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      • KCI등재

        가미이진탕(加味二陳湯) 전탕액과 발효액이 항비만(抗肥滿)효과에 미치는 연구

        장성진,민들레,박은정,Chang, Sung Jin,Min, Deul Le,Park, Eun Jung 대한한방소아과학회 2013 대한한방소아과학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        Objective This study was designed to investigate the effects of Gamiygin-tang (GY) extract (GYE) and fermented solution (GYF) on body weight, serum lipid level and adipocyte differentiation in high fat diet-fed obese mice. Materials and Methods High fat diet-fed obese mice and 3T3-L1 adipocytes mice were treated with GYE and GYF and obesity related markers were assessed. A cytotoxicity assay was carried out by MTS assay. Inhibitory effects of GYE and GYF on adipocyte differentiation were carried out by Oil Red O staining. The effects of GYE and GYF on the expression of adipocyte differentiation regulatory factors, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ($PPAR{\gamma}$) and CCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha (CEBP-${\alpha}$) were measured by real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. The effects of GYE and GYF on the expression of adipocyte differentiation regulatory factors were also determined in relation to protein production/protein levels by western blotting. The anti obesity effects of GYE and GYF were measured in high fat-diet induced obese mice. Various factors were measured from the serum of the high fat-diet mice. Results Though GYE did not show toxicity at the concentration of 1mg/ml, GYF showed toxicity at the concentration of 1mg/ml. The GYE at 0.1 and 1mg/ml inhibited the differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells, and the GYF also inhibited the differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells. The effect of GYE on adipocyte differentiation factors including PPAR-${\gamma}$ and CEBP-${\alpha}$ was investigated and compared to the corresponding concentration levels of GYF. GYE and GYF both suppressed the RNA and protein levels of adipocyte differentiation factors. In the animal test both GYE and GYF reduced weight gain. GYE and GYF reduced blood cholesterol, TG and LDL levels. GYF better reduced blood cholesterol levels. Conclusions These results demonstrate that GYE and GYF exerts anti-obesity effect in 3T3-L1 cells and obese mice induced by high-fat diet.

      • KCI등재

        ‘이 세대 안에 세계 복음화를!’의 현실

        장성진(Chang,Sung-jin) 한국선교신학회 2010 선교신학 Vol.24 No.-

        In this thesis the author would say that evaluating westernised World Protestant views by documents and writing of The 1910 World Edinburgh Conference and John R. Mott to Korean churches, the assessments and expectation of the Korea Protestant mission and churches in a discourse of ‘The evangelisation of the world in this generation’ focused upon only external revivals and institutional growth of ‘new churches’ or ‘younger churches’ in the non-Christian world. That is to say, missionaries and church leaders having western-centred perspective on the discourse neglected development and maturity of long-time period. Escaping the real problem in the mission fields, a hyperreal vision, ‘establishing Christendom in the world’ is the very the most interesting issue to them. This is shown that their interpretation of World mission isinstitutional and western-centred. For researching this issue, histographical method is entirely utilised. Nevertheless, materials are investigated by views of Cross-cultural studies and missiology. There are not only documents of The 1910 World Missionary Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland and for relating to the conference, some articles of several journals like International Bulletin of Missionary Researc), Svensk missionstidskrift, but also published writings of John R. Mott like The Decisive Hour of Christian Mission, Five decades and a forward view, The Evangelization of the World in This Generation) and references of John R. Mott and records of the Conference in Edinburgh reported in 『Korea Mission Field 』. Using these materials the author studies that looking upon contents of early Protestant churches in Korea evaluated by John R. Mott and reports of Korean churches in the Conference from a scholarly perspective of Korean Christian, she evaluated the assessment of Korean churches in the period by the view of western-centred Protestant mission. Through this, she hope to suggest an anticipating assertion, not evangelising for Christianisation but practical evangelisation for essential Christendom being possibly in the world.

