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      • 西海 京畿 植物 플랑크톤에 對한 생態學的 硏究 I. 京畿 의 環境特性

        최중기,심재형 한국해양학회 1986 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.21 No.1

        In order to clarify the influence of environmental factors on the phytoplankton cmmunity in Kyeonggi Bay, the hydrological and water quality data were obtained from 20cruises from May, 1981, to September, 1982 in this bay. Physical conditions at the mouth of the bay are more stable than those at the head of the bay. Temperatures and salinities of the upper part of the bay show great seasonal fluctuations due to the river discharge. By the extending effects of freshwater, a weak two-layer flow system is formed from the upper part of the bay to Palmi Island. In summer thermal stratification are formed in the middle and outer parts of the bay. In winter, However, the temperature shows no vertical temperature gradient. The inner bay and the vicinity area of Incheon Harbour are relatively polluted and eutrophicated due to both the runoff of freshwater from the Han River and the waste discharge from Incheon industrial complex. However, except the polluted area, the study areas are well oxygenated with more than 90% saturation.

      • The Ecological Study of Phytoplankton in Kyeonggi Bay, Yellow Sea -IV. The Successional Mechanism and the Structure of the Phytoplankton Community

        최중기,심재형,Choi, Joong Ki,Shim, Jae Hyung The Korean Society of Oceanography 1988 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.23 No.1

        To clarify the community structure of phytoplankton in the Kyeonggi Bay, the community analysis were performed to investigate the relationship between the environmental factors and the phytoplankton communities. Low diversity with occurrence of few dominant species throughout the year, except summer, implies that ecological environment of this study area is very unstable due to incessant physical perturbation and large fluctuation of other environmental factors. According to the results of the cluster analysis this study area could be divided into river discharge, polluted and unpolluted area. Principal component analysis of overall phytoplankton community in this area clearly showed four seasonal succession patterns grouped into the spring type, the summer type, the late summer type, the late autumn-winter type. Summer communities composed of common phytoplankton are highly correlated with temperature and transparency. Winter communities composed of most tychopelagic plankton are positively correlated with suspended substances and nutrient, while negatively correlated with transparency.

      • KCI등재

        인천 연안 미세오손생물 군집 형성과 원생동물의 영향

        최중기,양은진,이원제,윤원득,심재형,Choi, Joong-Ki,Yang, Eun-Jin,Lee, Won-Je,Yoon, Won-Duk,Shim, Jae-Hyung 한국해양학회 1999 바다 Vol.4 No.4

