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      • The woman's body as art: A theoretical investigation focusing on "The Reincarnation of Saint Orlan" (France)

        O'Bryan, Connie Jill New York University 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231983

        This dissertation is a close reading of the performance art piece <italic> The Reincarnation of St. Orlan</italic>. It focuses on the art historical and philosophical thought that pertains to the relationship of the body to identity with regard to body performance art, and specifically investigates the significance of Orlan's surgical performances which entail repeatedly opening her own live body publicly, in order to appropriate Western art historical referents, in the form of facial features taken from images of women created by prominent European male artists. It is divided into three parts. The first three chapters provide foundational psychoanalytical, feminist, philosophical, and poststructural theory; an historical overview of Orlan's oeuvre; a description of her seventh surgical-performance <italic> Omnipresence</italic>, one in the series <italic>The Reincarnation of Saint Orlan</italic>; critical and meta-critical discourse generated by <italic> Omnipresence</italic>; and a comparative analysis of Orlan's work with that of other women artists whose performances also relate to the body and identity. Part II, Chapter IV, explores the relationship of Orlan's surgical performances to the history of public anatomies, medical performance and illustration, as they pertain to drawing the gaze into the opened body. Included is an exploration of the relationship of medical performance and illustration to misconceptions about woman's body in opposition to man's body. The third part examines pertinent art historical, philosophical, and theoretical discourses regarding the relationship between one's self image and the material body one presents to the world. I argue that Orlan's performance surgeries deconstruct binary codes by viscerally tampering with epistemological truths, and that from the point of view of the spectator, a deconstruction of Orlan's identity comes into play as well. Taking the necessity of this performed deconstruction into account, I discuss Orlan's work in relation to the following binary structures: self/other, interior/lexterior, and feminine beauty/the monstrous feminine. Informing these discussions are, for example, Luce Irigaray's feminist psychoanalytic analysis of women's relationship to the self/other binary, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, and Camilla Griggers' discussions of facialization, Antonin Artaud's description of the body without organs, Jacques Derrida's definition of deconstruction as a double affirmation, Elizabeth Grosz's appropriation of deconstruction into feminist theory.

      • The grotesque in Medici taste and patronage (Italy, Michelangelo)

        O'Bryan, Robin Leigh University of Virginia 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231983

        This dissertation examines the role of grotesque decoration and architecture as a signature expression in the commissions of the two Medici popes, Leo X and Clement VII. Focusing on the period between Leo's election to the papacy in 1513 and the early years of Clement's own reign in the 1520s, this study will show how both popes consciously chose to align themselves with innovative architecture and grotesque decorative schemes to promote their own personal, political and dynastic ideologies. An analysis of their various commissions will expose related implications of the grotesque in the sixteenth century, not only as decorative and architectural form, but also as symbolic expression. In order to uncover some of the overlays of grotesque meaning, this investigation will bring into play the influence of the Domus Aurea and the general vogue for the grotesque, touching upon the critical commentaries that accompanied grotesque construction during the same epoch. This study will expand current scholarship on the grotesque and Medici patronage, as well as challenge certain notions about the San Lorenzo commissions and Michelangelo's role in executing them. A major issue in this treatment of the grotesque is the contention that the repertoire of forms found in the Domus Aurea was generally perceived by artists and patrons in the early Cinquecento to be “loaded”, e.g., having numerous symbolic and evocative implications that belied their mere decorative function. This examination will also show that the Domus Aurea and the grotesque aesthetic played a much larger literal and formative role in the development of Michelangelo's architecture than is generally acknowledged. Moreover, while important research has discussed the San Lorenzo commissions from the viewpoint of <italic>invention</italic>, this discussion will be extended by making a comparative analysis between grotesque decoration and Michelangelo's architectural methodology, an exercise which greatly facilitates a theoretical understanding of the principles informing his architecture <italic>alla grottesca</italic>.

      • Total Synthesis of Spirofungins A and B and Formal Synthesis of the C1-C38 Fragment of (+)-Sorangicin A

        O'Bryan, Elizabeth Anne The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231983

        The enantioselective total synthesis of spirofungins A and B is reported in 14 steps over the longest linear sequence. The synthesis of three key fragments in six steps or less and excellent overall yield allowed for the assembly of spirofungins A and B in a highly efficient manner. Highlights of the synthesis include the use of thiazolidinethione-mediated aldol reactions to install five of the seven stereocenters, and the appendage of the C1-C6 unsaturated side chain through a challenging cross metathesis reaction. Efforts towards the total synthesis of (+)-sorangicin A resulted in the completion of a formal synthesis of the C1-C38 fragment. The preparation of three orthogonally differentiated cyclic ether fragments allowed for the investigation of several coupling strategies for assembly of the natural product. A cross metathesis reaction was employed to form the C29-C30 bond and unite the bicyclic ether and tetrahydropyran fragments. It was our intention to utilize a second cross metathesis reaction to install the C15-C16 olefin and append the dihydropyran moiety to the rest of the molecule; however, a low yield for this cross metathesis reaction prompted us to instead use a Julia-Kocienski olefination to arrive at the C1-C38 fragment. Completion of the total synthesis of (+)-sorangicin A can be achieved in six known steps from this advanced intermediate.

