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      • 19세기 프랑스 심포닉 오르간 악파에 관한 연구 : Ch. M. Widor를 중심으로

        김효정 가톨릭대학교 교회음악대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247404

        17세기와 18세기를 거쳐오면서 전성기를 꽃피우던 프랑스의 오르간 음악은프랑스 혁명을 계기로 쇠퇴의 길을 걷게 되었다. 프랑스 혁명으로 인해 수많은 오르간이 파괴되었고, 오르간 음악의 주요 후원자였던 궁정과 교회, 귀족 계층의 세력이 약화되며, 그들의 오르간 음악에 대한 지원이 끊겼기 때문이다. 19세기 초에 들어오면서 세속화되어 가볍고 대중적인 성향으로 흐르던 프랑스 오르간 음악은 새로운 전기를 맞이하게 되는데, 이에는 다음과 같은 요인들이 작용하였다. 까바이예 꼴(Aristide Cavaill?-Coll, 1811-1899)은 낭만적, 교향악적 음향과 새로운 장치들을 갖춘, 혁신적인 오르간들을 만들어내었다. 그리고 이 새로운 형태의 오르간의 음향을 충분히 활용할 수 있는 음악을 프랑크(C?sar Franck, 1822-1890)가 작곡하기 시작하였다. 오르간 연주 테크닉 면에서는 벨기에 태생의 르망(Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens, 1823-1881)이 독일 전통에 영향을 받은 페달 테크닉과 레가토를 기본으로 하는 체계적인 연주법으로 프랑스 오르가니스트들의 연주력을 향상시키는 데에 도움을 주었다. 이러한 음악적 토대 위에서 새로운 악파가 파리(Paris)를 중심으로 등장하는데 바로 '심포닉 오르간 악파(the symphonic organ school)'이다. Widor, Guilmant, Vierne, Dupr?등이 이 악파에 속하는 대표적 음악가들이다. 그들이 이끈 프랑스의 심포닉 오르간 악파는 당대의 낭만주의적 이상을 그들의 작품 속에 구현하여 '오르간 심포니'라는 장르를 만들어내었다. 이 오르간 심포니들은 음향, 다이내믹과 효과 면에서 오케스트라와 유사한 관현악적 내지는 교향악적 음악을 구현하였다. 심포닉 오르간 악파는 프랑스 오르간 음악을 부흥시키고, 새로운 음악을 창조했을 뿐만 아니라, 과거의 음악을 재발견하고 보급하는 데에도 노력을 기울였다. 그리하여 바흐(Bach)의 작품들을 비롯한 바로크 음악과 더불어 그레고리오 성가, 르네상스 시대의 무반주 다성음악 등의 교회음악도 그들에 의해 프랑스에서 새로운 조명을 받게 되었다. Charles-Marie Widor는 심포닉 오르간 악파의 설립자이자 그 절정에 섰던 인물이다. 그는 Lemmens의 오르간 연주법을 파리 음악원(Paris Conservatoire)에 보급시켰고, 그가 오르가니스트로 일했던 생 쉴피스(St-Sulpice) 성당의 Cavaill?-Coll 오르간에 영감을 받아 10개의 오르간 심포니들을 작곡하였다. Widor의 초기와 중기의 심포니들은 주로 외향적이고 화려한 연주용의 작품들이었다. 그러나 그의 말기의 심포니들은 그레고리오 성가의 선율들을 주 테마로 등장시키면서 좀더 종교적, 내면적이고 깊이 있는 성격을 드러내고 있다. 심포닉 오르간 악파의 음악가들은 특히 프랑스 혁명 이후 쇠퇴한 교회음악의 쇄신과 부흥을 위하여 노력하였다. 이는 19세기 그레고리오 성가의 부흥 운동과 교회음악의 순수성을 되찾으려는 가톨릭 교회의 움직임과 어우러지는 행보였다. 그들은 그레고리오 성가와 르네상스 시기의 무반주 다성음악에 관심을 가지고 이를 활성화시키고자 노력하였으며, 학교를 세워 교회음악을 교육하는데에 힘을 쏟았다. 또한 그레고리오 성가의 선율을 그들의 오르간 작품들의 테마로 자주 사용하였다. 독일의 오르가니스트들이 루터교의 코랄에 기인한 작품들을 많이 작곡하였다면, 프랑스의 오르가니스트들은 가톨릭의 전통에 바탕을 두고 이로부터 많은 영감을 받았다. 심포닉 오르간 악파의 대표적인 인물인 Widor와 더불어 Guilmant, 그리고 그들의 제자들인 Vierne, Dupr? 등은 전 시대의 가볍고 대중적인 오르간 음악에서 탈피하여 좀더 진지한 음악을 추구하였고, 프랑스 오르간 음악을 다시 부활시키며, 정점에 올려놓았다고 볼 수 있다. The organ music in France, which had reached its peak during the 17th and 18th centuries, started to degenerate after the French Revolution. Due to the Revolution, many organs were vandalized, and the organists lost their sponsors such as the court, aristocrats, and the church. In