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        Fine Needle Aspiration Cytologic Findings of Angiosarcoma - Report of Two Cases -

        Jin Xian Ji,주영채,김루시아,최석진,박인서,한지영,김준미,김규호,송주영 대한병리학회 2011 Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine Vol.45 No.2

        Angiosarcoma is a rare malignant vascular neoplasm which can arise in any part of the body. Spe­cific recognition of this neoplasm in cytological specimens is difficult in the absence of an ancil­lary method. Herein, we present the cytologic findings of two cases of angiosarcomas diagnosed on fine needle aspiration cytology. One case is a recurred angiosarcoma in the left chest wall and the other case is a lymphedema-associated angiosarcoma in the left lower leg. The cytologic find­ings of both cases are similar. Cytologic features that identified this neoplasm as an angiosarco­ma included arborizing microtissue fragments, irregular anastomosing vascular spaces lined by atypical cells, microacini, intracytoplasmic lumen, and intracellular red blood cells, marked cell discohesiveness, spindle to ovoid, irregular, hyperchromatic nuclei, and elongated cytoplasmic processes with indistinct borders. This report emphasizes that when aspiration smears show va­soformative features in a bloody background, angiosarcoma should be included in the differential diagnosis.

      • 쇼핑몰 외피에 나타난 디지털미디어 표현특성 분석

        김선희(Jin, Xian-Ji),채완리(Tsai, Wan-Li),황연숙(Hwang, Yeonsook) 한국실내디자인학회 2019 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.21 No.1

        Building Skin not only has the function of protecting the internal space, but also brings many changes to the manifestation of the building Skin. As one of the essential elements of architectural development, digital media has been applied flexibly in various fields of modern society. As modern architecture use digital media, the urban environment also shows a dynamic and interactive concept that provides communication or information with humans. The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of media expression in the media facade of large-scale shopping center. The four characteristics were classyfied as Interaction, emotional, technical and time expression. According to this study understands there are two types of interactions in media facade of shopping center. Visual displays which attract people"s attention show the direction of information, or an interactive urban landscape. It is expressed in a landmark characteristic that attracting people"s attention with colorful color. And emotional expressions appear as simple visual and sympathetic responses from the Display screen.

      • 공공도서관 열람실에서 나타나는 어포던스 디자인 특성에 관한 연구 - 신체적 불편으로 인한 장애자를 중심으로 -

        김선희(Jin, Xian-Ji),남경숙(Nam, Kyung-Sook) 한국실내디자인학회 2019 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.21 No.1

        As society progresses, the low birth rate and average life expectancy are increasing, making it an aging society, and the issue of aging population has become the subject of the society, leading to a lot of attention. Also, the number of people with disabilities in everyday behavior increased sharply as the disease grew worse with age, making them uncomfortable to act and even using wheelchairs. Universal Design, which takes into account the convenience of social life of the weak due to this physical inconvenience, has emerged as a hot issue, and is widely applied especially in public buildings. Public buildings are a major part of urban construction, and public libraries are representative public buildings, open to all members of society and one of the centers of social and cultural life.Thus, the universal design, which pays attention to disability issues, has been widely applied, followed by the infordance design, called behavioral guidance. Based on a prior study on universal design as an object of investigation, this study combines the characteristics of the architecture applied to the interior space to derive the analytical framework applied to the case library investigation. Three public libraries in Seoul that have been remodeled within the 2015-2017 period will be selected as examples, and the abbreviations due to physical discomfort will be selected as a representative by the Persona method and will be compiled and evaluated on the application of the facility"s architecture design in accordance with their behavior in each space, to draw future library directions.

