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      • Engene O'Neill 극에 나타난 환상 벗기기

        채수경 한국강원영어영문학회 1997 영어영문학 Vol.16 No.1

        현실도피로서의 환상의 추구는 0'Neill의 거의 모든 극에서 비극적 동기를 이루고 있다. 초기 작품인 Bound East for Cardiff에서 그의 말년 작이며 사후에 발표되었던 Long Day's Journey Into Night에 이르기까지, 환상을 갖지 않고는 살아나갈 수 없는 현실 부적응자들의 삶의 양상이 다양하게 제시 된다. 비록 0'Neill이 실존주의 철학자들이나 부조리 극작가들의 계열에서 극을 쓴 것은 아닐지라도, 그가 작품 속에서 다루고 있는 주제는 낭만적 꿈의 좌절, 부적응자의 비극, 소외, 소속감의 상실, 정체성 추구, 삶을 통제하는 불가해한 힘들의 폭로, 환상과 현실의 갈등 등 부조리성과 관련된 것들이다. 그는 작품활동 초기부터 인간의 삶 이면에 도사리고 있는, 인간의 의지와는 상관없이 여러 가지 모습으로 가장하여 인간의 삶을 간섭하는, 어떤 불가해한 힘(The Force Behind)을 인식한다 작가의 삶에 대한 이러한 태도는 초기극에서의 나약한 인간 군상들의 비극적 운명이라는 결과를 낳는다. 그러나 후기로 가면서 현실과 환상의 갈등 양상은 다르게 나타나고 있다. 해양극을 비롯한 초기극에서는 주인공들이 현실 속에서 이를 수 없는 낭만적인 환상에 사로잡혀 있는 반면에, 후기극으로 가면서 자신들의 환상 상태를 인식함과 동시에 환상 깨기의 다양한 시도가 이루어지고 있다. 고통스런 현실에서 벗어나기 위해 미지의 것을 꿈꾸던 초기에서 현실 인식의 불가피성을 깨닫게 되는 후기극으로의 변화는, 비록 여전히 비극적인 요소가 지배적이라 할지라도, 인생에 대한 작가 자신의 보다 성숙된 의식의 변화를 반영하는 것이기도 하다. 본 논문에서는 0'Neill의 초기작에서 마지막 작품에 이르기까지, 환상과 현실의 갈등 모티프가 가장 잘 나타나고 있는 작품들을 중심으로 환상 벗기기의 문제를 살펴보았다 0'Neill은 극의 형식에 있어 다양한 실험을 시도한 실험 연극의 선구자라 불릴 수 있는 극작가이다. 그는 자신의 주제를 보다 효과적으로 전달하기 위해 해양극에서 주로 시도된 자연주의, 표현주의, 가면, 소설에서의 의식의 흐름에 버금가는 내적 독백과 방백, 신화적 구성과 형식의 도입, 심리주의 수법 등 여러 가지 방법을 창조한다. 그러나 현실과 이상 속에서 갈등하는 인물들의 갈등구조는 후기극으로 가면서 점차로 사실주의극에서 다루어진다. 이는 작가가 그의 작품을 통해 추구한 것이, 궁극적으로는 현실에 맞서지 못하고 환상에 의존하는 인간의 모습이라기 보다는 자신들의 환상을 깨닫고 어떤 식으로든 현실로 돌아올 수 밖에 없는 삶의 당위성임을 시사한다. 작가는 30년이 넘는 의욕적인 극작활동을 통해, 의미 있는 삶이란 환상에서 깨어나 현실과 맞설 매에만 가능함을 강조한다.