the early 19th century, the French organ music was light and secular in general, and it didn't seem to be serious artistically. However, there were several turning points that led to the revival of the organ music in France: First, Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens from Belgium offered a systematic approach towards the organ techniques. His methods were influenced by the German style, which made significant contributions in improving organ techniques of French organists; Secondly, Aristide Cavaill?-Coll started to make romantic, symphonic organs with revolutionary equipments; Thirdly, C?sar Franck composed organ pieces that suited the sounds and the equipments of these new organs. Based on these factors, a new school called the symphonic organ school had arrived. Its representative musicians include Widor, Guilmant, Vierne, Dupr?, etc. The French symphonic organ school created genre named organ symphonies expressing the aesthetics of romanticism. Their symphonies resemble the dynamics and sound effects of orchestra, and their musical style was more serious than the one in the former period. The symphonic organ school was not merely a creator of new music, but it also strived to rediscover and propagate the music from the past. Among their interests were Baroque music including Bach's works, gregorian chants, and polyphonic music from the Renaissance period. Ch. M. Widor was one of the founders and the most representative figure of this school. He taught organ classes by Lemmens' methods in the Paris Conservatory, and composed ten organ symphonies inspired by the Cavaill?-Coll organ in the St.. Sulpice church. While his earlier symphonies show his extrovert, splendid style, the symphonies in his latter period have more religious, introvert, and spiritual characteristics, paraphrasing melodies from the gregorian chants. What is noticeable is that all the musicians of this symphonic organ school were organists of Catholic churches. They made efforts in restoring the purity and dignity of the liturgical music. While Lutheran chorals have a lot to do with the German organ music, the French organ music has based its roots on the Catholic liturgical music, that is, the gregorian chants. Along with Widor, his contemporaries such as Guilmant, Vierne, Dupr?, etc. succeeded in reviving the organ music in France and pushing it onto a new level.