      • KCI등재

        공유의 개념에서 바라본 청년문화공간의 시지각 감성디자인 특성에 관한 연구 - 청년층 사용자 대상 설문조사를 바탕으로 -

        김선희(Jin, Xian-Ji),남경숙(Nam, Kyeong-Sook) 한국실내디자인학회 2020 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.29 No.1

        According to the attention paid to the sharing sector in the 2017 China sharing economy research report, car sharing services accounted for 38.4%, bike sharing services 28.9%, and Shared accommodation 12.4%. With the development of sharing economy, there are more and more related industries with larger and larger scale. Sharing bikes, sharing office and sharing charging Banks are also an attempt to make rational use of idle social resources. Although ‘sharing’ of Shared space also means spiritual sharing between people in different Spaces, it still exists as a physical space. For the environment surrounding the Shared space, not only the necessary space needs to be used, but also the emotional design needs to be carried out in order to provide users with a high level of spatial experience in the physical environment. The purpose of this study is to grasp the characteristics of visual perception perceptual design, and to point out the direction for the perceptual design of youth cultural space that meets the physical and psychological needs of young users. This research mainly from the ‘youth culture space characteristics of public-owned economy’ and ‘visual perceptual design performance characteristics of the’ two aspects, in most cases will domestic youth culture space of the hall, rest room, Shared kitchen space is selected as the research object of this study space, with 20 to 39 years old young users as the center of the questionnaire. The collected data were used as basic data and SPSS 24.0 statistical software was used for analysis. In general, the five perceptual design characteristics of visual perception as a whole show the different preferences of different users. On the whole, there is no difference between different units and different genders.

      • 공유의 개념에서 바라본 청년문화공간의 시지각적 감성디자인 특성에 관한 연구

        김선희(Jin, Xian-Ji),남경숙(Nam, Kyung-Sook) 한국실내디자인학회 2019 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.21 No.3

        A shared space provides the public with a place of relaxation, exchange and companionship, and is an important place where people interact and interact and social activities take place. Shared space is a concrete expression of the socialization and urbanization of cultural architecture, and it can be said that it plays an important role in the urban space system with dual properties and dual space functions of architectural space and urban space. This study aims to identify emotional design elements applied to youth cultural spaces under the period background of shared economy, satisfy the physical and psychological needs of youth users through case analysis and survey, and present the design direction of youth cultural spaces that are compatible with the period taste of youth. In order to derive the emotional design characteristics of the youth culture life space, extraction of emotional design elements in the interior space should precede, and this research is largely to be approached from two aspects: ‘Youth Culture Space’ and ‘Empathetic Expression Character Analysis’ and this study was conducted by selecting 10 users from each group of college students and their supporting staff based on the users of the 20-39 age group. The surveyed space was selected as a case for three youth cultural spaces within the 300-square-meter area built between 2018 and 2019, which is located in Seoul, and conducted a preliminary investigation.

      • KCI등재

        청년복합문화공간의 공간구성 및 사용자 만족도 분석

        김선희(Jin, Xian-Ji),김혜자(Jin, Hui-Zi),황연숙(Hwang, Yeonsook) 한국실내디자인학회 2020 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.29 No.5

        In contrast to the growing elderly population, the younger population is shrinking. To support youth problem solving, the youth complex culture space is a representative youth space. The growth and development of youth should be created in a diverse and professional space environment. The purpose of this study is to understand the current state of youth complex cultural space and to reflect the direction of improvement of youth complex cultural space through user interviews. This study mainly consisted of two aspects: the characteristics of space composition of youth complex culture space and the user"s satisfaction with space use. The subjects of the study were selected as six cases located in Seoul. In addition, 20 people who visited these cases were selected for interviewed them. In conclusion, the complex cultural space is centered on performances and exhibitions, while the complex cultural space for youth is centered on solving problems and supporting challenges. Moreover, due to the overall lack of space, space is used for multi-purpose purposes. The youth complex cultural space is largely open-structured and is greatly disturbed by noise or smell from other spaces. Therefore, it should be divided into noise areas and non-noise areas. Windows or extended ventilation equipment shall be provided in poorly ventilated spaces. In addition, unlike in foreign countries, where art and physical education spaces are essential, Korean youth complex cultural spaces consist mostly of similar functions. The youth complex cultural space also needs to strengthen its characteristics and create a differentiated youth complex cultural space by providing programs and spaces for professional development of diverse and potential young people.

