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      • Contribution of ipRGC to the Fluorescent Feeling

        Yuki Tanaka,Keita Hirai,Midori Tanaka,Takahiko Horiuchi,Katsunori Okajima 한국색채학회 2017 AIC 2017 Jeju Vol.2017 No.10

        Fluorescence is generated when a substance absorbs light energy at a short wavelength and then emits light energy at a longer wavelength. This unique characteristic evokes a “fluorescent feeling,” which is different from the perception that is detected when objects reflect light. In our previous study, when an image that was colorimetrically equivalent to a real fluorescent object was reproduced on a monitor, the fluorescent feeling evoked by the reproduced image was reduced. This suggested that the differences in spectral distribution between a reproduced image and a real fluorescent object can affect the fluorescent feeling. In recent years, the role of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) in the detection of brightness has been reported. In this study, we investigate the contribution of ipRGCs to the fluorescent feeling. In our experiment, ipRGC stimulation was tested and compared to the light flux stimulus. We investigated both central vision and peripheral vision. We found that as ipRCG excitation increased, the participants perceived a larger fluorescent feeling. In addition, a large fluorescent feeling was perceived in the peripheral vision, where ipRGCs play a prominent role in image detection. These results indicate that ipRGCs are important for the development of the fluorescent feeling.

      • KCI등재

        Confirmation of Physical Fitness Based on Polynomial Regression Evaluation of Muscle Mass Percentage against BMI in Korean Male Junior High School Students

        Nozomi Tanaka,Katsunori Fujii,Jun-Dong Kim,Hosung Nho(노호성) 한국생활환경학회 2010 한국생활환경학회지 Vol.17 No.6

        This study examined physical strength and motor ability based on a polynomial regression analysis of muscle mass percentage against BMI in South Korean junior high school students. The subjects were 201 students in the first year of junior high school. Measurements of physique (body height and weight) and body composition (BMI, fat mass, body fat percentage, muscle mass, and muscle mass percentage) were carried out. In tests of physical strength, items from the physical fitness test were adopted for the Korean students, and sit-ups, sit-and-reach, push-ups, and 20-meter shuttle run were measured. In the polynomial regression analysis of muscle mass percentage against BMI, a high reverse correlation (r = 0.76) was shown. In normal body type classified by standard polynomial regression evaluation chart, the group with excessive development of muscle mass was superior to other groups in sit-ups, push-ups, and 20-meter shuttle run. No significant differences were shown in any items of physical strength in slim body type students, and the group with excessive development of muscle mass in the fat body type was superior to other groups in the 20-meter shuttle run. In other words, the level of qualitative accumulation of muscle did not influence physical strength in specific physiques like slim and fat body types. In the present study, BMI was newly placed as an index of a muscle mass percentage, and it was shown that physical strength could be readily understood by body fatness judgment based on BMI.

      • KCI등재

        자연과학편 : 유아의 체격,운동능력을 중심으로 연령증가변화를 파악하기 위한 평가차트의 구축

        ( Fujii Katsunori ),( Tanaka Nozomi ),김준동(JunDongKim) 한국체육학회 2014 한국체육학회지 Vol.53 No.6

        본 연구는 3세에서 5세까지의 일본유아(남아: 318명, 여아: 332명)를 대상으로 체격과 운동능력결과에 최소이승근이다항식을 적용하고 연령증가에 따른 영향을 검토하였다. 측정항목은 신장, 체중, 체지방량, 근육률, 20 m달리기, 제자리멀리뛰기, 테니스공던지기, 줄 넘고 기어 나오기이었으며, 측정결과에 따라 연령증가경향이 나타난 신체적 요소에대하여 월 연령을 계산한 회귀다항식평가차트를 구축하였다. 측정결과는 3세부터 5세까지 신장·체중이 직선적 연령증가가 나타났지만, 체지방률, 근육률의 연령증가변화는 나타나지 않았다. 운동능력에서는 4종목 모두 명확한 연령증가변화가 나타났다. 월 연령을 고려하면, 신장, 체중, 20 m달리기, 제자리멀리뛰기, 테니스공던지기, 줄 넘고 기어 나오기에서 연령증가변화가 나타남으로써 1차부터 3차까지 회기다항식평가차트의 구축이 가능하게 되었다. 이러한 분석방법은 서로 다른 연령의 유아를 대상으로, 운동능력을 동시에 비교·평가할 수 있다는 장점이 있다고 사료된다. In this study we applied least squares approximation to exact monthly age over a three-year span for physique, bodycomposition and motor fitness in 3- and 5-year-old Japanese children, and examined the age composition. The subjects werepreschool children in some kindergartens of Aichi prefecture. They included 318 boys and 332 girls enrolled in the study inMay 2009. The physical attributes measured were height, weight for physique, and body fat, muscle percentage for bodycomposition, and 20 m dash, standing long jump, tennis ball throw, and jump over-and-under for motor fitness. A leastsquares approximation polynomial was applied to the measured values for physique and motor fitness at exact month of age. A change with age was seen in height and weight for both boys and girls, and from a primary to cubic regression polynomialwas valid. However, no change with age in body fat and muscle percentage were seen. Changes with age in physical fitnessitems were seen in both boys and girls for 20 m dash, standing long jump, tennis ball throw and jump over-and-under. Inphysique, cubic regression polynomials were valid for height in boys, and primary regression polynomials were valid forweight in boys and height and weight in girls. All of these are items for which from a primary regression to cubic polynomialwere valid. An attempt was made to construct a regression evaluation chart for month of age with consideration of this agecomposition.

