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        Blanc, David,Shvalb, Nir Korean Mathematical Society 2017 대한수학회보 Vol.54 No.6

        We construct a completed version $\hat{\varrho}({\Gamma})$ of the configuration space of a linkage ${\Gamma}$ in $\mathbb{R}^3$, which takes into account the ways one link can touch another. We also describe a simplified version $\underline{\varrho}({\Gamma})$ which is a blow-up of the space of immersions of ${\Gamma}$ in $\mathbb{R}^3$. A number of simple detailed examples are given.

      • 육체를 살고 생각한다는 것 ; 근대 프랑스에서의 신체의 형이상학 (16 세기 - 18 세기)

        Blanc, Florentin 프랑스문화학회 1998 프랑스 문화읽기 Vol.3 No.1

        La rapport de l'e^tre humain a` son corps est proble´matique. Se diffe´renciant de son propre corps, il le juge, le soupc¿onne, voire le rejette. La tradition dualiste occidentale, d'origine a` la fois platonicienne et chre´tienne, a vu dans le corps l'attache mauvaise qui retient l'a^me dans le monde, c'est-a`-dire dans le mal. L'e´poque moderne, du XVIe`me au XVIIIe`me sie`cle, voit en France et en Europe des transformations essentielles dans les conceptions me´taphysiques du corps, dens le cadre d'un changement qui affecte toute la conception du $quot;monde sublunaire$quot;. Le dualisme du XVIe`me sie`cle, renouvle´ par un retour a` la source platonicienne, rend une place centrale au corps. Celui-ci est le ve´hicule de l'a^me, celle-ci la partie la plus essentielle de la cre´ation. L'homme tient dans ce monde-ci un ro^le de cre´ateur, me^me si les chows humaines sont incommensurables aux perfections divines. Dens le cadre d'une revalorisation de ce monde-ci, le corps cesse de n'e^tre qu'un instrument d'e´preuves, une prison dens laquelle il nous faut passer du fait du pe´che´ originel. Descartes poursuit la re´e´valuation des rapports de l'a^me et du corps, influenc¿ant conside´rablement les e´poques poste´rieures. La de´marche des Me´ditations me´taphysiques l'ame`ne a` identifier exclusivement le moi a` l'a^me, le corps e´tant suspect de tromperie et n'e´tant en rien essentiel a` l'existence humaine. Les passions de l'a^me mettent en e´vidence l'influence des mouvements me´caniques du corps sur la pense´e, du fait de la connexion du corps et de l'a^me dans le cerveau. Chez Descartes, le corps n'est plus qu'une machine, entie`rement explicable selon les lois de ce monde. Descartes reconnai^t son imbrication e^troite avec l'a^me, mais il s'agit de la connai^tre pour dominer le corps, et empe^cher les passions qu'il ge´ne´re de troubler la raison. Le mate´rialisme se re´pand au XVIIIe`me sie`cle plus largement qu'auparavant, en me^me temps que l'influence de l'Eglise diminue. La vision mate´rialiste du corps est beaucoup plus positive. Diderot insiste sur son ro^le essentiel. Il n'y a que de la matie`re, et ce sont les impressions succesives que rec¿oit notre corps, et la me´moire qu'il en a, qui aboutissent a` la formation du moi. Le corps e´tant tout ce qu'il y a en nous, la morale doit changer, libe´rant le corps de contraintes irrationnelles. Les traductions concre`tes de ces e´volutions sont moins nettes. La vision scientifique du corps est possible mais la me´dicine n'e´volue gue`re, bloque´e par les traditionalismes de la profession et l'absence d'un biologie. La morale connai^t des oscillations qui semblent obe´ir en partie a` une logique propre. Le processus de civilisation des moeurs appelle lui une mise en relation aver l'e´volution me´staphysique. Comme chez Descartes, c'est l'a^me qui doit dresser le corps, afin de mai^triser ses pulsions $quot;me´caniques$quot;. Mais le but de ce dressage c'est notamment la cre´ation d'une sphe`re d'intimite´, dans laquelle le corps, refoule´, devient aussi objet de soins, d'attentions, d'amour de soi. Les rapports complexes de l'homme avec son corps, la volonte´ de les faire rentrer dans le cadre de la raison, autant que les limites de cet effet : ces proble`mes, et la manie`re dont les penseurs de l'e´poque moderne les ont pose´s, sont encore largement les no^tres aujourd'hui.

