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      • 로버스트 추정량에 바탕을 둔 편잔차그림

        김부용,신사임 숙명여자대학교 자연과학연구소 2000 자연과학논문집 Vol.- No.11

        회귀모형에 추가되는 설명변수의 함수형태를 파악하는데 편잔차그림이 효과적으로 이용된다.기존의 편잔차그림은 최소자승추정량에 바탕을 둔 것이므로 자료에 이상점들이 존재하는 경우에는 이상점의 영향을 받게 되어 왜곡된 형태로 나타나게 된다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 로버스트 추정량에 바탕을 둔 편잔차그림을 제안하는데, 자료에 수직이상점이나 나쁜 지렛점들이 존재하는 경우에 제안된 편잔차그림이 기존의 편잔차그림보다 매우 효과적이며, 이상점이 존재하지 않는 경우에도 최소자승추정에 바탕을 둔 그림보다 효용성이 떨어지지 않음을 확인하였다. Partial residual plots are one of the most useful tools fur the identification of unknown function of the regressors which are considered to be added to the linear regression model. Since the least squares estimator is very sensitive to the outliers, the traditional partial residual plots based on them may be distorted by the outliers. Thus, this article proposes the partial residual plots based on the robust estimators such as Ll, M, LMS, and LTS-estimator, and it is shown that the plots are more effective than the partial residual plot based on the least squares estimator when the data set has the regression outliers; vertical outliers and bad leverage points.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
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      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        태아 생물리학적 계수와 제대 천자를 통해 얻어진 태아 혈액 산염기 상태의 상관 관계

        문정빈(Jeong Bin Moon),박중신(Joong Shin Park),전종관(Jong Kwan Jun),윤보현(By Hyun Yoon),신희철(Hee Chul Syn) 대한산부인과학회 2002 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.45 No.2

        목적 : 제대천자를 통해 얻어진 혈액에서의 산염기 상태와 제대천자 직전에 수행된 생물리학적 계수와의 상관관계를 알아보고, 이를 통해 산전 태아검사로서 생물리학적 계수의 생화학적 근거를 살펴보고자 한다. 연구 대상 및 방법 : 제대천자의 적응이 되는 산모 중에서 단태임신으로 정상 핵형을 가진 121명의 태아를 대상으로 하여 생물리학적 계수를 측정하고, 제대천자혈의 산염기 상태 및 가스 분석을 시행하여 생물리학적 검사 결과와 제대혈 분석 결과를 상호 비교하였다. 결과 : 1) 생물리학적 계수는 제대천자혈의 산염기 상태와 혈액가스분석의 결과와 뚜렷한 상관관계가 있었고 (p<0.001), 2) 태아 산혈증의 진단에 민감하지는 않으나 (민감도; 24%), 심한 산혈증의 상태를 잘 반영하였으며, 3) 생물리학적 계수의 각 구성 변수간에 정상에서의 pH 하한값을 비교하였을 때 태아 심박수의 반응성, 태아의 호흡 운동, 태아의 전신 운동, 태아의 근 긴장도, 양수양의 순서로 정상 반응의 pH 하한값이 낮아지는 순차적인 반응을 보였고, 4) 생물리학적 계수 중 비자극검사는 임신 주수가 진행함에 따라 보다 심한 산혈증 상태에서 비반응성 (nonreactive)을 보였다. 5) 또한, 생물리학적 계수는 태아의 기형 유무에 영향을 받기보다는 태아의 대사 상태에 따라 결정되는 것으로 나타났다. 결론 : 태아 생물리학적 계수는 태아의 대사상태를 잘 반영하는 비침습적인 검사로서 심한 산혈증의 진단에 유용하며, 임신 주수에 영향을 받으나 태아의 기형 여부에 상관없이 시행할 수 있는 유용한 산전 검사이다. Objective : Fetal biophysical profile is widely used antenatal test for fetal wellbeing, but its biochemical background is not well known. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship of fetal biophysical profile and cord blood acid base status including gas analysis using cord blood obtained by cordocentesis, by which the biochemical background of fetal biophysical profile can be understood. Study design : 121 pregnant women received cordocentesis for various indication, of whom the fetuses were evaluated with fetal biophysical profile just before the cordocentesis. Cord blood obtained by cordocentesis was analyzed for acid-base and gas status. The results of both tests were compared by appropriate statistical method. Results : Fetal biophysical profile showed definite correlation with the results of cord blood acid-base and gas analysis (p<0.001). Fetal biophysical profile was not a sensitive study for the diagnosis of fetal acidemia, but the test could be used for the diagnosis of severe fetal acidemia. Variables of fetal biophysical profile responded to acidemia differently and there were gradual changes among the variables according to the degree of acidemia. Gestational age was important factor for the normality of nonstress test, even after adjustment of pH level. Anomaly did not affect the fetal biophysical profile and fetal biophysical profile was determined mainly by fetal metabolic status. Conclusion : Fetal biophysical profile score is a useful noninvasive antenatal test reflecting fetal acid base status, effective for the diagnosis of severe acidemia, probably affected by fetal gestational age, but not by fetal anomaly.

