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        「西遊記」의 觀世音菩薩 연구

        서정희(Suh, Jung-Hee) 대한중국학회 2018 중국학 Vol.62 No.-

        본고는 먼저 관세음보살 명칭에 내포된 의미와 그의 신격(神格)을 살펴본 뒤, 서유기에 나타난 관세음보살의 이미지를 고찰함으로써 그 특징을 도출하고, 작품 속에 나타난 그의 역할과 의미를 고찰한 논문이다. 관세음보살의 이미지를 분석한 결과, 그녀는 엄숙하고 원융한 莊嚴像을 한 불교의 신이 아니라 예술적 가공을 통하여 인간화, 세속화, 통속화된 형상으로 재창조되어 소설 작품에 활기 와 생기를 불어넣는 인물이라는 사실을 알 수 있었다. 관세음보살의 역할과 그 의미를 보면, 그녀는 취경단을 구성하고, 취경의 진정한 의미가 무엇인지를 깨닫도록 취경단원을 시험하며, 그들이 위기에 빠졌을 때 고난을 해결해 주는 역 할을 맡는다. 이를 통하여 관세음보살이 의도하는 바는 취경단원들을 단련시키고 각성시켜 그들 모두를 깨달음의 세계로 인도함으로써 그들의 정신적 경지를 높이는데 있다. 즉 취경단원들 전원이 불교의 핵심교의 ‘空性’을 깨달아 그들 모두가 圓融無碍(원만한)한 覺者가 되어 영원한 자유를 얻게 하는 것이 바로 그의 역할이다. 이처럼 취경단원들을 각성시켜 대해방, 대자유의 길로 인도하는 관세음보살은 서유기의 스토리를 이끌어 갈 뿐 아니라 주제 구성에 도 지대한 영향을 미치는 주요 인물이라는 사실을 확인할 수 있었다. 결론에서는 손오공 일행의 心路歷程이 우리 정신세계에서 어떠한 의미를 지니고 있는지, 관세음보살의 역할이 무엇인지를 칼 융(C.G. JUNG)의 분석심리학 이론을 시험적으로 적용하여 조명해 보고자 했다. This paper first examines the meaning implied in the name of Avalokitesvara and its divine status. The paper then derives the characteristics of Avalokitesvara by investigating the image of Avalokitesvara which appeared in Journey to the West , and further investigates the role and the meaning of Avalokitesvara. From the analysis of the image of Avalokitesvara, it is found that she is a character that infuses liveliness to the novel by being recreated as a humanized, worldly, popularized form through the process of artistic work, not as a Buddhist god who is serious and has a solemn image. Looking at the role and the meaning of Avalokitesvara, it is found that she organizes a group of individuals who travel to obtain Buddhist scriptures, tests the group to help them to realize the true meaning of obtaining the scriptures, and solves their problems when they are in crisis. The intention of such efforts by Avalokitesvara is to enhance their state of mind by guiding them to the realm of enlightenment. In other words, her role is to help them to realize the core teaching of Kong (Emptiness) and to obtain eternal freedom by becoming a harmonious enlightened being. It is also found that Avalokitesvara, who guides the group to the great liberation and freedom by enlightening them, not only leads the story of Journey to the West , but also is a main character who influences significantly the construction of theme. In conclusion, applying the analytical psychology of Karl Jung experimentally, it is shown that what kind of meaning the mind journey of Sun Wukong and his company implies on our state of mind and what role Avalokitesvara is playing.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        反腐敗小說 淵源考

        徐貞姬(Suh, Jung hee) 동북아시아문화학회 2014 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.39

        The novels, created by many Chinese authors who felt obligated and responsible for pursuing a humane life, and whose main message is expressed in material that reveals and eliminates the corruption of the society, is called the anti-corruption novel. The anti-corruption novel is not a literary symptom suddenly appearing in the 20th century, but has a historic origin that we can find. Considering its background, material, subject matter and descriptive technique, the anti-corruption novel is connected to the condemnation novel in the late Ching period. The condemnation novels are followed by the political satire novels during from 1930 to 1940, and are connected to novels by those authors who advocate the literature"s participation in reality, and later to the reform novels in the 1980"s, and reach their peak in the anti-corruption novels in the 1990"s. This paper studies the historic origin of the anti-corruption novel by dividing the novels that reveal the corruption and the dark sides of the bureaucratic society into 5 categories : (1)condemnation novels during the late Ching period (2)the political satire novels during the Kuomindang"s ruling period from 1930 to 1940 (3)the participatory novels after the establishment of the new China (4)the reform novels in the 1980"s (5)the anti-corruption novels in the 1990"s.

