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      • KCI등재

        中國의 渤海史 硏究

        韓圭哲(Han, Giu-Cheol) 백산학회 2003 白山學報 Vol.- No.67

        CRecently we interested in th the project of northeast of China authority that is the history of Parhae and the history of Koguryo, the history of Kochosun(old-Chosun) were all the domestic history of China. A study of the Parhae in China has changed from the great revolution of culture after. The articles of the tone of an argument which supports the idea of ethnic minority policy of ’unified multiracial nation’ came out plentifully. The project of northeast which specially, from 2002 it is doing open to the public is disproving a more such fact. Not only the history of Pathae, but also the history of the Koguryo is treating recently with part of Chinese history. I think that the research on the history of the Parhae of China is containing a political intention. The such instance with afterwords is same. Limit of remains viewing for the foreigner, it does not open to the public outside of the inside magazine, the scholars of China are not able to participate foreign conference of the history of Parhae and Koguryo. The logic of history of China today the Chinese area all now or all history of China was it is a thing even in past. Today the history territory of China is including the area of the Parhae and the Koguryo of the middle ages (ancient times), China justly regarding the history of the Koguryo or the Parhae to research, it will be able to describe from category of history of the area of today. It means the prerequisite the succession relationship of history must be respected but. History situation of now it retroacts in ancient times and applies the thing not to be also the historical attitude, it means will not be also the academic attitude.

      • KCI등재

        『三國史記』의 靺鞨문제

        한규철(Han, Giu-Cheol) 경성대학교 인문과학연구소 2013 인문학논총 Vol.31 No.-

        본고는 한국과 중국의 靺鞨연구를 검토하고 말갈의 汎稱·卑稱說을 수정·보완한 글로서 『三國史記』의 말갈 기록이 『隋書?나 『舊唐書』, 『新唐書』 등에 등장하는 말갈의 實像을 잘 이해하고 기록하였을 뿐만 아니라, 『삼국사기?와 같이 중국사서의 말갈의 의미도 확장해서 생각해야 한다는 점을 주장하였다. 지금까지 역사·고고학적 『삼국사기?의 말갈에 관한 연구들의 공통적인 점을 점검하고, 『삼국사기』 靺鞨의 僞靺鞨說이나 濊系說등도 모두 汎稱·卑稱說의 일환으로 볼 수 있다는 점을 확인하고, 지금까지 『三國史記』의 靺鞨과 『唐書』속의 靺鞨의 실체를 달리 보았던 점들을 반성하고자 하였다. 김부식 등은 『唐書』 등에 나오는 ‘靺鞨’의 의미를 정확히 파악하고 『삼국사기』에 말갈을 기록하였다고 판단하였다. 『唐書』 등의 말갈이 肅愼, ?婁의 후예인 말갈만을 지칭하는 것이 아니라, 고대 隋唐代동북방 주민들에 대한 통칭의 의미일 뿐만 아니라 고구려인 변방인에 대한 卑稱으로 사용되었던 것을 『삼국사기』도 借用하여 사용하였다고 보았다. 즉 삼국사기의 靺鞨은 가짜의 僞靺鞨도 아니고, 東濊나 貊을 가르키는 것만으로 볼 수 없다는 것이다. 즉 말갈이란 그 자체로 일개의 종족 계통을 갖는 특정 종족이라 할 수 없고, 말갈이 출현하는 지역과 문화유형에 따라 그들의 종족계통이나 문화적 성격을 다르게 파악해야 하는가 하면, 왕조중심적인 입장에서 변방주민을 卑稱하던 종족명이기도 하였다. 나아가 『삼국사기』 가 말갈을 기원전까지 사용한 것은 중국사서와 같이 고구려 및 왕조 변방주민을 포함한 여러 계통의 多元的汎稱說을 차용한 것이다. 즉 말갈이란 他稱으로서 汎稱·卑稱의 의미를 갖는 종족명이었다. The reality of Malgal can be accessed through the record appearing in Samguksagi - The Chronicles of the Three States. The meaning of Samguksagi is very significant as being the materials not only clearly indicates tribal origin of Malgal of Northeast area of China that appears in Beijishu(北齊書) after A.D.563 and the ambiguity of its dwelling area but also being a historic material that identifies the history of Palhae & Manchuria region. In general, the first appearance of Malgal is recognized from the time of Beijishu, but in Samguksagi Malgal appears from B.C. much earlier than that. It has the records of Malgal & Baekje 33 times, Sila 23 times, Koguryo 10 times. Ever since AD563, Malgal appeared first time in the record of China, Malgal in Samguksagi appears Baekje(百濟) 1 times, Shilla(新羅) 11 times, Koguryo(高句麗) 6 times. Generally, Malgal in Samguksagi is considered pointing out Dongye(東濊) or Maek(脈). However, there still remain many questions that Dongye is called Malgal by the writer of Samguksagi intentionally to lower its status. It appears to be unreasonable to regard all records of Dongye were called Malgal those records Samguksagi had referenced. Samguksagi is the primary history records of Koguryo(BC 37?~AD 668), Baekje(BC18~AD660), Sila((BC57∼AD935) written by Kim Bu-shik(金富軾: 1075~1151) of Koryo in 1145. This old book was written after perish of Sila over 200 years upon consulting with local literatures like GuSamguksa(舊三國史) as well as foreign records like Tangshu(唐書), therefore it alsobeing recognized to have historical value. However, Kim Bu-shik identified accurately the meaning of Malgal appearing in Tangshu etc. and used Malgal in the Samguksagi. Thus, this historic material can be recognized clearly Palhae is a Dynasty of Goguyro tribes identical to Koguryo rather than a countries of Malgal different from Koguryo. Samguksagi might have either repeated Malgal of GuSamguksa the origin of Samguksagi or called Malgal collectively those anonymous rebellious forces against central gov’t. Regarding Malgal as being Dongye or Maek in Samguksagi appears to be insufficient to have its persuasive power on the basis of region it appeared or logic of historical situation of it as such in view of such lack of grounds, the latter appears to have more persuasive power. And such Malgal is a tribal name used in Koguryo after King Jangsu, thus it could be reflected to those reference materials of Samguksagi which could be adopted later in the Samguksagi. Thus Malgal at this point of time could be meant those factions resisting Koguryo central gov’t which could be a cause of appearing Malgal in BC years. In this backdrop, the Malgal being related to the history of Palhae cannot be identified by itself the origin of its tribe, rather identifying its tribal origin or cultural characteristics based on front modifying hidden words or name of region such as Heuksu of Malgal appears to be more closer to the fact of history.

