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        Normal stress pattern of the pubic symphysis

        Cigdem Icke,Juergen Koebke 대한해부학회 2014 Anatomy & Cell Biology Vol.47 No.1

        The pelvic ring is stressed by external forces: by partial body weight, by ligament tension, and by muscles forces stabilizing the hip joints. For the symphysis ossis pubis there exist data concerning the type and magnitude of stresses. In oneleg-standing pressure, shear forces are predominant, and in both-leg-standing tensile forces are acting on the pelvic ring. Rupture of the symphysis is problematic due to the variety of its movements. Most literature descriptions of stress in the symphysis reflect only the frontal plane. Our intention was to make morphological as well as experimental investigations on the symphysis ossis pubis to delineate how it will be stressed in the horizontal plane. Twenty pubic bones taken from embalmed adult human cadavers (12 male, 8 female) were used. Horizontal and frontal slices (3 mm thick) of the symphyseal part of the os pubis were made. X-rays and densitometric analysis were performed. The width of the symphysis cartilage in the dorsal and the ventral regions was measured on 15 whole skeleton specimens coming from adult human cadavers. For experimental study an embalmed pelvic ring which had no abnormality was used. The symphysis pubis was cut completely in the midsagittal plane and then the ring was stressed via the cranial sacrum. Our results demonstrate that the symphysis is stressed by bending in the horizontal plane in one-leg-standing. In both-leg-standing the symphysis is stressed by tensile forces.

      • Determination of Knowledge of Turkish Midwifery Students about Human Papilloma Virus Infection and its Vaccines

        Genc, Rabia Ekti,Sarican, Emine Serap,Turgay, Ayse San,Icke, Sibel,Sari, Dilek,Saydam, Birsen Karaca Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2013 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.14 No.11

        Human papilloma virus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted agents and its infection is the most established cause of cervical cancer. Midwives play a key position in the implementation of cervical cancer. This descriptive study aimed to determine the level of knowledge concerning HPV and HPV vaccination among 268 midwifery students. Data were collected between November 15 and 30, 2011, through a self-reported questionnaire. The mean age of participants was $20.75{\pm}1.60$. Among all students, 44.4% had heard of HPV, while 40.4% had heard of HPV vaccinatiob. The relationship between the midwifery student knowledge on HPV and HPV vaccine and their current educational year was significant (p=0.001). In conclusion midwifery students have moderate level of knowledge about HPV and its vaccine and relevant information should be included in their teaching curriculum.

      • 경관관리를 위한 공공참여 관련 법제도의 고찰

        신익순 호남대학교 산업기술연구소 2013 녹색산업연구 Vol.19 No.1

        본 연구는 경관관리와 관련된 개별 법령을 통한 정보공개와 개발계획 시의 공공 참여책의 일종인 공청회와 주민의견 수렴, 경관심의위원회 활성화 등의 내용을 살펴본 후 관련 법제도의 속성을 분석해 보기 위하여 수행되었다. 정보공개 및 공청회와 관련된 법규는 광범위한 경관계획이나 개발기본계획을 대상으로 일부 법령에 분산되어 체계화되어 있다. 주민의견 수렴은 주로 지역·지구 지정 및 변경 시 주민의견을 청취하도록 되어 있고, 영산강, 섬진강, 한강 등의 수계 주변 주민들을 상대로 의견을 수렴하고 있으며, 개발 시 환경영향평가 절차의 일환으로 채택되고 있다. 경관위원회, 공공디자인위원회 및 경관협의회를 통한 경관심의가 활성화 되고 있고, 경관지침서 제공과 경관제안제를 통한 주민참여 제도도 이루어지고 있다. 본 연구 결과는 향후 관련 법제도의 도입 및 정비 시 기초 자료로 사용될 수 있다. The purpose of this study was to inquire the contents those are information opening to the public, a public hearing, acceptance of inhabitants’ opinion, activation of a sight deliberative council as a kind of public participation understanding the individual laws connected with sight management. The related current laws are systematized for a wide range of sight plan or development master plan scattering in some regulations. Inhabitants’ opinions shall be heard when to designate or to change a service zone and specifically for those living at the hydrosphere of Youngsan river, Seomjin river and Han river, inhabitants’ opinions are accepted. And also, inhabitants’ opinions are adopted as a part of a E.I.A.(Environmental Impact Assessment) procedure. Sight & public design councils are activating the sight deliberation and the system of inhabitants’ participation is bing carried on by the sight guide book and the sight proposal.

