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      • KCI등재

        제1차대전기 영국 전쟁시 읽기

        조규택(Cho, Kyutaek) 한국영미어문학회 2009 영미어문학 Vol.- No.90

        This study aims to analyze and criticize British war poetry written during World War I. By the time the Armistice was signed on November 11, 1918, more than nine million soldiers and five million civilians had been killed. Most British war poets who participated in the Great War were killed on the western front in Europe. They included Rupert Brooke, Charles hamilton Sorley, Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon, and issac Rosenberg etc. It is thought that the British war poetry reveals the poets' patriotism, incredulity, outrage, pity and anti-war attitude through World War I. As mentioned above, I tried to demonstrate the following contents in my study: the cause of World War I, horror, disgust, anger of World War I, and anti-war sentiments and pity caused by World War I. I also indicated that many war poets described the hypocrisy of war and at the same time the uselessness and futility through their anti-war conscience, in reality though they took part in the battle fields according to the calling from their country. Ironically most soldiers who were in World War I recognized their service as great at first, but later they individually criticized the lying of their government and statesmen during the Great War. Some poets and soldiers welcomed their service in the beginning of the war, but later they recognized and criticized their service more severely after participating in World War I. Nevertheless, I would strongly suggest that we should learn and follow the spirit of most British war poets and soldiers who were ready to sacrifice their lives, and sometimes gave up their desires and pleasures for their country.

      • KCI등재

        휘트먼의 남북전쟁 시(時) 다시 읽기

        조규택(Kyutaek Cho) 한국영미어문학회 2013 영미어문학 Vol.- No.111

        Walt Whitman writes that the entire work revolves around the four years war, and claims that the "Drum-Taps" cluster of Leaves of Grass is pivotal to the rest of the text. Though Whitman had viewed himself as a poet-prophet in the prewar, during the war years he came to see himself as a kind of poet-historian. I suggested that his ultimate purpose of the Civil War poems is to mention war itself and his war poems and the war are one. But during and after the Civil War, his war poems reveal harmony and reconciliation between the victory and the defeat and also between the North and the South. Whitman's Civil War poems show the process of recovery of humanitarian love and forgiveness and reconciliation between the dead and the living. After the carnage of the Civil War, Whitman wished for the reunification and prosperity of his own country.

      • KCI등재

        휘트먼의 남북전쟁 시에 나타난 해상전투 읽기

        조규택(Kyu taek Cho) 한국영미어문학회 2016 영미어문학 Vol.- No.123

        The purpose of this paper is to explore Walt Whitman’s poems related to the ocean and the ‘American Civil War’ (1861-65). It centrally describes the wreck of the C. S. S. Alabama, a Confederate ship which was sunk during the desperate years of the Civil War, and illuminates how Whitman reveals his poetic imagination in his own poems connected to these ocean battles. He says that one theme for ever-enduring poets is war and the genius of poets is the making of perfect soldiers. His ocean poems reveal the heroic chant of all intrepid sailors, and also harmony and reconciliation between the dead and the living in the sea and between the North and the South after the Civil War. Ocean or sea battles were less known to people than the battles on land. Therefore, we can understand Whitman’s war poems better by analyzing his poems related to ocean battles.

      • KCI등재

        전쟁과 연민: 휘트먼과 오웬의 전쟁시 읽기

        조규택(Kyu-taek Cho) 한국영미어문학회 2007 영미어문학 Vol.- No.83

          This thesis intends to research the war and pity depicted in Walt Whitman and Wilfred Owen"s truthful War Poetry set in the Civil War and the First World War.<BR>  Whitman refers to each soldier"s miserable and wretched condition as well as honourable scenes based on his first personal observations of field hospitals and camps during the Civil War. The Civil War was the background in which Whitman felt pity toward the severely wounded soldiers. Through suffering the Civil War and the assassination of President Lincoln, Whitman formed his pity which is evident in his realistic war poetry.<BR>  Like Whitman, Wilfred Owen wrote about his strong feelings of pity and the reality of war in his war poetry during the First World War. Because Owen witnessed the death of his soldiers, who died like cattle choked by the lethal gas, he denied any heroic scenes, and instead indicated the realistic, dreadful and terrible description. He was not so much an observer as a comrade with his soldiers on the Western Front Lines.<BR>  From World War I, Owen describes the war fought by scared, individual soldiers as well as the unheroic war situation based on his first personal view in the parapets and trenches. The First World War throughly provides Owen with the discovery of intense pity and the harsh reality of war. It means that Owen"s eternal and truthful pity is the core of his humanity toward his comrades in his war poetry.<BR>  Finally, Whitman and Owen demonstrated their truthful pity toward soldiers and comrades in their poetic works through their experiences of the brutal severity of war.

