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      • KCI등재
      • 확폭교량 RC 상판의 피로거동에 관한 연구

        홍순길,장동일 한국콘크리트학회 1994 콘크리트학회지 Vol.6 No.6

        교량의 확폭공사에는 대개 기설부와 신설부 교량을 일체화시키는 접합시공법이 행해지고 있다. 그러나 접합시공법은 설계 및 시공상 여러 가지 복합적인 문제를 야기시킨다. 본 연구는 피로실험을 통하여 접합시공에 따른 제반 문제점중 확폭교량 시공방법에 따른 휨피로거동과 콘크리트 양생시 기설부 교량을 통과하는차량에 의해 발생하는 진동이 신설부 교량에 미치는 영향을 조사하고자 실시하였다. 연구결과, 초기에 접합부 철근에서 약간을 응력집중현상 및 철근과 콘크리트간에 슬립현상이 관찰되었으나 전체적인 거동은 유사하였으며, 무수축합시공법이 신설부 교량의 콘크리트 양생중 발생하는 진동의 영향을 완화시킬 수 있음을 알 수 있었다. Most widened bridges have been constructed by the joining-construction method that makes new and existmg bridges structurally a single structure. Since the joining-constructiori method has several problems in design and construction viewpoint, this study is conducted in order to investigate the flexural fatigue behavior of RC slabs, which are widened and influenced by traffic-induced vibration of existmg bridge during placing and curing of new concrete, with the prototype fatigue test. It was found that stress concentration at the jclmts anti slips between steel bar and concrete are occured. Hut, the general tx:havinrs are similar to the original state and joining-construction method using expansive concrete nut~gated the influence of the trafflc-induced vibration.

      • KCI등재
      • 확폭교량 RC 상판의 휨거동에 관한 연구

        홍순길,장동일 한국콘크리트학회 1994 콘크리트학회지 Vol.6 No.3

        Most widened bridges have been constructed by the joining-construction method that makes new and existing bridges structurally a single structure. Since the joining-construction method has several problems in design and construction viewpoint, this study is conducted in order to investigate the structural behaviors of RC slabs, which are widened and influenced by traffic-induced vibration of existing bridge during placing and curing of new concrete, with the prototype flexural strength test and FEM analysis. It was found that cracks are generated in construction joint at low applied load and that stress concentration at the joints and slips between steel bar and concrete are occured. But, the decreasing of load carrying capacity is negligible according to the traffic-induced vibration as well as the difference of construction method. 교량의 확폭공사에는 대개 기설부와 교량을일체화시키는 접합시공법이 행해지고 있다. 그러나 접합시공방법은 설계 및 시공상 여러 가지 복합적인 문제를 야기시킨다. 본 연구는 실험 및 구조해석을 통하여 접합시공에 따른 제반 문제점중 확폭교량 시공방법에 따른 구조거동과 콘크리트 양생시 기설부 교량을 통과하는 차량에 의해 발생하는 진동이 신설부 교량에 미치는 영향을 조사하고자 실시하였다. 연구결과, 낮은 하중에서 접합면에 휨균열이 발생하였고, 접합부 철근에서 약간의 응력집중현상 및 철근과 콘크리트간에 슬립현상이 관찰되었으나, 접합시공에 따른 전체적인 강도의 감소는 미소하였다. 또한, 신설부 교량의 콘크리트 양생중 진동에 의한 강도의 감소는 없음을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        미래항행시스템(FANS) 구축에 있어서 항공법 및 우주법의 적용과 국제민간항공기구(ICAO)의 역할

        홍순길,신홍균 한국항공우주법학회 1994 한국항공우주정책·법학회지 Vol.6 No.-

        I. Introduction The International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO) established the Future Air Navigation Systems($quot;FANS$quot;) Committee in 1983 to determine how to achieve improvements in the communications, navigation and surveillance systems for the management of air traffic. FANS Committee identified the use of satellite technology as the way to enhance communications, navigation and surveillance performance for aircraft navigation. Aeronautical mobile satellite communications can provide high quality voice and data communications between the ground and aircraft. The data communications would enable surveillance to be performed in a manner incomparable to the existing systems. II. Scope of Applicable Air and Space Law This system implies an application of two distinctive legal order. While the rules of air law acknowledging the sovereignty of the State over the air space regulate the aircraft navigation, the legal principles and codified rules of space law endorsing the freedom of navigation in the outer space apply to the activities utilizing outer space. This duality raises a legal issue on the determination, if necessary, of the application scope of each respective legal order. Some basic principles based on the rules of air law would be relevant to the FANS. They are regarding an universal accessibility to the benefit coming from this order, secondly, the recognition of the rights and responsibilities of States within the sovereign air space, and thirdly, the ICAO responsibility for international standards and procedure. As to the application of space law, a review over the application of the relevant space law principle would require taking into consideration some specific elements of the FANS. They are regarding the status and qualification of space segment operator, the scope of satellite utilization, a regime of service offerings enabled by the utilization of satellite, a responsibility related to the establishment and operation of space segment. The space law principles relevant to these elements shall include the supervision and the responsibility by State regarding space activities, and the use of outer space in the interest of all States. III. Institutional Issues for FANS Implementation The FANS implementation implies various scenarios and options to be taken by the States at the present stage of development. FANS Committee has postulated some illustrative scenarios of the provisions of the Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service($quot;AMSS$quot;) to be used as typical examples for developing institutional arrangements. These include two scenarios based upon the single State autonomy on space segment, and the other two ones supposing the operation of international entity such as the International Aeronautical Communications Service Providers acting as communications brokers, and Mobile Satellite Communications Providers. There would be considerable flexibility for the States, over timing and over choice of institutional arrangements. On the other hand, the Scenarios are not mutually incompatible. This would mean that the FANS may be implemented on the basis of institutional arrangements combining various constituent elements of each Scenario. Besides such Scenarios, some States and the international organization have undertaken the actual effort for the implementation. Those efforts are progressing in the form of regional inter - State cooperation as well as of airliners or satellite communications providers' effort endorsed by national ATC agency concerned. But as the competence of the rule - making of each State and international organization such as INMARSAT is limited, the function of the ICAO should be called upon in this area. IV. Scope of the ICAO legal competence on space segment of the FANS Legal issues discussed in this paper contain the elements to be dealt within general context of the international civil aviation order. On such basis, the FANS concept would be fully within the mandate of ICAO not only as the only constitutional regulatory body competent to adopt Standards and Recommended Practices, but also as the most appropriate body with regard to institutional and legal arrangements. ICAO is competent upon adopting these standards and procedues regarding the operation of space segment. The scope of this organization on the space segment operation of the FANS is as well reviewed regarding the space law principle. As to the principle of the international responsibility assumed by the State over the space activities, to which the rules of space law are applicable, calling for the international responsibility regarding the space activities of the FANS is left to the discretion of the States, while the ICAO may then contribute to the determination and elaboration of the concept of the international responsibility. Such elaboration would lead to a more clarified concept of the international responsibility of the State regarding the FANS-related space activities. On the other hand, as to assuring the universal accessibility to the FANS, any function or obligation of the State to be included in the provision of this system beyond its territory and to insure its nondiscriminatory accessibility can be based upon a specific commitment of that State under an international agreement. Such commitment may be made under bilateral or multilateral agreement between the States. In that case, the role of the ICAO would be limited to providing a guidance.

