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      • 朱子의 道德哲學에 관한 硏究

        최정묵 충남대학교 2001 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This thesis is a study on Zhu-zi's moral philosophy. The primary object is to explain the basis of virtue and the possibility of vice. And I'd like to show that Zhu-zi's moral philosophy is a life philosophy by discussing the meaning of the realization of virtue in connection with the thought of ‘Tian-ren-he-yi’(天人合一). The summary of these contents is the following. In Chapter II, I dealt with the connection of the thoughts of Kongzi(孔子), Mengzi(孟子), and Xunzi(荀子) and Zhu-zi's moral philosophy. Konzi's thought of Re(仁) is to have deepened the thought of moral ‘Tian-ren-he-yi’(天人合一). This means the self-consciousness of man's moral essence, and this shows that the content is based on morality. This thought was deepened and systemized by Mengzi, and the content indicates the moral definition, or ‘Xing-shan-shuo’(性善說). Kongzi and Mengzi's definition of man is on the assumption that man is a moral being, and Zhu-zi succeeded this thought. Xunzi's theory is concentrated on the matter of vice. Xunzi expands the matter of desire and makes a point of how to regulate this. This thought is to show the acquired effort to realize virtue, or the necessity of the theory of moral culture. The theory which acknowledged the natural possibility of morals, and the discussion which emphasized the necessity of moral culture became the formational basis of Zhu-zi's moral philosophy. In Chapter III, I'd like to examine the ethical meaning of Li-qi-lun(理氣論). In understanding man, the meaning of Li-qi leads to the matter of the origin of virtue and vice. The possibility of virtue is derived from Li(理), and this says that the contents of Li are ‘Re-yi-li-zhi’(仁義禮智). It is said that the matter of vice in reality is related to Qi. The explanation of being and t he discussion of virtue and vice are developed by the relations of Li-qi. In Zhu-zi's Li-qi-lun, the kernel of the matter is the logics of ‘Li-xian-qi-hou’(理先氣後). This not only explains the real state of being, but also shows the important meaning in terms of axiology. The difference between Li and Qi, and the emphasis on the priority of Li are to secure the absoluteness of Li. This thought relates ‘Ming-ji-li’(性卽理) to ‘Xing-shan-shuo’(性善說) and comes to build the basis of the absoluteness of morals. Zhu-zi's Xing-lun(性論) is based on the what Heaven has conferred is called ‘THE NATURE’(天命之謂性) in Zong-yong(『中庸』). The definite contents of THE NATURE which Heaven has conferred are benevolence, righteousness, propriety, and wisdom(仁義禮智). This means that man has the moral virtue naturally. This show that the morals which man ought to do have already been secured ontologically, and proves that the law of oughtness is the law of being. This content is a kind of moral transcendental idealism, and makes sure that ‘Xing’(性) is presented as the basic law of the universe as well as the basic law of morals. The proposition of ‘Ming-ji-li’ shows that the nature of man is the basis of the moral principle and the principle of being of the world. This point of view shows that ‘the world’ and ‘man’ are united in one structure in terms of ontology. In Chapter IV, I'd like to discuss man's subjective activeness and the matter of virtue and vice. This is the approach of the matter of virtue and vice through the detailed theory of ‘Xin-xing-lun’(心性論) for understanding man. The key meaning of Xin(心) is in superintendence. This means that it superintend his own body and it is the subject of moral self-consciousness. This activeness of Xin is presented by the proposition of ‘Xin-tong-xing-qing’(心統性情). This means that man as the subject of the moral people and the Xin are established. The matter of virtue and vice related to Xing(性) is realized through ‘Ben-ran-zhi-xing’(本然之性) and ‘Qi-zhi-zhi-xing’(氣質之性). The meaning of Zhu-zi's Xing-lun is shown not by the discussion of ‘Ben-ran-zhi-xing’ presented as the basis of virtue but by the discussion of ‘Qi-zhi-zhi-xing’ including the possibility of vice. This shows that in understanding Xing the basic logics of Li-qi is assumed. ‘Qi-zhi-zhi-xing’ is to admit the possibility of vice by the restriction of Qi-zhi(氣質). The important fact is that Zhu-zi presents ‘Qi-zhi-zhi-xing’ as the possibility of vice. But this is not to admit the absoluteness of vice. In this aspect, the theory of moral culture comes to exist, which dissolves the possibility of vice and endeavor to realize virtue. The key meaning of this theory of moral culture is presented by ‘Cun-tian-li-mie-ren-yu’(存天理滅仁欲). Zhu-zi's basic position of Tian-li(天理) and Ren-yu(人欲) is that they oppose to each, appear and disappear. Attention should be paid to the fact that he does not view these as the two coexisting objects. In other words, preserving Tian-li means eradicating Ren-yu. Preserving Tian-li and eradicating Ren-yu can not happen at the same time. ‘Cun-tian-li-mie-ren-yu’ in Zhu-zi's philosophy does not mean one of the methods of moral culture. This shows the necessity of moral culture and the object which ought to be achieved. In this proposition, the key matter is to show what the object which Zhu-zi claims ought to be eradicated is. Ren-yu which ought to be eradicated in Zhu-zi's philosophy is not man's instinctive desire but personal greed. Mie-ren-yu is not the negation of all man's emotional elements and desire for development. Accordingly, in Zhu-zi's philosophy, Mie-ren-yu can be said to be the negation of personal greed and not the negation of desire. The reason why personal greed ought to be negated is that personal greed becomes the hindrance in helping all beings preserve their lives, which is the mind with which Heaven and Earth give birth to all things. Preserving Tian-li is realizing the mind of Heaven and Earth(仁), and personal greed ought to be eradicated because it does harm to all lives. The reason why ‘Si-you’(私欲) is bad is that it is contrary to the absolute virtue with which Tian-li gives birth to and grow all things. In Chapter V, I discussed ‘Ge-wu-zhi-zhi’(格物致知) and ‘Jing’(敬), the methods realizing morals. In Zhi-zhi's philosophy. Jing is to show Tian-li brightly and to eradicate Ren-yu(人欲). In the mind is a time it is calm and moving. When the mind is calm, the method of cultivating THE NATURE is asked. When the mind is moving, the effort to examine the moving state is necessary. Jing includes these two methods. In Zhu-zi's philosophy, Jing means that it preserves and grow Xin and Xing, is aware of the meaning of man's being, and performs this. Besides the methods, another meaning of Jing is said to be the attitude toward Heaven, God. This shows that the basis of man's morals is on Heaven, and the ultimate end of man's life is ‘Tian-ren-he-yi’(天人合一). Zhu-zi shows his theory of knowledge, correcting and interpreting the Ge-wu-zhi-zhi of Daxue. The characteristic of the theory is to expand the category of knowledge to the objective world beyond the cognitive subject ‘I’. This methodology of his is criticized for giving undue stress to scientific search. But that is because one does not understand exactly what the ultimate purpose of Ge-wu-zhi-zhi theory, and because one overlooks his critical mind that emphasizes this method. Zhu-zi's Ge-wu-zhi-zhi theory has two kinds of meanings in the Confucian theory of knowledge. First, the category of knowledge is limited to human beings because the Confucian theory of knowledge aims at moral culture. Zhu-zi's emphasis that one should search for the principles of things is to show the problem of the knowledge acquisition of his contemporaries, and this has the methodological meaning of expanding the category of the Confucian theory of knowledge. Second, the ultimate end, on the above methodology, is to understand and realize the principle of oughtness. One can be convinced that the object of knowledge is the principle of being and that of oughtness. But the