      • KCI등재

        총체적 복음화

        장성진(Chang, Sung-jin) 한국선교신학회 2010 선교신학 Vol.23 No.-

        This thesis is to represent a application of ‘Community Health Evangelism’ to ‘Multicultural Mission of Korean churches’ as a method of balanced evangelisations and Christanised social responsibility in the aspect of ‘Holistic Mission’, while there are much interest of Korean society on increasing number of migrants and ‘Multiculture’. The main works of CHE are ‘Maternal and child health’, ‘Village development’. ‘Educational works’, ‘Enterprise for women and children’ and so forth. These works are very similar to works of migrants' centres; ‘Medical services’, ‘Shelters’, ‘Enterprise of Multicultural family’, ‘Consultation centre’ etc. However, these kinds of centres are just offering one way-helps to migrants but, they can not support migrants to develop and grow themselves overcoming their inferior environments and lives. Accordingly, CHE strategy would play positive roles in making their works maintain the identity and trait of Christian gospel in works of Multiculture missions which stress on social responsibility and then suggest concrete and modified alternatives for social evangelisations.

      • KCI등재

        리차드 십즈의 설교에 나타난 교회의 거룩성

        장성진 ( Sung Jin Chang ) 개혁주의생명신학회 2014 생명과 말씀 Vol.9 No.-

        이 글에서는 리차드 십즈의 설교문에 나타난 교회의 거룩성을 어떻게 설명하는지를 살펴본다. 십즈는 불완전한 현실 교회를 전투하는 교회로 묘사했다. 그러나 그에 따르면 현실의 교회는 비록 불완전하지만 그리스도께서 주시는 양식을 함께 공급받고 누리는 잔치의 장소이기도 하다. 십즈는 교회가 이 땅에서 성화과정을 통해 천상의 교회를 향해 나아가며 교회의 머리이신 그리스도와 그분의 영이신 성령께서 그 과정을 이끌어 가신다는 점을 강조한다. 그러하기에 현실의 교회는 외적으로는 때로 추하고 불완전하지만 성령께서 임재하시는 거룩한 성전이 될 수 있다. 또한 성령께서 교회의 지체들에게 다양한 은사를 주셔서 그 은사를 소유한 지체들이 서로를 유익되게 하고 서로를 사랑하는 목적을 위해 사용하도록 하신다. 이렇게 서로의 유익을 위해, 그 결과 지체들을 몸으로 하는 교회의 유익을 위해 은사를 사용하는 그리스도인들은 서로를 형제와 자매로 여기게 된다. 십즈가 교회를 친구 공동체로 규정한 이유가 바로 여기에 있다. 그러나 십즈는 현실의 교회가 이러한 귀한 목적과 이 목적을 이루기 위한 잠재력을 가지고 있음에도 불구하고 수면 상태에 빠져 있는 현실을 안타깝게 여긴다. 교회는 자신의 참된 모습을 보지 못하는 수면상태에서 벗어나 자신의 가난한 상태를 발견할 수 있어야 한다. 그래야 하나님 앞에서 겸손할 수 있으며 하나님의 도우심과 임재를 구할 수 있다. 현실의 교회가 그리스도의 임재를 구하는 기도를 할 때에 하나님께서는 교회에 임재 하셔서 교회를 새롭게 창조하신다. 목회자 십즈에게 교회의 거룩성은 종말론적 소망이며 이 소망은 현실의 교회를 온전한 거룩함으로 끌어갈 수 있는 힘이 된다. 물론 이러한 일은 오직 그리스도에 의해, 오직 성령에 의해 이루어질수 있다. 이는 교회의 소망이 오직 그리스도께 있음을 드러낸다. 교회의 거룩성에 대한 십즈의 견해는 현실의 교회가 언제나 하나님 말씀에 따라 개혁되어야 한다는 개혁주의의 정신을 잘 반영한다. 교회는 그 구성원들 때문에 거룩한 것이 아니라, 교회의 머리 되신 그리스도 때문에 거룩하다. 교회는 교회의 거룩성을 갖추어 나가기 위해서는 그리스도의 임재와 성령의 도우심을 구하는 기도를 쉬지 않아야 한다. 이는 개혁주의 생명신학의 기도 운동과 성령운동이 중요함을 뒷받침한다. The purpose of this article is to explain the significance of the holiness of church in the sermons of Richard Sibbes. Sibbes does not disregards the importance of church militant. According to himchurches in the world can be understood as places where we Christians are to enjoy with the fellowship with Christ, although they are still ugly and incomplete. Churches are the only places where there is help and safety given by Christ and His Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the one who gives gifts and powers to the members of churches so that they use them for the benefits of other Christianand of the churches. This is how they become the community of loving God with true fellowship. That is why Sibbes defines church as a community of friends. But Sibbes does not disregard the misery and problems of churches. That is why he describes churches as ones in sleep. Churches have to be waken up. The first step for it is to realize how poor they are. After their realization churches can bend their knees and pray for God``s help and presence. With the prayer churches can have hope for holiness in the Holy Spirit who provides churches with all the gifts for the sanctification. It means that the holiness of church does not consist of the moral virtues of church members but of the holiness of Christ who is the head of church. That is why those who see miseries and problems in local churches can still believe in the church. Sibbes emphasizes the importance of prayer in the life of church for holiness, for the holiness of church does not exist in the church itself but in Christ and His Spirit. This ideas corresponds to the emphasis of prayer in the Reformed Life Theology.