      • KCI등재

        城隍神 金忍訓 · 孫兢訓과 梁山 · 密陽

        邊東明(By?n Dong-my?ng) 고려사학회 2006 한국사학보 Vol.- No.22

        이 글은 양산 성황신 김인훈과 밀양 성황신 손긍훈을 소재로 한 사례연구이다. 김인훈은 낙향귀족의 후예로서 해상무역을 통해 성장하여 양산을 지배한 호족이었다. 반면에 손긍훈은 6두품계 촌주 출신의 吏로서 농토와 농민의 집적을 통해 밀양을 지배한 호족이었다. 둘 가운데 경상 동남부지역에서 주도적인 위치에 선 것은 김인훈이 먼저였다. 州治를 거점으로 삼은 위에 해상활동을 통해 일찍부터 弓裔 · 王建과도 손을 잡은 결과였다. 손긍훈은 고려왕조 개창 이후 그러한 김인훈의 영향 속에 왕건에게 귀부하였다. 후삼국시기 이들은 친왕건적 내지 친고려적 입장에 선 호족들이였다. 그리고 이들의 그와 같은 활동은, 장차 그 후예들로 하여금 고려왕조 치하에서 중앙에 진출하거나 혹은 지역의 유력자로 군림할 수 있도록 발판이 되었다. 후일 그 후손을 포함한 지역 토호세력이 이들을 신격화하여 고을의 상징인 성황신으로 추앙했던 것은 이에 말미암은 일이었다. 두 사람 중 먼저 성황신으로 추앙된 것은 김인훈이었다. 김인훈이 웅거하던 양산은 본시 경상 동남부의 중심 고을이었다. 그런데 고려초 慶州의 관할을 받는 일개 郡으로 격하되었다. 그러자 梁山人들이 김인훈을 고을의 상징인 성황신으로 떠받듦으로써, 고려왕조에 기여한 그를 앞세워 중심 고을로서의 위상을 되찾고자 시도하였던 것이다. 현종대 무렵의 일이었다. 손긍훈이 밀양의 성황신으로 추앙된 것은, 12세기말~13세기초의 어느 때였다. 농민 · 천민의 봉기가 빈발하던 혼란기를 맞아, 손긍훈에 의지하여 고을 수호자로서의 이미지를 강화할 필요성을 절감하던 토착 유력계층에 의해서였다. 한편 양산과 밀양의 성황신 김인훈과 손긍훈은 조선왕조 들어 규제의 대상으로 전락하였다. 사회의 儒敎化와 함께 전통적인 성황신앙이 淫祀로 지목된 탓이었다. Kim In-hun, a descendent of an erstwhile Ky?ngju noble who had been forced in one way or another to remove to areas of the Silla countryside, became a prominent local gentry in Yangsan district through maritime trade. Son G?ng-hun, a petty district official coming from village headmen who had been connected with those originally of head-rank six aristocracy, grew up into a local gentry figure in Miryang by accumulating farmland and peasant. Between the two, Kim In-hun who had related himself to Kungye and Wang G?n through maritime activities early on, took the leadership of local community in the southeastern region of Ky?ngsang province. Son G?ng-hun influenced by Kim In-hun stood in with king Wang G?n after the founding of Kory?. Their activities like those during the Later Three Kingdoms period made their descendants enter into central politics or dominate local community in the Kory? dynasty. And their contributions of those made it possible later that the indigenous local elites including their descendants deified Kim In-hun and Son G?ng-hun as the god of castle, the symbol of district. Kim In-hun was worshipped as the god of castle earlier than Son G?ng-hun. Yangsan had been central town in the southeastern region of Ky?ngsang province during Unified Silla period. However, in early Kory?, Yangsan was reduced to a lower district kun(郡) which came under the jurisdiction of Ky?ngju. Then the residents, by worshipping him as the god of castle, the symbol of district, made an attempt to recover the status of Yangsan as central town in region through emphasizing on Kim In-hun's contribution to the founding of Kory? dynasty. It occurred in the first half of the eleventh century. Son G?ng-hun was worshipped as the god of castle in Miryang during the end of the twelfth century and the early years of the thirteenth century. He got deified by indigenous local elites of Miryang, who was often confronted with disorder caused by peasant and slave uprisings and therefore felt it necessary heartily to strengthen their image as the guard of district relied on Son G?ng-hun. Meanwhile, Kim In-hun and Son G?ng-hun, the god of castle in Yangsan and Miryang were placed under criticism and restraint with the founding of the Chos?n dynasty, because the conventional worship of the god of castle was criticized as misbelief by Yangban Literati with the Confucian transformation of society.

