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      • 상품화 캐릭터의 장기화 전략에 관한 연구

        홍효경 경희대학교 교육대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        It is the productivity improvement plan in the bank through introduction of strategic information system that has been presented so far. The success of the future banks inevitably depends on how to provide goods service at the minimum cost. If the cost is minimum, the price can be set also at the minimum, pushing up the market share. So the strategic information system, aimed at higher productivity improvement in the bank, should be developed and built in ways to attain the competitive priority. Cosidering the surging attention to the strategic use of the information technology, its operation calls for the integration of the strategic plan run on a whole company basis, by no means on a basis of the computer department only. To keep in harmony between the bank's starget goals and strategies, it requires the mix of bank strategies and information technology. The integration strategy is possible only through the joint effort of the strategy planners, top management and computer crew. Strategic information system will enhance the bank's productivity in close cooperation between information dealers keeping in track of the information technology trend of information technology itself and information technology planners keeping in charge of the bank's ways and strategies to take. The bank's productivity improbvement plan through the introduction of the strategic information system depends greatly on the organization, man power, money and market. But among these, surging as impotant matters are the effect of strategic information system on the organization and the role of strategic information system. Strategic information system, therefore, must aim at the imporvement of the organizations's and hierachy, in contribution to the boosting of bank's productivity. Strategic information system must also help the network geared to clients, business partners and the market and the bank market-oriented, with the abolition of the organization's peculiar quality. It also requires strategic information system to alleviate both information delivery between organizations and communication for data collection. and to have the business flow integrated beyond the traditional barriers of the organization's function, service and geography. The strategic information system in four points above, is subject to full consideration in making strategies to enhance the bank's productivity, keeping in mind its impact on the organization. Following are the roles of the strategic information system for the bank's higher productivity. First, it introduces strategic information system into a business which cannot be done without the help of the information system. There is a new technique which is impossible without the information system in the introduction of the strategic information system. The productivity centered on the sector must be enhanced. In order to attain competitive priority, the new technique ought to encompass dthe concept, methodology, hardware and software in closepart-relation with the information system. The improvement of the ebank's productivity demands that the users, particularly research crew in the man-power sector, of the information technology made individual effort to develop their skills and intensify training programs. Second, the introduction and application of the strategic information system presumes the formulation of the strategic information plans, based on business strategies or the model for strategic information system. Strategic information plans prepare the application of the information technology to meet the goal of productivity promotion. As it calls for the broad and precise knowledge of information technology, the information-system sector becomes the most appropriate planning sector. Third, the bank information system must be systematically integrated. Planning of the bank's information strategies is to combine strategies and the information technology between managers and current jobs. Computerization prior to strategic technology system called for the data base wanted by the current jobs primarilyt, but the era of the strategic information society accents on the development and application of the overall information system desired by the top management. Ther role change stated above of the strategic information system is the ideal path to take, so far as the bank's productivity promotion is concerned. The main purpose of the bank's introduction of the strategic information is to seek the added value by the means of client service, to enhance the service quality and to make it welcomed by clients. It leads directly to profit expansion and helps it to sustain competitive priority and enhance productivity. Based on the client serbvice, it is necessary to set up a consulting system for the management of fund in the account. By the will of the clients, elevation of client servbice is necessary, based on the knowhow possessed by fund managers, finding out how to divide the fund most properly for high-interest accounts such as regular savings, corporal bond and national bond. Finally, the bank's producitivity improvement plan through strategic information system stimulates the internal productivity of the bank; it covers the productivity of the administration, management, expansion of investement in information technology, promotion of office automation; it requires the integral promotion of client service and the productivitity in strategic information system.

