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        大學院課程學生(또는 專攻醫)選拔方案 : 精神醫學分野를 中心으로

        趙斗英,李定均,禹鐘仁,李符永,洪剛義,金重述 大韓神經精神醫學會 1982 신경정신의학 Vol.21 No.1

        본 연구는 우리나라 대학원을 육성코져 하는 의도에서 발달한 1980년도 文敎部 硏究費의 보조를 받아 우리나라에서의 정신의학분야 대학원생을 어떻게 선발하는 것이 최선이냐는 데에 대한 方案을 제시하는 데 그 목적을 둔 것으로, 저자들은 이에 수반하여 이분야 專攻醫의 선발방안도 아울러 연구코져 하였다. 먼저 저자들은 우리나라 현행 대학원생 선발의 예로 서울대학교를 들어 이를 검토한 결과 그 특징으로, 첫째 선발의 주도권이 해당 科(敎室)가 아닌 醫大에 있다는 것과, 두째 서류전형이 없고 면접고사는 형식적인 것에 불과한 반면 영어와 임상의학에 치중된 필기고사가 그 당락을 좌우한다는 사실을 발견·지적하였다. 다음 저자들은 우리나라 현행 전공의선발의 예로 서울대학교병원을 들어 이를 검토한 결과 그 특징으로 첫째 선발의 주도권은 형식상 병원측에 있으나 실제에서는 신경정신과측과 병원측에 양분되어 있었고 그 비중은 科側이 病院側 보다 높다는 인상을 받았다는 것이고, 두째는 이 역시 대학원생 선발과 마찬가지로 서류전형은 없고 영어와 전공과목인 2과목의 필기고사 성적에 그 당락이 좌우됨을 발견하였다. 이같은 우리나라 경우에 비해 Cornell 대학병원 정신과를 예로 든 미국의 전공의 선발과정의 특징은 첫째 서류전형에서 부터 출신의대와 의대성적을 중점 참고하여 탈락이 속출하고, 두째 필기고사는 없으되 다수의 면접위원에 의한 철저하고 엄격한 면접고사에서 최종 당락이 결정된다는 것, 세째 선발의 모든 권한과 책임이 전적으로 해당과에 부여된다는 점이었다. 위와 같은 자료를 준비한 뒤 저자들은 1981년 8∼9월 大韓神經精神醫學會會員으로 있는 專門醫(교수 포함)92명, 專攻醫 94명(대학원생 포함), 도합186명에게「전공의 및 대학원생 선발방안에 대한 질문서」를 발송하여 그 61%인 전문의 59명(전임교수 43명 포함)과 전공의55명(대학원생 49명 포함)도합 114명에게서 회신 받은 것을 종합·평가·분석하여 본선발방안을 작성하였던 바, 현재로서 이 방안은 본연구의 부수목적이었던 신경정신과 전공의선발에는 약간의 무리를 무릅쓰면 즉시 사용할 수 있는 것 임에 비하여 본 목적이었던 대학원생선발에는 그 대학원제도 자체가 지닌 산적한 制度上·運用上의 근본문제로 인하여 즉시 사용은 불가능한 상태임을 알아내었고, 따라서 저자들은 이들 妨害要素 4가지를 제시하면서 대학원 정책입안자들의 高次元的 決斷을 촉구하였다. 이러한 制約이 있음을 前提로 하여 著者들은 다음과 같은 精神醫學分野 大學院課程學生 選拔方案을 제사하는 바이다.―① 학생(전공의) 선발의 모든 권한과 책임은 醫大와 病院이 아닌 科와 敎室이 갖도록 한다. ② 응모에 마감은 해마다 정하되 각 대학원 또는 병원은 각기 독자적으로 다르게 일자를 정하는 것이 좋다. ③ 경쟁율이 높은 대학원 또는 병원은 書類銓衡을 일차적으로 하는 것으로 하되 주로 의대성적·인턴근무·성적·추천서·인턴병원에 관한 사항을 참작토록 한다. ④ 筆記考査는 폐지하던가 시행한다해도 전공과목·임상의학·영어의 3과목으로 제한하며 그 합격율을 최종선발인원의 倍數 이상으로 하도록 한다. ⑤ 面接考査를 철저하고 엄격히 장시간에 걸쳐 多數委員에게서 同一지망자에게 실시토록 하되 지식위주가 아닌 인간성과 자질평가에 주안점을 둔다. ⑥ 선발과정에 있었던 모든 토의·결정사항에 관계되었던 것을 文書化· 機密化하여 半永久 保存함으로써 公正度 유지에 전력을 다한다. No study has been known yet in Korea on evaluation of the students selection system in graduate course while there have been some outspoken critics to the present system in the past several years. Comparison between on-going Korean and American systems was made, and opinions of a group of 59 board-certified leading psychiatrists(including 43 full-time faculty staffs) and 53 psychiatric residents (including 49 graduate course students) on the ideal and best suitable selection system obtained via questionaire method were assessed. On the basis of this assessment, following recommendations were finally made for the future occasions of the selection: 1) Initiatives and whole responsibilities of the selection is preferred be lied in the hands of department of psychiatry instead of medical school authorities. 2) Different application time-limits set for each graduate school are desirable for the conveniences of applicants who want to apply for several places. 3) Preliminary selection on the basis of academic grades in medical school, hospital of the present internship, and recommendation lecters from deans and directors of internship is desirable. 4) Written test for evaluation of medico-psychiatric knowledges seems less important as it does not correctly reveal whole abilities of each applicant. 5) Interview by more than two faculty members for each applicant, not as oral-test style for medico-psychiatric knowledges only, but as evaluation of whole person, is strongly recommended. 6) Those above-mentioned ideas seem highly-reasonable and immediately applicable to the present psychiatric residents selection system without much difficulties, while those could cause severe turmoil in the present graduate school system unless there were some basic and radical changes in medical education system in Korea as to parallel to he international standard.

