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      • 제주도 목야지내 독초의 분포상황 및 그 성분에 관한 조사 연구

        양기,김승호,이정택 제주대학교 1974 논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        We, investigators made a survey on the species, regional distribution and toxic chemical components of the poisonous plants in Cheju island from March to Nov. 1974. The results obtained were as follows : 1. If not all, 86 species(65 spp. of herbs(inbolvlng ergot), 21 spp. of shrubs) within 42 families of the poisonous plants distributed in this Cheju area were classified. 2. According to their regional distribution, 36 spp, were in wild, field, 34 spp. in jungle area, 21 spp. in inhabited region, 15 spp. in a region of seashore, 5 spp. in a mountainous area. 3. And according to their toxic chemical components or poisoning types, they were classified as 7 spp. of cyanogenetic plants, 8 spp. of photosensitization, 6 spp. of oxalate-producing plants, 3 spp. of producing a thiamine deficiency, 2 spp. of teratogenetic effect, 1 sp (ergot) of gangrene production and 59 spp. of the other activities. 4. Actually, the bracken fern(Pteridium nquilinum) is a most problematic poisonous plant in livestock, because it is so high in frequecy or in this Cheju island. But, of course, it will be a nonsense to despise lots of the other poisonous plants.

      • 제주도의 유독식물에 대한 조사연구

        양기 제주대학교 농과대학 제주도축산문제연구소 1986 畜産論叢 Vol.1 No.1

        Because c very little information available regarding the poisonous plants distributed in Cheju-lsland, the author made a survey of such plants from March. 1974 to Dec., 1977. The results obtained were as follows: 1. If not all, 68 families, 137 genera and 190 species of poisonous plants distributed in Cheju-island were classified. And 190 species were divided into 137 spp. of herbs, 45 spp. of shrubs, 3 spp. of molds and 5 spp. of toadstools. 2. Relatively, a large number of poisonous plants were distributed in wild field. Jungle area, inhabited region, seashore and high mountainous area took next place gradually by the number of plants. 3. And according to their toxic chemical components or poisoning types, they were clas-sified as 16 spp. of cyanogenetic plants, 14 spp. of oxalate-producing plants, 14 spp. of nitrate-producing plants, 10 spp. of photosensitization and 136 spp. of the other activities.

      • 제주 곽지유적에서 출토된 말 뼈의 골학적 관찰

        양기,신태균,김승호 제주대학교 1993 논문집 Vol.37 No.-

        Equine bones including one phalanx 3 and three teeth excavated from Kwakji archaeological site, were morphologically examined, Compared with the Cheju pony and the Thoroughbred horse, the significance of the observations were tentatively evaluated. It was suggestied that the larger-limbed horses than the present Cheju pony inhabited in ancient Cheju island.

      • 濟州道에 있어서 主要家畜疾患에 대한 根本的 豫防策

        梁奇千,高孜明 제주대학교 1983 논문집 Vol.15 No.-

        著者 等은 濟州道에 있어서 지난 3~5年 동안의 主要 家畜疾病이 發生狀況 그에 對한 對策을 調査硏究하였던바 다음과 같은 結論을 얻었다. 現在 發生되고 있는 主要疾病(發生率順) 가. 傳染病 소 : 파이로푸라즈마病, 傳染性鼻氣管炎, 傳染性角結膜炎, 부르셀라病, 氣腫疽, 炭疽 돼지 : 豚콜레라, 살모넬라症 닭 : 뉴켓슬病 나. 一般疾病 소 : 胃腸炎, 肺炎, 고사리中毒, 犢午白痢, 繁殖障, 碍疾患 돼지 : 胃腸炎, 肺炎, 仔豚下痢 警戒하여야 할 질병 소 : Mucosal病, Babesiosis, Anaplasmosis, 有毒殖物에 의한 中毒 돼지 : 豚丹毒, 日本腦炎, 파보바이러스感染症, 萎縮性鼻炎, 마이코푸라즈마肺炎 및 Pasteurella感染症 닭 : 雛白痢, 鷄痘, 腦脊隨炎, 白血病, 마렉크病, 살모넬라症, 콕시듐症 根本的 對策 가. 衛生 및 防疫의 重要性에 對한 意識提高 나. 導入牛에 對한 飼育方法의 改善 다. 草地改良과 良質의 飼料確保 라. 濟州道 與件에 알맞는 家畜品種 選擇과 畜種改良 마. 畜主나 管理人을 爲한 定期的 家畜防疫세미나 開催 바. 人工授精師 및 獸醫師의 資質向上을 爲한 定期的 補修敎育의 效果的 運營. 사. 衛生業務分野의 處遇改善과 機能强化 아. 家畜傳染病 豫防 Vaccine 및 主要治料藥品의 國內生産督勵 및 質的向上 자. 家畜業者등의 生産意欲鼓吹를 爲한 畜産物 價格의 適正線保障 On the basis of our investigation into the occurence and control measures of major domestic animal diseases in Jeju-Do, the following conclusions have been reached. 1. Major contributing diseases of current importance(in order of occurence) a) Contagious diseases. Cattles : Piroplasmosis, IBR, IBK, Brucellosis, Blackleg, Anthrax Swine : Hog cholera, Salmonellosis Poultry : Newcastle diseases. b) Unepizootic diseases. Cattles : Gastroenteritis, Pneumonia Bracken poisoning, Calf's diarrhea, Reproductive disturbances, Trauma. Swine : Gastroenteritis, Pneumonia, Piglet's diarrhea 2. Other diseases requiring precautionary attention. Cattles : Mucosal disease, Babesiosis, anaplosmosis, Plant poisoning. Swine : Swine erysipelas, Japanese encephalitis, Parvovirus infeciton, A R, Mycoplasmal pneumonia and secondary pasteurella infection. Poultry : Pullorum disease, Fowl pox, Encephalomyelitis, Leukemia, Marek's disease, Salmonellosis, Coccidiosis. 3. Principal disease control strategy. a. Enhance a understanding on the importance of preventive measures and sanitation b) Promote the pasture improvement and secure the quality and quantity of forages. c) Improve the feeding methods for imported, foreign cattles. d) Select and improve the breeds for the environment of Jeju-Do. e) Sponsor seminars on disease prevention for ranchers and ranch managers. f) Effective annual seminars for the advancement of abilities of veterinarians and artificial insemination experts. g) Promote the performance of disease control and hygiene regulatory agents by improving their salaries andwages. h) Recommend the domestic production and quality enhancement of major therapeutic drugs and vaccines. i) To encourage the productivity of ranchers and farmers, ensure an equitable market price level for livesock prnducts.

