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      • 만성적 과부하에 따른 골격근의 수축특성과 근섬유 Isoform 조성의 변화 분석

        유덕수,권혁중,권만근 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.14 No.2

        The effects of chronic overload by synergist ablation (SA) on fiber type, myosin heavy chain (MyoHC) isoforms, and contractile properties in the rat plantaris muscle were studied. Plantaris muscle was overloaded by bilateral removal of its synergist of gastrocnemius muscle in Fischer 344 female rats (aged 8 pweeks). Muscles of sham-operated legs served as controls. The overloaded plantaris was 20% heavier than control 3 week after SA. Overload by SA resulted in remarkable increases in cross-sectional areas of muscle fibers of all types : however the percentage increase was less in type Ⅱb fibers. Twitch contraction and half-relaxation time before and after tetanus did not change, but fatigue resistance increased significantly with overload. The percentage of area occupied by type Ⅱb fibers, which have lower oxidative capacity, decreased while the percentage of area occupied by other type Ⅱ fibers, but not tupe I fibers, increased. Analysis of MyoHC isoforms with gradient sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed a decrease in Ⅱb isoforms and an increase in Ⅱd isoforms. There results suggest that chronic overload produces changes in muscle fiber type and MyoHC isoform compositions which partly account for increased fatigue resistance in overloaded muscles.

      • 韓國産石膏와 中國産石膏의 成分分析 및 效能比較

        安德均,李尙仁 慶熙大學校 1989 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        In order to study the pharmacological effects of Gypsum, this paper deals with a comparison of the components and the contents in Korean and Chinese Cypsum, and it was studied on the laxative action of mice administered by two kinds of Cypsum. The results were as follows. 1. As the result of qualitative analysis. Fe, Mg, Mn, Ti were equal in Chinese and Korean Cypsum, but Si, Cu, Ca, Al, Sr, Cr were not equal one another. 2 As the result of quantative analysis, the contents of Mn, Ti, Cr were equal, but that of Si was remarkable in Korean Cypsum, and that of Ca was more in Chinese Cypsum. 3. In the experiment of the laxative action of mice, only drug processed Chinese Cypsum was significant. According the the above results. Korean Cypsum is able to be substituted, but not long. Therefore, it is disirbie for using drug processed Chinese Cypsum.

      • KCI등재

        不謨而合의 정치사상가 南冥 曺植과 鑄萬 唐甄 : Cho-Shik and Tang-Zhen, A Philosophy That Overcame Temporal And Spatial Gap

        金德均 慶尙大學校 南冥學硏究所 2004 남명학연구 Vol.18 No.-

        이 논문은 16세기 조선시대의 南冥 曺植(1501-1572)의 정치사상과 17세기 명말청초의 鑄萬 唐甄(1630-1703)의 정치사상을 비교한 논술하였다. 두 사상가는 130년이란 시대의 차이에도 불구하고 마치 한자리에서 같은 주제를 갖고 토론하며 교유한 듯 여러 방면에 걸쳐 공통점을 지니고 있다. 특히 부패하고 부조리한 정치현실에 대한 강력한 개혁의식과 실천정신은 그야말로 不謀而合이라 할 수 있다. 보통 성리학자들의 성향은 본인들의 의지와는 상관없이 현학적·이론적 공소함에 빠지기 쉽다. 막상 그런 현상은 성리학자들 사이에 빈번하였다. 그런 점에서 남명과 주만은 철저히 이런 성리학자들의 단점을 실천적·개혁적 관점에서 보완해 나아갔다. 이로부터 두 사상가는 정치현실에 그 누구보다 민감하였고, 구체적 개혁정책으로 당대 사회 정치적 부조리의 문제를 해소하려고 노력하였다. 결국 두 사상가는 당대보다는 후대에 더 큰 빛을 발하며 사상사에 큰 족적을 남기었다. Cho-Shik(曺植) was a philosopher living in Korea(Chosun) in the 16th century(1501-1572) ; Tang-Zhen(唐甄) lived in China (Ming Kingdom) in the 17th century(1630-1703). Though they were from different places and generations, their philosophies were directed toward a common goal. If you were to read a book by Cho-Shik, you would be reminded of the philosophy of Tang-Zhen; if you were to read a book by Tang-Zhen, you would be reminded of the philosophy of Cho-Shik. In other words, they shared the same beliefs and philosophies although there was no temporal or spatial connection between them. It might be because they were both interested in Kong-Meng(孔孟) Confucianism and respected the human nature and Neo-Confucian(性理學). At that time, their philosophy was a new idea in terms of totally excluding ideas with no practical application, which was closer to the realism of Kong-Meng rather than to the human nature and Neo-Confucian(性理學). In the period of Chosun, Cho-Shik pointed out and criticized the absurdities in the political sphere based on the justice of history and a moral sense of the human nature and Neo-Confucian(性理學). One hundred thirty years after Cho-Shik, Tang-Zhen made a similar effort to overcome the irrational problems in politics that prevailed during the period bridging the end of the Ming Kingdom and the early Qing Kingdom. The two philosophers emphatically criticized the irrational problems in politics, and they never gave up their insistence on creating a better country because they really were concerned about the rise of the country and defeating social irrationality. Their efforts made them respected by the next generations. Their common goal of serving the public interest might be the reason that they shared the same ideas even though they lived in different centuries and in different places.