      • KCI등재

        중국인 여행자의 시각으로 본 식민통치하의 경성

        孫科志(By Kezhi, Sun) 서울시립대학교 서울학연구소 2013 서울학연구 Vol.- No.50

        Chinese people are not unfamiliar with the capital city of Korea or Seoul. Chinese envoys have begun their visits to this beautiful city surrounded by rivers and mountains since the capital was settled in Soul in Joseon Dynasty. After opening the port, with the enhancement of Sino-Korean relationship, more and more Chinese came to this city. Among these people, there were many great names in the history of modern China such as Wu Chang qing, Yuan Shi Kai, Zhang Jian and Zeng Ji Ze who however were sent to Seoul with missions as signed by government and common people had few opportunities to travel there but to get to know this city from text records. During the reign of Japan’s colonization, though Sino-Korean relationship was at themercy of Japan at first, then on governmental communication increased:more and more Chinese with various purposes came to Seoul, especially some Chineses cholars travelled in Seoul for study or research, and for travelling and sightseeing. What they had seen and had heard has been recorded in words which are a great treasure for us to know Seoul under the colonized rule. In modern Chinese people’s eyes, the colonized Korean capital city was no longer the “Seoul” that they had been familiar to, but the one full of modern flavor. There were bustling commercial streets and well-developed transportation system and perfect municipal man agement all of which presented a modern city before Chinese travelers. The appearance of Seoul had great changes while the owner of the city was also changed. Korean people who had been living there for many generations were replaced by extraneous Japanese, reducing victims being conquered. They have nothing to do with the prosperity or the progress of the capital city. They had to live in the places full of dirty streets, a totally different world. The 500-year inheritance of Joseon Dynasty, the majestic palaces and the beautiful gardens in Seoul all reveal the time-honored and splendid Korean culture whoses plendor however was enshrouded by the shadow of colonia lrule. As a traveler staying in Seoul for a short time, some Chinese were amazed at the great changes of the capital city and admired Japanese colonists’ “governance achievement” while most of the Chinese travelers from these changes saw the destroy of colonial rule to Korean people, Korean culture and Korean spirit which made them realize that the only thing brought into by the imposed “progress” and “development” is harm and destroy.


        A gold nanoparticle system for the enhancement of radiotherapy and simultaneous monitoring of reactive-oxygen-species formation

        Choi, By Jihye,Jung, Kyung Oh,Graves, Edward E,Pratx, Guillem IOP 2018 Nanotechnology Vol.29 No.50

        <P>Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are known to sensitize cancer cells to radiation therapy (RT) by increasing the deposition of ionizing energy in their immediate vicinity. However, this process of dose enhancement is challenging to monitor because it is heterogeneous at the sub-cellular scale. Furthermore, radiation damage is primarily mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are produced following water radiolysis. Here, radiation-responsive PEGylated gold nanoparticles (RPAuNPs) were synthesized for the enhanced generation and concurrent detection of ROS in cancer cells and tumors. PEGylated gold particles (20 nm diameter) were functionalized with dihydrorhodamine 123 (DHR-123), a known ROS sensor, to monitor ROS generation in their immediate vicinity. These NPs were able to effectively radiosensitize cells, as measured by increased cell apoptosis following RT. Furthermore, the fluorescence of these RPAuNPs was 7-fold higher after 6 Gy RT due to the local production of ROS near the surface of the NP. Finally, multispectral fluorescence imaging was used to monitor NP-induced ROS <I>in vivo</I>, following conformal RT, in a xenograft model of breast cancer. This theranostic NP system provides a novel approach for monitoring the nanoscale enhancement of RT by high-Z metal NPs.</P>

      • KCI등재

        한국 제주도 근해에서 채집된 갈치꼬치과 (Gempylidae) 어류 1 미기록종, Lepidocybium flavobrunneum

        송영선 ( By Young Sun Song,),명세훈 ( Se Hun Myoung ),김진구 ( Jin-koo Kim ) 한국어류학회 2020 韓國魚類學會誌 Vol.32 No.1

        농어목 (Perciformes) 갈치꼬치과 (Gempylidae)에 속하는 Lepidocybium flavobrunneum 1개체 (체장 910mm)가 2016년 4월 28일 한국 제주도 해역에서 처음 채집되었다. 본 종은 등지느러미 극조가 매우 짧으며 등지느러미와 뒷지느러미 뒤쪽에 각각 6개와 5개의 토막지느러미를 가진다. 또한 꼬리자루에 강한 측융기선 1개와 그 뒤쪽에 2개의 작은 돌기가 있고, 체측에는 불규칙한 파상무늬의 측선이 구불구불하게 뻗어 있다. 이 종의 새로운 속명과 국명으로 ‘흑갈치꼬치속’ 및 ‘흑갈치꼬치’를 제안한다. A single specimen of Lepidocybium flavobrunneum (910.0 mm standard length) in the family Gempylidae, was collected off northwestern Jeju Island, Korea on April 28, 2016. The species is characterized by a blackish body, very low first dorsal fin spines, second dorsal fin rays followed by six finlets, anal fins followed by five finlets, caudal peduncle with a large keel flanked by two small supplementary keels, and a lateral line with an irregular wave pattern. Here, we propose the new Korean names “Heuk-gal-chi-ggo-chi-sok” for the genus Lepidocybium and “Heuk-gal-chi-ggo-chi” for the species L. flavobrunneum.

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