ultimate end of Ge-wu-zhi-zhi is to realize moral knowledge, and this shows that Zhu-zi also succeeds the characteristic of the Confucian theory of knowledge. Thus, the meaning of Zhu-zi's Ge-wu-zhi-zhi is to realize the moral knowledge in that it succeeds the characteristic of the Confucian theory of knowledge, and the other meaning of Zhu-zi's Ge-wu-zhi-zhi is that is has an extended methodology beyond the existing schema in realizing this moral knowledge. In Chapter VI, I discussed Re(仁), the meaning of realizing morals and the mind of Heaven and Earth. Here ‘Tian-ren-he-yi’ and man's role based on this are discussed. Re is the right virtue of the mind and that Tian-li is internalized into man. In other words, Re is the reason for being man, the definite meaning of Re is to grow life(生意). The mind of Heaven and Earth is to give birth to all things. Man and things are born with the mind of Heaven and Earth, and they make the mind of Heaven and Earth as theirs. Like this, Re is the mind with which Heaven and Earth give birth to all things and the ground on which man lives as a human being. Accordingly, in Zhu-zi's philosophy, the realization of morals means the right realization of Re, THE NATURE. ‘Re-yi-li-zhi’(仁義禮智), man's realizing virtue, is based on ‘Yuan-heng-li-zhen’(元亨利貞) which means the movement of the way of Heaven and Earth. This means that the content of Xing that Tian-li is internalized into man is ‘Yuan-heng-li-zhen’. The way of man is related to that of Heaven, and the link of this connection is the only morality. Accordingly, man's realization of morals is not only the realization of man's own NATURE but also the union of Heaven and man. Re which means the realization of this state is based on the mind with which Heaven and Earth give birth to all things, and there must be love for life. In this respect, ‘Sheng-ren’(聖人), man's supreme state, comes to take the role in the growth of Heaven and Earth. Thus, the content of Zhu-zi's philosophy is to make sure that it has the ultimate end of ‘Tian-ren-he-yi’, and to prove that the possible basis is Xing, the morality. Here the basic principle of Confucianism is confirmed that the realization of Re is prior to preserving life and that the end of the philosophy is the perfection and revelation of moral Tian-ming(天命). In this aspect, Zhu-zi's discussion on the possibility of the realization of virtue on the basis of ontology and the reality of vice is to succeed and systemize the theory of Early Chinese Confucianism.

      • 정치커뮤니케이션 효과측정을 위한 숙의형 웹조사 활용방안에 대한 탐색적 연구 : 신고리원전 5,6호기 건설재개 이슈를 중심으로

        최정묵 경희대학교 언론정보대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to explore the ways in which democratic decision-making can be achieved on-line, and through deliberation and discussion ensuring broad citizen participation, and to confirm the social acceptability of the findings of the Public Discussion Committee's research. This study is based on the processes and results of the Public Discussion Committee's deliberative opinion surveys on Shinkori Nuclear Power Plants 5 and 6 Units, conducted by Moon Jae-In Government in 2017. If the social acceptability of the deliberative opinion surveys is confirmed in Korea not familiar with debate and deliberation, it can be possible to assess the possibility of the social contribution of deliberative Web surveys. With regard to research question 1, this study examined whether or not deliberative web surveys ensuring broad citizen participation could substitute the Public Discussion Commitee's deliberative opinion surveys employing dual probability sampling and face-to-face condition, and supplement the shortcomings of the deliberative opinion surveys. Regarding research question 2, this study confirmed the social acceptability of the Public Discussion Committee's deliberative opinion surveys. That is, whether or not the Public Discussion Committee's deliberative opinion surveys can contribute to the development of democracy and the prevention