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      • KCI우수등재

        프랑코 체제와 대중

        皇甫永祚(Hwangbo Yeong-jo) 역사학회 2004 역사학보 Vol.0 No.182

        Francoism is maintained through a dialectic mechanism of interaction between coercion and consent (or consensus). Through a historiographic overview of Francoism, we have come to know that coercion and consent, which are key to understanding the regime, have not yet been thoroughly studied. In particular, the dimension of consent or consensus that aids in understanding the relation between Francoism and the masses is only beginning to be studied. This analyzes mass politics with which the Franco regime tried to secure the support of the people by either soliciting their passive consent or active consensus; when the regime failed to either, it tried to make the masses indifferent to politics. To more deeply understand the mass politics of Francoism, analysis of the following four subjects is required. The first is the myths associated with the Franco regime, which must have exercised a greater influence on daily life than most people realize. The myth of Franco 'Caudillo' is a typical example. Franco, who was a 'Caudillo of Victory' who was victorious in the Civil War, was rediscovered as a 'Caudillo of Peace.' It goes without saying that this kind of myth was used to either legitimize the regime or Nuevo Estado. The second is National Catholicism, which appears to have served as a kind of political religion. It is well known that political religion held consolidate regimes under Italian fascism and German nazism. The third is the role of education. The myths mentioned exerted more permanent force through the systematic guidance and education given in primary and secondary schools. The fourth is cultural policy, which operated in areas such as films, football, bullfights, literatura de quiosco, radio, television, etc.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 스페인 현대사에 관한 수정주의 해석과 그 등장 배경

        황보영조 ( Yeong-jo Hwangbo ) 역사교육학회 2016 역사교육논집 Vol.58 No.-

        The memory boom that has upsurged even higher in the Spanish society of the early 21st Century eventually get to develop into the debate on the revisionism of the contemporary history of Spain. The conservative history writers and journalists recently have begun to publish a variety of books that have a tendency of defending the achievements of the Francoist Dictatorship, casting a doubt on the progressive interpretations of the contemporary history that have dominated the academic history of Spain. That is, the revisionists have challenged the ``official`` or ``public`` history. Spanish academic circles of history have responded critically to this revisionism, while some of them are giving it positive support. In this paper, we are going to examine what the revisionist themes are, why the revisionists has got to appear at this time, and how the academic historians have responded. We hope that this analysis will make a great contribution to a better understanding of the present and future historiography of the contemporary history of Spain.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        프랑코 정권의 기억 만들기와 그 기억의 변화

        황보영조 ( Yeong Jo Hwangbo ) 호남사학회(구-전남사학회) 2010 역사학연구 Vol.39 No.-

        기억은 집단기억의 성격을 지닌다. 그리고 집단기억은 그것을 보존하기 위한 장소, 곧 `기억의 터`를 갖는다. 그런데 이 기억의 터는 항구적인 것이 아니라 상황에 따라 바뀔 수 있다. 모든 독재 체제와 마찬가지로 프랑코 정권도 기억 만들기를 했고 기억의 정치를 폈다. 내전 초기부터 공화주의 상징물들을 철거했고 프랑코를 선전하며 정권의 합법성을 알리기 위해 집단의례를 제정하고 상징물들을 건립했다. 특히 프랑코 동상 건립과 프랑코주의적 명칭 명명, 기념물 건립 사업에 역점을 두었다. 이러한 프랑코주의 기억의 터들은 프랑코 체제가 사라진 뒤에도 상당 기간 존속했다. 내전이 되풀이 되지 않을까 두려워 이를 문제 삼지 않았기 때문이다. 하지만 전환기 이후 민주주의가 수립되면서 기억의 문제는 다시 주요 정치 의제로 떠올랐고 프랑코주의 기억에 다양한 변화들이 생겨났다. 이른바 역사적 기억 복원 운동이 시작된 것이다. 이 글에서는 프랑코 동상과 프랑코주의적 명칭, 프랑코주의 기념물을 중심으로 프랑코 정권의 기억 만들기와 그 기억의 변화 양상을 살펴보았다. 매우 중요한 분석 대상인 역사서술이나 역사교과서 문제는 별도의 연구가 필요한 주제이다. It is well known that the memory has a collective character and also has a memory`s remains as a place for preserving it. But the memory`s remains isn`t everlasting. It may be changed according to the situation. Franco Regime, like almost all of the dictatorships, had tried to make memories for themselves, which is called the politics of memories. From the very beginning of the Civil War, they had pulled down all kinds of republican images and established all sorts of collective rituals and raised new images, especially such as Franco statue, francoist designation and monument, with a view to propagandize the dictator Franco and let the people know the Regime`s legitimacy. These memory`s remains have survived so long after the Franco Regime disappeared because nobody has raised objections of them out of fear that the Civil War will be repeated again. But after the democracy had been established the memory problem has come up as a main political agenda and the francoist memories has begun to be changed. The so-called Movement for Recuperation of Historical Memory has been started. In this article we`ve analyzed making memories of Franco Regime and changes of the memories, with an emphasis on Franco statutes, francoist designations and francoist monuments. We should also examine historical texts and historiography from the same aspect as this some other time.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        역사와 관광 : 20세기 에스파냐 관광 정책의 주요 흐름

