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        IPTV네트워크 중심의 과학전시 활용 연구

        전인하(Jun, in ha),김경훈(Kim, Kyung Hoon) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2013 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.14 No.-

        본 연구의 주제는 IPTV의 양 방향성 기능을 통해 전국 12개 전시장을 하나로 연결하는 IPTV네트워크를 통해 미래 전시 네트워크 혁신을 다루고자 한다. 전국 12개 전시장의 네트워크화는 인터넷 온라인망을 통해 관람객들과 바이어에게 보다 많은 양의 정보를 동시에 제공한다. IPTV네트워크과학전시는 물리적 공간 이동이 아니라 영상공간의 이동을 경험하면서 실시간 전시와 마케팅의 효율을 높이고자 연구되었다. 특히 IPTV 특성인 양 방향성이 바이어와 상담자를 연결하는 기능으로 확장되어 상담액의 증가로 이어진다. 이것을 2008년부터 2012년까지의 전시산업연구회 상담 액의 통계자료를 바탕으로 ‘전시장의 네트워크화가 마케팅과 밀접한 관계를 보인다.’는 가설 ‘2008년부터 2012년 전시산업 통계’를 SPSS21.0 회귀분석을 통해 연구했다. 이미 IPTV 가입자 700만 시대가 대중화를 맞았다. 2014년경 1,000만 시대를 넘어설 거라는 예측도 나왔다. IPTV는 모바일과 스마트란 최신 트랜드에 가장 잘 어울리는 방송서비스 이다. 이번 소논문은 지난 2008년 - 2012년 전시산업 통계 자료를 중심으로 마케팅 증가 동향요인을 분석하여 미래의 전시 시장의 네트워크화가 기업 홍보와 상담액의 증가로 이어진다는 가설을 증명하는데 목적이 있다. 인터넷TV 인터페이스 공간에서의 IPTV 양방향성을 활용하여 전시구조의 방법과 진보를 예측해 보고자 한다. 또한, 상담액의 증가를 통해 전시산업의 미래를 다각적으로 가늠해 보고자 한다. 전시 용역이나 1회적인 부스 활용이 디지털 파일화 되어 영구적인 자료로 활용되고 상담자들에게 보다 진보된 자료를 보여줌으로써 신뢰와 상담 기법의 변화가 마케팅 효율에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 방법으로 정착 될 수 있다. IPTV 가입자 1,000만 시대에 걸맞는 현대인의 특성인 언제 어디서나 이용 가능한 정보와 커뮤니케이션(M-commerce) 활동이 경제 활동에 이용될 때 발생하는 시장의 확장을 예측하고자 한다. Currently, it is estimated that we already have 7 million IPTV subscribers in Korea. The number is expected to grow up to over 10 million by the year 2014. The IPTV network technology is indeed the most fashionable broadcasting service which is best suited for the recent trend in the mobile and smart device technology. The mobility combined with the “smart” capacity of modern communication devices will allow us to process data collected at the networked cyber exhibition site regarding the sales and use of various products and other contextual information such as the locations and time so that we can draw useful statistical information. The purpose of this study is to formulate and propose the innovative future model of the exhibition network connecting 12 national exhibition sites through the use of the bi-direction communication capability of the IPTV network. The proposed IPTV exhibition network is capable of providing vast variety of information to potential buyers and other visitors through the on-line exhibition site which connects multiple national exhibition sites through the high-speed communication network. The proposed IPTV exhibition network can achieve the maximum marketing efficiency by enabling their visitors to walk through the cyberspace exhibition which is being displayed in real-time. Especially the bi-directional communication capacity of the proposed IPTV exhibition network can facilitate the communication between buyers and sellers resulting significant increase in realized sales contracts. Our hypothesis is that the networking of exhibition sites would have significant impact on the overall marketing efficiency. In order to test this hypothesis, we use the statistical regression and analysis of variance on the data for the year 2008 through 2012 compiled and reported by the national exhibition research group.

      • KCI등재

        사물인터넷(IOT) 전시환경전망

        전인하 ( In Ha Jun ),김경훈 ( Kyung Hoon Kim ) 서울과학기술대학교 과학문화전시디자인연구소 2014 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.18 No.-

        The objective this paper is to develop an exhibition model and M2M strategy to encourage exhibition holders and visitors to have positive awareness toward the IoT based exhibition. In order to promote such positive awareness, we need to develop a comprehensive theoretical basis for the science exhibition model which creatively adopt and use not only the ordinary exhibition alternatives but also the big-data, cloud-service and mobile handheld devices. To this end, we have conducted a survey on academic journal articles, various economics reports, government policy publications as well as the resources available on the Internet to find out about the status of IoT and investigate the need for the IoT based exhibition through a theoretical discussion on the formulation of futuristic exhibition concepts. Based on our survey, we have compiled basic materials for developing the IoT based exhibition model. Through the use of this compiled materials, we proposed a business model and a futuristic IoT exhibition model that utilizes virtual exhibition, 3D-printing, augmented reality, 3-D and 4-D virtual media, mobile PC and phone. The exhibition and related business model proposed in our study would contribute to the realization of the exhibition industry evolving to become a form of an entertainment and also the enhancement of corporate competitiveness of the domestic exhibition as well as other industry.

      • KCI등재

        Internet of Things(IoT) exhibition environment outlook

        Jun, In Ha(전인하),Kim, Kyung Hoon(김경훈) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2014 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.18 No.-

        The objective this paper is to develop an exhibition model and M2M strategy to encourage exhibition holders and visitors to have positive awareness toward the IoT based exhibition. In order to promote such positive awareness, we need to develop a comprehensive theoretical basis for the science exhibition model which creatively adopt and use not only the ordinary exhibition alternatives but also the big-data, cloud-service and mobile hand-held devices. To this end, we have conducted a survey on academic journal articles, various economics reports, government policy publications as well as the resources available on the Internet to find out about the status of IoT and investigate the need for the IoT based exhibition through a theoretical discussion on the formulation of futuristic exhibition concepts. Based on our survey, we have compiled basic materials for developing the IoT based exhibition model. Through the use of this compiled materials, we proposed a business model and a futuristic IoT exhibition model that utilizes virtual exhibition, 3D-printing, augmented reality, 3-D and 4-D virtual media, mobile PC and phone. The exhibition and related business model proposed in our study would contribute to the realization of the exhibition industry evolving to become a form of an entertainment and also the enhancement of corporate competitiveness of the domestic exhibition as well as other industry.

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