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      • Global Warming Mitigation by the Forestry Options in Bangladesh : A CDM perspective

        Miah, Danesh Graduate School, Kookmin University 2006 국내박사

        RANK : 247358

        최근에 들어서 기후변화협약과 교토의정서가 채택되면서, 온실가스효과를 저감하기 위한 범국가적인 차원의 노력들이 요구되고 있다. 이러한 국제적인 요구에 부응하기 위해서, 산림생태계 내에 현존하고 있는 탄소함유량과 그 변화추이를 정확하게 측정하는 것이 매우 중요한 과제라 할 수 있다. 교토의정서에서는 또한 청정개발체제(Clean Development Mechanism, 이하 CDM 이라 칭함)를 도입하여 온실가스배출이 상대적으로 적은 개발도상국가들의 참여와 협력을 유도하고 있는데, 방글라데시도 그 가운데 한 국가로서 앞으로 CDM 사업에 의해 황폐화된 산림을 복구할 수 있을 으로 기대하고 있다. 방글라데시는 지리적으로는 남아시아, 기후적으로는 열대에 속하며, 인구밀도가 높고 산지의 대부분이 황폐화되어 있는 실정이다. 온실가스의 방출을 저감하는데 있어서 개발도상국들의 산림자원이 가진 잠재력을 확인하기 위해서는, 수종 별 그리고 식재방법 별로 탄소를 축적할 수 있는 잠재력에 대해 분석하고, 이를 CDM 사업에서 제시하는 탄소거래체계(Carbon Trading System)에 접목하는 것이 필요하다. 더불어 현재 방글라데시에서 주로 이용되는 화석연료를 바이오에너지로 대체하고 그 효율성을 검정하는 것 또한 CDM사업의 수행에 있어서 주요한 고려사항이 될 수 있을 것이다. 본 연구를 통해, 신규조림 (Afforestation)과 산림복구(Reforestation)가 탄소를 고정하는데 효과가 크다는 것이 밝혀졌으며, 따라서 CDM사업의 추진을 통해 방글라데시에 탄소흡수원(Carbon Sink)을 늘리는 것이, 지구온난화를 저감하는 노력에 부합하는 최선의 방법으로 나타났다. 또한 방글라데시의 탄소배출량을 효과적으로 제어하기 위해서는 산림의 파괴(Deforestation)를 막는 것이 매우 시급한 과제로 제시되었지만, 현재 추진중인 CDM 사업에서는 아직까지 산림파괴에 대한 부분은 크게 고려되지 않고 있는 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 또한 대한민국의 성공적인 산림복구가 방글라데시의 황폐화된 산림을 복구하여 탄소흡수원을 늘리는데 대단히 모범적인 사례가 될 수 있음을 제시하였다. 현 방글라데시는 대부분의 지역에서 아궁이에 나무를 태워 음식을 조리하는 전통적인 조리방식을 보이고 있는데, 이러한 식생활 행태가 결국 산림의 황폐를 가져오고 대기 중에 온실가스를 배출하는 주요한 원인이 되는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 방글라데시의 지속 가능한 개발을 위해서는 바이오에너지 개발사업을 추진하는 것이 절실하며, 이를 위해 한국을 비롯한 국제사회의 협조와 지원이 절실함을 적시하고 있으며, 이와 함께 현재의 낙후된 조리시설을 개선할 수 있도록 CDM 사업의 범위를 확대할 필요가 있음을 강조하고 있다. 본 연구의 결과에 의하면, 현재 방글라데시의 산림은 평균적으로 92tC/ha 의 탄소가 입목 조직 내에 축적되어 있는 것으로 나타났는데, 특히 6~23 년생으로 이루어진 13개 수종의 식재지에 있어서는 그 탄소축적량이 평균 190tC/ha 로 전체산림의 평균과 비교할 때 상당히 높은 수준으로 나타났다. 따라서 앞으로 CDM사업을 통해 황폐화된 산림이 복구될 경우, 대기중의 탄소를 상당한 수준까지 흡수할 수 있을 것으로 기대가 되며, 이러한 사실은 방글라데시가 CDM 을 통해 경제적으로나 환경적으로 큰 혜택을 누릴 수 있다는 가능성을 보여주는 것으로서 앞으로 방글라데시가 탄소거래체계(Carbon Trading)에 보다 적극적으로 참여할 수 있는 토대가 되리라 기대한다. 결론적으로 본 연구는 CDM 사업을 효과적으로 추진하기 위해서 방글라데시가 가지고 있는 잠재력을 극대화할 것과 정책적인 변화를 모색할 것을 제시하고 있으며, 또한 대한민국의 성공적인 산림복구를 거울삼아 방글라데시 역시 황폐화된 산림을 복구하는데 주력해야 함을 권고하고 있다. 또한 좀더 효율이 높은 연료재를 개발 보급하기 위해서 연구개발(Research & Development)사업을 추진할 것을 제안하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구의 결과는 앞으로 지구온난화와 관련하여 국가적인 또는 국제적인 정책을 입안하는데 기여할 것으로 기대되며, 뿐만 아니라 방글라데시와 같은 개발도상국들의 지속 가능한 개발을 위해, 관련국가들의 에너지정책분야 담당자들이나 행정가들에게 주요한 정책지표로 활용될 수 있으리라 기대된다. Accurate accounting of carbon stocks and stock changes in forest ecosystem is necessary for the improved greenhouse gas inventory which was made mandatory by the Uniteb Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol provides for the involvement of deeloping countries in an atmospheric greenhouse gas reduction regime under its Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Bangladesh, a densely populated sub-tropical country in South Asia, has huge degraded forestlands which can be reforested by the CDM projects. To visualize the potential of the forestry sector in developing countries for emission mitigation, carbon sequestration potential of different species in different types of plantations should be intgrated with the cabon trading system under the CDM of the Kyoto Protocol. Fossil fuel substitution by biomass fuel and its efficiency can also be important options for the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects in Bangladesh. The study finds that afforestaion and reforestation (A/R) can be one of the gatest choices in mitigating global warming by increasing the carbon sink in Bangladesh under the CDM. Avoided deforestation also can be a gat option by decreasing the carbon sources in Bangladesh, but this is not recognized by the CDM yet The study shows that the greatest reforestation success of the Repubc of Korea can be a better learning for Bangladesh to increase the carbon sink in the forests. It confirms that bioenergy projects are attrctive and CDM provides complimentary options for international cooperation towards sustanable development in Bangladesh. The study shows that burning of biomass in the traditional cooking stove in Bangladesh has a severe implication with the deforestation and greenhouse gas emission to the atmophere. It also confirms that innovation of the improved cooking stove can be critical to the involvement of the CDM. The results show that tree tissue in the forests of Bangladesh store 92 tC ha^(-1), on average. The results also reveal a gross stock of 190 tC ha^(-1) in the plantations of 13 tree species, ranging in age from 6 to 23 years. The study confirms the huge atmospheric CO_(2)offset by the forests if the degraded forestlands are reforestd by the CDM projects, indicating the potential of Bangladesh to participate in carbon trading for both its economic and environment benefits. The study suggests the capacity building and policy changes in Bangladesh to comply with the CDM modalities. It also suggests Bangladesh to learn the refrestation success fro the Republic of Korea. Researc & Deveopment (R & D) of efficient biomass burning has been recommended for Bangladesh. The outcome of this study will be of great importance to the both national and international policy makers in the field of global warming mitigation. The energy policy makers, administrators and the international CDM investors will find this study critical to the national sustainable development in the developing countries like Bangladesh.