      • Roadblock for the responsibility to protect : consequences of the Libyan intervention and implications for Syria

        French, Jason Graduate School of International Studies, Korea Un 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        While the altruistic notion of the R2P is laudable, in reality, its application has more to do with the situation in the international political arena than it does with saving human lives. This paper will explore two recent and seemingly similar cases, Libya and Syria, to examine the affect that the Libyan intervention has had on the R2P. By comparing and contrasting these two cases, the paper will argue that the current R2P efforts are insufficient, mainly due to the politicization of humanitarian incidents, which leads to it being selectively applied by major powers when it best serves their own interests. Ultimately, using the Libyan intervention as a measuring stick for the R2P doctrine might eventually be its very demise. The R2P’s shortcomings result in the unnecessary loss of human lives everyday around the world as is currently being witnessed in Syria.

      • Culturally responsive pre-service teacher development: A case study of the impact of community and school fieldwork

        French, James Joss The University of Connecticut 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Multicultural students have disproportionately underachieved in school, unchecked by traditional partnership school fieldwork experiences preparing future teachers. Teachers' development of multicultural competence is imperative for reversing achievement trends. Culturally responsive teaching (CRT) comprises what practitioners and researchers believe to be the best practices for teaching and learning. Part of the challenge to develop a culturally responsive teaching force becomes the responsibility of teacher education programs to find more comprehensive programs for pre-service teachers. A supported field experience constitutes the most emphatic experience before actual work in a classroom. Although useful in preparing prospective teachers in many areas, the strategy of placing pre-service teachers in partnership school settings has been criticized as being "not sufficient" for developing CRT traits. Community service learning fieldwork has been shown to fill the cultural gaps of school isolated fieldwork experiences. However, there is a lack of research examining the impact of school-community fieldwork on pre-service teachers' CRT. Assessing pre-service teachers' multicultural education knowledge and skills; attitudes, beliefs and expectations; and cultural awareness/racial identity, this study examined supported school-community fieldwork learning experiences to understand how these particular fieldwork strategies affect CRT development. The University of Connecticut's Neag School of Education provides partnership school-community supported fieldwork experiences within the priority Connecticut urban school district and community of Windham. These experiences are final full year internships for students who have completed student teaching and reflect the agendas of National Network for Educational Renewal, Holmes Partnership and service-learning programs. Data was collected for four participants enrolled in Windham internships using the (MECCA) Multicultural Education and Cultural Competency Assessment survey in conjunction with interview, observation, focus group, and journal writing. Through grounded theory analysis, case study narratives were provided on each participant's CRT development and program CRT development affect. Case study results suggested that fieldwork components had minimal affect on participants' CRT development. The manner in which participants pursued personal learning within their program inhibited their respective CRT development. Not successfully challenging participants to unlearn their approach, fieldwork program components reinforced the non-significant CRT growth trends demonstrated in case studies.

      • The equivariant J-homomorphism

        French, Christopher Perkins The University of Chicago 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        May's <italic>J</italic>-theory diagram is generalized to an equivariant setting. To do this, equivariant orientation theory for equivariant periodic ring spectra (such as <italic>KO<sub>G</sub></italic>) is developed, and classifying spaces are constructed for this theory, thus extending the work of Waner. Moreover, <italic>Spin</italic> bundles of dimension divisible by 8 are shown to have canonical <italic>KO<sub>G</sub></italic>-orientations, thus generalizing work of Atiyah, Bott, and Shapiro. Fiberwise completions for equivariant spherical fibrations are constructed, also on the level of classifying spaces. When <italic> G</italic> is an odd order <italic>p</italic>-group, this allows for a classifying space formulation of the equivariant Adams conjecture. It is also shown that the classifying space for stable fibrations with fibers being sphere representations completed at <italic>p</italic> is a delooping of the 1-component of <math> <f> Q<inf>G</inf><fen lp="par">S<sup>0</sup><rp post="par"></fen><sup> <hsp sp="0.167"><a><ac></ac><ac>&d4;</ac></a></sup><inf>p</inf> </f> </math>. The “Adams-May square,” relating generalized characteristic classes and Adams operations, is constructed and shown to be a pull-back after completing at <italic>p</italic> and restricting to <italic>G</italic>-connected covers. As a corollary, the canonical map from the <italic>p</italic>-completion of <math> <f> J<sup>k</sup><inf>G0</inf></f> </math> (the <italic>G</italic>-connected cover of the fiber of <math> <f> <g>y</g></f> </math> − 1) to the <italic>G</italic>-connected cover of <math> <f> Q<inf>G</inf><fen lp="par">S<sup>0</sup><rp post="par"></fen><sup> <hsp sp="0.167"><a><ac></ac><ac>&d4;</ac></a></sup><inf>p</inf> </f> </math> is shown to split.