      • KCI등재

        『國畵』에 나타난 욕망과 비극

        서정희(Suh, Jung-Hee) 동북아시아문화학회 2014 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.41

        One of the biggest hindrances preventing the development of Chinese society is the corruption that is deeply rooted in every corner of society. So called "anti-corruption novels" that reveal and criticize corruption have appeared in abundance after 1990. One of the representative authors of these anti-corruption novels is Yuewen Wang. He became the leader of such authors by publishing Guohua. This research studies the essence and the character of Chinese people"s desire revealed in a specific time and place called Jingzhou by analyzing the main character Huaijing Zhu. It also looks at the real aspect and implied meaning of the desire shown in Chinese society by understanding the whole process of how the desire controls, restricts and pushes their lives to a tragic end. The research is ordered as follows. First I briefly introduce Yuewen Wang and Guohua, next, look at Chinese society in the period the desire expanded, and then analyze Huaijing Zhu"s desire for sex and power to understand the implied meaning behind it. Lastly, I study the characteristics of the desire expressed by Chinese people during the period by examining the meaning of the tragic end brought by Huaijing Zhu"s pursuit of his desire.

      • KCI등재

        노인들의 기동부자유 및 만성병 이환실태

        서정희(Suh Jung Hee),박정한(Park Sung Han),우극현(Woo Kuck Hyeon),이성관(Lee Sung Kwan),송선우(Song Sun Woo) 한국노년학회 1983 한국노년학 Vol.3 No.1

        To provide the data for the health and welfare program planning for the aged, 3,631 residents of the Nam Gu in Taegu city whose age was 65 years or older were randomly sampled and interviewed between December 1982 and February 1983. Three hundred-sixty of the interviewees (9.9%) had some limitations in activity and the percentage increased as the age increased. The female (10.7%) had a higher rate of the activity limitation than the male (8.3%) but the difference was not statistically significant. The study population with middle school or higher education (30.1%) had a higher activity limitation rate than the no formal education group (9. 7%) (p<0.01). However, the past major occupation and religion were not significantly associated with the activity limitation. Among 360 persons with activity limitation, 310 or 86.1% had no limitation in daily activity within the house but could not go out of the house and the rest were bed-ridden or needed assistance for toilet or feeding. The persons with the limitation in such basic activity as toilet and feeding accounted for 1.4% of the study population. The interviewees stated that their activity limitation were due to senility without a specific disease in 16.3% of the male and 24.2% in female. The most common disease limiting activity was the cardiovascular disease(40.9%) and followed by the fracture or arthritis (21.4%) and neuralgia (19.2%). The prevalent chronic illnesses included neuralgia (41.8%), respiratory diseases(bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema., etc.) (21.2%), cardiovascular diseases (coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, etc.) (13.4%). The percentage of healthy persons without any chronic illness was higher in male (33.9%) than in female (27.9%) (p<0.05). The prevalence rate of respiratory diseases was significantly lower among the Protestant (16.5%) than those with no religion (23.5%), and lower among the non-smokers (17.3%) than the smokers (26.7%) (p<0.01). The interviewees quited smoking in 9.6% and stopped drinking in 21.4% after chronic Illness had developed. A higher percentage of the interviewees with respiratory disease (13.8%) and cardiovascular disease (17.1%) quited smoking than those with other diseases (p<0.001). Interviewees with cardiovascular diseases stopped drinking (40.4%) more frequently than those with other diseases (p<0.001). In view of the association of smoking and drinking with the common chronic illnesses, however, health education should be strengthened to stop smoking and drinking. Regardless of the activity limitation, over 93% of the study population preferred to stay home with their family and only 3.1% wanted to go to a nursing home.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        추계학적 지진동모델에 기반한 2D Q 토모그래피 수치모델 역산