      • KCI등재후보

        발해국의 주민구성에 관한 연구

        한규철(Han Giu-cheol) 경성대학교 인문과학연구소 2008 인문학논총 Vol.13 No.1

        이 글은 발해국의 주민구성에 관한 주장을 한국 및 필자와 중화인민공화국측의 주장들을 대비하면서 발해국의 고구려계승성을 주장한 논문이다. 필자가 지금까지 연구해 왔던 발해국의 주민구성에 대한 내용을 중심으로 종합 보완하면서 최근 중국학자들의 견해를 재반박하는 내용을 주로 담고 있다고 할 수 있다. 지금까지 한·중·일의 주민구성 연구를 개관하고 중국과 같이 발해인의 종족계통을 말갈로 보는 주장들을 비롯해서 대조영의 출자와 발해 초기의 국호 및 국호의 당나라 사여설(賜與說), 발해족 형성론 그리고 일본과 한국학계의 지배층=고구려유민, 피지배층=말갈설의 내용을 비판적으로 소개하고 발해국이 고구려를 계승한 왕조였음을 주민이나, 영토, 문화적 계승관계를 통해서 논증하였다. 기록상으로 본 고구려·발해와 말갈도 별개가 아님을 여러 사료들을 통해 알 수 있었다. ‘말갈’은 당·송대인들이 그들의 동북방주민들을 범칭, 비칭하였던 종족명이었고, 고구려의 피지배주민들의 비칭이었다. 말갈을 피지배주민들에 대한 비칭으로 보는 자세는 『삼국사기』에도 반영되어, 중국측 기록과 달리 동명성왕대에까지 말갈이 등장하는 결과를 낳았다. 따라서 한국 및 중국사에서‘말갈’족의 존재를 ‘고구려’와 따로 구별하여 인정하는 것부터가 문제이다. 만주지역에서 스스로 왕조를 개창하여 국호를 선포하였던 조선, 부여, 고구려가 그들의 종족명에 더 가깝고, 왕조 개창에 성공하지 못하였던 흑수인들의 경우만을 ‘말갈’ 또는 ‘흑수말갈’로 부르는 것이 더 타당하다. 그렇다하더라도 동양사에서 이미 일개 종족명으로 그 시민권을 획득한 ‘말갈’을 존중한다면, ‘고구려말갈’(속말말갈과 백산말갈 등과 같이 고구려주민이자 고구려계인 말갈)과 ‘흑수말갈’(고구려계가 아닌 말갈)로 나누어 부름이 타당하다. 필자는 이와 같은 입장이 말갈의 종족계통과 고구려와의 정치적 관계에서만이 아니라, 언어와 문화적인 측면에서도 입증될 수 있다고 보았다. 발해인들의 언어에 대해서는 명확한 기록이 없어 불분명하지만, 발해어가 고구려어를 계승했다는 사실은 발해가 고구려와 풍속이 같았다는 『구당서』 기록과 그들의 이름을 통해서도 짐작이 가능한 것으로 보았다. 한편 문화적인 측면 특히, 『구당서』에서 고구려인의 주거특징이었다고 전하는 온돌장치가 발해주민의 유적에서 발견되고 있는 점 등은 문화적으로도 발해가 고구려를 계승한 국가였다는 증거들이라고 간주하였다. 토기의 구분기준에 있어서도 말갈을 이민족시하는 잘못이 있음도 지적하였다. 말갈토기를 돌림판을 쓰지 않고 낮은 온도에서 제작된 것으로 간주하는 이른바 ‘말갈관’은 고구려나 발해의 변방주민들의 저급한 생활문화에서 나올 수 있는 것이지 고구려와 다른 이민족의 문화에서 나올 수 있는 것이 아니었다. Palhae succeeded Koguryo, because the state of Palhae was founded in the fonner tenitory of Koguryo and its population mostly consisted of Koguryo people, even though a number of Koguryo people had been forcibly relocated to other areas following the downfall of Koguryo in 668. In other words, the argument that the Malgals suddenly filled the old Koguryo tenitory lacks creclibility. The key to understanding the composition of Palhae inhabitants is the fact that the tribal name "Malgal (Mo-he)" was given by outsiders, not by the Malgals themselves. It is widely known that the forbearers of Malgal were Suksin before the Qin Dynasty and Eup-ru during the Han Dynasty. These names were not used by the tribes themselves but were coined by different Chinese dynasties to refer to various "uncivilized" barbarian tribes around the periphery. It is unlikely that the Malgal people would change their own tribal name, or would they be willing to use such derogatory word as "Malgal." The term "Malgal" was coined based on the old Sino-centric and dynasty-centered historical perspective as a general term referring to ethnic minorities in the Northeastern borderland of the Tang Dynasty. It was also a derogatory name for the inhabitants living in the periphery of Koguryo. In other words, the term "Koguryo people" were used to refer to the residents in and around the capital Pyongyang and the people residing in outlying areas were called the uncivilized "Malgals." Records describe Dae Jo-young, the founder of Palhae, as "a Kogwyo eccentric" or"a Sokmal Malgal." But, these descriptions of him do not mean that he could be either a Koguryo person or a Malgal person. It simply means that he was a "villager from the Songwha River in Koguryo." By the same token, it is als。 clear that the ethnicity of the ruling class and the ruled could not have been different. We learn from the Old History of the Tang Dynasty the fact that Palhae succeeded Koguryo. The book says that the "customs of the two dynasties were the same." Customs generally include established practices related with the ceremonies of coming-of-age, marriage, funeral and ancestor memorial, as well as the language. So, the Chinese records themselves testify to the successive relationship between the two Korean dynasties. This relationship can also be confirmed through their shared cultural heritage. There are certain lasting traditions in human societies that do not change even with the passage of time. Among them are the burial style and the heating system. For the tombs of Koguryo aristocrats, they relied mainly on masonry, such as stone chambers, stonewall and stone coffins. Palhae inherited this tomb style; a group of royal tombs in Yongcheonbu, the capital of Palhae, including the Tomb of Three Spirits (Samryeong Bun), were built in this manner. In the past, the earthen tombs in Palhae were thought to be the Malgal’s typical grave pattern. Today, however, this type of tombis known as a burial style for the commoners of Palhae, not a burial pattern of Malgal, which is a different tribe. All the commoners of Koguryo and Palhae were buried in earthen mounds and this type of burial was universal at the time. Korea is the only country in the world where people with the last name "Tae" exist, and they claim they are the descendants of Dae Jo-young, the founder of Palhae. Korea is also the only country in the world where apartment houses are equipped with "Ondol," the traditional "hot-floor" heating system. The Ondol (warm rocks) system originated from Koguryo and the Palhae people also used the system. In the Old History of the Tang Dynasty, there is a description of Ondol: "In Koguryo, lives of ordinary people are mostly poor. In winter, a long hole is dug under the floor of a room and people keep charcoal fire there to keep the roon warm." The Ondol structures are found in the Koguryo relics in Pyongyang and Jiban(presently Jian, Jilin Province, China). They are