      • 김수영 詩에 나타난 서러움의 연구

        홍효경 明知大學校 大學院 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Begining writing "song of the Court" which is his first works in 1945, He left 174 poems until he died in 1968. Despite existing studies for Kim soo-young's poetry were accomplished variously, Those studies were inconvenienced in the aspect of subject and deepth. Now, It's time to be needed study dealing with Kim soo-young's poetry and whole life inclusive through coherent subject is required. I tried to analyze a mode of mourning in Kim soo-yuoung' poetry based on above motive. First, I tried to analyze mourning from conflict between reality and ideal in his early works. Kim soo-young who pursed freedom and morals as a his ideal of the poetry expressed in his poems gloomy emotion feeling alienation in the deteriorated circumstance and experiencing sudden change which are liberation from Japan colonial rule and war, etc. Second, It is a mode of mourning from which is lyric temperament. His romantic emotion pursuing Utopia make him express another mourning which admit reality unhappy. Third, It is a mode of mourning from which appeared honesty quality for morals. I tried to analyze a mode expressed as wrath resisting Irrationality of society and politics. Fourth, I tried to look Into having benen sublimation of mourning like a seeker after truth showed in the late period of his poetry. At first, Mourning in his poetry was personal and introbert thing which are weak and self-conscious. But, As time goes by, Mode of mourning has been magnified to our national mourning and to all our mourning, and at last, This appears as a firure of love. Finally, His mourning in the poetry was his inner voice and emotion that he likes to pursue, As it were; Freedom and justice expressing restoration of humanity. And he sublimated his poetry to our whole mourning from his personal mourning.

      • 일 대학치과병원 예방치과 운영전후의 환자진료행태와 진료비용변화

        홍효경 조선대학교 보건대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        이 연구는 예방치과 운영중단 전후의 환자진료행태와 진료비용을 조사했습니다. 2017 년 9 월 1 일부터 2019 년 8 월 31 일까지 SPSS 버전 24.0 통계 프로그램을 사용하였습니다. 빈도, 백분율, 평균, 표준 편차, 카이-제곱 검정 및 T- 검정을 사용하여 데이터를 분석했습니다. 예방치과 운영기간 진료건수는 58.3 %에서 예방치과 운영중단기간 41.7 %로 감소하여 큰 차이가 있었습니다. 진료비용을 비교 한 결과 총 진료비는 예방치과 운영기간 521,308,872원에서 운영중단기간 379,724,995원으로 141,583,877원으로 감소했습니다. 진료행태별로 진료비용을 비교 한 결과, 불소도포 비용이 가장 감소했습니다. 진료행태별 진료건수는 예방치과 운영기간 총 13,520건에서 운영중단기간 9,685건으로 3,835건(28.4 %) 감소했습니다. 진료행태별 1 인당 진료건수를 비교 한 결과, 불소도포는 예방치과 운영기간 1.90건(0.04)에서 운영중단기간 1.48건(0.03)으로 크게 감소했습니다. 본 연구는 대학치과병원의 예방치과 운영중단으로 인한 진료행태변화와 진료비용의 변화를 확인한 최초의 연구로서 의미가 있습니다. 결론적으로, 예방치과의 중단으로 인해 접근성의 부재와 전문예방치과치료의 제한 될 가능성이 있다고 생각된다. 대학치과병원의 예방치과치료의 질 관리와 지속적으로 전문화된 예방치과치료 제공함으로써 양질의 의료서비스를 시행 할 수 있기를 기대합니다. This study investigated patient treatment behaviors and medical expenses after the discontinuation of preventive dentistry. From September 1, 2017 to August 31, 2019, data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, chi-square test using SPSS version 24.0 statistical program, and T-test. There was a significant difference in the number of preventive dental treatment cases from 58.3% of preventive dental operation periods to 41.7% of preventive dental operation periods. As a result of comparing the medical expenses, the total medical expenses during the preventive dental operation period decreased from 521,308,872 won to 379,724,995 won during the discontinuation period, 141,583,877 won. As a result of comparing treatment costs by treatment style, the cost of fluoride application was most reduced. The number of medical treatments by treatment behavior decreased 3,835 (28.4%) from a total of 13,520 preventive dental operation periods to 9,685. As a result of comparing the number of treatments per person by treatment behavior, the fluoride application during the preventive dental operation period was significantly reduced from 1.90 (0.04) to 1.48 (0.03) during the discontinuation period. This study is meaningful as the first study to confirm the change in the treatment behavior and the change in the cost of treatment due to the discontinuation of the operation of preventive dentistry at university dental hospitals. In conclusion, it is thought that there is a possibility of the lack of accessibility and the limitation of professional preventive care due to the discontinuation of preventive dentistry. We expect that we can provide quality medical services by providing quality preventive care and continuous management of preventive care at university dental hospitals.

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