      • KCI등재

        1960년대 이후 신유학원전 번역의 현황과 문제

        김덕균 한국철학사상연구회 2004 시대와 철학 Vol.15 No.2

        여기서 신유학은 구체적으로 송명대 철학사강을 말한다. 현대신유학은 이 논문에서 다루지 않았다. 이 논문은 1960년대 이후 최근까지의 신유학관련 원전 번역서에 대한실태를 파악하였다. 그리고 그 번역의 특징과 문제점을 파악하는데 집중하였다. 특히 신유학의 중심에 서있는 주희의 『근사록(近思錄)』과 『주자어류(朱子語類)』, 그리고 왕양명의 『전습록(傳習錄)』과 같은 저술에 대한 번역본을 중심으로 분석하였다 나아가주자학과 양명학의 전후 영향관계에 있던 송대학자들과 명청대 실학자들의 저술에 대한 번역서도 함께 분석하였다. 그 분석범위를 확대한 이유는 번역된 자료가 많지 않을뿐더러 상당수는 선·편역이나 중역(重譯)이기 때문이다. 단, 현대 신유학 부분은 검토대강에서 제외 하였다. 시기별로 번역상의 다른 용어사용은 단지 번역자 개인의 역량이나 문제가 아니라 시대적 추이와도 연관된다. 일단 문자적으로 한자가 일강생활 속에서 자연스럽던 시기와 그렇지 못한 시기에 있어서의 개념이나 용어 선택은 같을 수 없기 때문이다. 또한 번역이 60년대 이전보다는 일강화되었다 하더라도 일본 번역본의 영향이 완전히 가시지 않은 상태이므로 우리보다 더 많은 한자어에 능숙한 일본의 영향도 무시할 수 없을 것이다. 그리고 90년대 들어 중국으로부터 들어온 중국어 번역본도 신유학 원전번역에 상당한 영향을 준 것으로 생각된다. 따라서 이 연구는 단지 몇몇 신유학원전 번역서에 대한 분석이기도 하지만, 시기별 학문 추세를 동시에 가늠해 볼 수 있는 중요한 자료적 가치도 있다. 특히 조선의 국가이데올로기였던 주자학관련 번역서라든가 그로부터 이단시되었던 양명학관련 번역서들에 대한 분석은 철학원전이라는 1차 자료에 대한 번역작업이었기 때문에 번역자체에 큰 의미를 둘 수 있다 나아가 이같은 시기별 번역서 분석을 통해 60년대 이후 우리사회의 급변하는 모습도 아울러 살필 수 있었다. 이 점을 염두 한다면, 이 연구는 신유학원전 번역서 분석에서 나아가 60년대 이후 한국 현대철학의 발전도강을 아울러 살피는 자료적 가치가 있다고 할 것이다. Generally, Neo-Confucianism describes the philosophy in Song-Ming dynasty period. In this study, I didn't include the modem Neo-Confucianism, but tried to understand the status and problems encountered in the translations of Neo-Confucianism. Especially, this study was focused on the translations of Jinsilu(近思錄) and Zhuziyulei(朱子語類) written by Zhu Xi(朱熹), and Chuan Xi Lu(傳習錄) written by Wangyangming(王陽明). In addition, the translations of books written by the philosophers in the period of Song and Ming-Qing dynasty also, were studied. The reason I extended the study boundary is not only because few books on Neo-Confucianism were translated but because most of the books were translated partially or a book was translated by multi-people at different periods. The terms in the translations vary from different as generations. It was not due to the ability of the translator, but the social circumstance. At first, the general idea and terms to translate in the different generations would be different. For example, in the past years, people would like to use Han zi(漢字) in Korea, but not in the present. Second, Japanese and Chinese translators might affect the term usage in the translations because some of books were translated from the translations in Japanese and Chinese. Therefore, this study would be important to understand the study trends of each generation as well as to criticize on Neo-Confucianism translations. Especially, the studies on the translations on Juzixue, which was a national ideology in Chosun, and on Yangmingxue which ignored by main current in Chosun, were very meaningful because it was a study on the original source of books. That's why the translation from the original source, itself, would also be very worthy. In this study, you would find how the Korean society has been changed after 1960s. Due to these reasons, this study would be good to understand the Korean modem philosophy since 1960s in addition to analyze the translations on Neo-Confucianism.