      • IT-enabled process redesign: Using communication flow optimization theory in an information intensive environment

        Danesh-Pajou, Azim Temple University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        How a process is presented can be crucial to the success of any redesign project. Modeling techniques have always played a major role in implementing new systems and redesign projects, and the understanding of the processes through an appropriate modeling technique has been seen by researchers to be one of the key components of a successful project. While historically most information systems theorists and practitioners of business reengineering and redesign have greatly emphasized the chronological flow of activities to model processes, this emphasis is clearly inconsistent with the fact we live in an information-based economy and information is primarily what flows within the different functional units of organizations. Thus, the current focus of business process redesign approaches should be based on information and communication flow rather than activity flow. This focus should grant the designers a richer sense and better understanding of the current processes and affect the outcome of the project. This study argued that a successful modeling approach in an information intensive environment should have an emphasis on communication flow rather than activity flow. This was formalized by developing a set of hypotheses utilizing the communication flow optimization theory and evaluating them by performing an experiment using 210 subjects. The examination of the results of the survey instrument and the outcome of the experimental task indicated some similarities with the previous research. The results of analysis of variance for five out of eight hypotheses were found to be statistically significant. According to this study, the subjects' perception, when using the communication flow approach, as compared to an activity flow approach, was 6.5% higher with regards to the completeness of the model; 9.3% higher relating to visualization of process changes; 5.9% higher in the identification of opportunities of improvement; 11.8% higher when creating an information technology solution; and, 8.7% higher when producing a successful design. In addition, this study suggested that the final outcome of the business process redesign project, when utilizing the communication flow, had a 6.9% higher success rate than the activity flow approach.