      • KCI등재후보

        渤海人이 된 高句麗靺鞨

        한규철(Han Giu-cheol),김위현 고구려발해학회 2007 고구려발해연구 Vol.26 No.-

        The one of hot issues of Palhae is Malgal One, Malgal is differerent with Koguryo. Another, Malgal is a sort of Koguryo, that is not self-name, a vulgar and common name of the border of Koguryo Current issue is the name in the foundation of a country, Is the first name 'Malgal(靺鞨)' or 'Jin(振)'? Some scholars of China assert that the first name is Malgal. TIley assert that the name of Palhae come from Tang's royal ordaining in A.D.713. This article is a confirm one of the old assertion of mine. This has that Malgal is a sort of Koguryo, that is not self-name, a vulgar and common name of the border of Koguryo from the historical materials. TIle first name of Palhae was Jin and the last was Palhae, That self of Palhae exchanges the name of dynasty from a certain time. Tang dynasty only called that Palhae as "Malgal" with a vulgar name in the foundations of country They called that Palhae as "Palhae" after normalizing diplomatic relations of two dynasty of A. D. 713. The term Malgal appears in Samguksagi(三國史記), going back even to the period of B. C. And the term was the name of dependant people who lived under the control of Koguryo near its frontiers. The true meaning of Malgal should be found in such terms as Sokmal(粟末), Packsan(白山), or Heuksoo(黑子) which were added adjectively to Malgal For example, it is true to say that Sokmal-Malgal was the inhabitants of the region of the Sungari River. Thus we may conclude that at least Packsan-Malgal and Sokmal-Malgal were surely the peoples ruled by Koguryo, and it is probable that other Malgals except Heuksoo-Malgal might have been so. Malgals in the historical materials were "Koguryo Malgal" of not self-name, a vulgar and common name of tile border of Koguryo peoples.

