahn,Myung-Ju Ahn,Jae Myoung Noh 대한방사선종양학회 2023 Radiation Oncology Journal Vol.41 No.4

        Purpose: We aimed to compare the oncological outcomes and toxicities of definitive proton beam therapy (PBT) and photon beam therapy in patients with limited-stage small cell lung cancer (LS-SCLC). Materials and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 262 patients with newly diagnosed LS-SCLC who underwent definitive PBT (n = 20; proton group) or photon beam therapy (n = 242; photon group) with concurrent chemotherapy between January 2016 and February 2021 and compared overall survival (OS), progression-free survival (PFS), dose-volume parameters, and toxicities between the groups. Results: The median follow-up duration was 24.5 months (range, 3.7 to 78.7). Baseline lung function was significantly worse and clinical target volume (CTV) was larger in the proton group (CTV: 296.6 vs. 215.3 mL; p = 0.080). The mean lung V10 was 37.7% ± 16.8% and 51.6% ± 24.5% in the proton and photon groups, respectively (p = 0.002). Two-year OS and PFS rates were 57.2% and 35.7% in the proton group and 65.3% and 40.8% in the photon group, respectively (p = 0.542 and 0.748, respectively). Grade ≥2 radiation pneumonitis and esophagitis occurred in 5 (25.0%) and 7 (35.0%) PBT-treated patients and 66 (27.3%) and 40 (16.5%) photon beam therapy-treated patients, respectively (p = 0.826 and 0.062, respectively). Conclusion: Although the proton group had poorer lung function and a larger CTV than that in the photon group, both groups exhibited comparable treatment outcomes and radiation-related toxicities in LS-SCLC. PBT may be a valuable therapeutic modality in patients with poor pulmonary function or extensive disease burden owing to its lung-sparing ability.

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