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        Echolocation Call Structure of Fourteen Bat Species in Korea

        Dai Fukui,David A. Hill,Sun-Sook Kim,Sang-Hoon Han 한국동물분류학회 2015 Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity Vol.31 No.3

        The echolocation calls of bats can provide useful information about species that are generally difficult to observe in the field. In many cases characteristics of call structure can be used to identify species and also to obtain information about aspects of the bat’s ecology. We describe and compare the echolocation call structure of 14 of the 21 bat species found in Korea, for most of which the ecology and behavior are poorly understood. In total, 1,129 pulses were analyzed from 93 echolocation call sequences of 14 species. Analyzed pulses could be classified into three types according to the pulse shape: FM/CF/FM type, FM type and FM/QCF type. Pulse structures of all species were consistent with previous studies, although geographic variation may be indicated in some species. Overall classification rate provided by the canonical discriminant analysis was relatively low. Especially in the genera Myotis and Murina, there are large overlaps in spectral and temporal parameters between species. On the other hand, classification rates for the FM/QCF type species were relatively high. The results show that acoustic monitoring could be a powerful tool for assessing bat activity and distribution in Korea, at least for FM/QCF and FM/CF/FM species.

      • KCI등재

        Echolocation Call Structure of Fourteen Bat Species in Korea

        Fukui, Dai,Hill, David A.,Kim, Sun-Sook,Han, Sang-Hoon The Korean Society of Systematic Zoology 2015 Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity Vol.31 No.3

        The echolocation calls of bats can provide useful information about species that are generally difficult to observe in the field. In many cases characteristics of call structure can be used to identify species and also to obtain information about aspects of the bat's ecology. We describe and compare the echolocation call structure of 14 of the 21 bat species found in Korea, for most of which the ecology and behavior are poorly understood. In total, 1,129 pulses were analyzed from 93 echolocation call sequences of 14 species. Analyzed pulses could be classified into three types according to the pulse shape: FM/CF/FM type, FM type and FM/QCF type. Pulse structures of all species were consistent with previous studies, although geographic variation may be indicated in some species. Overall classification rate provided by the canonical discriminant analysis was relatively low. Especially in the genera Myotis and Murina, there are large overlaps in spectral and temporal parameters between species. On the other hand, classification rates for the FM/QCF type species were relatively high. The results show that acoustic monitoring could be a powerful tool for assessing bat activity and distribution in Korea, at least for FM/QCF and FM/CF/FM species.

      • 제3분과 : 식생 및 야생동물 ; 쇠큰수염박쥐의 서식지 이용 및 특성

        김선숙 ( Sun Sook Kim ),( Fukui Dai ),한상훈 ( Sang Hoon Han ),오대식 ( Dae Shik Oh ) 한국환경생태학회 2013 한국환경생태학회 학술대회지 Vol.2013 No.2

        야생동물의 서식지 특성을 바탕으로 수립된 서식지 보전관리방안은 종보전의 중심 축을 이며 생태적 특성을 고려한 적합한 관리방안은 보전의 효율성을 높인다. 산림을 주요잠자리로 이용하는 산림성 박쥐의 경우 안정된 잠자리의 확보는 개체군 유지 및 보호를 위하여 필수적이다. 하지만 산림 내 야생동물의 서식지 조사의 어려움으로 인해 정확한 생태정보 수집이 쉽지 않았다. 산림은 박쥐류의 중요 서식지로 평가되며, 박쥐는 곤충의 밀도를 조절함으로써 산림생태계 유지에 중요한 역할을 한다. 곤충성 박쥐 가운데 대부분의 박쥐 종들이 수목을 잠자리로 이용하지만, 현재까지 국내에서 산림성 박쥐의 분포 및 서식지 이용에 대한 연구가 진행되지 못하였다. 본 연구는 한국에서 서식하는 박쥐가운데 대표적인 산림성 박쥐인 쇠큰수염박쥐의 분포현황, 잠자리와 취식지 이용 및 특성에 관한 연구를 목적으로 수행되었다. 2011년 5월부터 10월까지, 2012년 5월부터 10월, 2013년 6월부터 8월까지 제주도를 포함하여 산림지역을 대상으로 산림성 박쥐의 종다양성 조사 및 쇠큰수염박쥐의 서식을 확인하였다. 박쥐류 출현이 예상되는 장소를 무작위로 선정하여 mist-net을 이용하여 박쥐의 출현 유무를 확인하였다. 산림 내 미소서식지를 선택하는 산림성 박쥐 조사는 원격무선추적 장치를 이용하였다. 조사기간 동안 쇠큰수염박쥐의 분포가 확인된 장소 가운데 경상남도 산청군 시천면 중산리(N 35° 19′ 14.32″, E127° 45′ 16.46″)리와 경북 영주시 부석면 마구령(N 37° 1′ 32.36″, E 128° 39′ 17.5″ 5″ )에서 mist-net을 이용하여 포획된 쇠큰수염박쥐 5개체(암컷 1개체 수컷4개체)를 대상으로 발신기 부착후 방사하여 무선추적장치를 이용하여 쇠큰수염박쥐의 잠자리를 확인하였다. 경상남도 산청군 시천면 중산리 일대에서 쇠큰수염박쥐(암컷1, 수컷1) 2개체를 2012년 9월 5일부터 12일까지 8일동안 추적하였고, 경북 영주시 부석면 소백산 마구령일대에서 쇠큰수염박쥐 1개체는 2012년 10월 9일부터 13일까지 5일동안 추적하였다. 박쥐의 활동기간 동안 산림성 박쥐의 잠재적인 취식지를 대상으로 제주도를 포함한 38개 장소에서 154개의 mist - net을 이용하여 조사한 결과, 15개 장소에서 쇠큰수염박쥐Myotis ikonnikovi 49개체(암컷 32개체, 수컷 17개체)를 확인하였다. 쇠큰수염박쥐가 포획된 지점을 중심으로 한 81ha의 잠재서식지의 식생의 유형은 활엽혼효림이 58%로 우점하였으며 침-활혼효림 24.2%, 낙엽송림 12.5%, 소나무림이 2%의 비율을 나타냈다. 경남 산청군 중산리 지리산 일대에서 쇠큰수염박쥐 2개체(암컷1, 수컷1)와 경북 영주시 부석면 소백산 마구령 일대에서 1개체의 잠자리 위치추적 결과, 총 9개의 잠자리(지리산 8개, 소백산 1개)가 확인되었다. 쇠큰수염박쥐는 산림계곡의 교목지대를 잠자리로 이용하였다. 고사된 굴참나무(Quercus variabilis)와 일본잎갈나무(Larix kaempferi)의 수피 내부를 잠자리로 이용하였으며 노각나무(Stewartia pseudocamellia), 당단풍나무(Acer pseudosieboldianum), 물푸레나무(Fraxinus rhynchophylla)등의 생목 줄기의 나무구명, 고사된 가지 등을 잠자리로 이용하였다. 쇠큰수염박쥐의 잠자리로 이용된 영소목의 높이는 평균11.22±5.56m(범위: 2~20m), 흉고직경 21.7±8.70cm(범위: 10-25cm) 잠자리 높이는 지면으로부터 2.64±1.29m(범위: 1.8~5m)였다. 추적기간동안 확인된 쇠큰수염박쥐의 잠자리는 발신기 부착 지점으로부터 반경 1km 이내에서 위치하며 잠자리간 이동을 하였다. 각 잠자리는 평균 1.7±1.49일 동안(범위: 1~5일) 이용되어 졌고, 다른 잠자리 이동시 전날이용된 잠자리부터 평균 79.23±122.91m(범위: 0~358m) 거리를 이동하였다.