      • KCI등재

        발해‘중경’의 의미

        한규철(HAN Giu-cheol) 고구려발해학회 2010 고구려발해연구 Vol.37 No.-

        발해는 5경제도를 운영하였는데, 중경이란 상경(북경), 동경, 서경, 남경의 중앙에 위치해서 중경으로 명명되었다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 또 다른 면에서 보자면 발해 5경 중에서 지리적으로 가장 중심에 있었다는 의미로 평가하기에는 부족한 면이 없지 않다. 최근 중경터로 여겨지는 서고성과 그 주변 용두산 고분군에서 출토되는 정효공주묘를 비롯해서 간왕 황비묘의 발굴 등은 중경이 위치적인 면뿐만 아니라 문화와 전통의 중심지 역할을 하였던 곳이었음을 의미한다. 발해의 5경제에 대해서는 의견이 분분하다. 5경의 설치시기에 대한 문제 뿐만 아니라 천도 시기와 천도 순서 등도 아직 의견이 일치한다고 볼 수 없다. 물론 발해 중경에 대해서도 의견이 많다. 중경은 다른 4경에 비해서 발해의 자주성이 높게 드러났던 곳이었다. 서경이 초기 고구려적 전통이 강한 곳이었다면 고구려말기와 발해초기의 문화적 계승성이 가장 강했던 곳이라고 한다면 중경이었다고 할 수 있다. 최근 서고성터의 발굴과 함께 용두산 고분군에서 드러난 간왕의 황비묘 등이 그러한 예라고 할 수 있다. 중경지역은 넓은 평원을 갖고 있을 뿐만 아니라 이곳은 크고 작은 하천이 많고 기후가 따뜻하여 벼농사에 적합한 곳이며 농산물이 풍부하였다. 발해의 특산물로 유명한 顯州의 包, 位城의 鐵, 盧州의 쌀 등이 모두 중경 지역었다는 것도 발해가 중경을 중심 도성으로 삼았던 중요한 이유가 아니었던가 한다. 최근 발해사학계는 온통 용두산고분군의 간왕 황비묘의 공개 등에 관심을 쏟고 있다. 이제나 저제나 발굴된 원래의 모습이 그대로 공개되기를 기대하고 있다. 워낙 기록이 없는 터라 이곳에서 무언가 새로운 발견이 이루어질 것으로 기대하고 있기 때문이다. 중화인민공화국 당국은 하루 속히 역사의 진실을 세계에 공개하여야 한다. 몇 년간이나 창고와 일부 인사들만이 정보를 독점하면서 무슨 연구를 하는지모를 일이다. 또다른 역사왜곡이 조작되고 있지 않나 의문을 갖지 않을 수 없다. 이에 대한 관심을 한국 인만의 생각이 아닐 줄로 믿는다. 결코 역사에 부끄러움이 없는 현장의 역사학자와 고고학자이기를 믿고 싶다. 정치의 하부구조로서 역사학이 기능하지 않기를 기대한다. Balhae kept the O-kyung(Five Capitals) system of Sangkyung(上京), Dongkyung(東京), Seokyung(西京), Namkyung(南京) and Jungkyung(中京). Jungkyung might be named after its location of the country. But, Jungkyung means more than a geographical one. The findings including the grave of Princess Jeonghyo(貞孝公主墓) from Mt. Longtou(龍頭山) of Xigucheong(西古城) and the grave of empress(皇妃墓) of Ganwang(簡王) demonstrate that Jungkyung played a key role in keeping tradition. Unlike to the other four capitals, Jungkyung was proud of its national independence. While Seokyung had been rooted in the tradition of Koguryo, Jungkyung was strong in its cultural succession of late Koguryo and early Balhae. This has been proven by the various roof-tile relics excavated in Xigucheong site. Jungkyung area has not only wide open plain but also various sized rivers and warm weather, which made it possible to engage in rice farming. The famous special products of Balhae region such as burlap bags(包) of Hyunju(顯州), iron(鐵) of Wuisung(位城) and rice of Noju(盧州) were all products from Jungkyung area. Recently historical academy of Balhae have almost exclusively paid attention to the disclosure of the grave of empress(皇妃墓) of King Gan(簡王) from the graves of Mr. Longtou. For last a couple of years, Korean academy have been waiting for opening the original excavation spot expecting to a new historical discovery in the place where there was so little record left. The Chinese authority should open the historical truth to the world in order to clear a suspicion of another historical distortion. Here, it is hoped that history does not play as a substructure of politics any more.