      • KCI등재

        한국 현대 건축 표피에 나타나는 디지털미디어의 발전 현황 연구

        김선희(Jin, Xian-Ji),남경숙(Nam, Kyeong-Sook) 한국실내디자인학회 2020 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.29 No.5

        As a new medium of expression, Digital Media has also undergone great changes in the form of expression applicable to architectural shell, and has been widely used as information transmission, advertising and other marketing means. The Media Facade is a portmanteau of media and building facade. Large display screens are used to represent the visual beauty of the building. The purpose of this study is to grasp the performance characteristics and changing trend of digital media in domestic modern architecture skin display, mainly from two aspects of ‘development of architectural skin’ and ‘media analysis of domestic modern architecture’. Through the first research and analysis, this study is divided into four periods, Classicism, Modernism, Postmodernism and Modernity. It combs the architectural skin that changes with the development of the times. As well as the advantages and disadvantages of the types and different types of media fasade, the expression characteristics are divided into 5 aspects of Information Transferability, Temporality, Objetization, Interaction and Landmarkability. In addition, taking the example of GLAAM and the representative media case searched on YouTube as objects, the paper is divided into three periods before 2010, 2010-2015 and after 2015 to analyze the development trend of domestic media case. From the results, LED display type is the most common, focusing on high-resolution display and information transmission, showing the interactive tendency of using a variety of mobile terminal applications. The media facade"s display area expanded into a curved + straight form, and g-tainer for short-term activities became widely used. However, with the popularization of information technology, visual symbols of architecture have gone beyond language symbols and become the dominant form of culture. The values of professional architectural media are facing great challenges.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 2음절 완전어근 한자어의 형태구조 분석 -<고려대 한국어대사전> 표제어를 중심으로-

        함향 ( Xian Xiang ),호길 ( Hu Ji ),김양진 ( Kim Ryang-jin ) 국제어문학회(구 국제어문학연구회) 2020 국제어문 Vol.0 No.84