      • KCI등재
      • 헤세의 생애를 통해 본 방랑과 안주의 모티브

        홍순길 한국헤세학회 2002 헤세연구 Vol.8 No.-

        Das Motiv der Wanderung und Niederlassung spielt im Leben und Werk Hesses eine entscheidende Rolle. Er mo¨chte "Kapitel und Sa¨tze schreiben, wo besta¨ndig Melodie und Gegenmelodie zur Seite stehen". Denn er glaubte, "darin besteht das Leben im Fluktuieren zwischen zwei Polen im Hin und Her". Das findet sich vor allem im Leben und Werk des Dichters. Es ga¨be niemand unter den deutschen Dichtern, der die Wanderfreuden sowie das Heimweh zugleich so tief und vollkommen erlebt hat. Im Vergleich zu seinen Zeitgenossen wechselte Hesse so sehr ha¨ufig seine Wohnorte und Staatsangeho¨rigkeit wie auch seine Eltern als Missionsfamilie, weil er von Estland bis Basel und von Deutschland bis Indien wanderten. Die verwandten Begriffe wie "die Reise", "die Fahrt", "die Flucht", "die Emigration", "das Pilgern" oder "die Heimatlosigkeit" geho¨ren zur Wanderung, anderseits geho¨ren die Begriffe wie "die Heimat", "die Seβhaftigkeit", "das Bu¨rgertum" u. a. zur Niederlassun. Hesse wanderte als Weltenwanderer von Claw durch Go¨ppingen, Maulbronn, Eβlingen, Tu¨bingen, Bad Boll, Stetten, Canstatt, Basel, Gaienhofen, Bern u. a. bis Montagnola. Er u¨bte verschiedene Berufe als Berufswanderer, vom Volksschu¨ler, Lateinschu¨ler, Seminarist, Gymnasiast, Lehrling der Buchhandlung und Turmfabrik bis zum Schriftsteller; er was Dichter, Maler, Musiker. Er was auch Religionswanderer der verschiedenen Religionen; Christen, Buddhist, Taoist, u. a. Als Ehemann war er Frauenwanderer; er verheiratete eine Pianistin, Sa¨ngerin und eine Kunsthistorikerin. Er hat im Laufe des Berufs, der Staatsangeho¨rigkeit, der Ehe und des Glaubens sta¨ndig Sehnsucht nach Wnaderung und Niederlassung. Die symbolischen Figuren der Wanderung sind Wanderer, Nomade, der Vogel, Pilger, der Reisende. Sie nehmen Abschied bei jeder Lebensstuffe. Sie suchen kein Ziel noch keine Verbindung. Sie lo¨sen die Liebe vom Gehenstnad und verteilen sie "spielerisch" and den allereien kleinen Dingen der Natur. Sie sind frei von der grenzen der Sprache, Religion, Staatsangeho¨rigkeit u. a. Der symbolische Vertreter der Niederlassung waren der Bauer, der Pfarrer, der Ga¨rtner u. a. Sie besitzen einen bestimmten Wohnort und -haus. Sie besitzen Haus und Land. Sie sind der Seβhafte, der Tugenhafte und der Besitzende. Der Wandernde und Niederlassene hat immer wechselhafte Sehnsucht. Beim wandern hat man Sehnsucht nach Niederlassung, Heimat, Garten, Haus u. a. , wa¨hrend man bei, Niederlassen Sehnsucht nach Fortlaufen, Reise, Spaziergang u. a. hat. Je mehr man die Wanderung nach auβen macht, desto tiefer geht man den Weg nach innen. Ohne Wanderung und Unterwegssein fu¨hlt man sich nicht heim und zuhause. Die Harmonie und Entwicklung des Ich werden durch die Wiederholung dieses Prozesses erreichbar.

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