      • A Schematic-to-Detailed Design Process of Buildings by the STEP-based Product Model

        Kim, E-Doo 울산대학교 1999 공학연구논문집 Vol.30 No.1

        급속히 성장하고 있는 인터넷은 네트웍을 통해 모든 산업분야의 정보를 공유할 수 있도록 하는 정보기술로서 자리잡고 있다. 컴퓨터 프로그램들간의 엔지니어링 정보의 표현과 교환을 위한 국제표준안을 위하여 ISO 에서 진행하는 STEP의 프로덕트모델은 엔지니어의 의도를 전통적인 도면을 이용하는 방식에 비해 보다 명확한 전달을 가능케 하고 있다. 그러나 건설분야에서는 아직 공인된 정보교환을 위한 국제표준안은 없으며, 철골건축구조물에 대한 시안(Application Protocol 230)이 제출되어 있다. 그러나 이 안은 건축구조물이 가지는 특성과 건축가 및 구조설계 실무자들이 수행하는 건축물의 설계과정, 개괄적인 설계에서부터 세부설계로 진행해 나가는 설계과정의 특성을 표현하지 못하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 현재 제시된 시안에 기하요소들을 추가하여 그 공간적인 관계를 활용함으로서 이러한 특성들을 구현하기 위한 방법을 제시하였다. The Internet is the most recently growing information technology and also enables the information throughout industries to be shared on the network. The Product Model of the STEP expected to be the most popular means for representing and exchanging engineering information between computer applications, makes engineers' intentions more clearable and exchangeable than simple conventional graphical representations like drawings. In structural engineeering areas of AEC industry, only AP 230 - Building Structural Frame : Steelwork -was presented as a working draft. But, this Application Protocol needs to implement some special characteristics of building structures and a schematic-to-detailed design approach with problem decomposition which many architects and structural engineers in practice take in their design process of buildings. This paper presents a methodology for supporting the structural design process in details for the implementation of these special issues of building structures.

      • Enhanced Cancer Vaccination by <i>In Situ</i> Nanomicelle-Generating Dissolving Microneedles

        Kim, Nak Won,Kim, Sun-Young,Lee, Jung Eun,Yin, Yue,Lee, Jong Han,Lim, Su Yeon,Kim, E Seul,Duong, Huu Thuy Trang,Kim, Hong Kee,Kim, Sohyun,Kim, Jung-Eun,Lee, Doo Sung,Kim, Jaeyoon,Lee, Min Sang,Lim, Yo American Chemical Society 2018 ACS NANO Vol.12 No.10