      • KCI등재

        고구려ㆍ발해에 대한 인식의 변천

        한규철(Han Giu-cheol) 대동한문학회 2007 大東漢文學 Vol.26 No.-

          『三國史記』 등을 통해 유추해 볼 때 삼국시대인들은 일정하게 공동체의식이 있었다. 그러나 남북국시대 신라인들은 발해가 고구려를 계승하였다고 하면서도 말갈로 인식하여 공동체의식이 희박하였다. 그러나 남북국시대에 있었던 두 왕조간의 이러한 인식은 서로의 정치적 대결관계에서 나올 수 있었던 결과로 판단하였다. 양국의 대결적 상황이 고착되면서 신라인들이 고구려를 ‘吾邦’으로 인식하였던 것으로부터 이민족이나 다름없는 ‘靺鞨’로 인식하게 되었다는 것이다.<BR>  고구려 계승을 표방한 고려왕조는 왕조 귀족들의 구성이 金富軾과 같이 신라인들이 많았음에도 불구하고 고구려에 대해서는 三國史記에서 高句麗本紀를 입전할 정도로 동질의식이 강했다. 이후에도 고구려는 왕조적 필요와 명분에 의거해서 고구려사를 더욱 깊이 인식하느냐 그렇지 않았느냐의 차이만 있을 뿐이었지 왕조의 고구려계승을 당연시하였다.<BR>  그런데 고구려사의 한국사적 정통성에 대한 인식은 변함이 없었음에도 불구하고 고구려사를 재인식하게 되었던 계기는 중국의 ‘統一的 多民族國家’論과 ‘東北工程’으로부터였다. 이 때부터 한국인들은 고구려와 발해의 후손의식을 더욱 강하게 갖게 되었다.<BR>  반면에 한국사에 있어서 발해사는 고구려계승국으로 인식하기도 하면서도 이민족과 같은 말갈로도 인식하는 양면적 관계를 갖고 발전하였다. 고려왕조는 발해를 ‘親戚之國’으로 인식하면서도 ‘삼국시대’에 이은 ‘남북국시대’라는 인식으로는 가지 못하였다. 이것은 고려 자신이 고구려를 계승한 왕조로 규정하고 있었기에 고구려를 계승한 발해로 인정하기 어려웠고, 신라와 발해의 대결적 결과가 공동체적 인식의 관계로 발전하지 못하였다고 판단하였다.<BR>  조선 초기는 華夷史觀에 입각하여 발해를 말갈로 보면서 남북국으로 인식하지 못하였다. 이것이 조선 후기에 있어 국학 중심의 생각이 발전하면서 발해사에 대한 인식이 증대되고 ‘남북국시대’로 인식하는 단계로까지 발전하게 되었다. 이러한 남북국시대의 일환으로 인식한 발해사에 대한 부분은 한말과 독립운동기로까지 이어졌다. 물론 이 시기에도 발해사는 말갈사로 인식되었던 교과서 등도 많았다. 특히 독립운동기는 연구미약과 말갈로 보는 滿鮮史觀의 영향아래에 있었다고 할 수 있다.<BR>  해방 후 한국사에서의 발해사는 ‘지배층은 고구려유민 피지배층은 말갈’이라는 인식이 지배적이었다. 발해사의 계승관계에 대한 핵심적인 문제는 ‘靺鞨’이었다. 그러나 80년대에 말갈에 대한 연구가 본격화되면서 말갈의 他稱 즉 汎稱說에 입각하여 卑稱說이 힘을 받으며, 말갈이란 결국 고구려변방주민을 멸시적으로 부른 종족명이었다는 데에 이르게 되면서 발해의 고구려계승관계가 더욱 힘을 받게 되었다고 진단하였다. 말갈로 불리는 사람들이라고 하더라도 이들은 대부분 고구려인이었다는 것이다. 북한에서도 초기의 피지배 말갈설은 90년대부터 고구려땅[발해본토]에서 발해가 이어가고 있다는 상식을 바탕으로 다수의 고구려유민설이 정착하게 되었다.<BR>  한국사학사에서 발해사를 고구려사로 인식하였는가의 여부가 곧 발해사의 진실을 입증하는 근거가 될 수는 없다고 본다. 각 시대의 고구려 발해사에 대한 인식이 시대적 요구에 응해 생성된 인식의 차원에서 나온 것이었다는 점을 파악하고, 왕조적 입장과 당나라 중심의 기록들을 민주적이고 자주적 입장에서 재인식하는 과정에서 역사의 본래 모습을 발견할 수 있을 것이다. 전근대의 역사인식이 곧 역사적 진실일 수 없다는 것이다.<BR>  고구려는 엄연히 사실에 바탕을 둔 고려와 조선의 선대 왕조였으며 한국고대사의 일부였다. 발해사도 고구려와 다른 말갈의 왕조가 아니라, 지배층이나 피지배층을 막론하고 대부분이 고구려유민의 왕조였다. 현대 한국인들이 고구려와 발해의 후손을 자처하는 것은 역사적 사실에 기반을 둔 것이다.   