      • KCI등재

        감각통합 놀이치료 프로그램이 발달장애 아동의 감각기능과 행동에 미치는 효과

        채수경 한국아동심리재활학회 2013 놀이치료연구 Vol.17 No.2

        본 연구는 감각통합 놀이치료 프로그램이 발달장애 아동들의 감각기능과 행동변화를 긍정적으로 향상시키는지 알아보기 위해 실시되었다. 연구대상은 J 통합어린이집에 다니는 4~8세 발달장애 아동 10명으로 실험집단 5명과 통제집단 5명으로 나누었다. 실험기간은 2011년 6월 20일부터 9월 30일까지였다. 프로그램은 감각통합치료의 기본원리와 놀이의 치료적 요인을 활동과제로 구성하여 총 24회 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 감각기능의 전․후 변화에서 실험집단이 통계적으로 유의미하게 차이가 있었으며, 집단간 비교에서 실험집단이 감각추구, 근긴장, 전정감각, 감정/사회적 기능이 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었다. 둘째, 실험집단이 세부항목의 내용분석에서 모두 통계적으로 유의하게 향상되었다. 셋째, 놀이중심의 감각통합치료 프로그램은 발달장애 아동의 상동행동과 문제행동을 통계적으로 유의하게 감소시켰으며, 사회행동과 적응행동은 통계적으로 유의하게 향상되었다. 이를 통해 감각통합 놀이치료프로그램이 발달장애 아동들의 감각기능을 향상시켜 줌으로서 상동행동과 문제행동은 감소되고 적응행동과 사회행동은 증가하여 행동의 긍정적인 변화를 이끌어냄을 알 수 있었다. This study was done to examine whether play-based sensory integration treatment program have a positive effect on behavior and sensory integration function changes in children with developmental disorder. The subject were 10 children(5 of experiment group and 5 in control group) among 4-8 year old children with developmental disorder in J integrated nursery. The play-based sensory integration treatment program was conducted from 20th. June to 30th. September, 2011. Twice a week 24 times in total. In order to measure children's sensory integration functions changes sensory profile scores were analyzed pre, post, and follow up test. The results of this study were as follows: First, children with developmental disorder in play-based sensory integration treatment program showed significant improvement in sensory seeking function and tone function among sensory integration functions than children in the control group. Second, there was substantial difference in vestibular processing and social/emotional responses between the two groups(p<.05). Third, Play-based sensory integration treatment program reduced stereotypic behavior and problem behavior. Social behavior and adaptive behavior were significantly improved(p<.05).

      • KCI등재후보

        발달장애 아동의 놀이치료에서 감각통합의 치료적 의미에 관한 고찰

        채수경,김향지 한국아동심리재활학회 2006 놀이치료연구 Vol.10 No.2

        This study focused on the fact that the therapy and education programs provided to children with a developmental disorder have different names and goals of education and therapy but offer similar play activities and contents applicable to children. The program is called sensory integration training in special education, sensory integration therapy in occupational therapy, and activities to promote interaction in play therapy. The research was carried out as follows: first, considering that the unusual senses and movements of children with a developmental disorder are attributed to a disorder to their sensory integration, an investigation was conducted into the characteristics of such children, sensory integration, sensory integration therapy, disorder to sensory integration, and the characteristics of sensory integration functions according to age. Second, a program of sensory integration therapy was suggested to compare sensory integration therapy and play therapy. In play therapy, the activities to promote interaction between the parents and children with a focus on children's emotional activation were suggested in the aspects of therapy approaches and structurization of play materials according to the disability level of the children, the children's emotional vitality, and the parents' emotional availability. 본 논문은 발달장애아동에게 제공하는 치료교육 프로그램이 특수교육에서는 감각통합훈련, 작업치료에서는 감각통합치료, 놀이치료에서는 상호작용 증진 활동이라는 이름으로 교육 및 치료목표가 각기 다르게 제시되고 있지만 아동들에게 제공하는 놀이 활동의 내용은 비슷하다는데 초점을 맞추었다. 연구내용은 첫째, 발달장애아동들이 보이는 감각 및 운동의 특이성을 감각통합의 이상이라는 측면에서 발달장애아동의 특성과 감각통합, 감각통합 치료와 감각통합의 이상, 감각통합 기능의 연령별 특성에 대해 살펴보았다. 둘째, 감각통합치료 프로그램과 놀이치료를 비교하기 위해 감각통합치료 프로그램을 제시하였고, 놀이치료에서 제공하는 놀이 활동을 아동의 장애 수준에 따라 치료접근 및 놀이자료 구조화 유무, 아동의 정서적 생동감과 부모의 정서적 유용성이라는 측면에서 정서활성화에 중점을 둔 부모-자녀 상호작용 증진 활동에 대해 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        『세일즈맨의 죽음』에 나타난 생태학 코드녹색 읽기

        채수경 한국중앙영어영문학회 2013 영어영문학연구 Vol.55 No.3

        This paper explores the ecological codes of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman through the lens of ecocriticism, in particular, social ecofeminism. The play has been criticized from various critical vantage points such as Willy’s character, his family relations, and social problems, etc. Ecological matters, however, have rarely been investigated since the play was produced in 1949. It is meaningful and long overdue to find ecological codes in the work. So in green reading the cannonical work, numerous ecological messages can be found in this time of the serious ecological crisis. Social ecofeminism insists that patriarchy ideology is the seed of the domination in a family, a society, and at last, an ecological world. The notion that man dominates woman in a family and dominates other men in a society extends to the idea that man has a right to dominate nature. Willy is a traditional patriarchal man in his family. But ironically, he is dominated by another man, his boss in the patriarchal capitalist society. The American dream and the frontier myth he has desired during his whole life are also the outcomes of the domination ideology. The landscape of the play very poignantly represents the domination of nature by man such as environmental pollution and destruction of ecosystem. Willy’s destruction is identified with that of nature throughout the play. Ecologically, therefore, Willy’s dreams are estimated as “the wrong dreams.” We have to pay ecological attention to the healing, recovery and preservation of nature to survive together in the house of the globe.