      • KCI등재

        쇠큰수염박쥐(Myotis ikonnikovi)의 서식지 특성

        김선숙 ( Sun Sook Kim ),( Dai Fukui ),한상훈 ( Sang Hoon Han ),허위행 ( Wee Haeng Hur ),오대식 ( Dae Shik Oh ) 한국하천호수학회(구 한국육수학회) 2014 생태와 환경 Vol.47 No.1

        Little is known about foraging and roosting habitat of tree-roosting bats in Korea. In the present study, we studied on characteristics of foraging and roosting habitats by Ikonnikov`s whiskered bats (Myotis ikonnikovi) in the South Korea, using trapping and radiotelemetry. We captured the bats at 15 sites during nights (foraging times) using mist-nets. Based on characteristic analyses of forests within a radius 500 m from each capture site, forests of M. ikonnikovi habitat are similar characteristics to the old-growth forests. They foraged at forests dominated by boradleaf stands which are older than than 30-year-old and thicker than 20 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH). We used radio-transmitters to locate and characterize day-roosts of Myotis ikonnikovi, and totally the roost use patterns of three bats were surveyed. They roosted in trees (both live and dead) with exfoliating bark, extensive vertical cracks, or cavities, and thier roosting sites were located about 500 m from the initial capture location. The bats had a number of roost in a short-distance, some used new roost every day and the same roost sometimes were used repeatedly. To increase the diversity of the tree-dwelling bats including Myotis ikonnikovi, management practices that the higher food and roost availablility can be sustained in forests are needed.

      • KCI등재

        Yokukansan Suppresses Gastric Hypersensitivity and Eosinophil-associated Microinflammation in Rats With Functional Dyspepsia

        Shaoqi Duan,Nobuko Imamura,Takashi Kondo,Hirosato Kanda,Yoko Kogure,Takuya Okugawa,Masashi Fukushima,Toshihiko Tomita,Tadayuki Oshima,Hirokazu Fukui,Koichi Noguchi,Yi Dai,Hiroto Miwa 대한소화기 기능성질환∙운동학회 2022 Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (JNM Vol.28 No.2

        Background/AimsHerbal medicine is an important complementary therapy for functional dyspepsia (FD). However, its effect against gastric hypersensitivity in patients with FD has rarely been evaluated. Yokukansan (YKS), a traditional Japanese herbal medicine, is effective against neuropathic and inflammatory pain. This study aims to use a maternal separation (MS) stress-induced FD model to investigate the effects of YKS against gastric hypersensitivity, gastric motility, and duodenal micro-inflammation. MethodsThe MS stress model was established by separating newborn Sprague-Dawley rats from their mothers for 2 hours a day from postnatal days 1 to 10. At the age of 7-8 weeks, the rats were treated with YKS at a dose of 5 mL/kg (1 g/kg) for 7 consecutive days. After YKS treatment, electromyographic activity in the acromiotrapezius muscle by gastric distention and the gastric-emptying rate were assessed. Immunohistochemical analysis of eosinophils in the duodenum and phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase (p-ERK) 1/2 in the spinal cord was performed. ResultsYKS treatment suppressed MS stress-induced gastric hypersensitivity and decreased the elevated levels of p-ERK1/2 in the spinal cord. In the gastroduodenal tract, YKS inhibited eosinophil-associated micro-inflammation but did not improve gastric dysmotility. ConclusionsYKS treatment improved gastric hypersensitivity by alleviating eosinophil-associated micro-inflammation in the gastroduodenal tract. This treatment may be considered an effective therapeutic option for epigastric pain and micro-inflammation in patients with FD.

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