      • KCI등재

        연구보문 : 독일 종자은행의 식물유전자원 관리 체계

        조규택 ( Gyu Taek Cho ),성정숙 ( Jung Sook Sung ),정종욱 ( Jong Wook Chung ),박종현 ( Jong Hyun Park ),강정훈 ( Jung Hoon Kang ),김창영 ( Chang Yung Kim ),김정곤 ( Chung Kon Kim ),백형진 ( Hyung Jin Baek ) 한국국제농업개발학회 2011 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.23 No.3

        세계 최대의 종자은행 중의 하나인 독일의 IPK-Genebank는 종자은행의 관리 최적화와 분양활용에 필요한 고객만족을 위하여 연구 및 서비스에 다음과 같은 농업유전자원관리체계로 운영하고 있다. 1. 종자은행자문회의(Genebank Advisory Board)는 종자은행과 관련된 사안에 대하여 간부위원회(Governing Board)와 기관장위원회(Board of Directors)에 조언을 한다. 2. IPK-Genebank의 임무는 수집, 보존 및 분양으로 특성조사 및 정보화, 자원관리 및 평가, 분류 및 진화 등 3개의 프로그램으로 구성되어 있다. 특성조사 및 정보화 프로그램은 게놈다양성, 종자은행 정보화, 식물 아키텍쳐 등 3개 연구그룹으로 구성되어 있고, 자원관리 및 평가 프로그램은 자원 유전학 및 증식, 기내 및 초저온 보존, 위성 보존소 등 3개 연구그룹으로 구성되어 있다. 3. 독일의 유전자원관리는 IPK-Genebank 중심의 중앙 관리 방식으로 되어 있으며, 2009년말 현재 779속 2,649종 146,966점의 유전자원과 400,000점 이상의 석엽표본을 보존하고 있다. 또한, 영양번식자원의 기내보존을 위하여 초저온 보존을 수행하고 있으며 무독묘 생산 임무도 병행하고 있다. 4. 증식은 연간 10,000점 내외로 자체에서 실시하고 있으며, 주요 평가대상으로는 곡류의 환경내재해성 평가와 수집시기의 간격에 따른 유전적 변이 조사 등을 수행하고 있다. 5. IPK-Genebank는 유럽 최대 규모의 유전자원저장시설로 매년 10,000-15,000점의 유전자원이 국내외로 분양하고 있으며 1952년 이래 누적규모는 720,000점에 달한다. 분양은 온라인 및 메일 등으로 신청가능하며, 2008 및 2009년에는 18,480점과 22,799점을 각각 분양하였다. 6. 종자은행 관리를 위한 내부 시스템으로 GBIS/Management, 인터넷 정보제공 시스템으로 GBIS/Internet을 개발 운영하고 있으며, 다양한 포맷과 분산 관리되고 있는 식물관련 특이적 데이터의 효율적 분석을 위하여 데이터 웨어하우스 기법을 활용하고 있다. 7. 2007년에는 종자은행 운영 및 관리 최적화를 위하여 보존종자의 품질인증을 획득(ISO 9001:2000)하였으며, 유전자원 관리 연구를 통하여 관리와 이용성 증진에 있어 국제적으로 인정받고 있다. The Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) in Gatersleben is one of the largest and internationally most renowned plant research centers working on plant genetic resources. With the central ex situ gene bank, IPK possesses a unique collection of approximately 147,000 plant genetic resources from 2,649 botanic species of about 800 different genera. A substantial part of the collection is stored as seeds at temperatures of -17oC. Vegetatively propagated material is conserved either by permanent field culture or through in vitro cultures and/or cryo-conservation under liquid nitrogen. The Genebank possesses comprehensive reference collections including a herbarium with more than 400,000 samples. As a subcommittee of the Scientific Advisory Board, the Genebank Advisory Board provides advice to the Governing Board and the Board of Directors in accordance with the Scientific Advisory Board concerning issues related to the genebank. The federal ex-situ collection of agricultural and horticultural plants forms the core of the department, which is structured into three programmes, Characterization & Documentation, Management & Evaluation, and Taxonomy & Evolution. The mandate of the Genebank comprises the collection, conservation, and distribution of plant genetic resources. Satellite collections of the gene bank are situated in Groß L?sewitz and Malchow/Poel (Mecklenburg-West Pommerania). IPK-Genebank aims to limit 160,000 accessions for its total collections by adding 400 new accessions every year. The average number of accessions grown in the field or greenhouse for seed multiplication is about 10,000 per year. Evaluations are carried out mainly for resistances to biotic/abiotic stresses and genetic variations. The average number of yearly distributed samples of IPK-Genebank is from 10,000 to 15,000, totalling 720,000 since 1952. For management optimization and customer satisfaction, IPK-Genebank has developed Genebank Information Systems composed of the internal genebank management software and the internet portal for searching and ordering genebank accessions and established Quality Management System according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000.