        본 연구에서는 미세오손생물 군집 형성에 있어서 원생동물의 역할을 파악하기 위하여 초기 미생물막 형성과 미세오손생물 군집의 형성 및 부착과정, 부착 박테리아에 대한 원생동물의 포식영향 등이 연구되었다. 이를 위하여 인천내항과 외항(해경부두), 실험실 등에서 부착실험을 10~30일간 계속적으로 수행하였다. 인천내항 실험에서 박테리아와 편모충류는 실험 시작 6시간내에 미생물막을 형성하기 시작하였고 섬모충류는 9시간 경과시에 빈모류가 2 cells $mm^{-2}$ 출현하였다. 부착오손생물인 따개비 Balanus albicostatus의 유생은 실험 첫날부터 부착하기 시작하였다. 수괴가 안정된 인천내항에서 편모충류는 13일경 최대 465 cells $mm^{-2}$ 출현하였고, 섬모충류는 11 일째 63 cells $mm^{-2}$이 최대로 출현하였다. 인천외항에서 편모충류는 초기에 최대 223 cells $mm^{-2}$ 출현하였고, 섬모충류는 5일째 최대 39 cells $mm^{-2}$ 출현하여 인천내항보다는 외항에서 미생물막이 빠르게 발달하였으나 원생동물 출현 개체수는 작았다. 미생물막에 출현한 편모충류는 대부분 자서성인 Metromonas종류와 Bodonids종류였고, 섬모충류는 초기에는 소형 유종섬모충류 종류와 빈섬모충 Strombidium종류였고, 후에는 빈섬모충 Strombidium viridae(60 ${\mu}m$)와 부착성 Suctoria인 Acineta, turherosa가 출현하였다. 오손생물 군집은 따개비 유생이 초기부터 부착하여 7일째 18 개체 $cm^{-2}$ 까지 증가하였다. 이때 따개비 성체가 출현하기 시작하고 9일째부터는 따개비 사체가 발견되기 시작하였다. 이외에 오손생물로 강장동물 Anthozoa sp., 참굴(Crassostrea gigas)유생, 갯지렁이 유생 등이 실험시작 3일 후부터 부착하기 시작하였다. 부착판에 서식하는 요각류 Harpacticus sp. 등과 단각류 등은 미생물막이 잘 발달된 7일 이후에 출현하기 시작하였다. 미생물막 형성에는 알루미늄판이 유리판과 아크릴판보다 다소 유리하였고, 오손생물 군집과 부착판 서식생물 군집의 형성에는 유리판이 알루미늄판 보다 유리하였다. 미생물막 박테리아에 대한 원생동물의 섭취율은 낮은 편이나 포식율은 0.058 $h^{-1}$로 비교적 높아 원생동물이 미생물막 박테리아 개체군 사망에 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. To understand the role of protozoa in the early formation of microbial fouling community, the studies on the formation of microbial film, the succession of microbial fouling communities, and the grazing pressure on bacteria population in microbial film were carried out in the laboratory, Inchon outer port and Inchon inner harbour. Bacteria and heterotrophic flagellates formed primary microbial film on the aluminum surface within 6 hours and oligotrich ciliates were observed 2 cells $mm^{-2}$ on the same surface at 9 hours in Inchon inner harbour which had physically stagnant condition. The larvaes of Balanus albicostatus which were dominant meiobenthos in Inchon coastal area attached on the glass surface at the first day of experiment. Heterotrophic flagellates showed maximum abundance of 465 cells $mm^{-2}$ at the 13rd day and ciliates showed maximum abundance of 63 cells $mm^{-2}$ at the 11st day in the Inchon inner harbour. In the Inchon outer port which opens to the outer sea, the maximum abundance of protozoa occurred at early phase, but not so many. The dominant heterotrophic flagellates were Metrornonas simplex and Bodonids. Dominant ciliates were small tintinnids and oligotrich ciliate Strombidium sp., Large Strombidium (oligotrich ciliate) and sessile Acineta turberosa (suctorian ciliate) occurred after 10 days. The attached larvae of Balanus occurred as biofouling organism on the early surface and showed maximum abundance of 18 indiv. $cm^{-2}$ at 7th day. At that time, adult barnacles were observed on the surface and dead barnacles were observed after two days. Except barnacles, the larvaes of Anthozoa sp., Oysters (Crassostrea gigas) and Polychaeta were observed on the surface from 3rd day. 3 benthic copepods including Harpacticus sp., I isopod, 1 polychaeta and 1 gastropoda were observed as predators of the microbial film on the surface after 7 days when microbial film developed very well. Although the ingestion rates of protozoa on the bactctia of the rnicrobi31 film were relatively low, the average grazing rate of protozoa on bacteria was high of 0.058 $h^{-1}$. This implied that the grazing pressure of protozoa influences the mortality of bacteria populations on the microbial film. but protozoa cannot get enough energy from only bacteria on the microbial film.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 황해에서의 대형 수염고래류 포경실태 및 출현 계절에 대한 고찰

