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      • KCI등재

        露日戰爭前의 韓日秘密條約에 對하여

        崔永禧(Choi Yeong-hee) 백산학회 1967 白山學報 Vol.- No.3

        The Japanese encroachment on Korea from the signing of the Treaty of Amity to the annexation of Korea is divided in general into three stages: (1) from the conclusion of the Treaty of Amity to the beginning of the Sino-Japanese War, (2) from this war to the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War, and (3) from the latter war to the annexation. The last and third stage covers the period in which Japan fought the war with Russia, removed the Russian intervention from Korea, and accomplished the annexation of Korea. In the early part of the third stage, while bringing on the Russo-Japanese War militarily, Japan attempted diplomatically to draw Korea to her side by way of concluding a protocol with Korea in the form of a secret agreement and justify her aggression on Korea during or after the war on the basis of the secret agreement. But this secret agreement was obstructed just prior to its signing by an opposition movement in Korea and also by Korea’s declaration of neutrality. It is for this reason that this secret agreement was not widely known, and no study on it has appeared thus far. But this secret agreement was not dead but revived to become the original draft of the Protocol between Korea and Japan, which was signed immediately after the Russo-Japanese War under the armed threat of Japan. The Protocol is a slightly revised version of the secret agreement, revised that is to the greater advantage of Japan. Therefore, a clarification of Japan’s purpose to conclude the secret agreement, the details of negotiating it, and the contents of the agreement draft would help to grasp the characteristics of the third stage in the Japanese encroachment on Korea. Thus, this paper attempts to look into the nature of the secret agreement and the background of the diplomatic relations between Korea and Japan by dividing itself into five sections: (1) Japan’s purpose to conclude the secret agreement, (2) the details of negotiating the secret agreement, (3) the contents of the secret agreement draft, (4) Korea’s declaration of neutrality, and (5) the obstruction of the singing of the secret agreement. In conclusion, the secret agreement was apparently based on the following decision of the Japanese Cabinet on Japan’s policy twoard Korea before the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War: In respect to Korea, in all cases, force should be employed to bring her under Japanese influence, but it is advisable to make a justifiable choice whenever practicable. It can be said, therefore, that the secret agreement was nothing more than an agreement designed to justify the Japanese position in Korea internationally, and what backed it was sheer force.

      • KCI등재

        日本 北部九州地域의 初期造瓦系統과 生産方式

        최영희(Choi Yeong-Hee) 한국고대학회 2021 先史와 古代 Vol.- No.66

        일본 초기와에 대한 연구는 지금까지 기나이지역에 편중되었고, 조와기술의 교류 역시 백제-기나이지역의 관계 규명에 집중되어 왔다. 그러나, 북부큐슈지역에서도 6세기말부터 기와의 제작과 사용이 시작되었으며, 그 도입경로와 존재방식도 다양하게 나타나고 있다. 본 글에서는 기와제작의 기본 도구인 암·수키와 성형틀의 형식과 그 조합 관계를 기준으로 크게 네 가지의 조와계통을 구분·상정하였다. 각 계통은 6세기말~7세기전반 신라, 일본의 기나이지역, 한반도의 지방에서 유입되어 복수의 조와집단을 형성하였고, 꽤 오랜 기간 공존하였다. 북부큐슈지역의 초기조와기술은 매우 복잡한 양상을 보이는 만큼, 기존의 ‘도성:도성’ 간 교류 뿐 아니라, ‘도성:지방’, 그리고 국가를 달리하여 ‘지방:지방’의 교류관계를 입체적으로 파악할 필요가 있다. 특히 窯場 및 소성기술의 보유 여부는 기와 생산의 중요한 요소로, 이 지역 토기공인들의 오랜 경험과 기술력이 많은 영향을 미쳤을 것이다. 7세기후반 이후, 기나이계 조와기술이 재유입되면서 도성의 새로운 기술요소가 수용되며, 그것은 막새를 비롯한 장식용 기와를 본격적으로 사용하는 새로운 지붕 의장의 확산을 의미한다. 수용방식은 크게 두 가지 양상으로 나누어진다. 우선 치쿠젠지역의 우시쿠비 생산유적의 사례는 기나이지역 공인의 이동 내지는 직접적인 전수방식을 상정할 수 있는 경우이다. 한편, 치쿠고지역의 카미이와타유적의 사례는 재래식 기술기반을 바탕으로 새로운 의장요소만을 받아들인 간접적인 수용의 경우라 할 수 있다. 북부큐슈지역은 도성을 벗어난 지역에서 조와기술이 도입, 정착되는 과정을 여실히 보여주고 있어, 한반도의 초기조와방식을 살펴보는 데 있어서도 유효한 모델이 될 수 있을 것이다. Research on the Japanese early roof tile was concentrated in the Kinai region, and the exchange of roof tile-making technology has also been focused on identifying the relationship between Baekje and Kinai region. However, in the northern Kyushu region, the manufacture and use of roof tiles began in the late 6th century, and the introduction path and method of existence have also been various. In this article, four types of roof tiles and systems were divided and presented based on the form of molds and their combination relationships with concave and convex roof tile, which are the basic tools of roof tile production. Each system is at the end of the 6th century During the first half of the 7th century, it was introduced from Silla, Japan s kinai region, and the provinces of the Korean, forming groups and coexisting for quite a long time. As the early roof tides and techniques of the Northern Kyushu region show very complex aspects, it is necessary to identify not only the existing interchange between the capitals, but also the interchange between the capital and the provinces, and the provinces. In particular, the possibility of kiln and firing technology is thought to have had a significant impact on the tile production method. After the second half of the 7th century, the reintroduction of the kiln system and the new technology elements of the city are accommodated, which means the expansion of new roofing facilities that use ornamental roof tiles, including marshes, in earnest. The acceptance method is largely divided into two aspects. First of all, the case of Ushikubi production sites in the Chikuzen area is when it is possible to assume the transfer or direct transfer method of official personnel in the Kinai region. On the other hand, the case of Kamiwata ruins in Chikugo area is the case of indirect acceptance of new elements based on conventional technology. The Northern Kyushu region clearly demonstrates the introduction and settlement of tide and technology outside the capital, which could serve as a valid model for examining the early roof tide and methods of the Korean Peninsula.