      • KCI등재

        「별이 빛나는 밤」을 통한 휘트먼과 고흐의 예술적 만남

        조규택(Cho, Kyutaek) 한국영미어문학회 2012 영미어문학 Vol.- No.103

        The poet and the painter share many interesting similarities. Their work may have a similar tone and produce comparable emotions. This study demonstrates that Whitman's poems have inspired and influenced Van Gogh's paintings and also that the artistic meeting between Whitman and Van Gogh is made possible by their artistic emotion and similar subject. Van Gogh's letter(1888) to his sister, Wilhelmien about "the American poems by Whitman", provides evidence that Van Gogh was avidly reading Whitman's From Noon to Starry Night(1881) when he was painting "Starry Night". Van Gogh's "Starry Night" has also influenced the American pop song, "Vincent" by Don McLean. This song was inspired by the mental anguish Van Gogh felt, and it is a tribute to Van Gogh's artistic world. The poet who depicted himself as an image of Christ and the painter who introduced Whitman to his sister and brother share their poetic and imaginative subject in their artistic works. They both passionately loved nature and celebrated its myriad of stars. Whitman's poems and Van Gogh's paintings are based on similar subjects from an artistic point of view. “Starry Night" quite literally represents "the poet in a starry night" because it is inspired by the poet of a starry night. Furthermore, it is evident that between them they invented a new artistic world toward human striving. Finally I think that they met each other as intermediaries between the outmoded art of the past and the shining new art of the future through their similar artistic works.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        아이작 로젠버그의 전쟁시 읽기

        조규택(Kyu-taek Cho) 한국영미어문학회 2010 영미어문학 Vol.- No.96

        This paper attempts to introduce Isaac Rosenberg's war poetry written during the First World War. Rosenberg reveals the reality of war through his own war experience and his participation on the Western Front. In order to understand his war poetry, I introduced Rosenberg's early childhood and educational background. He was the son of poor Jewish immigrant in Bristol, England. He was interested in painting and particularly good at writing poetry. As soon as World War I broke out, he returned to England from South Africa and enlisted as a soldier, as most young people did. As opposed to most war poets, Rosenberg was not an officer but a simple soldier. In this paper, I classified Rosenberg's war poetry in three periods; the early period, the middle period, and the last period. In his early period, Rosenberg watched the war with an objective attitude as a mere observer writing his poems based on his experiences as a soldier. In the middle period, he viewed the war as a severe, horrific and disgusting immortal darkness through his famous poems from the trench. In the last period, he revealed his transcendental view toward the war and also accepted his religious attitude from the war poems. By reading Rosenberg's war poetry, I was able to grasp his own unique style toward war poetry, where he showed his introvert and shy personality based on his biographical background. This paper reveals that Rosenberg's unique personality accounts for the difference between his war poetry and other's war poetry.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        지그프리드 사순(S. Sassoon)의 전쟁시 읽기

        조규택(Kyu taek Cho) 한국영미어문학회 2014 영미어문학 Vol.- No.115

        This paper is to introduce and explore Siegfried Sassoon's satiric war poems condemning the war. In the earlier years of the war, Sassoon himself served in the war valiantly and the Military Cross for his bravery was awarded to him. But his war poems had taken an anti-war attitude in his later works. No man who took part in the First World War completely shook off the experience. Some men who had never killed before executed killing without remorse. That is indeed one savage image of war. As the war continued, Sassoon came to the conclusion that it was being needlessly prolonged. Sassoon declared that he had joined the war believing it was "defence and liberation"; but he recognized it as a war of "aggression and conquest." Because of this, he became a pacifist poet. Sassoon's war poetry is not subtle or complex, its power derives from its strength of feeling and a sheer force of indignation. Perhaps his satire and irony made his war poems successful. But one of his later poems, "Reconciliation" shows harmony and reconciliation between German soldiers and English soldiers. His war poems are thought to be in the traditional English satirical poetry as well as first-rate anti-war poetry. In conclusion, I recognize that Sassoon's anti-war poems had been transformed into a subtler form of pro-war propaganda and some of the very people Sassoon condemned celebrated his war poems.

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