      • KCI등재
      • Migration in Christianity and the Modern Culture

        Chang, Sung-Jin(장성진) 감리교신학대학교 2016 신학과세계 Vol.- No.86

        이 논문은 한국교회가 글로벌 상황 아래에서 이주민 선교를 어떻게 다루고 있는가를 보고자 한다. 현 세계적으로, 많은 수의 이주민들은 좀 더 기회를 얻고, 좀 더 안전하고, 좀 더 편안하게 살기 좋은 곳을 찾고 있다. 그래서 이러한 다양하고 복잡한 현상들이 사상, 종교 그리고 정치와 상관없이 좀 더 넓은 곳으로 이주민들을 이주하게 만들고 있다. 이들은 개방적으로 열려있는 네트워크, 소셜미디어 등으로부터 다양한 영향들을 받고 있는 중이다. 이러한 점에서 이 논문은 한국교회가 기존의 성공한 해외선교의 노하우들을 기반으로 다문화 선교를 준비할 시점에 이르렀다고 주장한다. 그러나 한국교회들은 급속한 글로벌 현상, 증가하는 이주민수, 그리고 지역교회의 극보수적인 태도 등 때문에 아직도 다문화 선교가 어렵다. 이러한 어려움들을 극복하기 위해서 1) 퓨 리서치 센터(2012.03) 데이터에서 보이는 세계 기독교 이주민들의 현실들을 살펴보고, 2) 한국 선교과정에 의해서 나타난 선교결과를 비평하고자 한다. 그리고 3) 한국사회의 변화를 인지하면서 동시대 문화 안에서의 이주민 선교필요성을 알아보고자 한다. 마지막으로 한국문화 세계에서 두 명의 재외동포 기독교 여성들의 케이스 스터디를 통해서 위에서 다루었던 내용들을 확인해 보고자 한다. “기독교와 현대문화 안에서의 이주민”이라는 이슈는 한국 사회의 사회적, 문화적, 종교적 구조를 분석하는 데 있어서 매우 현실적이고 중요한 부분이다. 한국에서 현대문화의 한 부분인 다문화로의 변화는 재외동포 이주 그리스도인들에게 영향을 주기 시작하였다. 따라서 한국교회의 급속한 선교적 접근에 대한 변화가 요구된다. 그러므로 본 저자는 한국교회들이 새로운 선교의 영역을 인지해야 하고, 한국 기독교를 위한 이주민 선교에 있어서 실천적 방법을 찾아야 한다고 주장한다. 이를 위해 본 저자는 서발턴(subaltern)적, 그리고 상황화적 관점에서 사회학적, 선교학적 방법을 연구에 사용하였다. This article looks at how Korean churches tend to deal with their mission for migrants under globalization. In the contemporary World, a large number of migrants are looking for a more comfortable and safer place to live, and for more opportunities. Various and confused phenomena push them into much larger spaces regardless of ideology, religion, and politics. They are open to diverse influences such as networks, SNS and so on. This traffic and flow of new social media can not be fully controlled and/or regulated by any local authorities. In this context, this article argues, it is the time for Korean churches to prepare a multi-cultural missioneering in reference to the know-how of successful overseas missions. However, Korean churches in multi-cultural mission are still in hardship because of rapid globalization, increasing numbers of migrants, the stubborn and conservative attitude of local churches and so on. Overcoming these difficulties, this article attempts to present 1) the presence of Christian migrants in the World based upon the data of the Pew Research Centre in March 2012, 2) the criticism of the routine practice of mission by Korean churches so far, 3) the necessity of the mission for migrants in the contemporary culture along with the acknowledgment of the transition of Korean society into a multi-cultural society, and 4) finally, case studies of two overseas Korean Christian women’s lives and faiths in the Korean society. With regard to the issue, “Migrants in Christian society and Modern Culture”, it is very realistic and important to examine the social, cultural and religious structures of the Korean society. In Korea, a kind of modern culture, the transition into a multi-cultural society has already taken place and begun to influence upon ethnically Korean Christian migrants. Accordingly. it requires the radical change of the mission approach of Korean churches. Therefore, the author insists that Korean churches have to recognize a new arena of mission and that they have to find a practical way to approach migrants for mission. For this purpose, the author will use sociological and missiological methodology with subaltern and contextual perspectives.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        총체적 선교 입장에서 본 지역사회 개발선교에 대한 연구 및 고찰