      • KCI등재

        新羅 官營造瓦體制의 成立

        최영희(Choi Yeong-Hee) 영남고고학회 2020 嶺南考古學 Vol.- No.86

        본 글의 목적은 慶州地域 내에서 기와가 生産·流通되었던 양상을 통해 新羅 造瓦體制의 成立과 展開 방식을 살펴보는 데 있다. 古新羅式 기와는 평기와와 수막새의 기술요소 및 그 조합양상에 따라 造瓦系統을 크게 세 가지로 구분하고, 계통별 생산 방식을 살펴보았다. 그 결과, 각각의 조와계통은 서로 다른 제작방식에 기초하여 독자적 생산을 영위하면서도, 규격·와당 문양·초기 암막새에 관한 정보 등을 공유하는 방식으로 都城 전역의 기와 수요에 대응한 것을 알 수 있었다. 이후, 7세기전·중엽에는 생산유적의 차이에 관계없이 기와의 제작방식이 정형화되고, 기존의 크기가 조금씩 바뀌며, 유통과 사용에 용이한 보급형 와당문양(新羅系 수막새)이 출현하는 변화를 보인다. 이것은 경주지역 내에 官營生産體制가 갖추어지고 복수의 瓦工集團이 제도적 틀 안으로 편입되었음을 의미한다. 즉, 기존의 조와집단을 해체시키는 것이 아닌 제도적 정비를 통해 생산·유통 구조의 효율성을 이끌어내는 방식으로, 동시기 百濟와 日本 畿內地域에서도 유사한 조와체제의 성립 및 변화상이 나타난다. 이러한 생산체제의 실현은 국가의 중앙집권적 정치 상황을 직접적으로 반영하고 있다. 統一新羅式 기와의 출현과 함께 기와생산에 또 한 번의 변화가 일어난다. 7세기후엽부터 일정 기간 동안 새롭고도 다양한 와당문양의 창출과 그 문양을 효과적으로 장식하기 위한 와범 구조의 교체, 분화된 기와부자재의 사용 등 意匠 위주의 시각적 부분에 집중되는 변화이다. 당시의 대표적 와당문양인 重辦구조의 연화문 수막새 두 사례의 와범별 문양을 분석해본 결과, 同型의 문양을 가진 다수의 와범 및 수막새가 여러 생산유적에서 공통적으로 제작되었음을 확인할 수 있었는데, 이러한 현상은 근본적으로 7세기전·중엽 신라계 연화문 수막새의 경우와 크게 다르지 않다. 유려한 문양을 가진 양질의 기와를 생산하고자 하였던 당시의 의도는 오히려 금장리요지, 다경요지와 같은 일부 조와집단에 생산력이 집중되는 결과를 낳았던 것으로 추정된다. 이후, 8세기에 들어서면서 기와의 생산은 평기와를 소량화·경량화시키고 문양은 도식화 되는 등 보다 기능적인 경향을 중시하는 방향으로 재정비되는 전개를 보이게 된다. The purpose of this article is to examine the making and development through the pattern in which the roof tiles have been produced and distributed in the area of Kyungju. According to the technical characteristics and combination patterns of the flat and Roof-end tiles, the tiles were divided into three main types. The author examined the method of production by system. As a result, it was found that each tile making responded to the tile demand throughout the capital by sharing information such as standard, wadang patterns, and the use of early rock mules, while maintaining independent production based on different manufacturing methods. Later, at some point in the 7th century, tile-making methods are stereotyped, existing sizes are changed little by little, and there is a change in the appearance of low-grade wadang patterns that are easy to distribute and use, regardless of differences in production relics. This means that there is a governmental system of production in the Gyeongju area and multiple groups of tile makers are incorporated into the system. In other words, similar changes in the system are being identified in the same period Baekje and Ginai in Japan in a way that leads to the efficiency of the production and distribution structure through institutional readjustment rather than dismantling existing groups. With the advent of tile styled of Reunified Shilla another change occurs in tile production. From the late 7th century onwards, it is a change that focuses on the visual aspect focused on design, including the creation of new and diverse wadang patterns for a certain period of time, the replacement of Wabum structures to effectively decorate them, and the use of differentiated tile components. But this pattern does not deviate significantly from the framework of the state-run production system formed seven centuries ago. The analysis of the two cases of Jungbyun structure s Yeonhwamun Roof-end tiles shows that a number of Wabums and Roof-end tiles were produced in common at various production sites, and this phenomenon is not much different from those of the Silla-styled Yeonhwamun Roof-end tiles dating back to the 7th century. However, the willingness of those days to produce quality roof tiles with elegant patterns rather results in the concentration of some groups of productive forces, such as pottery sites of Geumjangri and Dakyung. Intensive production of the engraved Amkiwa in the 8th year of Uibong is also the result of this transition. Later, as the 8th century entered, tile production was reorganized: the flat tiles were produced fewer and their weight became lighter while the design was schematized. If reflects the tendency that the functional value was prefered.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        新羅 古式수막새의 製作技法과 系統

