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        주거단지 지하주차장의 조명계획 및 운영방법

        장수정,최안섭,Chang, Soo-Jung,Choi, An-Seop 한국조명전기설비학회 2005 조명·전기설비학회논문지 Vol.19 No.4

        어둡고 한정된 지하공간의 이미지의 개선은 지하개발 성공여부에 중요한 결정요소가 되고 있다. 주거단지 지하주차장의 조명환경은 지금까지 양적 위주의 설계와 운영이 이루어졌으나 이제는 지하주차장 공간의 질적 향상이 필요한 때이다. 이를 위해서 우선 고려해야 할 두 가지는, 첫째로 주차장에서 주로 사용되는 광원에 대한 이해이며, 둘째는 균제도의 향상이다. 특히 겨울철 외기의 영향에 의한 주차장 실내의 심각한 조도저하와 균제도의 유지를 위한 방안이 마련되어야 한다. 따라서 조명기구의 간격, 배열에 대한 변화가 필요하며, 운용에 있어서는 시간에 따른 일률적인 기존의 제어방법에서 벗어나 이용패턴을 고려한 방식으로의 전환이 요구된다. The improvement of perspectives on dark and limited underground space could be an important factor in successful underground space development. The Current trend in the apartment underground parking garages requires not only quantitatively energy efficient design and operation but also qualitative improvement of the space. For this, we need to consider two factors: Firstly, to understand the characteristics of the lamps; Secondly, to improve the uniformity ratio of illuminance. In a winter season, a way to keep the uniformity and a method not to lower the indoor illuminance level by cold ambient air should be established. Therefore, a change in interval and arrangement of the lighting fixtures is required. Also, in their operations, the current time-fixed control method needs to be changed into the control which method considers the use pattern.

      • 아파트의 지하주차장의 조명 운영개선

        장수정(Soo-Jung Chang),최안섭(An-Seop Choi),최성열(Sung-Youl Choi) 한국조명·전기설비학회 2004 한국조명·전기설비학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2004 No.11월

        The improvement of perspectives on dark and limited underground space could be an important factor in successful underground space development. Current trend in the apartment underground parking lot requires not only quantitatively energy efficient design and operation, but also qualitative improvement of the space. For this, we need to consider two factors: Firstly, to understand the characteristics of the fluorescent lamp. Secondly, to improve the uniformity ratio of illuminance. In winter season, a way to keep the uniformity and a method not to lower the indoor illuminance level by cold ambient air. Therefore, a change in interval and arrangement of the lighting fixtures is required. Also, in their operation, current time-fixed control method needs to be changed into the control that method considers the use pattern.

      • 미디어화의 관점에서 본 사물인터넷 환경 특성에 관한 연구

        장수정(Chang, Soo-Jung),남경숙(Nam, Kyung-Sook) 한국실내디자인학회 2016 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2016 No.05

        The present study focused on the concept of mediatization to analyze the cases of IoT(Internet of Things) technology and thus to consider the aspects of IoT environment from the perspective of change in daily routines resulting from media use in everyday life. In this context, the change in everyday life due to mediatization was analyzed from the perspective of spatial and temporal expansion and personalization. Based on the analysis findings, relevant cases were analyzed among the IoT Awards winners(2015/2016). The case analysis shed light on such aspects as remote control, real-time information provision, social network responsiveness, cooperative relationship building with existing devices and expansive use and scope of existing space from the perspective of spatial and temporal expansion. Also, the case analysis derived such aspects as personalized service provision, diversified and sophisticated choices, convenience of installation and use, and intuitive use from the perspective of personalization.