      • 조경분야에서의 상린관계와 관련된 법규와 판례

        신익순 호남대학교 산업기술연구소 2014 녹색산업연구 Vol.20 No.1

        본 연구는 현행 민법상의 상린관계 규정 중 조경 분야와 직접적으로 관련된 법조문을 발췌해 그 속성을 살펴보고, 각 법조문과 관련된 판례 현황을 수집해 그 추세를 분석해 보기 위하여 수행되었다. 민법 규정으로는 제217조(매연 등에 의한 인지에 대한 방해금지), 제240조(수지, 목근의 제거권), 제241조(토지의 심굴 금지) 및 제242조(경계선 부근의 건축) 등 4개 조문이 있었고, 판례로는 일조 침해, 매연, 소음 등에 의한 방해금지, 경계선 부근의 건축과 관련된 총 16개의 국내 판례와 경계선상의 수목 피해와 수목 생육 피해와 관련된 2개의 해외 판례를 찾아 볼 수 있었다. 본 연구 결과는 향후 계획, 설계, 시공, 유지관리 등 조경 업무 시 상린권 침해로 인해 발생 가능한 인접 대지 소유자 간의 다툼을 사전에 방지하기 위해 참고 자료로 사용될 수 있다. The purpose of this study was to examine the letter of the law relating to landscape architecture among the Nachbarschaft of the domestic Civil Code and was to analyze the precedents connected with each of the letter of the law. Among the Civil Code, there were Article 217(Prohibition of interference to the recognizable pollution by smoke, noise, and such), Article 240(A removal right of a branch and the root of a tree), Article 241(Prohibition of a deep dig to the soil), Article 242(A borderline construction). As precedent, there were the total 16 cases of domestic precedents connected with a sunshine infringement, prohibition of interference by smoke/noise/and such, a borderline construction and the total 2 cases of foreign precedents connected with the damage of the borderline trees and the tree growth. The results of the study will be used as future references in order to prevent in advance the dispute between adjacent land’s owners which may be happened due to the Nachbarschaft infringement when the landscape architectural work of plan, design, construction, maintenance etc.

      • 공원 관련 국내 판례의 현황과 속성

        신익순 호남대학교 산업기술연구소 2013 녹색산업연구 Vol.19 No.2

        본 연구는 국내에서 현재까지 판시된 공원 관련 총 43건의 판례 현황을 공원 종류, 판결 주제, 판결 주체 및 판결 연도 등의 기준별로 그 속성을 분석해 보기 위하여 수행되었다. 총 17개의 판결 주제 가운데 ‘자연공원법 위반’이 건수 빈도로 전체의 14건(32.6%)으로 타 주제에 비해 월등하게 많았으며, 자연공원에 대한 판례 수가 도시공원의 경우보다 약간 많았다. 판례를 생산한 주체는 대법원이 33건(76.7%)으로 가장 많았고, 이어서 지방법원, 고등법원 등의 순이었다. 판례 빈도는 80년대부터 증가하다 90년대 후반에 도시공원 조성사업과 관련하여 정점(13건, 30.2%)을 이룬 후 다시 감소하고 있다. 본 연구 결과는 향후 도시공원 및 자연공원과 관련된 각종 행위 시의 합법적 수행과 제도 보완책을 마련하기 위한 기본 자료로 사용될 수 있다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the present condition and it’s property of the total 43 cases of domestic precedents connected with park on the basis of park type, decision theme, decision subject, decision year. Among the 17 kinds of decision themes, the violations of ‘Natural Park Act’ is far outnumber the others as the 14(32.6% of totals) cases. The number of cases about Natural Park are a little more then Urban Park. The Supreme Court made the largest number of the case as the 33(76.7% of totals) cases, rank next to a district court and a hight court in the order of frequency. The number of cases has been on the increase from the 1980’s and reached the peak as the 13(30.2% of totals) cases late in the 1990’s owing to create the urban parks, after that, has decreased. The results of the study will be used to accomplish the actions legally and to complement the park systems which are relating to urban & natural park.

