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      • KCI등재

        그림책작가 홍성찬의 작품 활동과 작가정신 고찰

        조현애 한국도서관·정보학회 2019 한국도서관정보학회지 Vol.50 No.4

        이 연구는 그림책작가 홍성찬의 작품 활동과 그림의 특징, 작가정신을 고찰함으로써 한국그림책역사에서 그림책작가 1세대로 자리매김한 홍성찬의 의미를 살펴보는데 목적이 있다. 1955년에 삽화가로 활동을 시작해서 2012년, 마지막 그림책을 낼 때까지 홍성찬이 걸어온 길은 한국그림책의 발전과정과 궤를 같이한다. 그는 삽화가라는 직업이 주목받지 못하던 시절부터 전집 시절을 거쳐 그림책작가로 생을 마감할 때까지 일관되게 출판일러스트에 전념하였다. 그 결과 철저한 고증(考證)을 통한 한국 고유의 이미지와 정서 재현이라는 독보적인 작품세계를 구축하였다. 그가 일생 동안 견지한 삽화정신과 장인정신은 전업 그림책작가라는 직업군 탄생의 밑거름이 되었고 홍성찬은 한국그림책역사에서 그림책작가 1세대로 자리매김을 하였다. The purpose of this study is to look into the meaning of Hong Seongchan who has become the first generation picture book writers in the history of Korean picture books by considering the works of the picture book author ‘Hong Seongchan’, the characteristics of pictures and the artist's spirit. The career that he took up from 1955 as an illustrator to 2012 when the final picture book was published is in line with the developmental process of Korean picture books. He consistently devoted himself to publishing illustrations from the days when his job as an illustrator was not noticed to the days when he finished his life as a picture book writer through his full-length period. As a result, he built a unique world of works, such as the reproduction of Korean images and emotions through complete historical research. His strong illustration spirit and craftsmanship during his lifetime became the basis of the birth of a professional group called a full-time picture book writer, and Hong Seongchan became the first generation picture book writers in the history of Korean picture books.

      • KCI등재후보

        『몬시뇰 키호테』에 나타난 회의적 신앙

        조현애 21세기기독교사회문화아카데미 2012 신학과 사회 Vol.26 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to research the skeptical viewpoint on the contradictoriness of Christianity and Communism presented in Monsignor Quixote(1982) written by Graham Greene. Even though Greene hated to be called ‘Catholic writer’, he wrote again a novel in which Catholicism is the main theme. He presented his skeptical view on the Christianity and Communism through the arguments between Monsignor Quixote and the ex-mayor Zancas who is called Sancho by Quixote. Greene referred not only to the subject of the Trinity, the sacrifice of Jesus, confession, the holding of Mass and the story of a prodigal, etc. He also raised the question about the contradictoriness of Communism. Focusing on the uncertainties of the doctrines of Christianity and Communism, Greene uses the method of tragicomedy. He didn't lose his sense of humor in writing this novel. So the readers may sympathize with the protagonist who made a lot of trouble during his journey with his friend, Sancho. The protagonist tried to solve the ambiguous problems presented by his friend, but he could not answer the questions clearly. Graham Greene urges us readers to doubt the fallacy of Christianity and Communism before just accepting the doctrine without any consideration through his Catholic novel. 본 연구는 『몬시뇰 키호테』에 나타난 기독교와 공산주의에 대한 회의적 신앙을 분석한 것이다. 종교소설가로 널리 알려진 영국의 작가 그레이엄 그린은 그의 말년에 스페인을 배경으로 한 『몬시뇰 키호테』라는 소설을 출간했다. 그린은 이 작품에서 지나치게 무겁지 않은 희비극적인 기법으로 자신의 특유한 유머를 사용하며 기독교 사상과 공산주의 신념에 대한 의문점들을 흥미롭게 제시해주고 있다. 현실적으로는 전혀 걸맞지 않는 키호테 신부와 전직 시장이며 공산주의자인 잔카스와의 가벼운 논쟁을 통하여 그린은 자신의 회의적 기독교 신앙과 수용하기 어려운 공산주의 사상에 대하여 비교적 상세하게 문제제기를 한다. 그린은 합리적 증거를 수반하기 어려운 예수그리스도의 탄생, 삼위일체론, 영혼구원, 예수의 십자가상의 희생 등에 관한 불확실성을 언급한다. 또한 성경에 제시되어 있는 탕자의 비유, 양과 염소의 비유 등을 희화화하고, 미사나 고해성사 등에 대한 다양한 해석의 가능성을 언급하는 등, 현실적으로 행해지고는 있으나 심리적으로 인정하기 싫은 논제들을 가볍게 제시한다. 소설이 전개되는 과정에서 기독교나 공산주의의 모순점에 대한 명확한 문제해결은 제시되어있지 않다. 그러나 그린은 그의 마지막 소설인 이 작품을 통하여 독자들로 하여금 각자의 신앙과 사상에 대한 회의적 시각이 필요한 것이라는 점을 제시하고 있다. 이러한 면에서 고찰해볼 때 『몬시뇰 키호테』는 현대 교회와 기독교인들이 보다 합리적인 사고를 지니고 나아가야 할 방향과 목표를 제시하고 있다고 판단할 수 있다.