        장성진(Sung Jin Chang) 한신대학교 한신신학연구소 2009 신학연구 Vol.54 No.-

        This thesis is to research ‘Community Health Evangelism’ shown in the real mission fields on the ground of ‘Holistic Mission’. In the respect, it shows not only that the 20th century mission is changing apart from mission strategy of discipling and church-development, but also that we need to know a scholarly transformation of contemporary mission from the existing mission strategy. Mainly, the mission fields of contemporary mission are the third world or developing countries. There are 80% of populations living in rural areas, not cities. They are staying medically, educationally, and environmentally in retarded areas. Accordingly, they need helps for their welfare and then many missionaries are working for them as medical missions, educational helps, donations and so forth. However, these kinds of works are not steady. Moreover, it presents ‘bread-believers’ of the fields. Consequently, the missionaries working in the mission situations think the impossibility of evangelism, discipling, and church development without self life improvement of the indigenous. In this situations, the both divided missions. ‘Ecumenicals’ and ‘Evangelicals’ have brought about conflicts in the real fields, having strong opinions of ‘social responsibility vs evangelism’. Overcoming the conflicts, ‘Holistic Mission’ is shown for the mission of the whole human beings and then, ‘Community Health Evangelism’(CHE) is formed. Particularly, Evangelicals positively began to accept the mission works under ‘Holistic Mission’ after insisting on ‘we must accomplish social responsibilities for evangelism in mission fields’ in ‘the Lausanne Covenant’(1974). The CHE is representing the works of evangelism by various community enterprises like ‘Village Development’, ‘Health Welfare’, ‘Women Education’, ‘Mother and Child Health’ and so forth. For examples, there are Centre for Rural Health and Social Education, The Comprehensive Rural Health Project and Life World Community in Southern India.