Depend on the 〈Samguksagi(三國史記)〉, there was the consciousness of same race in the peoples of Koguryo dynasty, Shilla of the period of Samguk(three dynasties: 三國時代). But It was diifferent in the the period of Nambukguk(southern and northern dynasties) It seemes there was a few consciousness of same race with Shilla and Palhae. Especially in the confrontation policy, those men think so. Some people think that the people of Nambukguk are the same race. In<BR>  There were many nobilityes of Shilla in Koryo cabinets that they declared succession of Koguryo. To be like that and despite, they had the consciousness of same race with Koguryo as writed in Samguksagi Koguryobongi(三國史記 高句麗本紀). After the Koryo, many people had the consciousness of that. Only it was different with the depth of the consciousness of that.<BR>  The recognizing of Koguryo dynasty came from the ideology of ethnic minority policy of ‘Unified Multiracial Nation’(東北工程). After that, the consciousness of descendants of Koguryo and Palhae increased in Korean people.<BR>  On the other hand, the understanding of Palhae of Korean history progressed through the consciousness of descendants Koguryo or Malgal ethnics. Koryo didn’t understand Shilla and Palhae as Nambukguk. But Koryo was understanding as the nation of relatives. On the beginning of Chosun, they didn’t understanding Shilla and Palhae as Nambukguk, because of the historical views of China and Babarian. In the later term they had begin to understand Shilla and Palhae as Nambukguk.<BR>  After the independence of Korea, the understanding of Palhae of Korean history was mainly the ruling class consisted of Goguryeo people, and the ruled were the Malgal (靺鞨) tribes. But I thought the Malgal that it was also a derogatory name for the inhabitants living in the periphery of Goguryeo. In other words, the term “Goguryeo people” were used to refer to the residents in and around the capital Pyongyang and the people residing in outlying areas were called the uncivilized “Malgals.”<BR>  In the history of Korean history, the fact is not true only, if the consciousness that Palhae was the successor to Koguryo or the Malgal. The fact is that all Korean oneselves think the descendants of Koguryo and Palhae.