      • Vco Adc in Electrical Impedance Tomography Measurements and Physical Unclonable Function for Hardware Security Application

        Danesh, Mohammadhadi State University of New York at Buffalo ProQuest D 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        In this thesis, novel techniques and methods of designing and implementing ring voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) analog-to-digital converters (ADC)s for the application of electrical impedance tomography (EIT) measurements are presented. All the EIT systems, reported so far and have been implemented by successive approximation register (SAR) ADC, have two main issues of 1) consuming tens of mW power due to such power hungry elements as instrumentation amplifier, ADC driver and SAR logic and 2) kick-back noise. In this thesis, we showed that traditionally use of SAR ADCs in EIT systems can be abolished and replaced by VCO ADCs since our taped-out VCO ADC has reached to stunning and excellent results. The measurement results show that the designated readout circuit, in which ADC playes the most significant role, consumes only 90µW power dissipation bringing about the figure-of-merit (FoM)of 0.13pW/Hz which is 9x better than other state-of-the-art works using SAR ADC. Also, using the VCO-based ADC in EIT system, the measured amplitude and phase error of the phantom impedance have been obtained by only 2.8% and 0.86 degrees which are very competitive to other readout circuits. However, this is not the end of story. Since we have verified the superiority of VCO-based ADCs in EIT systems, the main focus has gone for new design techniques and improving VCO ADC performance. In this regard, we took the advantage of multi-stage noise shaping (MASH) architecture to eliminate the excessive loop delay (ELD) issues of closed-loop architecture which was used in the EIT measurement. We have presented two 1-1 and 1-2 MASH VCO ADC in which the first stages has applied an open-loop VCO ADC to get ride of ELD. In the 1-1 MASH ADC, the second stage designed to be similar to the first stage so that brings about a second-order noise shaping VCO ADC while the 1-2 MASH ADC has a second-order VCO ADC in the second stage to provide ultimately a third-order noise shaping ADC. In VCO-based modulators, mismatch of VCOs are unavoidable and affects the modulators performance. In this regard, we took the advantage of using the VCOs’ mismatch to create a physical unclonable function (PUF) response as a hardware secret key. We taped-out this PUF based on the mismatch of VCOs and current steering digital-to-analog converters (DAC)s. Basically, use of VCO as a phase-domain integrator allows amplification of small mismatches with time and and is used to creat an N-bit PUF key from a single PUF cell by quantizing the VCO phase for N cycles. This PUF is highly digital and its energy consumption is expected to improve with technology scaling. The PUF circuit has been taped-out in 65nm technology process with the supply voltage of 1.2V. The PUF chip achieved power consumption of 36µW and the energy/bit of 85 for the 2048-bit PUF response that is more than 12x better than other state-of-the-art works. Intra and Inter-hamming distance (HD) have been measured for the supply and temperature range of 0.9V-1.2V and 0-50C for 4 PUFs and 16 PUFs, respectively. The measured Inter-HD and Intra-HD of 0.4859 and 0.0906 shows the robust reliability of PUF response.

      • A Hardware/Software Co-Integration Approach for Securing Network Infrastructure Using Reconfigurable Computing