      • Growth solutions: Economic knowledge and problems of capitalism in post-war Japan, 1945--1960

        O'Bryan, Scott Patrick Columbia University 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231983

        This thesis explores the preoccupation with economic growth that came to dominate political-economic thought and practice in Japan after World War II. Tracing the history of growth as social science theory and national ideal, the work illuminates the technical and ideological conditions that enabled the naturalization of growth as the overriding definition of national purpose and power in the mid-twentieth century. As the discipline of economics rose to greater prominence after the war, a new breed of public economists helped legitimate growthist ideology by combining new modes of macroeconomic analysis with prewar Marxist critiques to mobilize old fears of economic “backwardness.&rdquo. The study examines the history of growth along two connected axes: its epistemological foundations and its deployment as a solution to what critics perceived as the peculiar ills of Japanese capitalism. As aggregative empirical methodologies attracted increasing attention within economics after the war, bureaucrats and scholars transformed the infant national accounting statistic of GNP from an obscure academic exercise into one of the key conceptual instruments by which macroeconomic growth was imagined, measured, and pursued. Meanwhile, with powerful new empirical techniques at their disposal, a broad spectrum of intellectuals and planners championed high growth as a modernizing solution to the “deformities” of the Japanese economy that militarism during earlier decades had failed to remedy. As part of this growthist agenda for national reformation, economic technocrats also strove to supplement a canon of frugality and thrift—long evoked throughout Japanese history and a constant refrain during the war—to legitimate private consumption as a virtue. Neither the ascendancy of economics and econometric techniques nor the faith in rapid growth as a prescription for postwar peace was unique to Japan. This constellation of developments reflected, rather, a mid-twentieth-century romance with technocracy common to industrial nations the world over. Speaking to the larger trans-national history of this technocratic ideal, this work charts the ways that growth as theory and practice was employed in the specific context of Japanese capitalism after defeat and the end of empire.

      • The socioecology of chimpanzee foraging and food-associated calling behavior

        O'Bryan, Lisa Renee University of Minnesota 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231983

        Social-living is complicated. Living in groups can provide greater protection from predators, promote discovery and defense of food sources and improve access to mates. On the other hand, it can increase susceptibility to predators or pathogens and incite competition for resources. Because of these trade-offs, social systems can display high levels of diversity, both on an evolutionary time-scale as well as in response to short-term variation in social and ecological pressures. In this dissertation I investigate the foraging and food-associated calling behavior of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in order to better understand the causes and consequences of grouping behavior. Chimpanzee social groups display high levels of short-term variability in both size and composition. Furthermore, individuals produce specific vocalizations in foraging contexts that are believed to further modulate these parties. Thus, this system provides a prime opportunity to examine the costs and benefits of sociality and how individuals respond to these trade-offs. Using a combination of captive experiments and observational field studies, I examine chimpanzee foraging decisions, the trade-off between foraging and socialization and the social and ecological correlates of food-associated calling behavior. Results from these studies expand current understanding of the foraging and social behavior of chimpanzees and suggest an alternative function for their food-associated rough-grunt vocalization. Furthermore, they highlight the challenges and benefits of social-living and the tactics individuals can employ to manipulate their social landscape.

      • The impact of a state assistance team on one low-performing high school: Implications for instructional leadership

        Johnson, Bryan O The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231982

        The requirements of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and making Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) have created accountability for the schools in a way that is new for many schools. High schools that do not make AYP or in some cases meet the state standards are labeled as low-performing and must improve or face some type of sanctions. In order to turn around the low-performing schools, states have created interventions. North Carolina utilizes technical assistance teams to improve low-performing schools. This study investigated the impact of a state assistance team on one high school labeled low-performing in North Carolina. The researcher utilized Ronald Edmonds and Lawrence Lezotte's Seven Correlates of Effective Schools to categorize areas that needed to improve at the low-performing high school. State assistance teams are familiar with the correlates and target those areas when assisting schools write school improvement plans and implementing strategies for overall school improvement. The researcher also investigated the impact the team had on student achievement and pedagogical practice.

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