      • KCI등재

        주거환경의 삶의 질 향상을 고려하는 사회적 지속가능성 평가 지표 제안 연구

        장수정(Chang, Soo-Jung),남경숙(Nam, Kyung-Sook) 한국실내디자인학회 2015 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.24 No.6

        In this research, an attempt was made to approach social sustainability of residential environments that have been studied thus far in community-oriented research in a broader perspective, with the aim to induce evaluation indicators for social sustainability of a residential environment that is oriented for enhancement of the residents` life quality. First, evaluation system of social sustainability of residential environments is divided into 6 areas that include regionality, diversity, fairness, satisfaction of diverse needs, social exchange, and participation and decision making. A subdivision was also introduced to account for evaluation properties by area. Second, regarding measurement of life quality in a residential environment, the scope of evaluation was divided into residential environment dimension, resident dimension, and management dimension which can incorporate both objective evaluation and subjective evaluation in consideration of the fact that it involves both physical environment and socio-psychological elements. Third, evaluation indicators by area were collected based on an analysis of preceding studies. For the purpose, a total of 193 indicators were extracted, including 28 items of regionality area, 26 items of diversity area, 28 items of fairness area, 58 items of satisfaction of diverse needs 34 items of social exchange area, and 19 items of participation and decision making area. The kind of evaluation indicators have meaning in that it can be used as an evaluation tool of social sustainability that can be applied universally form the planning stage. It can be utilized as a basic data for enhancement of life quality and promotion of social values in a residential environment.

      • 고령자의 사회적 교류 증진을 위한 주거지의 사회적 지속가능성에 관한 기초 연구

        장수정(Chang, Soo-Jung),남경숙(Nam, Kyung-Sook) 한국실내디자인학회 2015 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2015 No.5

        As aging population increasing, isolated phenomenon of older generations has become social problem. Social interaction with other residents in housing environment will be a key-solution to enhance social communication of older generation and improve their quality of life. We focused on the social communication of aging people in their residence as appling the concept of social sustainability. Social sustainability means sustaining social resource of human, like tradition and culture, participation, sharing and equality. This paper aims for derive planning elements of socially sustainable residence to enhance social communication of senior citizens as a basic study. Therefore, we propose 5 indicators of social sustainability, diversity, equality, quality of life, social connection, and democratic decision and participation, in terms of social equality and harmony.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        시민참여를 통한 지역문제해결형 솔루션의 사용자 요구사항 분석방안 연구 : 용인시 ICT리빙랩의 시민참여 워크숍을 중심으로

        장수정(Soo-Jung Chang),박소임(So-Im Park) 한국비교정부학회 2021 한국비교정부학보 Vol.25 No.3

        (Purpose) For solving community problems, the use of community problem-solving living lab through cooperation between industries·universities·research·government and citizens is accelerating. This study was conducted to examine the process of extracting ideas for solving community problems through citizen participation based on empirical living lab cases for solving community problems and find out detailed user requirements for community problem-solving solution. (Design/methodology/approach) The living lab process to find out requirements consists of (1) community problem materialization, (2) participating citizen recruitment and education and (3) problem-solving idea extraction, and a creative workshop, as a major citizen participation methodology, was used. (Findings) First, community problems recognized by the persons interested were classified into 4 types; transportation, welfare, life environment and administration. Second, 18 citizens and persons interested participated in a creative workshop for producing ideas to solve community problems. Third, common requirements of citizens, namely, end users for usefulness, ease of use, accessibility, integrity and real-time of solution were found through the workshop. (Research implications or Originality) It is considered that there should be further research on development of solution reflecting real requirements and empirical experience-based improvement in future.