        Danesh, Wafi University of Missouri - Kansas City ProQuest Diss 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        In the last two decades, there has been a rapid proliferation of connected devices spanning various application domains. Coupled with the rise of novel computer networking paradigms, such as Internet-of-Things (IoT), edge computing, fog computing, cloud computing among others, experts predicted an estimated 50 billion connected devices by the year 2020. The emergence of these networking paradigms, however, raises critical security vulnerabilities. Such vulnerabilities, as a result, exposes new attack vectors to exploitation by increasingly competent attackers, with ever more sophisticated means at their disposal, at both the software and hardware level.The key reasons for the existence of such vulnerabilities in modern computer networks, arise due to the multifaceted constraints that need to be incorporated. Many current networking applications work under operating conditions of severe cost, power, and resource constraints. As a consequence of these constraints, the requisite computational resources required to incorporate critical security countermeasures are significantly reduced. Developers and system designers for the varied modern computer networking systems are often forced into a tradeoff of conventional security features, such as encryption, authentication, access control, network, and access security. At the software level, these vulnerabilities manifest in the form of unforeseen network intrusions, such as zero-day attacks. At the hardware level, a very serious threat are hardware Trojans (HT), which are clandestine, malicious circuits that can be inserted during runtime in the network infrastructure.In this dissertation, two key security countermeasures are proposed against vulnerabilities at both the hardware and software levels. Based on these countermeasures, an attempt is made to synthesize both countermeasures and propose a unified security paradigm, which can tackle both threat scenarios simultaneously. At the hardware level, this dissertation focuses on the serious threat posed by hardware Trojan (HT) insertion in the field programmable gate array (FPGA) configuration bitstream. Low-end FPGAs are widely used in networking infrastructure and forego critical security features such as encryption of bitstreams to optimize resource constrained deployment. An attacker can reverse engineer the configuration bitstream to insert HTs, which are clandestine malicious circuits, in the FPGA. The proposed countermeasure uses bitstream reverse engineering to perform HT detection and is scalable to any circuit size and topology. With regards to the software level, this dissertation focuses on the vulnerability of deep learning (DL) based network intrusion detection to adversarial examples in IoT networks. Even though DL approaches have proven extremely effective in intrusion detection given the high volume of network traffic in modern IoT networks, DL models are prone to misclassification to minute perturbations in input samples, called adversarial examples. In this dissertation, an unsupervised adversarial example detection approach is proposed which does not require extra hardware overhead for implementation and is based on the intrinsic characteristics of the DL model implemented.As an additional research focus, this dissertation investigates the use of multi-valued logic (MVL) in a circuit decomposition and synthesis approach for beyond Moore circuit implementations. MVL computing provides a larger information capacity compared to binary CMOS logic and is suitable for providing efficient data compression, processing, and communication with the massive network traffic volumes in modern computer networks. Some of the key issues preventing widespread adoption of MVL computing are the complex MVL expressions obtained from traditional logic decomposition approaches and the inefficient usage of binary switches for MVL data representation, communication, and processing. Therefore, this dissertation proposes a logic decomposition and synthesis algorithm for MVL, which combines concepts from machine learning and nanoelectronics. The proposed algorithm decomposes a MVL function to a set of linear expressions implemented by simple output summations, is adaptable to any device technology and radix of representation, and scalable with circuit size and topology. Compared to other popular MVL decomposition methods, the proposed algorithm presents significant savings in hardware overhead and computational complexity. In recent years, small but significant research efforts have been dedicated to usage of MVL in DL classifier design and HT detection. These innovations can pave the way for integrating MVL approaches in the security context at both the hardware and software level. In summary, this dissertation provides a detailed investigation of key security vulnerabilities at the software and hardware levels for modern computer networks, proposes adept and effective countermeasures and in addition, provides a proof-of-concept for a MVL decomposition and synthesis approach for beyond Moore circuits.

      • Sarcolipin Overexpression Improves Fatigue Resistance by Enhancing Skeletal Muscle Energetics

        Sopariwala, Danesh Hooshmand The Ohio State University ProQuest Dissertations & 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247342

        Sarcolipin (SLN) is a regulator of sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA) in skeletal muscle. Recent studies using SLN knockout ( Sln-/-) mice have identified SLN as a key player in muscle thermogenesis and metabolism. In this study, we exploited a SLN overexpression (SlnOE) mouse model to determine how increased SLN level affected, metabolic rate, exercise capacity/ fatigue in whole animals and isolated muscle, as well as muscle contractile properties and calcium dynamics. We found that SlnOE mice were more resistant to fatigue and ran significantly longer distance than wild type (WT). Studies with isolated extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle showed that SlnOE EDL produced higher twitch force than WT. The force-frequency curves were not different between WT and SlnOE EDLs, but at lower frequencies the pyruvate induced potentiation of force had greater significance in Sln OE EDL than WT. SLN overexpression did not alter the twitch and force frequency curve in isolated soleus muscle. However, during a 10 minute fatigue protocol both EDL and soleus from SlnOE mice fatigued significantly less than WT muscles. Although the expression of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation enzymes and isolated mitochondrial respiration was not different between WT and SlnOE muscles, the latter showed higher carnitine palmitoyl transferase-1 protein expression, which could enhance fatty acid metabolism. In addition, lactate dehydrogenase expression was higher in SlnOE EDL suggesting increased glycolytic capacity. SLN overexpression resulted in altered myplasmic Ca2+ dynamics as measured in isolated flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) fibers. FDB fibers from SlnOE mice had a significantly longer decay phase of Ca 2+ transient during a single twitch and also showed a significant increase in store operated calcium entry (SOCE) and basal Ca 2+, than WT FDB fibers. Moreover, the levels of key SOCE proteins like stromal interaction molecule 1, transient receptor like ion channel C 3 (TRPC 3) and TRPC 4 were significantly higher in SlnOE FDB fibers than WT. In addition, we showed that inhibition of SOCE caused a greater reduction in force of SlnOE EDL than WT EDL during fatigue. Furthermore, the increased muscle energetics and improved resistance to fatigue of SlnOE mice enabled them to rescue Sln-/- mice from acute cold induced hypothermia. These data allow us to conclude that increased SLN expression improves skeletal muscle and whole animal performance during prolonged physical activity.

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