      • KCI등재

        발해사 연구의 회고와 전망

        韓圭哲(Han, Giu-Cheol) 백산학회 2006 白山學報 Vol.- No.76

        A study on the history of Palhae(渤海: Parhae: Balhae: Bohai) of South Korea got into stride from the 80s. This tendency of the study received the stimulus in this saying that the history of the Palhae is the district government of Tang of China. South Korea which accepted Palhae in the independent kingdom from Tang regards the South-Northern Kingdom Period of Silla and Palhae. Although large specific gravity is to clarify that Palhae inherited Koguryo, it is the feature that they are researches more various than North Korea. That of a study of the history of Palhae of North Korea is concentrated Palhae was the independent state which inherited Koguryo. And they described that the main tradition of the history of Korea come from the Kochosun, Puyeo, Koguryo and Palhae. The first view points is the same of South-Northern Korea. It is the portion which is alike and has a common feature. The second view is different. the north Korea carries out the injustice of ‘Unified Silla[統一新羅]’ which is accepted theory on the south. They denied ‘Unified Silla’ and insisted on “the Last Silla”. That of the history of Palhae in China has changed after the reform and open. The articles of the tone of an argument which supports the idea of ethnic minority policy of ‘unified multiracial nation’ came out plentifully. The project of northeast which specially, from 2002 it is doing open to the public is disproving a more such fact. Not only the history of Palhae, but also the history of Koguryo, Kochosun(old-Chosun) is treating recently with part of Chinese history. The logic of history of China today the Chinese area all now or all history of China was it is a thing even in past. Today the history territory of China is including the area of the Palhae and the Koguryo of the middle ages (ancient times), China justly regarding the history of the Koguryo or the Palhae to research, it will be able to describe from category of history of the area of today. That of the history of Palhae in Japan began from Korea and Manchuria invasion. However, research of the Palhae history accomplished to that time had large influence on Korea, China, etc. after that. The theory about the residents composition of Palhae accepted in South Korea began from the contents of a lecture of Siratorigurakichi, and all the things for which the ruins ground of Palhae in China was excavated in beginner were also depended on Japanese official scholars. When excavating without China’s opening to the public to Koguryo and the ruins of Palhae, or investigating, the fact that past Japan’s research was helpful to many came to be found. After the Pacific War ended, the history research of Palhae in Japan is concentrated on foreign relatives, such as relation between Palhae and Japan. The results of the archaeology in precious historical records in Japan can say supports such facts. The survey of Korean history published in Japan has inserted and described the history of Palhae with such a point, and which carries out a rose with a meaning called the history book thing of an overseas. That of Palhae in Russia(USSR) had began after the treaty of Beijing on 1860. Main results of research of archaeological sites of Palhae in Primorye by Russian archaeologists during last 15 years are presented in this report. By the beginning of 90-s of XX c. dozens of Palhae sites had been found by works of E.V.Shavkunov, V.I.Boldin and L.Ye.Semenichenko. Some of these sites (Abrikosovskiy temple and settlement, Novogordeyevskoye, Nikolayevskoye 1 and 2, Starorechenskoye ancient towns, Konstantinovskoye and Korsakovskoye settlements, Kopytinskiy temple) were excavated. Main concept of Bohai archaeological culture, economy and everyday life of inhabitants of these sites was obtained [Bohai state… 1994].