      • 녹지와 녹지지역 내 설치 가능한 도시계획시설 관련 법규의 고찰

        신익순 호남대학교 산업기술연구소 2012 녹색산업연구 Vol.18 No.2

        본 연구는 국내 실정법(법률, 시행령, 시행규칙) 중 ‘녹지’와 녹지를 바탕으로 하는 지역 개념인 ‘녹지지역’과 관련된 법규에 나타난 녹지지역 내 설치 가능한 각종 도시계획시설의 종류와 의무적인 설치 규정을 살펴보고, 그 특성을 분석해 보기 위하여 수행되었다. 현행 관련 법규인 ‘도시계획시설의 결정·구조 및 설치기준에 관한 규칙’상 녹지지역에 설치 가능한 도시계획시설은 보전녹지지역에 5종류, 생산녹지지역에 6종류, 자연녹지지역에 17종류로서 자연녹지지역에 설치 가능한 도시계획시설의 종류가 상대적으로 월등히 많다. 또한 녹지 확보를 명시한 도시계획시설은 일반도로, 보행자전용도로, 유통업무설비, 열공급설비, 유류저장 및 송유설비, 학교, 장례식장 및 종합의료시설 등 8종류에 이른다. 주요어: 녹지, 녹지지역, 도시계획시설 The purpose of this study was to inquire the different kinds of urban planning facilities established at green zone and the regulations about the obligatory establishment of open space. The related current law, namely, ‘The regulation about a decision, construction and establishment standard of urban planning facilities’ shows that urban planning facilities established at green zone consists of the 5 kinds at the conservation green zone, the 6 kinds at the production green zone and the 17 kinds at the natural green zone being far more than others. Urban planning facilities open space come to the 8 kinds which consists of a general road, a pedestrian way, a distribution business equipment, a heating service equipment, a oil storage and supply equipment, a school, a funeral hall and a general hospital. Key words: Open space, Green zone, Urban planning facilities

      • 조경기술자 관련 법규 고찰

        신익순 호남대학교 산업기술연구소 2014 녹색산업연구 Vol.20 No.1

        본 연구는 현행 국내 실정법 중 각종 공무원의 조경직제의 종류와 관련 임용시험 및 조경 기술자 자격증의 취득과 업무 등에 관한 법규의 법조문의 현황과 속성을 분석해 보기 위하 여 수행되었다. 국가기술자격법, 건설기술진흥법에서 기술자의 정의와 범위 및 전문 분야를, 국가기술자격법에서 조경기술자별 자격 시험과목을, 기술사법, 건축사법, 산림자원 조성 및 관리에 관한 법률, 문화재수리 등에 관한 법률 등에서 조경기술자의 업무 내용을 규정하고 있다. 공무원임용령, 지방공무원임용령, 선거관리위원회공무원규칙, 헌법재판소공무원규칙, 국회인사규칙, 연구직 및 지도직 공무원의 임용 등에 관한 규정 등에서 조경공무원의 직급 (직군, 직렬, 직류), 공개채용 시험과목, 조경직 공무원 시험에 필요한 자격증 및 조경기술자 자격증 취득자의 전직시험 면제 및 채용 시 가산점 등을 각각 규정하고 있다. 본 연구 결과 는 향후 조경기술자의 제도권 내에서의 위상 정립과 업무 해결을 위한 합리성 추구라는 목 적을 달성하기 위하여 현행 법규를 검토하고 개선․발전시켜 나가기 위해 참고 자료로 사용 될 수 있다. The purpose of this study was to examine the present condition and it’s property of the law connected with the various kind of office organization, the official appointment examination, the acquisition and service of landscape architectural engineering qualification. Those were provided, in National engineering qualification act, Construction engineering promotion act for a definition, scope and special field of landscape engineer, in National engineering qualification act for the subjects of examination, in Professional engineer act, Architect act, Act of production and management of forest resources, Cultural properties repair act for the service contents of landscape engineer, in Official appointment regulations, Local official appointment regulations, Election administration committee office regulations, Constitutional court office regulations, National assembly personnel regulations, Appointment regulations of research and guidance position office for the class of landscape architectural office’s position, the subjects of open examination for service, a license being necessary to office examination, an exemption and additional marks when the post changing examination for the acquisitor of landscape architectural engineering qualification. The results of the study will be used as future references improving the present law in order to attain the landscape engineer’s object which is to rationalize their positioning and business solution within the sphere of the existing system.