        崔英姬(Choi Yeong,hee) 한국상고사학회 2010 한국상고사학보 Vol.70 No.-

        본 글의 목적은 慶州地域 新羅 古式수막새의 製作技法을 검토하고 신라 造瓦技術의 系統을 파악하는 데 있다. 특히, 와당문양의 형식구분과 그 해석이 중심을 이루었던 지금까지의 연구경향과 시각을 달리하여, 제작기법의 분석을 통해 기술계통을 구분한 뒤 각 계통에 속하는 문양의 양상을 검토하고자 하였다. 분석 대상으로는 성형의 도구인‘瓦范’과 ‘수키와接合技法’에 주목하였다. 瓦范은 실자료의 확보가 어려운 점을 감안하여, 동아시아 각지에서 확인된 사례를 통해 신라 수막새 제작에 사용된 외범의 형태를 豫察하였다. 수키와 접합기법은 Ⅰ(圓筒接合後分割法), Ⅱ(수키와加工接合法), Ⅲ(수키와被覆接合法), Ⅳ(수키와揷入接合法)기법으로 구분하고, 각각에 해당되는 同范단위의 개체를 확인해나가면서 보다 객관적인 데이터를 제시하고자 하였다. 접합기법의 차이는 각각 古式수막새의 技術系統으로 설정된다. 각 계통에 대해 살펴본 결과, Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ기법으로 대변되는 기술계통의 연원은 모두 백제에서 찾을 수 있다고 생각되며, 고구려 기와와는 유사성을 확인하기 어렵다. 즉, 신라에서 古式수막새가 제작, 사용되었던 6~7세기의 약 200년간은 백제로부터 수막새제작법 혹은 그것을 포함한 造瓦技術이 여러 기법과 문양의 다양한 조합을 통해 신라에 전해지고, 技術系統을 달리하는 복수의 기와제작집단이 공존하였음을 알 수 있다. 또한 그 가운데에도 Ⅲ기법과 원통형와통성형법을 구사하였던 기술계통이 가장 큰 규모를 이루면서 경주 내 기와생산의 중심적 역할을 하였던 것으로 생각된다. 기존의 문양계통을 기와의 기술계통과 동일시하는 것에는 무리가 있으며, 보다 종합적인 고찰이 필요함을 알 수 있다. The purposes of this study were to review the Shilla Old Style roof–end tiles manufactured and used in Gyeongju for their manufacturing techniques and figure out the lineage of Shilla’s tile manufacturing technology. Taking a different perspective from the previous research trends that placed a priority on the formalization of patterns, the study analyzed the manufacturing techniques, categorized the technological lineages, and reviewed patterns of each technique. The focus of the analysis was on two technological elements, namely mold of roof–end tile(Wabeom; tool) and connecting method(manufacturing technique). As for Wabeom, the actual cases from all over East Asia were applied to the Shilla roof–end tiles. Meantime, the connecting methods with the convex roofing tiles were categorized into Ⅰ(圓筒接合後分割法), Ⅱ(Round Tile 加工接合法), Ⅲ(Round Tile 被覆接合法), and Ⅳ(Round Tile 揷入接合法). Through those analysis efforts, the study assumed that Shilla introduced Baekje’s diverse technological lineages at different times to make roofing tiles and that there were various echnological lineages present in the roofing tile manufacturing system before Unified Shilla with some differences in size. It is emphasized that each technological lineage and their pattern lineages suggested before are not the same always and that the roofing tile technologies and patterns are not the same in terms of change and period. In other words, it is rather far–fetching to regard the lineage of technologies and patterns and its significance in the same light since changes to pattern styles do happen within the same technological lineage.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        쌀의 이화학적 특성과 저장 쌀빵의 노화성과의 관계