        최중기,서지호,윤원득,CHOI, JOONG KI,SEO, JI-HO,YOON, WONDUK 한국해양학회 2019 바다 Vol.24 No.3

        Over 3,200 large baleen whales including 3,173 fin whales, 7 blue whales and 28 humpback whales were hunted by Japanese whaling companies in the Yellow Sea during Japanese colonial period (1916~1944). As a result, these large baleen whales are under the endangered state in the Yellow Sea. The Yellow Sea had good living conditions for large baleen whales in the water temperature ($4{\sim}26^{\circ}C$) and food supply. The whaling on the large baleen whales was carried out mainly from early winter to late spring. The possibility of large scale whaling was caused by the migration of these baleen whales from other areas for the feeding on abundances of Euphausia pacifica in the surface layer during these seasons. During summer and autumn season, the baleen whales moved to other areas (good feeding ground as Woolsan offshore waters), because Euphausia pacifica stayed below the strong themocline which was formed from June to October in the Yellow Sea. 일제강점기 황해에서 일본 포경회사에 포획된 대형 수염고래류는 참고래 3,173마리, 대왕고래 7마리, 혹등고래 28마리를 합하여 총 3,200마리 이상이 포획되었다. 이러한 대량포획으로 황해에서 대형 수염고래류가 거의 소멸되었다. 황해는 대형 수염고래류가 서식하기에 적합한 수온조건($4{\sim}26^{\circ}C$)과 풍부한 먹이 조건을 갖추고 있어 동계와 춘계에 대형 수염고래류의 출현이 많았던 것으로 추정된다. 동계와 춘계에 참고래가 많이 포획된 것은 이들의 주 먹이인 태평양크릴새우(Euphausia pacifica)가 표, 중층에 많아 이들이 이 시기에 대량 회유한 것에 기인된다. 그러나 수온약층이 강하게 형성되는 여름과 가을에는 태평양크릴새우가 수온약층 아래에 분포하여 포식 조건이 좋은 다른 해역(울산 해역)으로 이동한 것으로 보인다.

      • 西海 京畿 植物 플랑크톤에 대한 생態學的 硏究 III. 植物플랑크톤 種조성, 現存量, 일시浮流플랑크톤

        최중기,심재형 한국해양학회 1986 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.21 No.3

        The phytoplankton ecology of estuarine waters was investigated in the Kyeonggi Bay from May 1981 to September 1982 on monthly basis. In this study area, a total of 228 phytoplankton species was identified. Among these taxa, the most dominant species are diatoms in this area. Tychopelagic plankton occupies 40.4% of total species. The percentage of tychopelagic plankton density ranged from 10.2% in September to 92.7% in March of monthly standing crops. From late autumn to early spring, the percentage values are more than 72%. They play an important role from late autumn to early spring in this estuarine plandton community. These tychopelagic planktons are induced from benthic diatoms. Because the bottom shear stresses generated by the tides and winds are stronger than the adhesive and tractive force of benthic diatoms, most of benthic diatoms must be resuspended into tychopelagic suspensions during autumn and winter. Paralia sulcata is the most important tychopelagic plankton as an indicator species of water mixing in the eastern coastal area of Yellow Sea. This species seems to have even broader tolerance to the environmental stress than Skeletonema costalum, and tends to fill the gaps in winter, when the phytoplandton is relatively unsuccessful. Skeletonema costatum and Chaetoceros debilis are dominant in other seasons. Typical blooms of phytoplankton occur in spring and early autumn, The first bloom is started by Skeletonema costatum in early May, second peak is formed by various diatom population in September.