      • 超高層 아파트가 都市 Skyline에 미치는 影響에 關한 硏究

        申益淳 호남대학교 1992 호남대학교 학술논문집 Vol.13 No.-

        The purpose of this is to examine the correlation between super-high rised apartment and urban skylines. With the contradiction of conservation and development, super-high rised apartment a new residential type was introduced to maximize the use of the insufficient land resources. And we are now faced with a problem of urban skylines influenced by super-high rised apartment. The contents of the study are as follows; (1) Definition of super-high rised apartment (2) Concept of skyline (3) Effect of skyline due to super-high rised apartment (4) Character of skyline of super-high rised apartment by type (5) Proposal of the discussion standard for the good skyline shaped by super-high rised apartment Hereafter, collecting and analyzing the user's evaluation to the skyline with the case study, the results are predicted to be adopted as the positive ristrict control in the process of the official discussion for the permit of skyline caused by super-high rised apartment.

      • 아이스하키선수들의 스포츠상해에 관한 연구

        김익겸,김정주,김용규 경희대학교 체육대학 한국체육과학연구소 2002 體育學論文集 Vol.30 No.-

        The purpose of this thesis is to improve the Ice-Hockey player's performance ability and security. The study examined the sports injuries, the causes of the injuries and the medical treatment to the injuries. For this study, one hundred and seven Ice-Hockey players in five universities in Korea were investigated. The method of the investigation was questionnaire. The conclusions are as follow: 1. Considering the parts of the injuries, the injuries to the lower extremity happened most frequently; 878 times(49.8%), Considering the kinds of the injuries, injuries to the muscles and tendons happened most frequently; 644 times(51.3%) 2. Considering the parts of the injuries, the injuries by the self carelessness happened most frequently 54 persons(50.5%), Thus, it is thought that players should have the proper knowledge about the condition of their body and security. 3. Considering the emergency treatment, the treatment by coaches and the injured player himself was most frequent; 306 times (62.9%) Thus, it is necessary to consider the supplement of the medical instrument and the staffs for the emergency treatment.

      • 단섬유강화 무기 복합재료의 파괴인성에 관한 연구

        신익재,이동주 영남대학교 공업기술연구소 1999 工業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.27 No.1

        The objective of paper is to study the reinforcing effects of fiber volume fraction and aspect ratio in short-fiber filled ceramic matrix composites. The parameters of fracture mechanics, K and J are applied to assess fracture toughness and bridging effect. It is found that fracture toughness is greatly influenced by the fiber bridging, Also, the nonlinear fracture analysis such as J-integral is more effective than LEFM for short-fiber reinforced ceramic matrix composites. For the reinforcing effects as functions of fiber volume fraction and aspect ratio, fracture toughness is increased rapidly with fiber volume fraction and aspect ratio as expected.

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