        <P>Efficient delivery of tumor antigens and immunostimulatory adjuvants into lymph nodes is crucial for the maturation and activation of antigen-presenting cells (APCs), which subsequently induce adaptive antitumor immunity. A dissolving microneedle (MN) has been considered as an attractive method for transcutaneous immunization due to its superior ability to deliver vaccines through the stratum corneum in a minimally invasive manner. However, because dissolving MNs are mostly prepared using water-soluble sugars or polymers for their rapid dissolution in intradermal fluid after administration, they are often difficult to formulate with poorly water-soluble vaccine components. Here, we develop amphiphilic triblock copolymer-based dissolving MNs <I>in situ</I> that generate nanomicelles (NMCs) upon their dissolution after cutaneous application, which facilitate the efficient encapsulation of poorly water-soluble Toll-like receptor 7/8 agonist (R848) and the delivery of hydrophilic antigens. The sizes of NMCs range from 30 to 40 nm, which is suitable for the efficient delivery of R848 and antigens to lymph nodes and promotion of cellular uptake by APCs, minimizing systemic exposure of the R848. Application of MNs containing tumor model antigen (OVA) and R848 to the skin of EG7-OVA tumor-bearing mice induced a significant level of antigen-specific humoral and cellular immunity, resulting in significant antitumor activity.</P> [FIG OMISSION]</BR>

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        BIM/IFC를 이용한 구조해석용 건물정보의 데이터베이스 관리

        김이두(Kim, E-Doo),손인락(Son, In-Rak) 대한건축학회 2013 大韓建築學會論文集 : 構造系 Vol.29 No.9

        BIM technologies in fields of architecture have reduced the loss of information, saved time and increased the efficiency of the practice than conventional 2D drawing based works. These technologies are being applied mainly to architectural planning and design, construction, collisions of architectural subsystems, estimation, etc. But few researches to manage structural analysis information for structural engineering were done, even though a lot of efforts to utilize this IFC File has done in other architectural fields. This paper present some ways to design a database for managing information after analyzing structural design stages and referencing the IFC schema, and to construct a initial database from reading an existing IFC file. To implement these ideas, a computer program which can read in the IFC file and manage the structural information on database and then, display all kinds of information with visualization tools is developed. This database approach will give possibilities to share building information and collaborate between various fields of building engineering.

      • KCI등재

        건물상세정보를 포함한 3-D GIS용 캠퍼스 모델의 구축

        김이두(Kim, E-doo),고일두(Goh, Il-du) 한국도시설계학회 2011 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        본 연구는 최근 건축실무에 적용되고 있는 BIM의 건물상세정보를 활용하여 3-D GIS상에서 건물전체 또는 건물구성요소별로 필요한 정보를 관리할 수 있는 효율적인 방법을 제시한다. 이를 위하여 BIM으로부터 국제표준정보모델 IFC 파일형태로 건물상세정보를 저장하고 이 파일의 정보를 3-D GIS로 읽어들임으로써, 건물외형 및 외부공간에 중점을 두는 현재 수준의 GIS를 건물의 내부공간이나 개별부재 단위까지도 정보를 다룰 수 있는 높은 수준으로 향상시키고자 한다. 본 연구의 구체적인 적용사례로 3차원 지형과 건물외피모델로 지구단위 규모의 대학교 캠퍼스 모델을 구축하고 여기에 BIM으로 모델링된 건물상세모델을 추가하여, 건물상세모델인 경우에는 건물의 구성요소별로 관리할 수 있는 시스템을 구현하고 그 실행결과를 보여준다. 본 연구는 건축설계사무소, 엔지니어링 업체, 또는 건설회사에서 작성한 BIM 정보로부터 건물형태와 내부공간 모델을 GIS상에서 곧바로 생성할 수 있는 방법을 제시하므로, 건축허가/심의/준공 단계에서 3차원 건물모델을 납품받아 도시계획 및 건축심의 등의 행정업무에 실제로 활용될 수 있는 가능성을 제공한다. This paper presents an effective method for acquiring detailed building models from BIM, which are currently utilized in building industry, and managing the building information as a whole or individually on 3-D GIS. A neutral file format of IFC was used to import the geometry and other kinds of information of building elements and spaces of BIM into 3-D GIS. Thus, this approach enables the users to handle the detailed building information at building component and room levels according to their specific needs. As an example of implementation, a virtual campus with a geographical terrain model and building facades was constructed and the detailed building model was directly imported to be managed on this campus model. This approach saves time and efforts for preparing building-related information of virtual cities, so that it may be used at various stages of administrative processes for getting architectural permission and city planning.