      • 황해 중.동부 연안 수역의 조석전선이 식물 플랑크톤 생산력과 분포에 미치 는 영향

        최중기 한국해양학회 1991 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.26 No.3

        In order to study the formation and structure of tidal fronts and their influence on the distribution and productivity of phytoplankton in the outer of Kyonggi Bay, analyses on the water temperature data from 1977 to 1986 and 3 surveys from 1981 to 1986 were carried out in the mid0eastern coast of the Yellow Sea. Temperature gradients and dissolved oxygen gradients were implied that the tidal fronts are formed at the outer of the Kyonggi Bay along the western side of Tae-An peninsula from spring to summer. the formations of tidal fronts in this study area influence the distribution of phytoplankton and primary productivity. The standing stocks, chlorophyll concentrations and primary productivity of phytoplankton in the frontal area are higher than those of the outer stratified waters and the inner coastal mixed waters. These high production in the frontal area are resulted from good light condition and rich nutrient within the water columns. With a boundary of frontal area, there are relatively high chlorophyll concentrations and primary productivity in the coastal mixed waters while there are low chlorophyll concentrations and relatively high primary productivity in the stratified waters. These relatively high primary productivity in the outer area are resulted from the high potential production by nanoplankton in the surface layer and the high production of tychopelagic diatoms under the thermocline with the deep transparency.

      • 仁川 沿岸 미세 생물 먹이망 내에서 浮游 原생動物의 포식율에 관한 연구

        최중기,김시균 한국해양학회 1995 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.30 No.5

        To clarify the role of protozooplankton in the microbial food web of Inchon coastal ecosystem, the grazing capacities and growth rates of heterotrophic flagellated (HFL) and ciliates were investigated. We measured the growth rates of bacteria, HFL, autotrophic flagellated (AFL) and ciliates using reverse flow (RF) filter set and obtained the clearance rates and ingestion rates of HFL and dilates by fluorescent labelled bacteria (FLB) method and isolation culture method from natural seawater of Inchon coastal area. The standing crops of bacteria, HFL, AFL and ciliates in this study area were 0.7∼1.5${\times}$10/SUP 6/ cells$.$ml/SUP -1/ 1,680∼2,180 cells$.$ml/SUP -1/, 1,090∼2,180 cells$.$ml, and 3,600∼5,700 cells$.$l/SUP -1/, respectively. The mean growth rates of bacteria, HFL, AFL and ciliates were 0.039 h/SUP -1/, 0.032∼0.033h/SUP -1/, 0.015∼ 0.025h/SUP -1/and 0.021h/SUP -1/, respectively. The growth rates of protozooplankton of Inchon coastal waters were relatively low. Mean grazing rate of HFL, AFL and ciliates were0.039 h/SUP -1/, 0.032∼0.033h/SUP -1/,0.015∼ 0.025h/SUP -1/and 0.021h/SUP -1/, respectively. The growth rates of protozooplankton of Inchon coastal waters were relatively low. Mean grazing rate of HFL on bacteria was 0.055h/SUP -1/. Mean grazing rates of ciliates on HFL was relatively high of 0.057 h/SUP -1/, while the grazing rate of ciliates on AFL was low of 0.019h/SUP -1/. The clearance rates and ingestion rates of HFL on bacteria were 3.6∼61.8nl$.$HFL$.$h/SUP -1/ and 6∼52 BAC. HFL$.$h/SUP -1/ respectively. FLB grazing experiment showed low values, while natural bacteria experiment showed high value meaning high grazing pressure on total bacteria. The clearance rates and ingestion rates of Tintinnopsis sp., dominant ciliates in Inchon coastal waters, were 3.2∼4.6 ul$.$CIL/SUP -1/$.$h/SUP -1/ and 5∼6 cells$.$CIL/SUP -1/$.$h/SUP -1/ respectively, showing higher values in the high tide than low tide. The ingestion rates of ciliates implies that ciliate took up 17∼20% of total nanoflagellates of Inchon coastal waters.

      • KCI등재후보

        First Record of Four Soil Ciliates from Korea

        최중기 한국환경생물학회 2015 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.33 No.2

        During our investigation of ciliates from Korea, four ciliates were isolated from the non-flood Petri dish culture of soil. They were cultured under laboratory condition and studied using standard methods morphologically, including living observations, protargol impregnations, and morphometrics. The four species are Metopus hasei Sondheim, 1929, Urosomoida agiliformis Foissner, 1982, Oxytricha proximata Shibuya, 1930, and Cladotricha sp. in Nießen (1984) respectively.

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