      • Whisky Priest의 고난과 신앙 성숙

        조현애 조선대학교 교육연구소 1991 교과교육연구 Vol.13 No.-

        Graham Greene은 그의 작품의 대부분의 주인공들을 전쟁이나 공산주의자들 혹은 악한들의 폭력이나 위력에 의해 쫓기고 고통당하면서도 그 힘에 굴복하기보다는 대항함으로서 자신의 본분을 지키려고 노력하며, 현실 세계보다는 내세에서 얻게 될 구원을 선택하는 자로 설정함으로서, morality를 추구하면서도 하나하나 지극히 인간적인 면의 특성을 살려줌으로서 선을 향하여 진일보하는 인간의 심리를 세밀하게 그려내고 있다. 이와 같이 주인공의 morality와 개성을 동시에 중시한 Greene은 많은 극작가 중에서 Shakespeare의 위대성을 찬양하였는데, 이에 대해 John Spurling은 다음과 같이 서술하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        그레이엄 그린의 『명예영사』에 관한 연구 - 정치적 참여를 중심으로 -

        조현애 21세기기독교사회문화아카데미 2016 신학과 사회 Vol.30 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to research the political participation of the intellects in The Honorary Consul (1973) written by Graham Greene. The Honorary Consul is one of the representative political novels written by Graham Greene who is well known as the ‘Catholic writer’ or ‘Political writer’. He presented tacitly his idea for the political participation of intellects with the devices of tragicomedy. The process of making a doctor Eduardo Plarr participate in the political accident is described deliberately. The apostate priest León Rivas was disappointed seeing that the priests didn’t behave as they preached. So he became a guerilla, and asked Eduardo Plarr to help him to save Eduardo Plarr’s father and other human rights activists. Even though the protagonist Plarr did not want to take part in the political events, he was reluctantly joined the group, and met the tragic destiny with León Rivas and the other member because of their error. Greene referred not only to the Trinity, the Sacrifice of Jesus, Confession and Mass which cannot be reasonably explained. He also raised the question about the contradictoriness of the government. He didn't lose his sense of humor in writing this novel. So the readers may sympathize with the doctor and the priest who made a lot of mistakes. Through his political novel, Graham Greene asks us intelligent readers to have critical reception of the Christianity or the governmental systems, not just accept them without any consideration. 본 연구는 『명예영사』에 나타난 지식인의 정치적 참여에 관한 분석이다. 『명예영사』 는 ‘가톨릭소설가’, 혹은 ‘정치소설가’로 널리 알려진 영국의 작가 그레이엄 그린의 정치적 소설로서 그의 대표작 중의 하나이다. 그레이엄 그린은 이 작품에서 지성인의 정치참여에 관한 자신의 견해를 암묵적으로 자신의 글쓰기 특징인 심각하지 않은 희비극적인 기법을 사용하여 전달하고 있다. 교회의 교리와 맞지 않게 행동하는 신부들을 보면서 성직자에 대한 회의적 시각을 갖게 되어 결국은 파계를 한 신부 레온 리바스가 방관적 자세로 자신의 생활만을 묵묵히 해오던 의사 에두아르도 플라르를 정치적 해방운동에 참여시키는 과정이 상세하게 묘사되어 있다. 그레이엄 그린은 이들을 통하여 정부의 모순점에 대해 이의를 제기한다. 비록 레온 리바스와 에두아르도 플라르의 거사는주인공을 비롯한 세 사람의 희생으로 마무리되지만, 남은 사람들에게 해방정신을 심어준다. 또한 합리적 증거를 수반하기 어려운 삼위일체론, 예수의 십자가상의 희생, 고해성사, 미사 등에 관한 불확실성뿐만 아니라 정부의 모순점에 관해서도 언급한다. 그는『명예영사』를 쓰면서 특유의 유머를 잃지 않으며. 독자들이 의사나 실수를 많이 하는신부에게 동질감을 느낄 수 있게 한다. 그레이엄 그린은 『명예영사』를 통하여 우리 독자들, 특히 지성인들에게 정부나 종교에 대하여 어떠한 고찰도 해보지 않고 받아들이기보다는 비판적 수용을 하도록 요구한다.