      • Three essays on labor supply and wage dynamics

        French, Eric Baird The University of Wisconsin - Madison 1999 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        My first essay addresses the extent to which changes in the Social Security rules affect labor supply over the life cycle. I estimate a dynamic programming model of labor supply and retirement behavior. Individuals in my model are uncertain of future health and wage realizations, and they are allowed to save. Previous structural models of retirement behavior typically ignore savings or assume that individuals are certain of future health and wage realizations. To estimate preference parameters for work and consumption, I use the Method of Simulated Moments. I estimate life cycle profiles for assets, hours worked, and labor force participation rates using Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) data. I then generate a large number of simulated individuals who face health and wage uncertainty that is estimated using PSID data. Preference parameters that cause the simulated individuals to have similar asset, hours worked, and labor force participation profiles to the profiles estimated from data are considered the true preference parameters. Simulations from my model indicate large behavioral responses to changes in the Social Security rules at young ages. In my second essay, I use data on high frequency (i.e. year to year) changes in hours and wages to estimate the intertemporal elasticity of substitution. I focus on the effect of measurement error on estimates of the intertemporal elasticity of substitution, something few previous studies have done. I use data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics Validation Study (PSIDVS) to correct for measurement error in the PSID. When accounting for measurement error, I estimate the intertemporal elasticity of substitution equal to −.3. The −.3 estimate of the intertemporal elasticity of substitution is evidence against the common assumption that the wage is a “sufficient statistic” for productivity. Instead, the evidence supports models of implicit contracts. In my third essay, I estimate a learning-by-doing model using PSID data. By working longer hours in the present, an individual receives higher wages in the future. Estimates reveal that by increasing hours worked in a given year by 10%, next year's wage should increase by 1%.

      • Volume I: The Composite Instrument: Pitch, Percussion, and Instrumental Transformation in Michael Colgrass's deja vu, Volume II: Symphony for Percussion Quartet and Wind Ensemble

        French, Daniel E University of California, Los Angeles 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Volume I: Michael Colgrass's deja vu is one composer's attempt at rejuvenation of the orchestral medium, yielding intriguing but limited results. The work, for percussion quartet and orchestra, reimagines the role of percussion in the orchestra in three fundamental ways. First Colgrass, expands the percussion and places the quartet at the head of the stage to equalize sonic power with the orchestra. Second, Colgrass uses instrumental and orchestrational techniques to strengthen the pitch content of traditionally 'unpitched' percussion and, third, treats the percussion as equal partners in motivic transactions. The monograph begins with a discussion of sound and auditory perception and a cataloguing of terminology before proceeding to a discussion of organology. The concept of the 'composite instrument' as a tool of orchestrational analysis is introduced and explored throughout. VOLUME II: Symphony for Percussion Quartet and Wind Ensemble, in four movements, is my attempt at integration of percussion within the large instrumental ensemble---in this case, a large wind ensemble. Beyond the four-movement structure, the symphony is subjected to a number of higher levels of organization. First, and most notably, each movement engages a different type of percussion---the first movement membranophones (drums), the second malleted percussion (vibraphones and marimbas), the third metallic percussion (bells of various sorts), and the fourth Latin percussion. The second and third movements are tone poems and self-contained pieces within the larger symphonic structure, while the first and fourth movements are musical mosaics of sort, assembled from fragments of shared musical material. The high point of the work comes at the end of the third movement and features a long cacophony of bells sounds over a brass climax. As a symphony, the entire work is constructed from common musical materials, with inter-movement references and organization. Crucially, and like Colgrass's deja vu, my symphony is not a concerto, where the quartet would assume a preeminent role, but my attempt at a unified ensemble of percussion and wind ensemble.

      • Just Deserts: Losing Origen and Gaining Retributive Judgment in the Hagiographical Literature of the Early Byzantine World

        French, Todd Edison Columbia University ProQuest Dissertations & These 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The rise in production and distribution of Christian Hagiography in the Early Byzantine Empire points towards a unique moment in Christian History. The role of the saint was moved from the margins to a central and dynamic position within the church hierarchy and broader religious landscape. Meeting the pagan claims of power and prestige, hagiographers crafted a saint that was more retributive than the earlier martyrologies and histories. The ascetic took on a role that was more akin to God's agent than suffering stranger. The deserts of Syria, Palestine and Egypt become the territory of struggle against a world that had fallen out of step with God's will, but was slowly being corrected. This research looks for reasons as to why this prominent form of literature became more deliberately retributive through its progression toward the sixth century. A major focus of the argument will be the influence that Origen had on Christian theological interpretation. Beginning with a section on Origen, this research will move on through the five most prominent hagiographical compilations in late antiquity. In the end, it will show that each of these hagiographers' relationship with Origen's teaching and subsequent communities yielded a particular flavor of hagiography on a spectrum of retributive justice. Finally, it will take into account the influence that the development of a structured system of law under Justinian had on the religious outlook of various later works.

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