      • KCI등재후보

        또래관계 어려움이 있는 아동의 특성:대구대학교 장애 진단평가센터에 의뢰된 아동을 중심으로

        채수경,송영혜 한국아동심리재활학회 2004 놀이치료연구 Vol.8 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate what causes the problems of a child who has difficulties in the peer relation. The subjects were 183 children who referred to the Diagnosis and Evaluation Center of Daegu University from January 2002 through 2003. As a result, first, 35% of their parents are company workers, and 47% of them are atheistic. 94 % of the children have both parents, 76 % of them are raised by their natural mother. Second, according to their age brackets, there are some different aspects of their problematic behaviors. The two through six year old children suffer from language and communication problems, and the seven through eight year old children show the lack of concentration and the poor performance in schooling. Nine through twelve year old children show schooling-related problems. Third, in terms of intelligence, their total IQ, verbal IQ, and performance IQ are statistically low, especially low in the language comprehension and mathematics. However, in the social maturation, they show the normal distribution, meaning their parents don't recognize that the children's social ability are under average. Fourth, in terms of emotional behaviors, the T scores of the depression, hyperactivity, and autism are high, but their self-flexibility is low. In conclusion, the subject children are seen to suffer from the difficulties in peer relation, caused by their low ability to cope with the environmental changes, which are in turn caused by their inappropriate behaviors and poor language comprehension. 본 연구는 또래관계에 어려움이 있는 아동의 문제점을 알아보기 위해 2002년 1월부터 2003년 12월까지 대구대학교 진단평가 센터에 의뢰된 183명의 아동을 중심으로 조사하였다. 그 결과 첫째, 아동의 환경적 요인에서는 부모 직업이 45%가 회사원이고 종교는 47%가 무교였다. 가족관계에서는 94%가 양쪽 부모가 있는 가족형태이고 양육형태에서도 어머니가 직접양육(76%) 하였으며 임신기와 출생시 특별한 특이성은 없었다. 둘째, 연령에 따라 문제행동의 양상이 다소 차이가 있었다. 2~6세 아동에서는 언어지체와 의사소통 문제, 6세 이상에서는 학습부진 및 주의산만, 집중력 부족, 9세 이상에서는 학업과 관련된 행동이 가장 큰 문제행동으로 나타났다. 셋째, 아동들의 지적 능력에서는 전체 IQ, 언어성 IQ, 동작성IQ 모두 통계적으로 유의미하게 낮았으며 특히, 언어이해와 산수 소검사 항목에서 유의미하게 낮았다. 그러나 사회성숙도는 정상범위에 속했으며 이는 부모들이 아동의 일상생활 능력이 떨어진다고 인식하고 있지 않음을 알 수 있었다. 넷째, 아동들의 정서행동에서는 우울, 과잉행동, 자폐성향이 높았으나 자아탄력성은 낮은 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        에타놀, 고온 생리 식염수 및 고농도 식염수를 백서 간에 주입 후 조직학적 변화

        채수경,이종범,이경효,주상신,이화연,임상준,송인섭,이용철,박언섭 대한영상의학회 1997 대한영상의학회지 Vol.36 No.2

        Purpose : The purpose of this study was to evaluate the degree of liver injury after injection of ethanol, hot normal saline and hot hypertonic saline into normal rat liver. Materials and Methods : Sixty white rats weighing 200-300g were used. There were three groups (ethanol, hot normal saline, and hot hypertonic saline), and these were divided into subgroups (5 rats in each) according to amount of injected material and duration. Under ether anesthesia, each drug (ethanol -0.05ml, 0.1ml, 0.2ml ; hot normal saline -0.1ml, 0.2ml, 0.4ml ; hot hypertonic saline -0.1ml, 0.2ml, 0.4ml) was introduced directly into the liver. Pathologic specimens were obtained 7 and 14 days after injection. Results : With regard to histologic change after 7 days, the ethanol group showed less tissue damage such as coagulation necrosis and inflammatory infiltration-than the hot saline group. There was however, no significant difference among the three groups in tissue damage at 14 days. Nor was there any significant histologic difference between the different saline concentration groups. Conclusion : Histologically, there was no significant difference among the three groups in tissue damage at 14 days, and it is suggested that this is due to irreversible change in damaged tissue. Tissue damage was caused mainly by the high temperature of saline rather than by high osmolarity.