        연관희 ( Kwan Hee Yun ),서정희 ( Jung Hee Suh ) 한국지구물리탐사학회 2007 지구물리와 물리탐사 Vol.10 No.3

        한반도 남부지역의 세부적인 지진파 감쇠특성 규명을 위해, 기존에는 적용이 불가능하였던 Q 토모그래피 역산을 위한 사전 수치검증 연구를 수행하였다. 특히 강지진동모사를 위해 일반적으로 사용되고 있는 추계학적 점지진원 지진동모델(stochastic point-source ground-motion model; Boore, 2003)에서 사용되는 Q 값에 대한 2차원(2D; 2 Dimensional) 토모그래피 역산을 시도함으로써 역산 결과가 강지진동모사에 직접 활용될 수 있도록 하였다. 수치검증 방법으로는 Q 토모그래피 checkerboard 시험방법이 사용되었는데, 이를 위해 광역 단일 Q 모델의 추계학적 지진동모델 파라미터 역산결과의 지진원과 부지효과 모델 파라미터 값을 이용해서 관측자료와 지진규모-거리-주파수-오차 분포가 동일한 스펙트럼 합성자료를 생성하였다. 수치검증을 위한 Q 블록 격자의 총 개수는 75개(내륙지역=69개(약 35 × 44 km2의 격자크기); 해양지역=6개)로 설정하였으며, Qofη 함수형태의 Q 블록 값은 Qo=100, 500, η=0.0 ~ 1.0의 분포를 갖도록 하고, 파선의 깊이는 별도로 고려하지 않았다. 스펙트럼 합성자료 생성에 이용된 모델파라미터의 정해와 모델파라미터의 역산결과를 비교 하기 위한 checkerboard 수치검증은 3단계에 걸쳐 수행되었는데, 1단계는 블록별 Q의 초기값 추정 단계이며, 2단계는 관측소별 부지증폭함수를 추정하는 단계, 마지막 3단계에서는 최종적인 Q를 도출하는 단계이다. 관측소별 부지증폭함수의 초기 추정값으로는 기 분류된 관측소 등급에 대한 평균 부지증폭함수(연관희, 서정희, 2007)가 사용되었으며, 3단계의 checkerboard 수치검증 결과 최종적으로 추정된 부지효과 모델에는 오차가 발생하였으나 블록별 Q의 정해는 만족할 정도로 추정할 수 있었다. To identify the detailed attenuation structure in the southern Korean Peninsula, a numerical test was conducted for the Q tomography inversion to be applied to the accumulated dataset until 2005. In particular, the stochastic point-source ground-motion model (STGM model; Boore, 2003) was adopted for the 2D Q tomography inversion for direct application to simulating the strong ground-motion. Simultaneous inversion of the STGM model parameters with a regional single Q model was performed to evaluate the source and site effects which were necessary to generate an artificial dataset for the numerical test. The artificial dataset consists of simulated Fourier spectra that resemble the real data in the magnitude-distance-frequency-error distribution except replacement of the regional single Q model with a checkerboard type of high and low values of laterally varying Q models. The total number of Q blocks used for the checkerboard test was 75 (grid size of 35 × 44 km2 for Q blocks); Q functional form of Qofη (Qo=100 or 500, 0.0 < η < 1.0) was assigned to each Q block for the checkerboard test. The checkerboard test has been implemented in three steps. At the first step, the initial values of Q-values for 75 blocks were estimated. At the second step, the site amplification function was estimated by using the initial guess of A(f) which is the mean site amplification functions (Yun and Suh, 2007) for the site class. The last step is to invert the tomographic Q-values of 75 blocks based on the results of the first and second steps. As a result of the checkerboard test, it was demonstrated that Q-values could be robustly estimated by using the 2D Q tomography inversion method even in the presence of perturbed source and site effects from the true input model.

      • KCI등재

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