        강미영(Mi-Young Kang),최영희(Yeong-Hee Choi),최해춘(Hae-Chune Choi) 한국식품영양과학회 1997 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.26 No.5

        12품종의 쌀로서 제조한 쌀빵의 저장성을 비교하기 위해서 원료쌀의 이화학적 특성과 제조된 쌀빵의 저온 저장 중 물성변화 특성간의 관계를 검토하였다. 쌀빵 제조에 사용한 쌀품종들은 아밀로스함량은 찰(0.0%)에서부터 高 아밀로스(29.2%)까지, 호응집성은 경질(20㎜)에서부터 연질(98㎜)까지, 그리고 알칼리붕괴도는 안됨(2.0)에서부터 잘됨(7.0)까지의 품종변이를 각각 나타내었다. 중원벼, AC 27, IRAT 177 등의 쌀로서 제조한 쌀빵이 대체로 부드러운 물성을 가지는 경향이 있었으며, 대립벼 1호, 수원조, 수원 230 등의 쌀로서 제조한 쌀빵이 비교적 부드러우면서 노화가 늦게 진전되는 결과를 얻었다. 또한 아밀로스함량은 호응집성과 부의 상관관계를 나타내었으며, 아밀로스함량이 높을수록 쌀빵의 탄력성은 크다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 쌀빵의 노화도는 호응집성과는 정의 상관을, 그리고 알카리 붕괴도와는 부의 상관을 나타내었다. The interrelation between physicochemical properties of milled rice and retrogradation of rice bread during cold storage was examined to compare the varietal difference in maintenance of rice bread quality. Twelve rice materials showed big varietal difference on physicochemical properties of rice starch such as amylose content(0.0~29.2%), gel consistency(20~98㎜), and alkali digestion value(2.0~7.0). Rice bread made from milled rice of Jungwonbyeo, AC 27 and IRAT 177 exhibited soft texture, and that made from milled rice of Daeribbyeo 1, Suwonjo, and Suwon 230 showed relatively soft texture and late retrogradation of rice bread during cold storage(4℃). The amylose content of milled rice was closely associated with gel consistency negatively and with springiness of rice bread positively. The retrogradation of rice bread texture during cold storage was correlated with gel consistency of rice flour positively and with alkali digestion value of milled rice negatively.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        외상성 십이지장 손상의 임상적 고찰

        장정진(Jung Jin Jang),홍성일(Sung Il Hong),김해성(Hae Sung Kim),이정훈(Jung Hoon Lee),김한준(Han Joon Kim),전장용(Jang Yeong Jeon),류병윤(Byoung Yoon Ryu),김홍기(Hong Ki Kim),최영희(Young Hee Choi) 대한외과학회 2008 Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research(ASRT) Vol.74 No.6

        Purpose: Traumatic duodenal injury is rare. There is no consensus on what type of repair should be performed for duodenal perforations with respect to their varying severity. As a result, surgeons are confronted with the dilemma of choosing between several diagnostic tests and many surgical procedures. In this study, we report our experience with treating traumatic duodenal injury and also offer a review of the literature. Methods: Seventeen patients with duodenal injury following abdominal trauma were treated by several methods between January 1992 and October 2006. Based on review of the medical records, we classified the patients as having grade I through V duodenal injury using the scale constructed by the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST). We also noted clinical features, operative management, and outcome. Results: Among 17 patients, one patient who had a duodenal intramural hematoma was treated by conservative management. Seven patients were treated by duodenojejunostomy, with only one complication. The remaining 9 patients underwent various operations, including primary closure alone (n=3), primary closure with jejunal patch (n=1), primary closure with duodenostomy (n=3), and pancreaticoduodenectomy (n=2). The complication rate among patients who underwent surgery within 24 hours after injury was 1 case among 13. However, complications occurred in all 4 surgical cases undertaken more than 24 hours after injury. Conclusion: Early diagnosis (within 24 hours) and thorough inspection during exploration provide the best means toward reducing complications associated with traumatic duodenal injury.

      • KCI등재후보

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