      • 그레이엄 그린의 『타버린 환자』: 기독교적 인간애

        조현애 ( Cho Hyeon-ae ) 대한영어영문학회 2002 영어영문학연구 Vol.28 No.3

        In A Burnt-out Case, Greene deliberately concentrated on the metaphor to explore fundamental realization of Christian humanity. He wants to represent religious sense of human beings. But he gives up the structure of religion which he used to seek in other Catholic novels. As he once said in his interview, he tries ‘to show various grades of belief and disbelief.’ There are fanatical believers who are too busy to concern themselves with doubt; the half-believers who have their doubts about their beliefs; and the disbelievers who have their real beliefs in atheism. The leading character Querry once an internationally renowned and successful architect escaped from the routine world to the remotest place he had never been to. It's because his great success caused him the psychological mutilation. Even though he is a well-known Catholic architect, he refuses to be called a Catholic, or a man of humility. He feels that he is just a legal Catholic. But after he met various kinds of people, his attitude has been changed. He feels pity for the poor when he reaches the dark marsh in the forest and discovers his servant's plight. It means that he ‘begins to feel part of the human condition’. His affection to human beings has been recovered through his involvement with the patients' suffering. In A Burnt-out Case Greene explores the love of human being and the importance of the pragmatic commitment to society. < Hanil University & Presbyterian Theological Seminary >

      • KCI등재

        그레이엄 그린의 『조용한 미국인』에 나타난 제3세계 이해 - 종교와 정치의 갈등을 중심으로

        조현애 ( Cho Hyeonae ) 대한영어영문학회 2000 영어영문학연구 Vol.26 No.1

        As a story-teller Graham Greene describes the interior narrative of conscience with the political and psychological narrative in The Quiet American. The book contains more direct reportage of 'The Third World’ than in any other his novels. Using his protagonist's immediate, first-person narrative, Greene introduces a more vivid perspective which moves between the antagonist's own innocent fanaticism and the protagonist’s realistic view of the warfare in Vietnam. Greene's first person narrative is well suited to the aim of exposing America’s desire to dominate the world by supporting Pyle, the antagonist. Greene shows us abstract opinions and concrete reportage. For him to presume is to be blind; to report is to remain sensitive to empirical reality. As he tells us about the well intentioned but dangerously innocent American, Pyle, whose absorption in the dilemmas of Democracy and the responsibilities of the West leads him to the Cao Dai General Thé to murder many guiltless people, Fowler’s passivity turns into involvement. But he hides the part he plays in Pyle’s assassination. Even though the Catholic Church plays a great role in the Vietnam War, Greene does not describe much about Catholicism in The Quiet American than in any other his Catholic novels. He just uses Catholicism as a means of mobilization. To him sin is identifiable with moral evil and becomes reprehensible when it is a deed done consciously in deliberate disobedience to one’s conscience. Greene has great versatility as a writer. He is not content with writing novels for the limited purpose of moral, but has a moral vision in a much wider sense, accepting life in all aspects. Actually The Quiet American was the beginning of Greene’s political works. The romantic love story is only a background of political intrigue in it. He describes the specific conditions of our times; his novels show us the unchangeable human nature and also the comtemporary situation with its own unique features. < Hanil University and Presbyterian Theological Seminary >

      • KCI등재

        『마지막 한잔』 : 상징계의 분열과 타락한 주체

        조현애(Hyonae Jo) 한국영미어문학회 2011 영미어문학 Vol.- No.100

        This paper aims to identify the offshoot point where a subject is canceled, rather than comes into being by accepting the order of the Other. Nicolas, the totalitarian fascist leader in One for the Road is featured as such a subject who devotes himself absolutely to the Ideology of the country. Nicolas voluntarily undertakes a role of a faithful agent trying to fulfill the will of the Symbolic, so that he takes the place of object, rather than subject, by choosing to be a tool of the state institutes. In spite of the cost of the demise of his subjectivity, Nicolas wants to pursue, so called, unlimited satisfaction of desire paradoxically with the very name of the Law which is supposed to put a limit on the desire of individuals. In other words, the ‘exceed’ identification of the private desire with the order of the Symbolic unwittingly reveals the rupture of the Symbolic system itself, further the perverse subject like Nicolas inhabits the gap in the middle of the order of the Other. In addition, the violence which Nicolas wields ruthlessly corresponds to desperate gestures concealing the splitting of the Symbolic. The position as Nicolas’s subject mandated by the Symbolic can be dangerous due to the splitting of the Symbolic itself as the Other. In addition, Nicolas is splitted between the order of the Symbolic, “Observe the public Law!” and the injunction of the superego, “Enjoy!”. Harold Pinter, by avoiding specific political description in his late plays, does not try to criticize the political situation of a certain country but to make us think the interrelations between us and what the plays present, and to request the rational and ethical reaction regarding our emotional experience.

      • KCI등재

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