      • Strange Interlude 에 나타난 신화화된 여성인물 : 페미니즘의 관점에서

        채수경 한국강원영어영문학회 2000 영어영문학 Vol.19 No.2

        Although the female characters clearly play important roles in O'Neill's plays, they either play the roles of $quot;a mirror$quot; to reflect power, identity, and autonomy to the male characters or an object whom the male characters idealize. The woman then is the $quot;other$quot; of man, a mere extension, who is not regarded as an autonomous being, and is defined and differentiated through reference to a man. As a result, the women characters in O'Neill's works reflect distorted images of women rather than their real nature. In one of the middle plays, Strange Interlude, the heroin is idealized and mythologized. The images of the Earth Mother and the golden-minded prostitutes are favorite stereotypes of O'Neill. The heroine, Nina, represents the Earth Mother who pursues the impulse of a mother wanting to possess her children. However, the main reason why this play is not $quot;a woman play,$quot; as O'Neill calls it, is evident in the conclusion of the play. Nina, who dominates and possesses several men in her life, finally surrenders to the law of the father, the law of the patriarchy. In other words, after struggling for power over her men, in the end she needs a man she entrusts herself to. In this sense, she is idealized only within the law of the patriarchy. Ultimately, the attempt to read the female character in Strange Interlude from a feminist perspective leads us to the conclusion that a male-centered focus tends to distort greatly the image of women and the representation of women by male authors reflects a patriarchal ideology.

      • KCI등재

        『귀향』에 나타난 가족이데올로기의 해체와 가족의 재구성

        채수경 한국중앙영어영문학회 2017 영어영문학연구 Vol.59 No.4

        This paper examines the dissolution of family ideology, gender ideology, family blood ties, marriage, and the re-constitution of family members in Harold Pinter’s The Homecoming. The play is particularly problematic and has provoked voluminous critical responses in the sense that the heroin Ruth decides to stay with her husband’s all-male family despite their suggestions that she become a prostitute. Thus, the heart of the matter is to find the reason for her choice and what the dramatist seeks to convey. She inhabits a kind of Alaska, her American home that denies female desire and female voices. Her father-in-law, Max’s home in England is like a wasteland in which the male family members suffer from the absence of a mother-wife relationship. Pinter ultimately re-constitutes the two family members as a Pinteresque alternative family. The males need Ruth taking their dead mother-wife’s place and she needs a home which provides a certain freedom to do as she desires. The play was written in 1964, so when we think of the variable types of families that have come into being today, we can see that Pinter was incredibly ahead of his time. It is his literary practice to resist and dissolve institutionalized custom, fixed ideas, and traditional systems.

      • KCI등재후보

        유진 오닐의 극에서 신화적 이미지를 가진 여성인물들의 실체

        채수경 한국중앙영어영문학회 2006 영어영문학연구 Vol.48 No.2

        This paper examines the female characters who have a mythical image, particularly, the image of the ‘Earth Mother’, in Eugene O’Neill’s plays. The Earth Mother was a Goddess worshiped in the Near and Middle East before the advent of the Christian religion. O’Neill’s female characters reflecting the image of the Earth Mother fall under the female stereotype the author craved to create throughout his career: a good woman like ‘a mirror’ possessing power, identity and autonomy to enlarge O’Neill’s male characters called ‘the misbegotten’. In O’Neill’s plays, the female characters who have a mythical image are Abbie in Desire under the Elms, Cybel in Great God Brown, Nina in Strange Interlude, Dynamo in Dynamo, and Josie in A Moon for the Misbegotten. The female characters function as a ‘Mother-mirror’ satisfying the appetite of immature male characters’ desires. Although they are portrayed as the mythical women, they are the ‘others’ of men; the traditional females who sacrifice themselves only to lose their identity. That is, O’Neill’s female characters who have a mythical image are oppressed women in patriarchy however adroitly they are idealized and mythicized in his works. They are the result of the male writer’s masculine perspectives, and reflect a fictitious image men fake in their immature mind. Therefore, the readers are required to have a new critical reading to unveil the true nature hidden behind the distorted image of mythicized female characters in O’Neill’s plays.

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