      • KCI등재

        4-vessel occlusion으로 誘發한 흰쥐 前腦虛血의 神經細胞 損傷에 대한 大黃의 防禦效果

        安德均,元道喜,金鍾虎 대한본초학회 1999 大韓本草學會誌 Vol.14 No.1

        Neuroprotective and prophylatic neuroprotective effects of the Rhei Rhizoma on the rat's transient forebrain ischemia caused by 4-vessel-occlusion are concluded as following. 1. The neuroprotective effects of i.p. injection and oral administration on the neuronal density of hypothermic rats in the CA1 region of the hippocampus 7 days after 10-minute 4-BO. provided significant neuroprotection at the dose of 500 and 1000 ㎎/㎏. 2. The neuroprotective effects of Rhei Rhizoma extracts i.p. injection and oral administration on the neuronal density of normothermic rats in the CA1 region of the hippocampus 7 days after 10-minute 4-VO. provided significant neuroprotection at the dose of 500 and 1000 ㎎/㎏ against the ischemia-induced cell death when i.p injection and administration was initiated immediately after occlusion. 3. The prophylactic neuroprotective effects of Rhei Rhizoma extracts i.p. injection and oral administration pretreatment on the neuronal density of hypothermic rats in the CA1 region of the hippocampus 7 days after 10-minute 4-VO, provided significant prophylactic neuroprotection at the dosage of 500 and 1000 ㎎/㎏ against the ischemia-induced cell death when i.p. injection administration was initiated immediately after occlusion. 4. The prophylactic neuroprotective effects of Rhei Rhizoma extracts i.p. injection and oral administration pretreatment on the neuronal densith of normothermic rats in the CA1 region of the hippocampus 7 days after 10-minute 4-VO. provided significant prophylactic neuroprotection at the dosage of 1000 ㎎/㎏ against the ischemia-induced cell death when i.p. injection and administration was initiated immediately after occlution. According to the above results, Rhei Rhizoma has showed neruoprotective and prophylatic neuroprotective effects on the rats' transient forebrain ischemia caused by 4-vessel-occlusion. Therefore Rhei Rhizoma is recommended to be used for the prevention and curing of ischamia diseases.