      • KCI등재

        Deciphering Diversity Indices for a Better Understanding of Microbial Communities

        ( Bo-ra Kim ),( Jiwon Shin ),( Robin B. Guevarra ),( Jun Hyung Lee ),( Doo Wan Kim ),( Kuk-hwan Seol ),( Ju-hoon Lee ),( Hyeun Bum Kim ),( Richard E. Isaacson ) 한국미생물생명공학회(구 한국산업미생물학회) 2017 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.27 No.12

        The past decades have been a golden era during which great tasks were accomplished in the field of microbiology, including food microbiology. In the past, culture-dependent methods have been the primary choice to investigate bacterial diversity. However, using culture-independent high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA genes has greatly facilitated studies exploring the microbial compositions and dynamics associated with health and diseases. These culture-independent DNA-based studies generate large-scale data sets that describe the microbial composition of a certain niche. Consequently, understanding microbial diversity becomes of greater importance when investigating the composition, function, and dynamics of the microbiota associated with health and diseases. Even though there is no general agreement on which diversity index is the best to use, diversity indices have been used to compare the diversity among samples and between treatments with controls. Tools such as the Shannon- Weaver index and Simpson index can be used to describe population diversity in samples. The purpose of this review is to explain the principles of diversity indices, such as Shannon- Weaver and Simpson, to aid general microbiologists in better understanding bacterial communities. In this review, important questions concerning microbial diversity are addressed. Information from this review should facilitate evidence-based strategies to explore microbial communities.


        Identification of Novel SNPs in Bovine Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 (IGFBP3) Gene

        Kim, J.Y.,Yoon, D.H.,Park, B.L.,Kim, L.H.,Na, K.J.,Choi, J.G.,Cho, C.Y.,Lee, H.K.,Chung, E.R.,Sang, B.C.,Cheong, I.J.,Oh, S.J.,Shin, Hyoung Doo Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2005 Animal Bioscience Vol.18 No.1

        The insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), their receptors, and their binding proteins play key roles in regulating cell proliferation and apoptosis. Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP3, OMIM #146732) is one of the proteins that bind to the IGFs. IGFBP3 is a modulator of IGF bioactivity, and direct growth inhibitor in the extravascular tissue compartment. We identified twenty-two novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in IGFBP3 gene in Korean cattle (Hanwoo, Bos taurus coreanae) by direct sequencing of full gene including -1,500 bp promoter region. Among the identified SNPs, five common SNPs were screened in 650 Korean cattle; one SNP in promoter (IGFBP3 G-854C), one in 5'UTR region (IGFBP3 G-100A), two in intron 1 (IGFBP3 G+421T, IGFBP3 T+1636A), and one in intron 2 (IGFBP3 C+3863A). The frequencies of each SNP were 0.357 (IGFBP3 G-854C), 0.472 (IGFBP3 G-100A), 0.418 (IGFBP3 G+421T), 0.363 (IGFBP3 T+1636A) and 0.226 (IGFBP3 C+3863A), respectively. Haplotypes and their frequencies were estimated by EM algorithm. Six haplotypes were constructed with five SNPs and linkage disequilibrium coefficients (|D'|) between SNP pairs were also calculated. The information on SNPs and haplotypes in IGFBP3 gene could be useful for genetic studies of this gene.

      • A 3D human neural cell culture system for modeling Alzheimer's disease

        Kim, Young Hye,Choi, Se Hoon,D'Avanzo, Carla,Hebisch, Matthias,Sliwinski, Christopher,Bylykbashi, Enjana,Washicosky, Kevin J,Klee, Justin B,Brü,stle, Oliver,Tanzi, Rudolph E,Kim, Doo Yeon Nature Publishing Group 2015 NATURE PROTOCOLS -ELECTRONIC EDITION- Vol.10 No.7

        Stem cell technologies have facilitated the development of human cellular disease models that can be used to study pathogenesis and test therapeutic candidates. These models hold promise for complex neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), because existing animal models have been unable to fully recapitulate all aspects of pathology. We recently reported the characterization of a novel 3D culture system that exhibits key events in AD pathogenesis, including extracellular aggregation of amyloid-β (Aβ) and accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau. Here we provide instructions for the generation and analysis of 3D human neural cell cultures, including the production of genetically modified human neural progenitor cells (hNPCs) with familial AD mutations, the differentiation of the hNPCs in a 3D matrix and the analysis of AD pathogenesis. The 3D culture generation takes 1–2 d. The aggregation of Aβ is observed after 6 weeks of differentiation, followed by robust tau pathology after 10–14 weeks.

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