of public conflicts in the Korean society. The deliberative web surveys this study focused on employed the probability sampling method and had the respondents repeatedly exposed to the arguments opposite to their own ones for enough deliberation. The questionnaires of the surveys included the following issues: the environmental impacts, economics and safety of nuclear power plants, and the stability of power supply and the increase of electric charge. The results of this study demonstrated that the respondents' preference of the reconstruction to the halt to the construction of the nuclear power plants increased in both deliberative web surveys and the Public Discussion Committee's deliberative opinion surveys. Also, the results showed that the factors affecting the respondent’s opinion were identical in both surveys. With regard to the national poll to confirm the social acceptability of deliberative opinion surveys, this study examined the sympathy with the results of the Public Discussion Committee's public opinion surveys, the institutionalization of deliberative opinion surveys, and the responses to the nuclear power plants policies. According to the findings of this study, those who did not participated in deliberative opinion surveys displayed high acceptabilities and reliabilities about the results of deliberative opinion surveys. The majority of the respondents were shown to agreed the idea that deliberative opinion surveys should be institutionalized and a government agency to manage them should also be established permanently. 정치커뮤니케이션 효과측정을 위한 숙의형 웹조사 활용방안의 탐색적 연구: 신고리원전 5,6호기 건설재개 이슈를 중심으로 본 연구는 2017년 문재인정부에서 추진한 ‘신고리5・6호기원전공론화위원회 이하, ‘공론화위원회’로 약칭 ’의 공론조사과정 및 결과를 토대로, 보다 광범위한 시민참여가 보장되는 숙의와 토론을 통해 민주적인 의사결정이 온라인으로 가능한 방법을 탐색하는 동시에 공론화위원회 조사결과의 사회적 수용성을 확인하는데 목적을 둔다. 토론과 숙의에 익숙하지 않은 한국사회에서 공론조사의 사회적 수용성이 확인된다면, 숙의형 웹조사의 사회적 기여가능성을 진단해 볼 수도 있을 것이다. 본 연구는 [연구문제1]과 관련하여 광범위한 시민의 참여가 가능한 ‘숙의형 웹조사’방식이 이중-확률추출방법 표본추출법은 크게 확률추출법(probability sampling)과 비확률추출법(non-probability sampling)으로 구분되는데, 과학적인 조사를 위해서는 특정 단위가 표본으로 추출될 확률을 파악할 수 있는 확률적 원리에 의해 표본단위를 선택하는 확률추출법을 사용한다. 본 위원회의 공론조사 참여자는 확률추출을 이중으로 사용하였다. 을 통해 모집되고 면대면(face to face condition)조건에서 진행된 공론화위원회 공론조사를 대체하고 단점을 보완할 수 있는지를 살펴보았다. [연구문제2]와 관련해서는 공론화위원회 공론조사가 한국 사회의 민주주의발전과 공공갈등예방에 기여할 수 있는지 그 사회적 수용성을 확인하였다. 본 연구가 천착한 숙의형 웹조사는 공론조사의 형식적 측면에서 ①확률추출법을 적용 면대면 조건이 아니므로, 이중-확률추출이 불필요하였고, ②숙의가 가능하도록 응답자들을 그들의 기존 입장과 반대되는 지문에 반복적으로 노출시켰다. 또 내용적 측면에서는 신고리5・6호기 원전의 갈등이슈였던 ①원전의 환경영향여부, ②원전의 경제성여부, ③원전의 안전성여부, ④안정적인 전력수급 및 소비자전기료인상 여부가 문항으로 설계되었다. 연구결과, 숙의형 웹조사와 공론화위원회 공론조사 모두에서 건설 반대의견보다 건설재개의견이 더 증가했음이 밝혀졌다. 또한 숙의형 웹조사와 공론화위원회 공론조사 모두에서 의견 변화에 영향을 주었던 요인이 같은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 공론조사의 사회적 수용성을 확인하기 위해 실시한 국민여론조사와 관련하여 공론화위원회 공론조사 ①결과에 대한 공감여부, ②공론조사제도 도입과 기구 상설화여부, ③원전정책에 대한 반응을 살펴보았다. 그 결과, 공론화위원회 공론조사에 참여하지 않은 국민도 공론조사결과에 대한 높은 수용성과 신뢰도를 나타냈다. 공론조사를 제도화하고 이를 운영할 정부기구를 상설화하자는 주장에도 다수국민이 동의하는 것으로 나타났다.

      • 비대면 의료 서비스품질과 환경품질이 서비스만족도 및 앱 재사용의도에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

        최정묵 경희대학교 대학원 2023 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This study aims to examine the healthcare environment quality and healthcare service quality of telemedicine, which has been temporarily allowed during the COVID-19 pandemic, from the perspectives of technology acceptance models (perceived usefulness and ease of use) and user satisfaction and intention to reuse the app. Through this, telemedicine users can monitor their health conditions at home, confirm their medical situations through teleconsultations with healthcare professionals, and receive medical diagnoses and prescriptions, thereby assisting in healthcare management. Telemedicine professionals can actively monitor the users' health conditions and provide effective healthcare services, thereby helping to improve the efficiency and quality of medical care. Telemedicine app developers aim to enhance the reliability and stability of healthcare service delivery and facilitate