      • KCI등재

        일본 남자고등학생의 신체구성과 체력에 대한 상관관계의 검증

        藤井勝紀(Katsunori Fujii),田中望(Nozomi Tanaka),石垣享(Toru Ishigaki),藤由美(Yumi Saito),김준동(Jun Dong Kim),노호성(Ho Sung Nho) 한국발육발달학회 2009 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        The declining trend in the physical fitness of young people poses a severe problem. This trend in physical fitness is considered one of the important factor occurring due to the difference in morphological quality judged by body composition. However, few studies of the kind reported. In the present study, the physical fitness based on difference of morphological quality is confirmed in high school boys. The sample size consists of 146 high school boys aged 16 years. Height, weight, body mass index (BMI), body fat mass, percentage of body fat, soft lean mass (SLM), bone mass and bone mineral density for physique and body composition were measured, in addition to, grip strength, sit-up, sit & reach, side step, 20m shuttle run, 50-m dash, standing long jump and hand ball throwing were measured as physical fitness tests. 20m shuttle run, sit-up and hand ball throwing showed a significant difference among "slim type," "normal type" and "fatty type", classified by the fatty-slim degree judgment based on BMI. Next, a regression polynomial evaluation chart of fat percentage for BMI was constructed in order to examine the physical fitness based on the difference of morphological quality. Physical fitness was examined based on the difference in the degree of qualitative accumulation of fat (excessive development of fat, normal fat, excessive underdevelopment of fat) derived from the evaluation chart. As a result, the student with excessive development of fat was significantly inferior and the excessive underdevelopment of fat type student was significantly superior in grip strength, standing long jump and hand ball throwing ability of the excessive development type. The result indicated a difference in physical fitness based on the difference in the degree of qualitative accumulation. This suggests that the fat percentage was a negative factor for motor ability.

      • KCI등재후보

        사춘기의 신체질량지수에 대한 체력의 평가

        藤井勝紀(Katsunori Fujii),田中望(Nozomi Tanaka),石垣享(Toru Ishigaki),花井忠征(Tadayuki Hanai),김설향(Seol Hyang Kim),노호성(Ho Sung Nho) 한국발육발달학회 2008 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        In the present study, the relational construction between body composition and physical fitness is confirmed regarding physical fitness based on polynomial regression evaluation of body fat percentage for body mass index (BMI) in adolescence. The sample size consists of 384 Korean junior high school students aged 13 years (boys: 200; girls: 184). Height, weight, BMI, body fat mass, body fat percentage, soft lean mass were measured along with physical fitness tests (sit & reach, 20 m-shuttle run, push up and sit up). Physical fitness showed a significant difference among "slim type", "normal type" and "fatty type" classified by the fatty-slim degree judgment of BMI. Next, a polynomial regression evaluation chart of fat percentage for BMI was constructed in order to verify physical fitness by the difference of body form quality. Physical fitness was examined based on difference in the degree of qualitative accumulation of fat (excessive fat, normal fat underestimated fat) derived from the evaluation chart. As a result, the excessive fat person was significantly inferior and the underestimated obese person was significantly superior in endurance ability in the normal type. There was a difference in physical fitness based on the difference in the degree of qualitative accumulation of fat. This suggests that the fat was a negative factor for endurance ability in normal type based on the fatty-slim degree judgment of BMI.

      • KCI등재

        아동ㆍ청소년기 신체적 발육ㆍ발달곡선에 관한 분석

        藤井勝紀(Fujii, Katsunori),田中望(Tanaka, Nozomi),김준동(Kim, Jun-Dong) 한국체육과학회 2012 한국체육과학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        In the present study, annual change of physical growth and development was examined during school age. The wavelet interpolation method was applied to cross-sectional data from 6 to 17 years in 2000 and 2005, based on the records of the physique (height, weight, sitting height, leg length), physical strength and motor ability (grip strength, side step, trunk bending, sit-up, 50m dash, standing long jump and handball throwing) announced by Ministry of Education, Science and Technology every year. As the results, the growth distance and velocity curves were analyzed in the physique. In physical strength and motor ability, the developmental distance and velocity curves were also analyzed, and the change of physical strength and motor ability with age was examined. With judging from the growth velocity curve of physique, the growth velocities in leg length was the fastest among the physique in both 2000 and 2005. Moreover, the age at MPV of leg length was also the earliest, and that of BMI was the latest in both 2000 and 2005. It was shown that MPV of grip strength appeared almost in a simultaneous period with MPV of height, and trunk bending and sit-up appeared after MPV of height.