      • Holstein 송아지에 있어서 中等度의 倂發性 鼓脹症으로 인한 斃死例

        梁奇千 제주대학교 1978 논문집 Vol.10 No.-

        Two Holstein calves were come to sudden deaths resulted from a moderate intercurrent acute bloat without earlier symptoms on Oct. 7 and Oct. 31, 1978. These two calves showed the results summarized as follows through a routine postmortem examination and blood smear. Case 1: This female calf, 14 months old, was in progress with moderate bracken poisoning. In addition, the intercurrent ruminal bloat outbreak was fatal dicisively with a potentiate general anoxia through difficulty in general circulation and dyspnea. Case 2: This male calf, 3 months old, had been suffered from superinfections of chronic bronchopneumonia, calculus within ureter and anemia. As a result of these ab normalities, this calf was in a state of cachexia and loss of enteric peristaltic movement with resulted from chronic peritonitis was observed. Moreover, the intercurent acute ruminal bloat followed from overloading feed with combined fodder was fatal definitively. The above mentioned two cases of sudden deaths suggested that an intercurrent bloat, even if it's not a severe case, might be fatal in a state of erythropenic anemia which resulted from braken poisoning and other causes. Also, in general cachexia and declines of enteric peristalsis, the fatal secondary bloat might be developed easily by overloading feed.

      • 진드기에 대한 화학적 구제 시험

        양기,이정택,윤화중 제주대학교 1970 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        The authors obtained the following results from the research project they completed in the laboratory, the experimental animal stalls of Cheju college and the south area of Cheju-do. The strains of ticks used in the research were Boophilus microplus and Haemaphysalis bispinosa. The ticks which were present in the south area of Cheju-do seemed to have a resistance to the chlorinated hydrocarbons. The effects of each ixodicide were as folows: Organic phosphorous insecticides were most effective and Carbomates (especially Sevin(0.5%) were effective but not so good as the organic phosphatos. And the chlorinated hydrocarbons were poor in tickicidal. effect, but r-BHC (0.03%) and Dieldrin(0.1%)were better than the other Chlorinated hydrocarbons. Among the Organic phosphates, Dursban (0.03%) and Dipterex(0.1%) were most effective and Asuntol(0.05%) was also effective. In various compounds, MBD(0.1%) (Compound of malathion, r-BHC and DDT), DA(0.1%) (Compoud of Dipterex and Aldrin) and MA(0.1%) (Compoud of Malathion and Aldrin) were most effective. These compounds were much better in tickicidal effect and toxicity than the Organic phosphates and Chlorinated hydrocarbons alone. As a result, the authors now recommend MBD, DA, MA and Dipterex as the most practical ixodicides in this year for Cheju area by reason of their effectiveness, lower cost and low toxicity.