smooth communication between healthcare professionals and users. This research emphasizes the importance of timeliness, public value, responsiveness, futurity, and scalability. Timeliness refers to the specific context of the temporary and limited allowance of remote healthcare consultations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Public value can be seen in the recognition of remote healthcare consultations as a public service by both citizens and the government. Responsiveness highlights the consideration of remote healthcare consultations as an urgent crisis response measure for future outbreaks. Futurity recognizes the inevitable relationship between scientific and technological advancements and the advancement of digital healthcare, including remote consultations. Scalability acknowledges the continuous growth of market participants such as relevant companies and individuals with remote healthcare experience, supporting the background and necessity of this research. A survey was conducted using an online panel for three days, from April 18th to 20th, 2023, to investigate 500 adults aged 19 and above nationwide who have experienced using a remote healthcare application. The survey questionnaire consisted of 48 items with 2-4 items per variable, and Likert 5-point scale was used for evaluation. In this study, we examined the influence of usefulness and ease of use, which are parameters of the technology acceptance model, on service satisfaction and intention to reuse among users of remote healthcare apps. Furthermore, we explored the relationship between usefulness and ease of use and the quality of medical environment and medical service quality. Specifically, we empirically investigated the relationship between usefulness and ease of use as mediating variables and the sub-variables of medical environment quality, such as reliability, availability, security, configurability, and payment convenience, as well as the sub-variables of medical service quality, such as reliability, responsiveness, empathy, and assurance. The research findings supported the hypothesis that there would be a positive relationship between medical environment quality and usefulness, as well as between medical service quality and ease of use. Furthermore, it was found that usefulness and ease of use had a positive relationship with service satisfaction and intention to reuse the app. Therefore, all the hypotheses of the research model were accepted when considering the influence relationships among all variables. However, when examining the relationships between the sub-variables of the independent variables and the mediating variables, the acceptance and rejection of hypotheses were observed individually. Firstly, regarding the influence of each sub-variable of medical environment quality on usefulness, hypotheses related to reliability and availability were accepted, while hypotheses related to security, configurability, and payment convenience were rejected. Secondly, regarding the influence of each sub-variable of medical environment quality on ease of use, hypotheses related to reliability, availability, configurability, and payment convenience were accepted, while the hypothesis related to security was rejected. Thirdly, regarding the influence of each sub-variable of medical service quality on usefulness, the hypothesis related to reliability was accepted, while hypotheses related to responsiveness, empathy, and assurance were rejected. Lastly, regarding the influence of each sub-variable of medical service quality on ease of use, the hypothesis related to reliability was accepted, while hypotheses related to responsiveness, empathy, and assurance were rejected. Based on these research findings, it is derived that considerations such as standardization of the interface and payment methods of remote healthcare apps, mandatory assurance of security quality for remote healthcare, and establishment of agreements with data collaboration agencies, as well as the development of manuals and terms and conditions related to remote healthcare, may be necessary. In particular, considering the importance of remote healthcare services in an aging society, proactive attention and policy support may be required in the early stages of implementing remote healthcare services in our country. 