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        국내산 원유 중의 구리 및 망간 함량의 계절적 변화

        곽병만,전연명,김강섭,이기웅,안장혁,장치훈,Kwak Byung-Man,Jun Yeun-Myoung,Kim Kang-Seob,Lee Ki-Woong,Ahn Jang-Hyuk,Chang Chi-Hoon 한국축산식품학회 2006 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        본 연구는 2003년 7월부터 2004년 6월까지 약 1년에 걸쳐 국내의 충청도 및 전라도지역에서 집유한 원유에 함유된 구리 및 망간의 함량을 계절별로 정량한 결과이다. 원유 중 구리와 망간 함량은 계절에 따른 변화가 크지 않았으며, 구리의 경우, 봄($3월{\sim}5윌$)은 $10.10{\sim}26.00{\mu}g/100 mL$로 평균 $13.79{\mu}g/100 mL$, 여름($6윌{\sim}8월$)은 $5.06{\sim}15.41{\mu}g/100 mL$로 평균 $10.17{\mu}g/100 mL$, 가을($9월{\sim}11월$)은 $5.04{\sim}19.70{\mu}g /100 mL$로 평균 $10.70{\mu}g/100 mL$, 겨울($12월{\sim}2월$)은 $6.96{\sim}17.80{\mu}g/100 mL$로 평균 $12.11{\mu}g/100 mL$로 나타났다. 한편 망간의 경우는 봄($3월{\sim}5월$)은 $3.00{\sim}8.30{\mu}g/100 mL$로 평균 $4.87{\mu}g/100mL$, 여름($6월{\sim}8월$)은 $2.30{\sim}6.44 {\mu}g/100mL$로 평균 $3.75{\mu}g/100 mL$, 가을($9월{\sim}11월$)은 $2.81{\sim}6.04{\mu}g/100mL$로 평균 $3.82{\mu}g/100 mL$, 겨울($12월{\sim}2월$)은 $2.25{\sim}9.02 {\mu}g/100 mL$로 평균 $4.48{\mu}g/100 mL$로 나타났다. 대체적으로 봄에 가장 높고 여름에 가장 낮은 경향을 보였으나, 계절에 따른 통계상의 유의적인 차이는 인정할 수 없었다. This study was conducted by using the ICP-AES (Inductively Coupled Plasma - Atomic Emission Spectrometry) to investigate the seasonal changes of copper and manganese content in the raw bovine milk. From July 2003 to June 2004, the milk samples were collected from the two geographical locations, Chungcheong-do and Jeolla-do, in Korean peninsula. Copper (Cu) content was determined in the range of min. 10.10 to max. 21.00 ${\mu}g$/100 mL (13.79 ${\mu}g$/100 mL) in spring, 5.06 to 15.41 (10.17) in summer, 5.04 to 19.70 (10.70) in autumn and 6.96 to 17.90 (12.11) in winter. For manganese (Mn), 3.00 to 8.30 (4.87) in spring, 2.30 to 6.44 (3.75) in summer, 2.81 to 6.04 (3.82) in autumn and 2.25 to 9.02 (4.48) in winter. Those data have shown that levels of copper and manganese was relatively constant but higher in Spring than other seasons, suggesting that the levels were not affected by seasons and different locations in Korea.