      • KCI등재

        골밀도 연령증가변화구도에 기초한 Peak Stiffness의 검증

        藤井勝紀(Fujii, Katsunori),田中望(Tanaka, Nozomi),고인태(Ko, In-Tae),김준동(Kim, Jun-Dong) 한국체육과학회 2015 한국체육과학회지 Vol.24 No.6

        Bone mass is reported to peak at about the age of 15 to 17 years, but the peak in bone density is not clear. Therefore, the pubertal peak in bone density is also unknown. In this study, using a method of assessing bone density by stiffness coefficient, we applied a least squares approximation polynomial to stiffness coefficient age distance values from the first grade of elementary school until the third year of junior high school (ninth grade), and investigated the changing trends with age. The results showed the age-related changes in the stiffness coefficient, BUA value, and SOS value based on third order least squares approximation polynomials. The peaks determined from the second-order polynomial curve of the first derivative were 11.4 years old with the stiffness coefficient and near 11.5 years old with the BUA and SOS values. Next, to identify the pubertal peak (maximum peak velocity: MPV) of the stiffness coefficient, wavelet interpolation was applied and peak stiffness was derived. The MPV age of the stiffness coefficient was 11.2 years old. The MPV age of height is 12.6 years old and the MPV of weight is 13.4 years old. This MPV age for bone density is earlier that the MPV ages for height and weight, and it is conjectured that on average this is related to the growth of the length of the lower limbs (lower legs). On the other hand, the possibility cannot be ruled out that substantial development of bone density promotes growth in height.

      • KCI등재

        후쿠시마 원전사고가 학령기 아동의 신체조성에 미치는 영향

        藤井勝紀(Fujii, Katsunori),渡部琢也(Watanabe, Takuya),田中 望(Tanaka, Nozomi),김준동(Kim, Jun-Dong) 한국체육과학회 2018 한국체육과학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        Earthquake disasters have a significant impact on the tendency for obesity. Body fat readily increases because physical activity is restricted. The Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster in the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred several years ago was probably not an exception. However, no detailed examinations of the effects on body composition have yet been reported. One reason for the lack of findings verifying the detailed effects on people’s bodies, even though six years have passed since the disaster, is that no method of verification has been clearly established. In this study, by analyzing the age-related changes to body composition scientifically, we attempted to verify the effects of earthquake disasters from a comparison with normal age-related changes. The subjects were boys and girls from an elementary school in the region affected by the nuclear disaster in Fukushima Prefecture. Their body composition was measured and height, weight, BMI, body fat percentage, and muscle percentage were calculated. A wavelet interpolation model was applied to the cross-sectional age-related changes in BMI, body fat percentage, and muscle percentage in first to sixth grade elementary school students. As a control group, the wavelet interpolation model was applied in the same way to the age-related changes in body composition of elementary school students in an area completely unaffected by the earthquake disaster. The age-related changes in body composition of the elementary school students in the two areas were compared. The results showed that in the age-related changes in body fat percentage and muscle percentage, the Fukushima schoolchildren tended to have a higher body fat percentage and lower muscle percentage. There was also a slight difference between the two areas in the emergence of the local peak velocity in the age-related changes. However, it is difficult to determine the effects of the nuclear power plant disaster from the present results alone. They may be further clarified in the future by deriving the results up through junior high school.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Reconstruction of esophageal stenosis that had persisted for 40 years using a free jejunal patch graft with virtual endoscopy assistance

        Fujisawa, Daisuke,Asato, Hirotaka,Tanaka, Katsunori,Itokazu, Tetsuo,Kojya, Shizuo Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surge 2020 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.47 No.2

        In this report, we present a case in which good results were achieved by treatment using a free jejunal patch graft with virtual endoscopy (VE) assistance in a patient whose swallowing had failed to improve for 40 years after he mistakenly swallowed sulfuric acid, despite pectoralis major myocutaneous flap grafting and frequent balloon dilatation surgery. During the last 20 years, virtual computed tomography imaging has improved remarkably and continues to be used to address new challenges. For reconstructive surgeons, the greatest advantage of VE is that it is a noninvasive modality capable of visualizing areas inaccessible to a flexible endoscope. Using VE findings, we were able to visualize the 3-dimensional shape beyond the stenosis. VE can also help predict the area of the defect after contracture release.

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