본 연구는 코로나바이러스19 시기에 임시적 한시적으로 허용되고 있는 비대면 진료의 의료환경 품질과 의료서비스 품질을 사용품질(기술수용모델)측면과 서비스만족도 및 앱 재사용 의도측면에서 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 통해, 비대면 진료 이용자는 집에서 건강상태를 모니터링하고 의료진과의 비대면 진료를 통해 질병 상황을 확인하며 진료 및 약 처방을 받을 수 있으므로, 건강 관리에 도움을 줄 수 있도록 연구하는 것이 목적이다. 비대면 의료진은 이용자의 건강상태를 보다 적극적으로 모니터링하고, 의료 서비스를 효과적으로 제공할 수 있게 되므로, 의료진의 진료 효율성과 질을 향상시키는데 도움을 줄 수 있도록 연구하는 것이 목적이다. 비대면 진료 앱 개발자는 의료 서비스 제공의 신뢰성과 안정성, 의료진과 이용자 간의 원활한 소통을 지원하는데 도움을 줄 수 있도록 연구하는 것이 목적이다. 본 연구는 시의성 · 공공성 · 대응성 · 미래성 · 확장성 등의 필요성을 갖는다. 시의성은 코로나바이러스19 대유행으로 일시적이고 제한적으로 비대면 진료가 허용된 시점이라는 특수성이 작용했다. 공공성은 국민과 정부가 비대면 진료의 공공성을 인정하고 있다는 점으로 볼 수 있다. 대응성은 향후 추가적 대유행에 긴급한 위기대응책 중 하나로 비대면 진료를 바라보고 있다는 점을 들수 있다. 미래성은 과학기술발달과 비대면 진료를 포함한 디지털 헬스케어의 고도화는 필연적 관계라는 점에서 찾을 수 있다. 마지막으로 확장성은 관련 기업과 비대면 진료경험자 등 시장참여자가 지속해서 증가하고 있다는 점에서 연구의 배경 및 필요성을 검토했다. 전국 만 19세 이상 성인남녀 중 비대면 진료 애플리케이션을 이용해 본 경험이 있는 500명을 조사했다. 2023년 4월 18일부터 20일까지 3일간 온라인 패널을 활용한 방법으로 조사를 진행하였다. 설문지는 변수별로 2~4개의 문항, 총 48개 항목으로 구성하였으며, 이 변수들을 측정하기 위해서 Likert 5점 척도를 사용하여 평가하였다. 본 연구에서는 비대면 진료 앱 이용자의 서비스만족도와 재이용 의사에 영향을 미치는 매개변수로 기술수용모델의 사용품질 중 유용성과 용이성은 어떠한지 또, 유용성과 용이성이 각각 의료환경 품질과 의료서비스품질에 어떤 관계인지를 살펴보았다. 더 나아가 의료환경 품질의 하위변수인 신뢰도, 가용성, 보안성, 구성편의성, 결제편의성과 의료서비스품질의 하위변수인 신뢰도, 대응성, 공감성, 확신성이 매개변수인 유용성 및 용이성과는 각각 어떤 관계인지를 실증적으로 규명해보고자 하였다. 연구결과, 의료환경 품질과 의료서비스 품질은 각각 유용성과 용이성에 정(+)의 관계가 있을 것이다. 이러한 유용성과 용이성은 각각 서비스만족도와 앱 재사용 의도에도 정(+)의 관계에 있는 것으로 나타났다. 결국, 모든 상위변수 간 영향 관계로 볼 때 연구모형의 가설이 모두 채택되었다. 다만, 독립변수의 하위변수와 매개변수 간 영향 관계에선 연구모형의 채택과 기각이 개별적으로 나타났다. 첫째, 의료환경 품질의 각 하위변수가 유용성과 어떤 관계인와 관련하여, 신뢰도와 가용성은 정(+)의 관계였지만, 보안성, 구성편의성, 결제편의성은 관계가 없었다. 둘째, 의료환경 품질의 각 하위변수가 용이성과 어떤 관계인지와 관련하여, 신뢰도, 가용성, 구성편의성, 결제편의성은 정(+)의 관계였지만, 보안성은 관계가 없었다. 셋째, 의료서비스 품질의 각 하위변수가 유용성과 어떤 관계인지와 관련하여, 신뢰도는 정(+)의 관계였지만, 대응성, 공감성, 확신성은 관계가 없었다. 넷째, 의료서비스 품질의 각 하위변수가 용이성과 어떤 관계인지와 관련하여, 신뢰도는 정(+)의 관계였지만, 대응성, 공감성, 확신성은 관계가 없었다. 특히 의료서비스 품질과 의료환경 품질의 하위변수 중, 기각되었던 변수들을 집중분석하였고, 이를 바탕으로 비대면 진료 앱의 인터페이스 및 결제수단의 표준화, 비대면 진료 보안품질보증제 및 데이터 협력기관 협약체결 의무화, 비대면 진료관련 매뉴얼 및 약관 개발 등의 검토가 필요할 수도 있다는 시사점을 도출하였다. 더 나아가 고령사회에서 비대면 진료 서비스는 매우 중요한 역할을 수행할 것이기 때문에, 비대면 진료 서비스 초기 단계에 있는 우리나라 입장에선 제도적 허용과 적극적인 관심 및 정책적 지원이 필요할 수 있다.

      • 폐 유기용제를 활용한 고순도 전자급 초산부틸 정제공정 최적화 연구

        최정묵 부산대학교 대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        An organic solvent is used with a lot of thing in many kind of chemical industry, and also in great quantity, production of a solvent organic abolition is increasing continuously. Therefore reducing and managing a waste organic solvent are issued in advanced countries, and many companies have tried to reuse a waste organic solvent on their own process. The purpose of this study is to reuse a waste organic solvent used in electronic and semiconductor process through the re-refining utilizing new distillation column unit and to develop and manage 1 cycle process from organic solvent production to re-refining a waste organic solvent in order to reduce environmental pollution through waste recycling and secure production cost competitiveness of companies. Also, this study compared a refinement recycle characteristic of simple distillation and 30 steps glass distillation column in experimentally and in the based experiment I tried to make a optimum re-refining process in suitable utility consumption and feasibility between using 2 column and 1 column by using chemical process simulator which it is best. Therefore, I will apply it to actual process refining a waste organic solvent through refinement characteristic of 30 steps of distillation column, and the result of chemical process simulator after studying more efficient and economical way.

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