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        三國과 渤海史에서의 靺鞨

        한규철(Han Giu-Cheol) 고려사학회 2015 한국사학보 Vol.- No.58

        본고는 靺鞨의 汎稱的 · 卑稱的견해들을 재검토하고 필자의 견해를 보완하였다. 즉 『북제서』 로부터 『수서』와 『구당서』 , 『신당서』등 중국측 사료와 한국의 『삼국사기』 및 일본의 『속일본기』등은 각각 그 지칭하는 주민들은 달랐다고 할지라도, 범칭적 · 비칭적 의미로 사용하였다는 점은 같았다고 재확인하였다. 특히 최근 소수의 중국측 연구도 말갈이 타칭의 卑稱[蔑稱]이었고, 발해가 말갈이라는 국호도 사용하지 않았다고 재확인하고 있다. 말갈을 전하는 한 · 중 · 일의 사료들은 공통적으로 왕조와 도성 사람들이 변방인들을 이민족처럼 ‘말갈’이라 하였기에, 말갈이란 특정지역의 종족명이라기 보다 삼국의 변방 및 수 · 당대 동북방 주민 그리고 일본 북해도 주민들에 이르기까지의 주민들을 범칭 · 비칭하여 사용되었다고 오래전부터 확인되어 왔다. 『구당서』 , 『신당서』등의 말갈과 『삼국사기』 , 『속일본기』등의 말갈은 그 계통이나 지칭하는 세력들로 보아 이들은 대부분 어떠한 관계도 없었다. 즉 이들은 같은 ‘말갈’이라는 이름을 가졌다고 하더라도, 모두 같은 계통, 같은 주민은 아니었다. 수서 의 7부 말갈은 대부분은 예맥계이지만 흑수부 말갈은 퉁구스계의 흑수숙신계였다. 그리고 발해사와 관련된 말갈은 타칭이자 비칭으로 존재하던 예맥계의 고구려 변방인들이었다. 삼국사기 의 말갈은 대부분 종족적으로는 예맥계일 수도 있고 한계(韓系)일 수도 있던 주민들로서, 고구려나 백제, 신라의 편제에 들지 않고 독자적인 활동을 벌이고 있던 삼국의 변방인이었다. The writer has recognized until now that Malgal (靺鞨, Mohe) in Jiutangshu 舊唐書, Xintangshu 新唐書 has no relation with Malgal in Samguk sagi 三國史記 in respect of tribes or powers. However, what the writer thinks more important is Malgal in Jiutangshu, Xintangshu or even Malgal in Samguk sagi does not refer to a specific tribe. Most of Malgal in 7 villages of Suishu 隋書 was Yemaek 濊貊 descent but Heukssubu 黑水部 Malgal was Heukssusukssin 黑水肅愼 descent of Tungus descent and it has been asserted that frontier powers which had been performing independent activities was referred to Malgal in Samguk sagi instead of being a part of the organization of Koguryo 고구려, Baekje 백제 or Silla 신라. Malgal was a common noun of a frontier residents which the dynasty and capital people looked down as barbarian, and it was not a name of a specific tribe but it was a name of residents in frontiers of the Three States as well as residents in northeast area during Sui · Tang era. Therefore, Malgal was not a name calling oneself but a humble name calling others and it was reconfirmed that Balhae did not use “Malgal” as its name of the country. This articles investigated theses on Malgal studied in Chinese and Korean academia once again and finally confirmed the writer’s assertion. Chronicler of Samguk sagi knew well what the word Malgal meant in Suishu or Jiutangshu. In other words, the word Malgal in Suishu, Jiutangshu, Xintangshu or Samguk sagi, Shokunihonki 續日本紀 meant different powers but basic recognition was same in using the word as a common and humble name calling frontier residents.

      • KCI등재후보

        발해의 영역에서 본 고구려 계승성

        한규철(Han Giu-cheol) 고구려발해학회 2006 고구려발해연구 Vol.22 No.-

        Palhae was the kingdom stood for the first time in 30 years after Koguryo goes to ruin. Today, The territory of Palhae was the southern Manchuria of China and the southern Maritime Province of Russia, the north Korea. The territory of Palhae inherited the one of Koguryo as it increased 1.5 times or 2 double. The territory can be referred to as having spread in a northeast area including the Maritime Province. On the other hand, the contents about the human-ethnical succession relation which carries out whether the people from Palhae was the posterity of Koguryo can be considered by move situation and fixing grade of the residents who resided in the Koguryo domain. It must take into consideration the fact which the residents of Koguryo after the Koguryo downfall moved in large numbers in the inland of Tang by compulsion. However quite many numbers in these were the influence which came back from the Palhae founding of the country process to the hometown again, the population which remained in the inland of Tang there was a few. Moreover, the populations who is Koguryo and Palhae was main industry it was farming, the way of a life of the residents to whom a political system like the Juhyun(zhouzian: 州縣) system also mainly carries out fixing too is reflected. Such various situations are the spatial and human of Kokuryo and Palhae, it can be said that it was carrying out proof of the succession relation strongly.

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