      • KCI등재

        사물인터넷 기술기반 가전제품 사례분석 연구 -사물인터넷의 연결성을 중심으로-

        장수정 ( Chang Soo Jung ),남경숙 ( Nam Kyung Sook ) 한국기초조형학회 2016 기초조형학연구 Vol.17 No.6

        기술의 발달은 사물과 사물이 인터넷으로 연결되어 자동적으로 정보를 생성, 수집, 공유, 활용하는 시스템 환경인 `사물인터넷`시대를 도래시켰다. 사물인터넷 기술은 디바이스의 단순 연결단계에서 주변 환경으로부터 정보를 취득하고 인간의 개입을 최소화하는 인프라 구축 단계를 넘어서 궁극적으로 사용자에게 보다 지능적이고 혁신적인 서비스를 제공하는 방향으로 발전하게 되며, 이를 위해 고도의 지능화를 바탕으로 한 사물의 상호연결과 자원의 효율적 활용 및 가치사슬 내의 연계 강화를 위한 다각적인 공유의 관점을 필요로 하게 된다. 이와 같은 배경에서 본 연구는 초연결사회의 도래와 함께 찾아온 사물인터넷 기술의 일상화, 보편화에 의한 주거환경의 변화를 고찰하기 위한 예비연구의 단계로써, 현황조사의 일환으로 가정에서 활용될 수 있는 사물인터넷 기반 가전제품의 사례분석을 진행하였다. 분석 결과 주거환경의 사물인터넷 제품은 그 핵심 기능에 따라 유형적 구분이 가능하였으며, 각 유형은 그 기능과 목적에 부합하는 특정한 데이터를 센싱한 후 가정 내 인터넷 네트워크를 통해 전달하여 이를 다양한 방식으로 가공, 변환하여 사용자에게 맞춤화된 서비스로써 제공한다. 즉 각 제품은 본연의 한 가지 기능에 충실하며 하나의 용도나 활동을 지원하되, 사용자의 다양한 상황에 대응할 수 있는 집중적인 기능성을 가지고 있다. 또한 연결성의 관점에서 분석하였을 때, 각 사례는 기존의 사물 및 유무형의 자원을 다양하게 연결함에 따라 기존 가구의 기능을 대체하고 이를 혼합하여 사용자에게 적합한 서비스로써 제공하는 지능적이고 복합적인 역할을 수행하고 있다. 이에 따라 주거환경의 사물인터넷 기술은 완전히 새로운 신기술과 기능을 만드는 것뿐이 아닌, 기존의 사물의 기능을 연결하고 이를 재해석하여 새로운 가치를 창출하는 또 다른 가능성을 안고 있을 것이다. A development of technology has been on the rise of hyper-connected environment that creates, collects, shares, and utilizes information with the connection between objects regardless of human intervention at anytime and anyplace, so called as Internet of Things (IoT). The major technology of IoT not only provides new services by collecting and analyzing certain information, but also has a potential to create new values by connecting existing objects and functions of them. This study conducted a case study of IoT-based household appliances in daily life, as a level of preliminary research to explore how our environment will be changed based on institutionalization and generalization of IoT technology. As a result of analysis, we categorized the cases as 4 types according to their functions, and we figured out that each product is loyal to one function, and supports one purpose or activity, however, it has a function to correspond to various circumstances of users. In terms of connectivity, IoT-based household appliances are more likely to focus on offering convenience to user by connecting and replacing functions of various existing home appliances and furniture, rather than providing completely new technologies and functions.

      • KCI등재
      • 4차 산업혁명 시대 핵심기술 기반 스마트홈 서비스 제안 기초연구

        장수정(Chang, Soo-Jung),남경숙(Nam, Kyeong-Sook) 한국실내디자인학회 2019 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.21 No.3

        This study proposes expanding the domain of smart home service by assuming the dissemination of core technologies such as artificial intelligence, robots and autonomous cars in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. For this study, literature review and case analysis were conducted. Through literature analysis, the service area based on the dissemination of core technologies related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution is derived. Furthermore, a case analysis is conducted to propose the detailed areas of core technology-based smart home services. As a result of the study, the smart home service sector is proposed in three areas: "welfare", "advanced" and "self-reliance". The "welfare" area consists of healthcare, education and leisure, while the "advanced" area consists of residential safety, living convenience and transportation based on intelligent and automated technologies. Finally, the "self-contained" area consists of energy, shared economy and community-based participation, and production.

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