        본 연구에서는 한국어 2음절 완전어근 한자어의 형태구조적 특징을 밝히기 위해 『고려대 한국어대사전』에 수록된 비서술성 2음절 완전어근 한자어를 중심으로 어절(형태), 음절, 음소의 빈도 및 분포 양상을 살펴보았다. 본고의 분석결과, 첫째, 분석대상이 된 완전어근 80,161개에서 어절 종류수는 총 44,799개였고, 그중에 빈도수가 제일 높은 형태(일련의 소리 연속)는 ‘고사>조사>수장>기수>정사...’ 등의 순인데, 첫음절에서는 ‘戰>神>正>情...’의 순으로 동음이의어를 만드는 데 중요한 역할을 하고 두 번째 음절에서는 ‘事>死>士>史...’ 등의 순으로 중요한 역할을 하고 있음을 확인하였다. 둘째, 음절빈도에서 첫음절의 토큰은 총 423개였고, 끝음절 토큰은 총 462개였다. 첫음절과 끝음절에서 모두 높은 빈도를 보인 음절은 ‘사>수>전>정...’ 등의 순이고, 가장 낮은 빈도를 보인음절은 ‘눌, 짐, 츤, 탱, ...’ 등이다. 첫음절과 끝음절의 사용빈도에는 거의 차이가 없는 반면, 첫음절에만 쓰이는 일부 한자음절(‘줄’, ‘훌’, ‘쉬’, ‘튼’, ‘갹’, ‘훙’, ‘터’ 등)과 끝음절에만 쓰이는 일부 한자음절(‘닐’, ‘냥’, ‘왈’, ‘랄’, ‘뉵’, ‘뉴’, ‘댁’)이 구별되었다. 셋째, 2음절 완전어근 한자어의 첫음소 중에서 자음으로 시작한 음절은 66,573개, 반모음으로 시작한 음절은 7,622개, 모음은 5,966개로, 자음으로 시작하는 경우가 압도적인 비율을 차지했다. 자음에서 높은 빈도를 보인것은 ‘ㄱ>ㅅ>ㅈ>ㅎ>ㅂ...’의 순이고, 낮은 빈도를 보인 것은 ‘ㄲ<ㅋ<ㅆ<ㅌ...’의 순이다. 첫음절에서 모음으로 시작하는 한자어는 두음법칙에 따라 모음의 빈도수에 차이를 보였는데 이는 고유어에서는 보이지 않는 특징이라 할 수 있겠고 ‘자음-반자음-모음’ 전체를 고려한 2음절 완전어근 한자어의 어두음소의 빈도 배열은 고유어의 경우와 현저히 차이를 보이고 있다. 2음절 완전어근 한자어의 끝음절 끝음소에서 종성 끝소리는 47,966개이고, 모음 끝음소는 32,195개이다. 종성은 한국어 말음절에서 가능한 7음소 중, /ㄷ/를 제외한 자음 음소가 ‘ㆁ>ㄴ>ㄱ>ㄹ>ㅁ>ㅂ’의 순으로 나타났고, 모음 끝음소는 ‘ㅗ>ㅔ>ㅜ>ㅣ>ㅏ>ㅓ’의 빈도순으로 나타나는데 고유어와 한자어의 음절 말 구성에 현저한 차이가 있다. 다만 2음절 한자어에서 첫음절과 끝음절의 모음핵 빈도에는 별다른 큰 차이 없음을 확인할 수 있었다. This study focuses on the non-predicative 2-syllable complete root Sino-Korean words listed in < Korea University Korean Dictionary > to investigate the morphological structural characteristics of 2-syllable complete root Sino-Korean words and analyzed the frequency and the distribution pattern of the eojeol (morphology), syllable and phoneme. As a result of the analysis, first, the total number of eojeol types was 44,799 out of 80,161 complete roots analyzed, and among them, the morphology (a series of sound continuation) with the highest frequency of occurrence was in the order of “gosa>josa>sujang>gisu>jeongsa (고사>조사>수장>기수>정사) ……” For first syllables, the order of contribution in forming homonyms was “戰>神>正>情……”, and for the second syllables,”事>死>士>史......” was the order of importance. Second, in terms of the syllable frequency, the total number of tokens for the first syllable was 423, and the final syllable token was 462 in total. In the first syllables and the final syllables, the syllables that showed high frequency are in the order of “Sa> Su> Jeon> Jeong(사> 수>전>정) ......”, and the lowest frequency syllables were “Nul, Jim, Cheun, Taeng (눌, 짐, 츤, 탱) ……”. The frequency of use of the first syllable and final syllable showed almost no difference, while some differences were observed that some of the Sino-Korean syllables are used only for the first syllable, such as “Jul, Hul, Swi, Teun, Gyak, Hung, Teo(줄, 훌, 쉬, 튼, 갹, 훙, 터)” or only for the final syllable, such as “Nil, Nyang, Wal, Ral, Nyuk, Nyu, Daek(닐, 냥, 왈, 랄, 뉵, 뉴, 댁)”. Third, among the first phoneme of the 2-syllable complete root Sino-Korean words, 66,573 syllables started with a consonant, 7,622 syllables started with a semi-vowel, and 5,966 syllables started with a vowel, showing a dominant proportion of starting with a consonant. Among the consonants, the highest frequency was observed to be in the order of “ㄱ>ㅅ>ㅈ>ㅎ>ㅂ......” and the low frequency was in the order of “ㄲ<ㅋ<ㅆ< ㅌ......” Sino-Korean words starting with a vowel in the first syllable showed a difference in the frequency of vowels according to the initial law, which is a characteristic not observed in native Korean words. The frequency arrangement of the onset phoneme of the 2-syllable complete root Sino-Korean words considering the whole of ‘consonant-semi-consonant-vowel’ showed a clear difference from the native Korean words. In the final syllable final phoneme of -syllable complete root Sino-Korean words, the number of final sound of final consonant was 47,966, and the vowel final phoneme was 32,195. As for the final consonant, among the 7 phonemes possible in the Korean word syllables, the consonant phoneme excluding /ㄷ/ showed the frequency in the order of “ㆁ >ㄴ> ㄱ>ㄹ>ㅁ>ㅂ” and for vowel final phoneme, the frequency order was “ㅗ>ㅔ>ㅜ>ㅣ>ㅏ>ㅓ.” In this way, there was a clear difference in the syllable composition between the native Korean words and Sino-Korean words. However, in disyllabic Sino-Korean words, there was no significant difference in the frequency of the vowel nucleus between first syllables and final syllables.

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