        국내산 원유 중 비타민 A, E, $B_l$ 및 $B_2$ 함량에 관한 연구

        곽병만,김성한,김강섭,이기웅,안장혁,장치훈,Kwak Byung-Man,Kim Sung-Han,Kim Kang-Seob,Lee Ki-Woong,Ahn Jang-Hyuk,Jang Chi-Hoon 한국축산식품학회 2006 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        본 연구에서는 2003년 7월에서 2004년 6월까지 충청도와 전라도 지역에서 집유한 원유의 비타민 A, E, $B_l$ 및 $B_l$ 함량을 1년간 분석함으로써 우유에 함유된 비타민의 최근 동향 및 계절적 변화를 조사하고자 연구를 진행하였다. 이 중 지용성 비타민 A와 E의 함량에는 계절적 변화가 있었으며, 비타민 A의 경우 봄($3월{\sim}5월$)은 $35.1{\sim}59.0{\mu}g/100mL$로 평균 $44.4{\mu}g/100mL$, 여름($6{\sim}8월$)은 $36.7{\sim}65.6{\mu}g/100 mL$로 평균 $50.0{\mu}g/100 mL$, 가을($9월{\sim}11월$)은 $28.7{\sim}61.2{\mu}g/100 mL$로 평균 $46.8{\mu}g/100 mL$이었으며, 겨울($12월{\sim}2월$)은 $29.9{\sim}57.8{\mu}g/100mL$로 평균 $43.1{\mu}g/100 mL$를 나타내어 우유 중 비타민 A함량은 여름철이 가장 높고, 겨울철이 가장 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 비타민 E의 경우 봄($3월{\sim}5월$)은 $28.3{\sim}59.2 {\mu}g/100 mL$ 로 평균 $45.8 {\mu}g/100 mL$, 여름($6월{\sim}8월$)은 $39.6{\sim}69.9 {\mu}g/100mL$로 평균 $58.8{\mu}g/100 mL$, 가을($9월{\sim}11월$)은 $35.0{\sim}62.8{\mu}g/100 mL$로 평균 $46.2{\mu}g/100 mL$이었으며, 겨울($12월{\sim}2월$)은 $26.0{\sim}55.4{\mu}g/100 mL$로 평균 $41.5 {\mu}g/100 mL$이었다. 분석결과에서 알 수 있듯이 원유 중 비타민 E함량은 여름철이 가장 높고, 겨울철이 가장 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 수용성 비타민 $B_l$과 $B_2$의 경우는 계절에 따른 변화가 없었으며(p<0.05), 비타민 $B_l$의 경우 봄($3월{\sim}5월$)은 $27.7{\sim}57.9{\mu}g/100 mL$로 평균 $42.84{\mu}g/100 mL$, 여름($6월{\sim}8월$)은 $32.4{\sim}66.1{\mu}g/100 mL$로 평균 $49.39{\mu}g/100 mL$, 가을($9월{\sim}11월$)은 $34.1{\sim}63.7{\mu}g/100 mL$로 평균 $46.69{\mu}g/100 mL$이었으며, 겨울($12월{\sim}2월$)은 $20.6{\sim}61.4{\mu}g/100 mL$로 평균$43.26{\mu}g/100 mL$로 측정되었다. 비타민 $B_2$의 경우는 봄($3월{\sim}5월$)은 $150{\sim}182{\mu}g/100 mL$ 로 평균 $166{\mu}g/100 mL$, 여름($6월{\sim}8월$)에는 $145{\sim}185 {\mu}g/100 mL$로 평균 $163 {\mu}g/100 mL$, 가을($9월{\sim}11월$)은 $149{\sim}180{\mu}g/100 mL$로 평균 $166{\mu}g/100 mL$이었으며 겨울($12월{\sim}2월$)은 $148{\sim}190{\mu}g/100 mL$로 평균 $167{\mu}g/100 mL$로 측정되었다. This study was performed to investigate the changes of vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin $B_l$ and vitamin $B_2$ contents in cow's raw milk collected from dairy farms in Chungcheong-do and Jeolla-do for a year. The contents of fat soluble vitamin A and E were changed as seasonal effect, but water soluble vitamin $B_l$ and $B_2$ contents were not changed as seasonal effect. Vitamin A content in cow's raw milk was as follows [minimum ${\sim}$maximum (mean), ug/100 mL]; $35.1{\sim}59.0$ (44.4) in spring, $36.7{\sim}65.6$ (50.0) in summer, $28.7{\sim}61.2$ (46.8) in autumn and $29.9{\sim}57.8$ (43.1) in winter. In case of vitamin E was as follows [minimum${\sim}$maximum (mean), ug/100 mL]; $28.3{\sim}59.2$ (45.8) in spring, $39.6{\sim}69.9$ (58.8) in summer, $35.0{\sim}62.8$ (46.2) in autumn and $26.0{\sim}55.4$ (41.5) in winter. In case of vitamin $B_l$ was as follow [minimum${\sim}$maximum (mean), ug/100 mL]; $27.7{\sim}57.9$ (42.84) in spring, $32.4{\sim}66.1$ (49.39) in summer, $34.1{\sim}63.7$ (46.69) in autumn and $20.6{\sim}61.4$ (43.20 in winter. The amounts of vitamin $B_2$ in cow's raw milk was as follows [minimum${\sim}$maximum (mean), ug/100 mL]; $150{\sim}182$ (160 in spring, $145{\sim}185$ (163) in summer, $149{\sim}180$ (166) in autumn and $148{\sim}190$ (167) in winter.