      • Carbon Tetrachloride의 독성에 미치는 Chlorpromazine의 영향

        양기 제주대학교 1969 논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        The author investigated the influences of Chlorpromazine(CPZ) on the acute CCl₄ toxicity by measurement of S-GOT, S-GPT activities and LD??. Animals used were healthy mice weighing 20-30g and healthy albino rabbits weighing 1.7-2.2kg. The LD?? was estimated by Behrens- Kaerher method and S-GOT and S-GPT activities by Reitman-Frankel method. The results obtained were summarized as follows. 1. The LD?? of CCl₄in control was 10.7ml/kg b. w. for grouped mice. When, however the grouped mice was pretreated with CPZ (5mg/kg.), it raised the LD?? of CCl₄as 14.0 ml/kg. (Table 1) 2. The activities of GOT, GPT in the rabbit blood serum pretreated with CPZ seemed to be increased slightly in comparison with them of CCl₄alone, but it was not significant. (Table 2,3, Fig. 1,2)

      • 제주도 중산간지대 공동목장의 토양, 목초, 육우혈청중 계절별 유기질소 및 무기물 함량

        양기,정창조,김규일,김문철 제주대학교 농과대학 제주도축산문제연구소 1989 畜産論叢 Vol.4 No.1

        Organic nitrogen and mineral contents in so, forages and blood serum of beef cattle sampled in June-July and September-October in 1987 from 12 different pasture areas of Cheju island were determined and the results are summarized as follows: 1. The contents of all mineral studied were significantly different (p<0.01) between soils of different pastures sampled in June-July. and the contents of P, Mg, Fe, Na. Ca and Zn were significantly different (P<0.01) between soils of different pastures sampled in September-October. The contents of P and Ca were much higher in soils sampled in June-July than in soils sampled in September-October. but the contents of K and Mg were opposite to those of P and Ca. 2. N, P, Mg. Cu and Co contents of orchard grass sampled in June-July were significantly different (P<0.01 ) between the pastures, and K, Ca, Mg, Na and Co contents of orchard grass sampled in September-October were significantly different (P<0.01) between the pastures. Cu, Fe, Na, Cu and Zn contents were higher in orchard grass sampled in September-October than in that sampled in June- July. 3. Except for Mg, mineral contents of ladino clover sampled in June-July were different between the pastures, and N, Ca, Mg, Fe, Na and Zn contents were significantly higher in ladino clover than in orchard grass. 4. The contens of Zn and Fe in blood serum of beef cattle sampled in June-July were significantly different (P<0.01) between the pastures and the contents of K, Ca, Mg, Na and Co in that sampled in September-October were different between the pastures. No difference was found in serum mineral contents between beef cattle from different pastures. 5. Serum Co content (0.07ppm) in the cattle raised in lsidore was below the normal, Co deficiency being suspected. Serum contents of the other minerals were found to be normal in the cattle of all pastures. 6. Only Fe content was significantly (p<0.05) correlated between the content of forages and the blood serum(R=0.84).

      • KCI우수등재

        제주도 중산간지대 공동목장의 토양 , 목초 , 육우혈청중 계절별 유기질소 및 무기물 함량

        양기(K . C . Yang),정창조(C . C . Choung),김규일(K . I . Kim),김문철(M . C . Kim) 한국축산학회 1989 한국축산학회지 Vol.31 No.4

        Organic nitrogen and mineral contents in soil, forages and blood serum of beef cattle sampled in June-July and September-October in 1987 from 12 different pasture areas of Cheju island were determined and the results are summarized as follows 1. The contents of all mineral studied were significantly different (p$lt;0.01) between soils of different pastures sampled in June-July, and the contents of P, Mg, Fe, Na, Ca and Zn were significantly different (p$lt;0.01) between soils of different pastures sampled in September-October. The contents of P and Ca were much higher in soils sampled in June-July than in soils sampled in September-October, but the contents of K and Mg were opposite to those of P and Ca. 2. N, P, Mg, Cu and Co contents of orchard grass sampled in June-July were significantly different (p$lt;0.01) between the pastures, and K, Ca, Mg, Na and Co contents of orchard grass sampled in September-October were significantly different (p$lt;0.01) between the pastures. Cu, Fe, Na, Cu and Zn contents were higher in orchard grass sampled in September-October than in that sampled in June-July. 3. Except for Mg, mineral contents of ladino clover sampled in June-July were different between the pastures, and N, Ca, Mg, Fe, Na and Zn contents were significantly higher in ladino clover than in orchard grass. 4. The contents of Zn and Fe in blood serum of beef cattle sampled in June-July were significantly different (p$lt;0.01) between the pastures and the contents of K, Ca, Mg, Na and Co in that sampled in September-October were different between the pastures. No difference was found in serum mineral contents between beef cattle from different pastures. 5. Serum Co content (0.07ppm) in the cattle raised in lsidore was below the normal, Co deficiency being suspected. Serum contents of the other minerals were found to be normal in the cattle of all pastures. 6. Only Fe content was significantly (p$lt;0.05) correlated between the content of forages and the blood serum (R=0.84).

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