      • KCI등재

        Remembering Disasters: the Resilience Approach

        le Blanc, Antoine The Korean Society of Art Theories 2012 미술이론과 현장 Vol.14 No.-

        The aim of this paper is to show how the paradigm of disaster resilience may help reorienting urban planning policies in order to mitigate various types of risks, thanks to carefully thought action on heritage and conservation practices. Resilience is defined as the "capacity of a social system to proactively adapt to and recover from disturbances that are perceived within the system to fall outside the range of normal and expected disturbances." It relies greatly on risk perception and the memory of catastrophes. States, regions, municipalities, have been giving territorial materiality to collective memory for centuries, but this trend has considerably increased in the second half of the 20th century. This is particularly true regarding the memory of disasters: for example, important traces of catastrophes such as urban ruins have been preserved, because they were supposed to maintain some awareness and hence foster urban resilience - Berlin's Gedachtniskirche is a well-known example of this policy. Yet, in spite of preserved traces of catastrophes and various warnings and heritage policies, there are countless examples of risk mismanagement and urban tragedies. Using resilience as a guiding concept might change the results of these failed risk mitigation policies and irrelevant disaster memory processes. Indeed, the concept of resilience deals with the complexity of temporal and spatial scales, and with partly emotional and qualitative processes, so that this approach fits the issues of urban memory management. Resilience might help underlining the complexity and the subtlety of remembrance messages, and lead to alternative paths better adapted to the diversity of risks, places and actors. However, when it is given territorial materiality, memory is almost always symbolically and politically framed and interpreted; Vale and Campanella had already outlined this political aspect of remembrance and resilience as a discourse. Resilience and the territorialization of memory are not ideologically neutral, but urban risk mitigation may come at that price.

      • KCI등재

        Configuration spaces of spatial linkages: taking collisions into account

        David Blanc,Nir Shvalb 대한수학회 2017 대한수학회보 Vol.54 No.6

        We construct a completed version \w{\CG} of the configuration space of a linkage $\Gamma$ in \w[,\,]{\RR{3}} which takes into account the ways one link can touch another. We also describe a simplified version \w{\tCG} which is a blow-up of the space of immersions of $\Gamma$ in \w[.]{\RR{3}} A number of simple detailed examples are given.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        Remembering Disasters : the Resilience Approach

        Antoine le Blanc 한국미술이론학회 2012 미술이론과 현장 Vol.14 No.-

        The aim of this paper is to show how the paradigm of disaster resilience may help reorienting urban planning policies in order to mitigate various types of risks, thanks to carefully thought action on heritage and conservation practices. Resilience is defined as the “capacity of a social system to proactively adapt to and recover from disturbances that are perceived within the system to fall outside the range of normal and expected disturbances.”1 It relies greatly on risk perception2 and the memory of catastrophes. States, regions, municipalities, have been giving territorial materiality to collective memory for centuries,3 but this trend has considerably increased in the second half of the 20th century.4 This is particularly true regarding the memory of disasters: for example, important traces of catastrophes such as urban ruins have been preserved, because they were supposed to maintain some awareness and hence foster urban resilience – Berlin’s Gedächtniskirche is a well-known example of this policy.5 Yet, in spite of preserved traces of catastrophes and various warnings and heritage policies, there are countless examples of risk mismanagement and urban tragedies. Using resilience as a guiding concept might change the results of these failed risk mitigation policies and irrelevant disaster memory processes. Indeed, the concept of resilience deals with the complexity of temporal and spatial scales, and with partly emotional and qualitative processes, so that this approach fits the issues of urban memory management. Resilience might help underlining the complexity and the subtlety of remembrance messages, and lead to alternative paths better adapted to the diversity of risks, places and actors. However, when it is given territorial materiality, memory is almost always symbolically and politically framed and interpreted; Vale and Campanella had already outlined this political aspect of remembrance and resilience as a discourse.6 Resilience and the territorialization of memory are not ideologically neutral, but urban risk mitigation may come at that price.

      • KCI등재

        Induction of humoral responses to BHV-1 glycoprotein D expressed by HSV-1 amplicon vectors

        Andrea Maria Blanc,Mabel Beatriz Berois,Lorena Magalí Tomé,Alberto L. Epstein,Juan Ramón Arbiza 대한수의학회 2012 Journal of Veterinary Science Vol.13 No.1

        Herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1) amplicon vectors are versatile and useful tools for transferring genes into cells that are capable of stimulating a specific immune response to their expressed antigens. In this work, two HSV-1-derived amplicon vectors were generated. One of these expressed the full-length glycoprotein D (gD) of bovine herpesvirus 1 while the second expressed the truncated form of gD (gDtr) which lacked the trans-membrane region. After evaluating gD expression in the infected cells, the ability of both vectors to induce a specific gD immune response was tested in BALB/c mice that were intramuscularly immunized. Specific serum antibody responses were detected in mice inoculated with both vectors, and the response against truncated gD was higher than the response against full-length gD. These results reinforce previous findings that HSV-1 amplicon vectors can potentially deliver antigens to animals and highlight the prospective use of these vectors for treating infectious bovine rhinotracheitis disease.

      • KCI등재후보



        This paper discusses the function of hydrogen peroxide and trisodium citrate (TSC) in the synthesis of silver (Ag) nanoplates through a simple chemical reduction method in ambient conditions. By this method, high purity Ag nanoplates were successfully generated (up to 100%). It was found that the amounts of hydrogen peroxide and TSC added to the solution are key to controlling the shape of Ag nanoparticles from spherical nanoparticles to hexagonal nanoplates and triangular nanoplates, depending on the Ag-to-hydrogen peroxide ratio and the Ag-to-TSC ratio used. This unique shape evolution process was carefully followed by a combination of ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The mean edge length of the triangular nanoplates varies from 65 nm to 100 nm. Polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) is shown to increase the in-plane dimensions of the nanoplates as its relative concentration to Ag increases.

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