      • 고속철도역의 연계환승시설 서비스 수준 평가

        한성엽(Han Sung-Yoeb),김강섭(Kim Kang-Seob),박민규(Park Min-Kyu),김시곤(Kim Si-Gon) 한국철도학회 2009 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.5월

        The introduction of KTX (Korea Train eXpress) provided passengers with a much faster mode of transport, and KTX has become a model railway system. Express railway stations are emphasized as public transit transfer centers, but their service evaluations were not performed appropriately so far. It is possible to know the level of service by developing valuation criteria for their evaluations. The evaluation of transfer centers mainly consists of two parts; connective service with other travel modes, and transfer service inside transfer stations. Connection is defined as the inter-connection of multi-transportation vehicles, and transfer means that a passenger changes his travel mode to another. Such connective service and transfer service are evaluated by the level of service in terms of transfer facilities, the appropriateness of station layout and the quality of information throughout the facilities. We developed the service evaluation indicators of connective facilities and referred to the indicators of transfer facilities. We examined the 7 stations in Korea that are currently in operation and standardized the methodology of the evaluation process by applying the indicators suggested in this study.

      • 철도비상사고 대비 비상대응 시나리오 설정 및 기관사 행동요령 도출방안 : 공항철도 사례

        신종현(Shin Jong-Hyun),김시곤(Kim Si-Gon),김강섭(Kim Kang-Seob) 한국철도학회 2008 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        This article is about a new law of railroad industry has come into effect in 2004 and that left the railroad company operated under the private system. Accordingly, it has to encounter a variety of managers on the railroad safety part too. Incheon Airport Railroad that was, from Incheon International Airport to Kimpo Airport, opened to traffic on the 23th March, 2007 as the first private railroad company in Korea. This railroad company is working hard to be a safe and convenient airport railroad. There is not operated an effective emergency response that the railroad company and the emergency response personnel without standard operation procedure, recently. The original emergency manual and the emergency procedure of the synthesized railroad safety development business. I am proposing to establish the emergency response scenario according to the different situations that the train operator.

      • 통행거리에 따른 합리적인 통행수단선택 모형 구축방안 연구 : 경부고속철도 대상

        조항웅(Cho Hang-ung),이승용(Lee Seung-yeung),김강섭(Kim Kang-seob) 한국철도학회 2009 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.5월

        본 연구의 2004년 4월 서울~부산의 고속철도 1단계 개통으로 기존 육상교통수단의 변화와 역세권 중심으로 생활권의 패턴변화가 발생하고 있다. 고속철도 개통으로 서울~부산구간 통행시간이 4시간 10분에서 2시간 40분으로 단축되어, 이로 인한 인구의 이동, 기업이 입지, 공간구조의 개편 등 수단선택의 행태변화가 발생하고 있다. 본 연구는 서울~천안/아산, 서울~대전, 서울~대구, 서울~부산을 대상으로 고속철도 개통 후 발생하는 수단선택의 형태변화을 조사하여 이로부터 향후 수단선택에 영향을 미치는 인자를 분석하고자 한다. 이러한 1단계의 고속철도 개통으로 인한 대상지역의 수단선택의 행태변화를 분석하여 향후 경부고속철도 2단계, 호남고속철도 개통으로 인한 거리별, 지역별, 수단별 형태의 변화 분석을 통해 정확한 수단변화를 통하여 도시공간구조개편, 광역교통체계의 계획시 좀 더 정확한 분석을 수행할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. The Korea high speed train was launched from Seoul to Busan of 1st construction phase at 1st April, 2004. This huge project will be lead to a great change in korean society such as existing mode choice behavior change and the concentrating on KTX station zone lifestyle pattern's change. With the result to opening high speed train railway was diminished train journey time between Seoul to Busan from 4 hours 10 minute to 2 hours 40 minutes, and has been change population movement, favorite location of corporation headquarters, existing metropolitan transportation pattern and so on. In the middle of this study, I choose to analyse Seoul-Cheonan/Asan stations, Seoul-Deajeon stations, Seoul-Deagu stations, Seoul-Pusan stations . This study have a information to analyse among as like movement of population, status of employee structure, usage of land, movement inland transportation mode. I sure that this study will lead to helpful prediction both 2nd phase of Kyoung-bu high-speed railway and Ho-nam high-speed railway in advance.

      • KCI등재

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