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      • 노인들의 낙상 관련 행타가 낙상사고에 미치는 영향

        미주 ( Mi Joo Park ),만복 ( Man Bok Cho ) 한국노인의료복지학회 2010 노인의료복지연구 Vol.1 No.1

        This study recruited the elderly aged over 65 years living in Daegu Metropolitan City who had experienced one or more falls to determine effects of physical and psychological health condition on fall accidents. It collected data from April 1 2008 to April 30 2008 and analyzed them. The results were as follows. Knowledge on fall according to general characteristics was declined when they had higher educational background and lived in apartments and the knowledge according to health characteristics was reduced when they slept well and were healthy. Attitude on fall according to general characteristics was reported to be higher with older age and the attitude according to health characteristics was increased when subjects did not smoke, exercised, took meals regularly, slept well, were healthy and received health examination. Fall prevention activity according to general characteristics grew when subjects were older and lived in apartments and the activity according to health characteristics was increased when they exercised, took meals and received health examination. Fall accidents according to general characteristics happened more frequently when subjects were male, lived in multi-family living houses and had no job and the accidents according to health characteristics happened more frequently when they took meals irregularly, were not healthy and did not received health examination. Factors having a significant influence on fall accidents were employment status(b=-0.452), habits of taking meals(b=-0.367), health condition(b=-0.327), degree of physical function(b=0.235), instrumental performance of daily life activities(b=0.214), vision disorder(b=0.480), hearing disorder(b=0.162), gait disorder(b=0.240), balance disorder(b=0.258), going outside alone(b=O.444), using bathroom(b=0.255), sitting on a chair or standing(b=0.220), knowledge on fall(b=-0.521), attitude on fall(b=-0.298) and fall prevention activity(b=-0.688).

      • 요양시설 사회복지사의 Care-Management 직무 전문능력에 관한 연구

        만복 ( Man Bok Cho ),박용억 ( Yong Euk Park ),미주 ( Mi Joo Park ) 한국노인의료복지학회 2010 노인의료복지연구 Vol.1 No.3

        This study is purposed to closely examine the professional competence needed for specializing care-management tasks by social workers at nursing facilities and to develop measures for professional competence under the conditions that specialized social workers are needed in order to improve management and the quality of service at nursing facilities of the aged and the severely disabled in the country. Therefore, this study attempted to first develop measures for social workers at nursing facilities in the country to achieve professional competence for care-management tasks, and secondly to apply the developed measures on social workers, and to find out the situations of their professional competence and to verify the distinctive measures. In order to develop the measures, three steps were taken. The first stage is to identify professional competence that are needed to specialize care-management tasks, and the second stage is to map out measures for professional competence, and the third stage is to develop measures by consulting with experts. The group of experts had confirmed the analyzed results of actual inspection through documentary study and focused group, and revised 18 items for essential measures of professional competence for care-management tasks after thorough discussions. And in order to check the validity of contents by the experts, each item was reviewed with 4 or 5 points, calculated into the ratio as CVR (Content Validity Ratio), and selected items with CVR 0.8 or more. By analyzing the data, 8 regular items with CRV 0.8 or more, and 40 items of index were selected as well. The five experts lastly developed 40 lists in 8 areas, basic knowledge of care-management, initial counseling, assessments, writing care-plan, service management, service evaluation, education and training, and other managements, through discussions and agreements.

      • KCI등재후보

        2006년 "화학의 해"의 언론매체 속 화학 이미지 분석

        신선영 ( Sun Young Shin ),조미주 ( Mi Joo Cho ),박종석 ( Jong Seok Park ) 경북대학교 과학교육연구소 2008 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.32 No.1