      • KCI등재

        리처드 십즈의 교회론 연구

        장성진 ( Sung Jin Chang ) 개혁주의생명신학회 2013 생명과 말씀 Vol.8 No.-

        이 글의 목적은 리처드 십즈의 교회론을 교회의 정의와 교회의 종류, 교회의 표지를 중심으로 살펴보는데 있다. 십즈가 교회의 본질을 설명하기 위해 하나님의 집, 에덴동산, 그리스도의 배우자, 비둘기, 예루살렘을 비유로 사용한다. 하나님의 집이라는 비유는 교회를 하나로 만드는 하나님의 말씀과 성례를 통해 하나님께서 임재 하시는 곳이 교회임을 나타낸다. 에덴동산이라는 비유는 하나님께서 그리스도의 말씀이라는 씨앗을 뿌리고 자라게 하심으로 교회에 기쁨을 주신다는 사실을 드러낸다. 그리스도의 배우자라는 비유는 그리스도의 사랑의 희생 때문에 교회가 그리스도와 연합되어 그분의 소유가 되어 신적 권위를 지닌다는 점을 잘 설명해 준다. 그리스도의 희생적 사랑은 하나님의 선택의 결과이다. 그리스도의 신부라는 비유는 지상교회가 그리스도의 아내로서의 천상 교회를 지향하는 전투적 교회임을 설명한다. 파수꾼으로서의 목회자의 역할이 중요한 까닭이 여기에 있다. 비둘기라는 비유는 세상에서 핍박받아 하나님의 도우심을 간구하는 교회의 형편을 잘 설명 해준다. 또한 십즈가 가시적 교회 안에 참된 성도와 거짓 성도가 있다는 사실 앞에서 참된 성도가 교회의 정체성을 결정한다고 여긴다는 점도 설명했다. 특히 하나님의 구원에 대한 확신이 처벌에 대한 두려움을 없애기 때문에 이러한 확신을 지닌 공동체가 참된 교회임도 설명 되었다. 특히 흩어지는 교회의 사명이 구원의 복음을 전하는 선교에 있음도 설명했다. 십즈가 교회의 참된 표지들을 설명할 때에 그 표지들이 성도들에 게 기쁨을 가져다주어야 한다는 점을 강조하고 있음도 확인했다. 무엇보다 하나님 말씀의 적용이 교회를 교회답게 만든다는 십즈의 주장이 개혁주의생명신학에 정신을 잘 반영한다. 전체적으로 볼 때에 십즈는 조직신학자보다는 설교자에 가깝다. 그는 목회현장에서 경험하는 교회의 불완전 앞에서 어떻게 성도들이 하나님으로부터 구원의 확신과 위로를 얻을 수 있는지를 보여주는데 주력한다. The purpose of this article is to study Richard Sibbes’ ecclesiology by examining his definition of the church, his criterion to distinguish between true and false churches and his concept of essential marks of the church. To illustrate the essence of the church, Sibbes used many analogies such as the House of God, the Garden of Eden, the Spouse of Christ, Dove, and Jerusalem. The analogy of the ‘House of God’ understands the church as the place where God shows His presence with his Word and Sacrament. The metaphor of the ‘Garden of Eden’ shows the fact that God sows the seeds, namely the Word of God that should grow enough to give joy to the church. The ‘Spouse of Christ’ explains that because of the sacrifice of Christ, God comes to be the head of the church and that the church has the same right and authority as the God does. Christ’s sacrificial love is the result of God’s choice. The analogy of the ‘Bride of Christ’ represents the churches’ dearest wish for the heaven and this is why the role of pastor as a guardian is very important. The metaphor of ‘Dove’ shows the church suffers from the world’s persecution and cries out for Lord’s help. Sibbes acknowledges the existence of true believers and false believers in the church. According to him those who are true believers are those who constitute the identity of church. He also explains that a church is true when it is a community where the believers have their firm assurance about their salvation through Christ. Those with firm belief in their salvation through Christ can be free from the fear of the final punishment of the God. Sibbes’ assertion that following the Word of God is one of essential elements of being church shows how one of the mottos of the Reformed Life Theology, namely ‘Sola Scriptura’. can be applied to the understanding of the church.. The main focus in Sibbes’s sermons lies in his explanation how to get a spiritual peace and firm confidence and comfort from God, for the imperfection of visible local churches is one of the main problems in his pastoral ministry. In that sense he can be regarded as preacher rather than as theologian.

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