      • 茵陳의 月別成分變化에 關한 硏究

        李尙仁,安德均 慶熙大學校 1987 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        Arthemisiae capillaris Herba is one among those important medicine applied clinically for the treatment with hepatic disease in oriental medicine. The results quantitated capillarine, dimethvlesculetin which is known as main component of this medicine by H.P.S.C. method for the measurement of these components according to a month is that at March, April, May, June, July the author could not quantitate the amount of these components and only at August, September, October these components was acertained. Therefore it can be thought that it is recommended that Arthemisae capillaris Herba ought to be collected in autumn and to be used applied clinically.

      • KCI등재

        천마 (天麻)의 4-Vessel Occlusion으로 유발한 흰쥐 전뇌허혈에 대한 신경보호 효과

        金護哲,安德均 대한본초학회 1999 大韓本草學會誌 Vol.14 No.1

        Gastrodiae Rhizoma(GR), the rhizoma of Gastrodia elata B₁, has been used for the effect of calming the liver(平?) in Traditional Korean Medicine. We hypothesized this effect of calming the liver has relations with the effects of curing stroke. So, this study was planned to check the neuroprotective effect of GR on the global ischemia induced by 4-vessel occlusion in Wister rats. GR extract was lyophilized with ethanol after reflux extraction with water. We induced 4-vessel occlusion for 10 minutes and reperfused again. The number of CA₁ pyramidal neruons were counted after 7 days of reperfusion under the cresyl violet staining. The result showed significant protective effects of samples compared with control group which was administrated with normal saline in the intraperitoneal injection of 1200㎎/㎏ and 600㎎/㎏ of Gastrodiae Rhizoma extracts at 0, 2 and 6 hours after inducing cerebral ischemia. We also observed the same results when it was injected at 30 minutes before inducing ischemia. The extract of GR did not lower body temperature at these dosages. Further study will be needed to separate the active ingredients of GR and study molecular biological mechanism for developing neuroprotective drug.

      • 동화합물내 동의 내각전자 결합에너지 변동과 EXAFS에 대한 연구

        박종윤,이상균,이덕원 성균관대학교 기초과학연구소 1987 論文集 Vol.38 No.2

        동금속과 동화합물 CuI, CuF_2 결정내의 동에 대한 K흡수스펙트럼을 수 백 eV까지 확장시켜 측정하였다. 흡수스펙트럼내 K흡수단의 변동은 각각 2.6 eV, 12.9eV였다. 이 결과는 Srivastava의 VSP 모델에 의해 잘 설명되어지나, CuF_2의 경우에는 약간의 볼일치를 가져온다. 그러나 CuF_2에 대한 것은 이미 발표된 불화합물이 가지는 이상현상과 잘 맞는다. 우리는 앞의 세 시료에 대한 EXAFS조사도 하였는데 일반적 해석방법인 Fourier 변환의 부정확성과 불편을 해소하기 위하여 위상이동의 화학적 전이성을 이용하였다. 또한 시료의 특징을 살려 최인접원자에게만 주목하던 현재의 연구방법에서 더 나아가 차인접원자에 대해서까지 적용하였다. 측정된 차인접원자간 거리는 CuI에서 4.230Å, CuF_2에서 3.270Å였다. 이는 보고된 값과 잘 일치한다. 본 실험으로 위상이동의 화학적 전위성의 간편·정확성 재확인하였다. 차인점원자에 대한 분석으로부터 EXAFS에 있어서 다중산란에의 효과를 무시할 수 있는 타당성을 제시하였다. The extended fine structure of the K-absorption spectrum of copper in copper-metal, CuI and CuF_2 have been measured. The measured edge-shifts of K-absorption edges are 2.6eV and 12.9eV. For CuI, the results is well explained by Srivastava's VSP Model. For CuF_2, the reported anomalous penomenon for fluoride compounds is also observed in the chemical edge shift. EXAFS are analyzed by using the chemical transferability of phase shift for Cu, CuI and CuF_2. In this study, we take notice of the second nearest neighbor of Cu atom of these compounds in the analysis. The distances of second nearest neighbor and 4.230Å and 3.270Å. These agree well with the values obtained from X-ray diffractions. In the case of second nearest neighbor, it is confirmed that the application of the chemical transferability of phase shift is available and that the effect of multiple scattering in analysis of EXAFS is ignorable.

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