        기초 과학 진흥과 과학의 대중화를 위한 노력의 일환으로 과학기술부는 2004년을 `과학문화의 해`, 2005년을 `물리의 해`, 2006년을 `화학의 해`, 2007년을 `생물의 해` 그리고 2008년을 `지구의 해`로 정해 다양한 행사를 기획 시행하였고, 하고 있다. 2006년 `화학의 해`에는 화학을 소재로 한각종 전시 행사 및 대회가 개최되었다. 과학연극 `산소`의 무료 전국순회공연이 있었고, 이동화학관은 2006년도뿐만 아니라 올해도 분주하게 전국투어를 하고 있다. 한국방송공사(KBS)에서는 `화학의 해`를 기념하여 특별기획 프로그램을 여러 차례 방영하였다. 이만큼 `화학의 해`에는 화학이 대중들에게 가까이 다가갔었다. 이 같은 환경 속에서 2006년 화학의 해에 대중매체 중 일간지에서는 화학이 어떻게 그려졌었는지, 그것은 대중들에게 어떻게 보여 졌는지 궁금하였다. 이에 국내 4대 일간지를 선정 `화학의 해`인 2006년에 보도된 화학 관련 기사를 여러 검색어를 이용 검색하여 기사에 나타난 화학의 이미지를 분석하였다. 검색어는 화학 관련 단어를 설문조사하여 빈도수가 가장 많은 5개의 단어 선정하였고, 이를 인터넷 신문사 검색 창에 입력하여 기사를 찾았다. 찾아진 기사는 연구자들이 읽어가면서 화학 관련된 것을 선별하였고, 선별된 기사들을 읽어 기사 속 화학의 이미지를 긍정과 부정 그리고 기사의 속성 등으로 분석하였다. 대중매체에 제시되는 화학의 이미지는 대중들에게 가장 쉽게 전달될 수 있는 경로이므로 대중매체에 나타나는 화학의 이미지는 음양으로 대중들에게 커다란 영향을 줄 수 있을 것이다. The Ministry of Science and Technology has been planning various events and carrying them out as the effort for promotion and popularization of science. The ministry has made followings: i)Science culture year, 2004 ii) Physics year, 2006 iii)Chemistry year, 2007 iv)Biology year, 2008. Especially, in 2006 the ministry held various exhibitions and contests about chemistry. The science play "Oxygen" had been presented in the whole country, 2006. From 2006 to 2007 the moving science museum had been displayed many times in the whole country. The national broadcast media KBS made a special program and televised several times to commemorate the year of chemistry. Like that in 2006 the chemistry approached to general people. In these surroundings, we wondered how chemistry was expressed in daily newspaper and how the general public accepted chemistry in the year of chemistry, 2006. So we selected four daily newspaper and researched descriptions about chemistry then analyzed the image of chemistry in that descriptions. When we research, we first selected 5 words of high frequency. On the internet research engine we used these 5 words and searched descriptions. We read and sorted descriptions which were more connected to chemistry. Finally we analyzed the images of descriptions(affirmative or negative) and character. The chemistry`s image on newspaper descriptions influences people greatly. Because that is the easiest channel.

      • KCI등재

        개똥쑥의 항산화 및 항암활성과 기능성 물질의 탐색

        류지현(Ji-Hyun Ryu),이수정(Soo-Jung Lee),미주(Mi-Joo Kim),신정혜(Jung-Hye Shin),강신권(Shin-Kwon Kang),계만(Kye-Man Cho),성낙주(Nak-Ju Sung) 한국식품영양과학회 2011 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.40 No.4

        개똥쑥(Artemisia annua L.)의 생리활성에 관한 연구로써 개똥쑥 잎과 줄기의 항산화 및 암세포 증식억제 활성을 측정하였으며, 이들의 활성과 밀접한 관련이 있을 것으로 추정되는 페놀 화합물을 HPLC를 이용하여 분석ㆍ동정하였다. 개똥쑥 잎과 줄기 추출물의 항산화 활성은 농도에 의존적이었으며, 대부분 줄기보다 잎에서 더 높은 경향이었다. 인체 자궁경부 상피암 세포인 HeLa 및 위암세포인 AGS에 대한 증식억제 활성은 줄기보다 잎 추출물에서 더 높았는데 특히, 잎 에탄올 추출물의 HeLa 및 AGS세포에 대한 증식억제 활성은 500 μg/mL 농도에서 각각 61.07% 및 57.24%로 추출물 중 가장 높은 활성을 보였다. HPLC를 이용하여 페놀화합물을 분석한 결과, phenolic acid 및 catechin류는 줄기에 비해 잎 추출물에서 월등히 높게 정량되었다. Flavonol류는 잎에서만 동정되었으며, rutin 및 kaempferol은 잎 에탄올 추출물에서만 동정되었다. 개똥쑥 추출물의 항산화 및 암세포 증식억제 활성은 페놀 화합물에 대한 의존도가 높으나, 미지의 활성 물질이 관여하는 것으로 추정된다. The antioxidant and anticancer activities of leaves and stems from Gaeddongssuk (Artemisia annua L.) were investigated. The leaves and stems were extracted with water and 80% ethanol, respectively. The antioxidant and growth inhibition activities toward cancer cells by the 4 kinds of extracts were tested. In addition, phenolic compounds from A. annua were identified through quantitative analysis using HPLC. Antioxidant activities significantly increased in a does-dependent manner, and those of water and ethanol extracts of the leaves were stronger than those of the stems. Growth inhibition activities of the leaf extracts on HeLa and AGS cells were higher than those of the stem extracts. In particular, the ethanol extract of the leaves had growth inhibition activities of 61.07% and 57.24% against HeLa and AGS cells, at the concentration of 500 μg/mL, respectively, which were the highest among all the extracts. Phenolic acid and catechin contents of the A. annua extracts as determined by HPLC were higher in the leaves than in the stems. Flavonols were identified only in the leaves. The data suggest that the antioxidant and anticancer activities of A. annua extracts were due to phenolic compounds as well as unknown biological compounds in A. annua.

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