        황보영조 ( Hwangbo Yeong Jo ) 대구사학회 2010 대구사학 Vol.99 No.-

        관광정책, 산티아고 길, 왕립관광실, 국립관광후원회, 관광총국, 파라도르 프로젝트, Tourist Policy, Camino de Santiago, Comisaria Regia de Turismo, Patronato Nacional del Turismo, Direccion General de Turismo, Parador Project

      • KCI등재

        후안 마르치의 변신: 강도 귀족에서 박애주의자로

        황보영조 ( Yeong Jo Hwangbo ) 대구사학회 2015 대구사학 Vol.121 No.-

        Recently, the enterpriser``s philanthropy has been at the center of attention and debate in academic sphere. The philanthropy in a modern sense literally pays attention to the problems of all mankind. This concern has been expressed in establishing a foundation which pursues a general purpose. It is an american historian of enterprise Olivier Zunz who has studied philanthropical activities of American enterprisers in a modern sense. He has enlarged a research area of business history. Now, it is time for us to expand our study to European enterprisers for the purpose of comparative study. In this respect, we need to study a Spanish enterpriser, Juan March Ordinas, who gives us an excellent and pertinent example of comparison. In fact, Juan March had been known for robber baron until the 1940s. However, it was in the late 1950s that he was praised as a great philanthropist. The main reason is that he established Juan March Foundation in November, 1955, and devoted a considerable portion of his wealth to Spanish society. In this paper, we analyze why he started philanthropical activities and what influence the Foundation``s business and activities exerted on Spanish society. We examine these points in his biographies as well as articles of association and activity reports of the Foundation.

      • KCI등재

        아리스멘디가 꿈꾼 협동조합 질서

        황보영조 ( Yeong Jo Hwangbo ) 대구사학회 2012 대구사학 Vol.107 No.-

        In this paper we examine the order of cooperatives that Jose Maria Arizmendiarrieta dreamed of. Arizmendiarrieta, a catholic priest, is the one who was leading the internationally renowned Mondragon cooperatives of the Basque region of Spain. The Mondragon cooperatives are seen the leading alternative model to standard industrial organization. They are considered to be the most successful example of democratic decision making and worker ownership. The Mondragon cooperatives have been the object of much attention by social scientists until now. Here, we deal with them at the history of enterprise level. The Mondragon cooperatives have been the realization of Arizmendiarrieta`s greatest vision. Then, what has been his ambitious vision? What is the new order that he tried to bring an idea to fruition in the Basque region? How has responded the people to his cooperative movement in his time? These are the main questions that we are going to examine here.

      • KCI등재후보

        스페인 내전 연구의 흐름과 전망

        皇甫永祚(Hwangbo Yeong-Jo) 역사학회 2002 역사학보 Vol.174 No.-

        This article has intended to clarify some currents in the historiography of spanish civil war and to explore some prospects for further research. There is close correlation between its historiography and political changes of Spain in recent times because spanish civil war has many sided figures and complicate characters, particularly in its ideological dimension. In the period of civil war and autarky, from 1936 to 1959, it was dominated by an official historiography of Francoism, that is, a tendency that expounded the civil war as a crusade. And after that, in 1960's when Franco regime was trying to incorporate Spain into the capitalist world of western Europe, Anglo-American historians made a challenge for escaping from mythicisrn of Francoism In response to this challenge the Francoist historians also has developed into a new Francoist historiography equipped with sufficient resources and rationality of its own. This new approach continues to be developed in 1970's. 1970's was a period of transition when great changes toward democratic regime were tried to put into effect, stirred up by the death of Francisco Franco. This transitional feature has had a great effect on the study of civil war and has made a great contribution to prepare objective conditions for further investigation. Owing to these conditions, spanish corntemporary history, especially civil war, has been studied with more vitality in 1980's and thereafter.

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